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439 pages, Hardcover
First published February 6, 2018
I'm not a DNF-er, but by-gosh...sometimes I wish I was.![]()
"There's a man on Maevana's throne where there should be a queen."
He was my master, and I was his arden, and until I passioned there was to be nothing more between us.(Also, is it just me or is the use of "passion" in this book really awkward? Everyone is passioning left and right but as much as it sounds dirty, it's supposed to be pure and innocent).
"This is my daughter, Amadine Jourdain, adopted through passion,"Which, is also weird, not only cause of the phrasing but also adoption?
"Wipe that off your face," his older brother sneered. "Come fight me as a queen would."thrown in as the world building.
Magnalia House was the sort of establishment where only wealthy, talented girls mastered their passion. It wasn't designed for girls who were lacking, for girls who were illegitimate daughters, and certainly not for girls who defied kings. I, of course, happen to be all three of those things.
"One thing you should know about me," he murmured, nudging his empty bowl aside. "If anyone so much as threatens my family, I won't hesitate to kill them."
"I am not even your blood," I whispered, surprised by his steely resolve. I had only been his adopted daughter for one day.
"You are part of my family. And when the thieves tore apart your things, threw your books in the mud, threatened you . . . I reacted."
I didn't know what to say, but I let my gaze remain on his face. My embers of defiance and irritation faded into darkness because the longer I looked upon him, my patron father, I sensed that something in his past made him this way.
"Again, I am sorry you had to see such of me," he said. "I do not want you to fear me."
I reached across the table, offering my hand. If we were gong to succeed in whatever plans we authored, we would have to trust each other. Slowly, he set his fingers in mine; his were warm and tough, mine were cold and soft.
"I do not fear you," I whispered. "Father."
He squeezed my fingers. "Amadine."
“Bow to no king”
“But I will say this: no matter which path you choose, I will follow you, even unto darkness.”
“So we rise to the challenge knowing that the victory is already ours.”
“One day, a queen will rise,” he whispered, as if the books had ears to eavesdrop. “Perhaps it will be in our lifetime, perhaps the one to follow us. But Maevana will remember who she is and unite for a greater purpose.”
“He could feel the magic teem about her, as tiny flecks of diamonds in her armor, as stardust in her hair, as moonlight on her skin.”
—Te aceptaré y te amaré entera, Brienna MacQuinn, con tus sombras y tu luz, porque me has desafiado, me has cautivado. Y no deseo a ninguna otra, más que a ti —susurró él mientras enredaba los dedos en mi pelo, en mis flores silvestres, y me acercaba a él.
—Hace cuatro meses —dijo él—, creí que sabía cuál era el mejor camino para ti. Había llegado a amarte, tan profundamente, que quería asegurarme de que eligieras la rama que te mantendría cerca de mí.
Solo cuando te dejé ir te encontré de nuevo, del modo más maravilloso.