When the body of a young woman is discovered in a derelict cottage in the middle of Los Angeles National Forest, Homicide Detective Robert Hunter finds himself entering a horrific and recurring nightmare. Naked, strung from two parallel wooden posts, the victim was sadistically tortured before meeting an excruciatingly painful death.
All the skin has been ripped from her face - while she was still alive. On the nape of her neck has been carved a strange double-cross: the signature of a psychopath known as the Crucifix Killer. But that's impossible. Because two years ago, the Crucifix Killer was caught and executed. Could this therefore be a copycat killer? Or could the unthinkable be true?
Is the real killer still out there, ready to embark once again on a vicious and violent killing spree, selecting his victims seemingly at random, taunting Robert Hunter with his inability to catch him? Hunter and his rookie partner are about to enter a nightmare beyond imagining.
Christopher Carl Carter (born October 13, 1956) is an American screenwriter, film director and producer, best known as the creator of The X-Files and Millennium.
He was born in Bellflower, California to William and Catherine Carter. In college, he majored in journalism, graduating from California State University Long Beach in 1979. His brother, W. Craig Carter, is a Lord Foundation Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.
Carter began writing for Surfing magazine out of college. For the next five years, he traveled around the world both as a freelance writer and as the magazine's associate editor.
If one is bored of murders and investigations with emotional and family backgrounds, revenge, really personal reasons for killing, and far too much room for the boring, normal, not mentally sick victims and perpetrators, this badass serial killer focused series is your read of choice.
When profession and hobby fuse and form a new job perspective, some of the most amazing authors see the light of the literary day. Scientists writing Sci-Fi, enthusiastic lovers writing romance novels, politicians writing fantasy novels, it´s always a match made in heaven, or hell in case of the last example, because they are at a level of professionality someone who hasn´t earned a real qualification before living from inspiring and astonishing millions of people with their wonderful novels, can´t reach that level of detail and credibility. That´s also the reason why some of the best authors have studied and taught creative writing.
And here comes Carter, a forensic psychologist who worked in this job and creates a hard boiled, snarky, fast paced, extremely brutal, my instant favorite, psychothriller, extreme horror genre, the accurate, realistic, highly sociopathic serial killer illuminating genre. It reminds me of Gerritsen, whose newer works I am wanting to read if my thriller writing motivation should escalate once again, who used her expertise as a doctor to pimp her amazing novels.
I just, subjectively, deem the end a bit unsatisfying, I just don´t like how the motives are explained because But that´s subjective and the series gets better with each novel, so why don´t immediately start if you dare.
Gosh, I nearly forgot mentioning, this is really hardcore, reminds me of the bonkers extreme horror genre just very weird people are reading, whistling coughing, so just enter if you can handle it. Especially in the later parts of the series I´ve already read, the killers, their victims, and their intimate relationships and private activities are in the main focus.
A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_...
Robert Hunter works for the Robbery & Homicide Department in Los Angeles, California and remembers well the serial murders that started two years ago. The kills seemed random, but gruesome; victims were tortured and left to die with only one clue to tie them all to the same killer: an odd double crucifix symbol carved in the back of their necks. With clean crime scenes and no other identifying trademarks, the media and police nicknamed the murderer “The Crucifix Killer.” Thinking RHD had caught the right man, a trial was set and a man was found guilty and killed. But Hunter and his partner knew better. Unable to prove their misgivings despite a confession, the two were forced to move forward with their guilt. Hunter suffered nightmares, his partner and wife were soon after killed in a boating accident.
With his partner’s death and the crucifix killings still fresh, Hunter receives a new partner and together they investigate a new murder scene with familiar repercussions. On the victim’s neck is the double crucifix mark he remembers well from a couple of years earlier, but is it the same killer or a copycat? A phone call and familiar voice bring back chilling memories and confirm Hunter’s suspicions: the Crucifix Killer is back.
Chris Carter’s The Crucifix Killer opens to a disturbing scene as Hunter receives a phone tip from what we can only then assume is the killer. He rushes to a revealed location and finds his partner, Garcia, tied and hung onto poles and we wonder, will Hunter be able to save him in time? The rest of the book fills in the five weeks prior to this moment, but unfortunately do little else.
Carter’s writing is far from poetic. His narrative is more instructive and devoid of emotion and character development, as if the entire book was an exercise in showing off Carter’s knowledge of criminal psychology. He does a lot of the dreaded “show, don’t tell” with numerous character portraits that give away information that’s less than crucial to our understanding of them as tools in the story. With so much condensed back story for each character, I felt Carter was pushing too hard for the reader to gain any actual insight into their psyche (as if we’ve all graduated with degrees in criminal psychology and like Hunter can pull pertinent information from someone’s hair and eye color, occupation, or childhood). Instead their histories were awkward, placed as if Carter couldn’t imagine leaving this useless information out of the book however misplaced it looked.
The bad dialogue only added to the disappointing caricatures of a cast of characters derived from Hollywood-inspired stereotypes. One character touts the correctness of using the term “Black” over anything else, but in this weak effort to promote some type of politically correct agenda, Carter’s characters nevertheless fall victim to his own preconceived notions of what it means to be “Black” or Puerto Rican. Since I read a proof copy, I’m refraining from using actual quotes, but am particularly confused about the way he portrayed people of color. In one scene Hunter and Garcia dismiss the possibility that Cubans or Puerto Ricans could ever listen to anything other than salsa or meringue music. He also gives a Puerto Rican free use of the very Mexican slang term “ese.” Blacks (Carter’s term) in this book also frequently use the word “nigga”--as if it’s a cultural requirement or makes one appear tougher and so must be used by someone expected to appear so.
None of the characters or relationships have any depth to them. After going on a couple of dates with Isabella, an awkward construction of sexuality and girlish giggling, Hunter quickly loses interest with her as fast as I lost interest in both him and the plot. The writing is choppy and blundering, the men drunkards and the women either prostitutes or wives, and the twist ending was a cliché. While the cover image was disturbing and the premise intriguing, the overuse of quick and easy dialogue, gestures, and scenarios cheapened what could have been a phenomenally scary read (what I was expecting). To make matters worse, the most vital pieces of information aren’t revealed to the reader in any way throughout the narrative and are instead contrived into the final pages of the book as Hunter works within his and Carter’s head to piece together clues the reader would never be able to figure out on their own. The presumed insult to the reader, robbing them of not just the satisfaction of figuring it all out on their own, but the ability to do so, is a huge let down.
Carter uses a lot of odd phrasing to encompass facial expressions and tones of voice that clearly make sense only to him. I’m also left confused as to the type of In & Out restaurant Carter refers to when he mentions waitresses and a dessert menu. I’m from California, I have an In & Out in my city and it’s a fast food joint. The only thing available for dessert are smoothies; employees do not come out from behind the counter to ask how your meal is going, they clean the tables, seats, floors, and bathrooms. They may even bring your bagged or trayed food to your table. That is it. Maybe someone in LA can let me know if these vastly different chains of In & Out actually exist there, leaving the rest of us sorely deprived?
Before this book, I already knew I wasn’t a fan of crime fiction, and I don’t recommend this to people who are unless they want a quick clichéd read filled with cheap thrills and cardboard characters. If you don’t mind being preempted in the thought process and having everything laid out before you, this might be the book for you. I was disappointed.
Robert Hunter is a badass! I love his witty character and his very likeable aura. I’ve read a few detective series for the past year and they’ve all been female leads, so having Hunter on my list is a different ball game.
Hunter is a Homicide Detective investigating a series of brutal murders by the Crucifix Killer. The nature of these crimes were disturbing and savage. Mutilated corpse, tortured and bodies skinned alive were just a few of the inhumane acts on his plate.
Fast-paced, clever and incredibly terrifying. I have read so many police procedural novels and I could say that this is one of the most exciting series out there. The main character was a prodigy, a genius who loves to read and someone with a baggage of his own. A totally lovable guy.
Not reccommended if you want to avoid gruesome scenes but definitely worth the read.
"De spanning is te snijden in dit eerste deel en belooft enorm veel goeds voor het vervolg dat ingepland staat voor volgend jaar. Ik zal dan alvast op de eerste rij zitten, zeker weten, want wat was me dit een geweldig verhaal! Absoluut mijn favoriet van 2020 geworden op de valreep! Een dikke 5 sterren dus!" https://elinevandm.wordpress.com/2020...
Fantástico, me ha encantado. El ritmo del libro es muy fluido, capítulos cortos le dan un ritmo endiablado y la investigación ha sido buena. El giro final ni lo vi venir, me sorprendió. Valoración: 9/10 A mis favoritos. Y por supuesto sigo con la serie. Sinopsis: El cuerpo de una mujer brutalmente asesinada es hallado en una cabaña abandonada en el Parque Nacional de los Los Angeles. Desnuda, atada a dos postes de madera y con la piel del rostro desollada –cuando aún seguía con vida. En la nuca tiene grabado un extraño símbolo, un crucifijo doble: la firma de un psicópata conocido como el Asesino del Crucifijo.
Pero no es posible porque el Asesino del Crucifijo fue arrestado y ejecutado dos años atrás. ¿Podría tratarse de un imitador? ¿Alguien que ha tenido acceso a los detalles de los primeros asesinatos, detalles complejos que nunca se hicieron públicos? ¿O acaso, el detective Robert Hunter tendrá que hacer frente a lo inconcebible? ¿Andará aún suelto el auténtico Asesino del Crucifijo, dispuesto a embarcarse de nuevo en una matanza indiscriminada y sádica, eligiendo a sus víctimas al azar y provocando a Hunter, incapaz de cogerle? Robert Hunter y su novicio compañero están a punto de adentrarse en una pesadilla que supera toda imaginación y donde el concepto de una muerte rápida no existe. # 24. Un libro de tu género favorito que tengas en tu lista de pendientes. Reto literario lecturas pendientes 2023.
Abgebrochen. Vielleicht habt ihr ja auf Instagram gesehen, dass mich ein Abonnent vorsätzlich gespoilert hat und mir verraten hat, wer der Kruzifix-Killer schlussendlich ist. Deswegen habe ich das Buch abgebrochen - sorry, aber das versaut einem bei dieser Art Thriller einfach das ganze Buch. Dabei ist der erste Band von Chris Carter sehr spannend, gut geschrieben und hochgradig blutig. Ich werde also definitiv weitermachen und dann einfach Band 2 zur Hand nehmen. Auch, wenn ich kein riesiger Fan von solchen klassischen Ermittler Duos bin, hat der Kruzifix-Killer mich über 300 Seiten blendend unterhalten bevor ich es unfreiwillig abgebrochen habe.
Almost within a few pages of starting this book, I was regretting my decision. The violence is high & very graphic. And yet, I braved it and kept going. This is largely a very good story with excellent pace & great character development.
LAPD Detective Robert Hunter works on the most difficult of cases. His instincts are invariably right and even when he gives it to others, his gut instinct finally has proved right. He has a new partner Carlos Garcia, a rookie who hope to learn from his senior partner. Hunter has some painful memories – bad cases and the recent death of his former partner who was married to his cousin. They are called on to investigate an especially cruel murder of a woman, and the killer leaves a mark of a double crucifix on her neck. The killer calls Hunter on and off – challenging him and playing mind games with him. Other gruesome murders follow. It is not clear what the link is between the victims – they seem not to have known each other. So, what motivates the serial killer – is it a warped sense of cleansing society of perceived sins?
I loved Robert Hunter’s character, as also that of Garcia. There is a decent amount of subtle research on serial killers and the approach Hunter follows feels very authentic. The reveal on the motivation of the murders is a good one and impossible to guess till you get there. Nevertheless, some of the ends are not tied up very well. .
This is a book where you need to brace yourself for some really gruesome violence and associated descriptions. If you can do that, this is a good story, a page turner, though with some plot holes. Had the author steered clear of sensationalism, this could have been an excellent read.
This gruesome serial killer thriller is the perfect way to launch the Robert Hunter series.
With the body of a young girl is discovered with the same markings as the infamous ‘Crucifix Killer’. The problem for Hunter and his newly assigned rookie partner Garcia is that the killer had been caught and executed 2 years ago, are they facing a copycat murder or did they convict the wrong person?
Hunter is first introduced hungover with no recollection of the beautiful woman his woken up with, the fact that he wonders if she could be a prostitute shows that fragile state that we find the main protagonist in.
But it’s the bond Hunter forms with Garcia that really helped bring the story to life. The plot is fast paced and with plenty of cliffhanger chapters that keeps you hooked. I really liked the seediness of the story.
The identity of the killer certainly had me fooled, it seemed so obvious once it was revealed!
1. I don't think someone killing for revenge would perform such gruesome, torturous, and sadistic acts on their victims. 2. I don't think it was necessary to include the killing theme involving the gangster. 3. I don't understand the reason why a bet had to be placed on a dog race for victim #2. 4. The beginning of Chapter 3 indicates we're going back 5 weeks prior. I would have liked additional reminders of the passage of time along the way. 5. Hunter was initially written as a prodigy, a gifted child, a genius. But he wasn't portrayed as a very smart detective. 6. There are basic language problems in this book. Padding someone on the back, instead of patting. Hire a house. Bread dispenser. Someone resides in a street instead of on. Inappropriate use of gotta, wanna, gonna, ain't. In Los Angeles, security camera would have been a better term than CCTV, which I see as a mostly British term.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
In Carter’s debut novel, the reader meets veteran LAPD Homicide Detective Robert Hunter and his new partner, Carlos Garcia. After being called to a murder scene, Hunter and Garcia discover the Crucifix Killer, thought to have been caught years before, is back and will stop at nothing to continue a gruesome rampage. By marking victims with a double crucifix, Hunter knows that this is no copycat, as he did not release this to the press when investigating years before. The Crucifix Killer is one case Hunter will not soon forget, having worked on the original file, when a suspect confessed to the crime. How will the new victims’ crime scenes help Hunter and Garcia crack this case wide open before the Killer continues a spree that leaves no one safe? A wonderful, edge-of-your-seat thriller that uses realistic dialogue, characters, and teasing language that leaves the reader wanting more.
Carter’s work should be commended, especially as this is his first published novel. He hooks the reader at the beginning and works through some of the old case info, while peppering the story with new and interesting facts. Creating a back story for the main character can be tough, though Carter does so very successfully and makes Hunter appear complex enough to have secrets worth learning about. The reader cannot help but speculate what will happen next, though Carter is smart enough to toss in a few storylines that leave the reader wondering what to expect next. Fabulous work and sure to be an interesting series, as I continue through it.
Kudos, Mr. Carter for your wonderful work. I am eager to see what else Robert Hunter has in store for you, for readers, and for the Homicide Division.
El libro arranca con una escena: el detective de Robos y Homicidios de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, Robert Hunter, tiene que acudir al rescate de su joven e inexperto compañero Carlos García. El asesino del crucifijo actúa de nuevo. Y a partir de aquí retrocede en el tiempo: presentación de personajes, antecedentes, cómo hemos llegado aquí y todo el proceso de investigación.
Robert Hunter, 39 años, excepcional observador y experto en conducta criminal. Se licenció en Psicología a los 19 años. Su tesis es lectura obligatoria en el FBI. Podría haber trabajado como criminólogo, pero la muerte prematura de su padre le hizo decantarse por perseguir directamente a los criminales y entrar en la policía.
Carlos García, 31 años, casado. También ha tenido una buena trayectoria en la policía que le ha permitido ascender e ingresar en el departamento de Robos y Homicidios, donde se investigan los casos más violentos y complicados.
Robert Hunter y el asesino del crucifijo tienen una cuenta pendiente desde hace tiempo, cuando empezó con su antiguo compañero la investigación de unos crímenes que se caracterizan por el ensañamiento, la búsqueda de aplicar el mayor dolor y la marca que deja en las víctimas. Hay escenas explícitas en el libro, aunque no se regodea con los hechos.
Este es un libro publicado en el 2009, no tiene el ritmo frenético de algunos thriller/policíacos recientes. Aunque tenga momentos de tensión y escenas impactantes, su ritmo es más bien pausado. Los capítulos son cortos, salpicados de algún diálogo, descripciones de escenas y alguna disertación sobre el origen y destino de alguno de los personajes que moran las calles de esta ciudad. Entra en el transfondo de lo que supone para un policía investigar este tipo de crímenes tan violentos, el desgaste y la tensión, la impotencia de no obtener resultados, las vinculaciones afectivas con la pareja o el compañero.
Respecto a la investigación, en un primer momento sospeche del asesino, simplemente por el número de personajes que aparecen en el libro. Lo descarté pero me quedé con el runrún en la cabeza, algo no cuadraba en su historia. Aún así me faltaba conocer la vinculación entre las víctimas, cómo se resolvía esa primera escena con que arranca el libro y la motivación del asesino -nada nuevo que no hayamos leído- . Aún así, no me ha defraudado. Era uno de esos libros que tenía pendiente desde hace mucho tiempo y que de vez en cuando mi lector me recordaba que lo tenía pendiente. No será un 5 estrellas, pero continuaré con la serie.
Αν και τώρα τελευταία τα βιβλία με σιριαλ κίλερ δεν με ενθουσιάζουν και τα βλέπω αρκετά επιφυλακτικά , θεωρώ ότι το βιβλίο τραβάει τον αναγνώστη. Έχει πολύ καλή βαθμολογία. Και όχι μόνο αυτό, αλλά και όλα τα βιβλία του συγγραφέα. Δεδομένο ότι μιλάμε και για φθηνό βιβλίο (δεν γίνεται να δίνουμε και συνέχεια 15άρια+ ) δεν άργησα να αποφασίσω να το αγοράσω. Και η αλήθεια είναι ότι έμεινα πολύ ευχαριστημένος. Καλό και δυνατό βιβλίο. Πολύ καλή ροή. Διαβάζεται εύκολα. Ως πρώτο βιβλίο με τον ίδιο πρωταγωνιστή , βάζει πολύ γερές βάσεις για την συνέχεια. Θεωρώ πολύ καλή την κίνηση των εκδόσεων BELL να εντάξουν στο δυναμικό τους τον συγκεκριμένο συγγραφέα. Δείχνει πολλά υποσχόμενος. Ότι πρέπει για αυτή την περίοδο , για διάβασμα σε παραλία. Από αρνητικά θα μπορούσα να πω για μία εξέλιξη στην πλοκή , που με ξένισε λίγο (όταν βέβαια δόθηκαν όλες οι εξηγήσεις στο τέλος του βιβλίο). Αλλά αυτό δεν χάλασε την καλή εικόνα του βιβλίου. Να σημειωθεί ότι οι τελευταίες 180 σελίδες του βιβλίου έφυγαν νερό…
Z jednej strony jest to typowy kryminał z dobrym gliną, który z jakiegoś powodu jest ponadprzeciętnie inteligentny i zabójczo przystojny XD (laski, chrońcie swoje majtki), a z drugiej - to był i tak najmniej irytujący główny bohater kryminału, jakiego ostatnio spotkałam. + jestem bardziej team Garcia!
Kao neko ko ne voli ovaj tip trilera sa policijskom istragom, kazem vam 5 ko kuca. Znaci nisam mogla da prestanem da je citam, toliko je inteligentno napisana, prica je jeziva, podsecala me malo na Saw filmove koje obozavam. A ni kraj me nije razocarao sto sam se brinula do poslednjeg trenutka!
Ein echt spannender Ermittler Thriller, der sich gut lesen lässt. Robert Hunter als Hauptfigur gefiehl mir richtig gut, kann mir sehr gut vorstellen,dass er sich mit jedem weiteren Band ins Leserherz schleicht. Ich hatte zwischenzeitlich echt Knoten im Kopf und wusste gar nicht,was jetzt dahinter steckt und das Ende war echt spannend und gut. Ein Stern Abzug gibt es für Realitätsnähe, bin mir an der einen oder anderen Stelle nicht sicher, wie realistisch ist das jetzt, aber OK....und am Ende hätte ich mir nochmal intensiver Hunters psychologische Menschen-interpretation gewünscht,das ist echt mega gut. Ein echt guter Auftakt.👍
As many of my friends know I am a massive fan of Chris Carter and have kind of read the Robert Hunter series all a bit back to front, which in this case really highlighted for me that this was his first debut novel, it shows. Chris Carter has obviously grown massively as a writer as the books further down this series are a lot stronger and better written than this one. Despite that, this is still a very entertaining read with the usual grotesque killing style of a serial killer that Chris is known for.
When the body of a young woman is discovered in a derelict cottage in the middle of Los Angeles National Forest, Homicide Detective Robert Hunter finds himself entering a horrific and recurring nightmare. Naked, strung from two parallel wooden posts, the victim was sadistically tortured before meeting an excruciatingly painful death.
All the skin has been ripped from her face - while she was still alive. On the nape of her neck has been carved a strange double-cross: the signature of a psychopath known as the Crucifix Killer. But that's impossible. Because two years ago, the Crucifix Killer was caught and executed. Could this therefore be a copycat killer? Or could the unthinkable be true?
A big aspect of Chris's books that I like is he is not scared to get a bit gory and graphic with his torture and kill scenes, you also can't go wrong with Robert Hunter, kind of a psychological profiler genius come tough cop that is a highly likeable character all around. I have absolutely loved him through this series. The weaknesses in this book I believe just come from lack of experience and I would not let it put you off at all, but promise me you will keep reading the rest of the series to grow with the characters and the writing.
Actual rating is 3.5 stars. The beginning point of the journey of Robert Hunter and his never-ending quest to capture the most heinous of killers ever.
In a derelict cottage in L.A, a young woman is found savagely murdered. Naked, strung from two wooden posts, the skin has been ripped from her face - while she was still alive. On the nape of her neck is carved a strange double-cross: the signature of a psychopath known as the Crucifix Killer. But that's not possible. Because, two years ago, the Crucifix Killer was caught and executed. Could this be the work of a copycat? Or is Homicide Detective Robert Hunter forced to face the unthinkable? Is the real Crucifix Killer still out there, taunting Hunter with his inability to catch him? Robert Hunter and his rookie partner are about to enter a nightmare beyond imagining ...
My first book by this author Chris Carter, have been tempted before to read his books, by recommendations reviews and book cover.
Please that my September Book Pal wanted and agreed to read this books, and I really enjoyed the book.
I enjoyed the writing style, the main leading characters, especially Robert Hunter.
A gripping, tense, fast paced, exciting thriller, with lots of great twists, red herrings, fantastic shocks, and with hints of humour between the main two characters.
Esta novela me ha tenido enganchada desde el primer capítulo hasta el último. No baja en ningún momento el ritmo, y el caso se hace cada vez más interesante. Se nota que el autor es psicólogo -experto en conducta criminal- por la forma en la que trata algunos temas más técnicos y específicos. Ha sido un poco como ver un capítulo de Mentes criminales, la serie de la tele.
Los peros que le pongo es que el estilo del autor es muy sencillo, se nota que es su primera novela; y la calidad literaria es inferior a otros libros de este estilo (Washington Poe o el Cuarto Mono, por ejemplo). Se que las comparaciones son odiosas, pero es para que se entienda. También,
Η πρώτη μου γνωριμία με τον Ρόμπερτ Χάντερ και σίγουρα υπάρχει μέλλον σε αυτήν. Μου κράτησε αμείωτο το ενδιαφέρον σαν ιστορία και η δυναμική μεταξύ των συνεργατών μου άρεσε πολύ. Επίσης ένα τέλος που δύσκολα θα φανταζόμουν και υπήρξε μία αποκάλυψη ακόμη και στη τελευταία σελίδα.
Phenomenal. Just loved it! So the author is a graduate from the University of Michigan where he studied psychology and criminal behaviour. If you read his goodreads bio you see that he was a male dancer, a guitarist in various bands for about ten years and in those ten years he travelled the world. I got the tenth year anniversary edition of the Crucifix Killer and Carter tells the story of how he got into writing. I loved the tenth year anniversary intro as it basically describes myself when it comes to sleep patterns and such. Our main character Robert Hunter was a child prodigy who whizzed through school. He like our author specialized in psychology and criminal behaviour and could have been so much more than an LAPD Homicide detective but got into policing because of what happened in his life. The book starts at the end so to speak with Hunter’s new partner caught and caged by the serial killer. The serial killer contacts Hunter letting him know the partner has been caught and Hunter has a chance to save him but if he fails Hunter and his partner will both die. From here the story flashes back to the start of it all. It all flows smoothlessly, trust me……. So we are then first exposed to a violent crime scene. One where the victim was sadistically tortured prior to being killed. On the back of the neck is the familiar tattoo left by the killer which is a double crucifix. Problem is that that killer known as the crucifix killer was caught, sentenced to life and then ended their own life in jail – so was this the work of the copycat or did they convict the wrong crucifix killer? Hunter always had his suspicions that they got the wrong guy. If the main story line isn’t enough there is also the story line of other killings going on. At first Hunter is convinced they are all connected. The second killing deals with a striking blonde who works for a pimp known as D-King. He runs drugs, guns and girls and fenced items. He’s into everything and is one bad ass who is well connected to the streets of LA. He is a different type of pimp though who actually cares for his girls and when his favourite girl is taken from out under his nose and tortured and killed he is hell bent on revenge. When Hunter goes knocking on his door for information Hunter also shares some information with D-King and actually wouldn’t mind at all if D-King gets to our killer first. The author uses his knowledge of LA to really paint the scene so to speak. I have to admit that I seldom rip through a book. I even have a habit of saving the last 40 pages or so for a reading occasion of its own. Yet this novel gripped me like few do. It’s like 420 pages long. I usually read in the afternoon but I just kept this book by my side and read it everywhere. I read it in three days. It was like I had to keep reading and this never, ever happens to me. The one thing I found weird is how well the author gets into the life of the homicide detective. He is bang on with regards to personality traits, family life, drinking habits and the job itself. He even gets into the effect that crime scene smells have on a detective and talk to anyone who has been unfortunate enough to work a gruesome crime scene and they will tell you that the smells are the worst. I mean they are bad in and of themselves but you just cannot shake them. It’s like they get into your brain and you just can’t get rid of them. They can stay with you for days. Yet with all this great insight into homicide policing there are no acknowledgements at all. I’ve started the second in the series as well and there are no policing acknowledgements there either. If Carter came upon on this on his own kudos to him. Regardless it’s a mute point and his description of being a homicide detective is bang on. I say this knowing a lot of readers with appreciate the authenticity of it all. The style of the book is excellent too. Shorter chapters written from different character perspectives. If all flows so nicely. There are many twists and turns and you can see a few of them coming but the ending is excellent even though I somehow doubt the killer would have done what they did at the end. Yet the psychology behind it may in fact be sound and it is definitely buyable. There are some gruesome scenes in this book but they are really well written. Having said that I’m sure there will be some that think some scenes may be a bit much. As I mentioned I ordered the next two books in the series and have started the second. I rarely read back to back books in a series but this was just so good. Clearly a five star rating and so highly recommended!! Do yourself a favour and add this author to your thriller list…………
Kai atsiranda koks fenomenas, visada įdomu pasiknaisioti po jo atsiradimo priežastis. O neigti neišeina – „Krucifiksas“ Lietuvos trilerių ir detektyvų padangėje tikrai tapo fenomenu. Dažniausiai nepuolu kažko skaityti tik todėl, kad skaito visi, tačiau nei šlykštybės mane gąsdina, nei prieš gerą įtemptą istoriją nusispjaunu – tai kaip nepabandyti? Vis dėlto, nors galiu suprasti C.Carterio populiarumo priežastis, tai nėra rašytojas, prie kurio knygų man artimiausiu metu tiestųsi rankos dar kartą.
Blogas, siaubingas, baisus ir vietomis net įžeidžiantis knygos vertimas jau buvo aptartas ir apkalbėtas ne kartą. Negrabūs sakiniai, pažodinis vertimas, korektūros klaidos – suprantu, kad ne klasiko kūrinys, bet tikiu, kad visos knygos yra nusipelnę didžiausių pastangų. Šį kartą jų nesijautė. Bet tai – net ne didžiausia romano problema. Tiek veiksmas, tiek knygos veikėjai man pasirodė sukalti tingiai, o ir seksistiškai. Moterys čia egzistuoja tik tam, kad veiksmą varytų toliau, o vyrai (ypač, žinoma, pagrindinis herojus) čia tokie faini ir tokie nuostabūs, be jokių trūkumų. Nors detektyvas Hanteris tik dirba ir dirba (dar daug geria, tik tai NIEKAIP jam nepakenkia), jis aišku yra tiek pats geriausias, tiek genijus ir buvęs vunderkindas, tiek profesorius, pagal kurio mokslinį darbą dabar dirba FTB. Ką jau kalbėti apie tai, kad net neišeidamas iš ofiso, dirbdamas iki išnaktų, jis išlaiko maaax sportišką kūną, kuris jam romane pasitarnauja ne kartą ir ne du. Palyginus su juo aplink visi šiek tiek durneliai, o ir autorius sudeda visus kiaušinius į vieną krepšį – nusikaltimą ir nusikaltėlį.
Atrodo, kad sugalvojus pagrindinį kabliuką, jėgų nebeliko nei įtikinamiems dialogams, nei ilgesniems nei kelių žodžių sakiniams, nei išpildytiems veikėjams. Ir nors suprantu, kad knyga netaiko į literatūrines aukštumas ir/ar premijas, trileriui mano akyse nepakanka tik pagrindinės paslapties, kad patirčiau skaitymo malonumą - siužeto išrišimas buvo toks nuviliantis, kad turėtą teoriją jau pirmoje knygos dalyje atmečiau kaip neįmanomą - per tingi, per daug kartų girdėta... Be to, autoriaus kriminologiniai išvedžiojimai yra stipriai netikslūs, pritempti ir tikrai ne tokie, kokius dėstytų pažangus psichologijos profesorius, kuriuo autorius paverčia Hanterį ir į kurio lūpas įdeda tokias kriminologines nesąmones ir sąmokslo teorijas, kad vietomis darosi gėda, o ir gaila skaitytojų, kurie šitokius išvedžiojimus priimtų už gryną pinigą.
Galiausiai, neapleido jausmas, kad šlykštumas čia toks tik vardan šlykštumo – nekėlė man jis didesnių emocijų. O ir pats siužetas atrodė surinktas iš gabaliukų – nors bandoma laikytis a la religinės tematikos, ji neturėjo jokio siužetinio pagrindimo ar įsigilinimo, apsiribojo tik keliomis pradinukiškomis religinėmis nuorodomis. O ir nepajaučiau nei užuojautos, nei prieraišumo veikėjams, žudiko motyvacija pasirodė per menka. Be to, kai kurios užuominos buvo tokios akivaizdžios, kad herojaus-genijaus protas, rodos, tikrai nebūtų galėjęs jų nepastebėti – tiesiog taip autoriui buvo patogiau. Ir būtent šis patogumas, dažnas nuėjimas lengviausiu keliu, buvo pagrindinė mano nepasitenkinimo priežastis. Kūriniui visapusiškai trūko kokybės – tiek iš autoriaus, tiek iš leidyklos pusės.
This was an amazing book! I hadn't read this author before and I was pleasantly surprised as I have now found another author to add to my list. The book gripped me from the first page and kept up the tempo all the way to the end. The story revolves around Detective Hunter and his partner trying to track down a serial killer that is not suppose living as the killer was suppose to have been executed years ago. But victims are stacking up with a carved crucifix on their neck and the detective with the help of his partner is on the streets trying to capture the killer before anyone else becomes a victim.
This book was fast paced, throwing suspense, tension, and nail biting atmosphere into the mix along with some twists and turns at the end which caught me completely off guard. Giving it four stars for keeping me entertained!
I don't really know where to start with this one. I had seen Chris Carter's name bandied about and came across a couple of books in a Kindle sale which sounded really intriguing so promptly went off and downloaded book one. A few chapters in and it became clear that this is a debut novel. Many a time I stopped and shook my head in wonder because I couldn't believe what I was reading. A combination of Carter's profile and reading this book highlights that Carter knows profiling, but OMG!! The dialogue! More often than not it felt like I was in a lecture hall and being given a lesson on all things profiling, (hold up there FBI, I'm on my way!!), as page after page was filled with what can only be described as lecture notes! The dialogue between characters felt clunky, many elements of the book was cliched and cringe making, and well didn't sit comfortably.
There were some aspects that were good and there was potential for a real good story here but it got lost in what turned out to be a formulaic and fairly poor execution. The murders themselves were gruesome bordering on shocking at times but unfortunately got lost in the step by step guide to 'how to spot a serial killer by fast tracked because I have a super brain, but I like to play it down cop/protagonist.' I guessed the murderer about halfway through the book, don't think I was meant to, it just kind of glaringly jumped out at me. I didn't know the whys so a couple of little surprises were presented at the end. I did race through the book, it is pacy and exciting at times, just was let down by informative dialogue that didn't feel like storytelling.
In short, I don't think I'll be rushing to read book two but I can see the ideas are there, just the execution was a little lacking in this one.