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Irons and Works #5

Stick and Poke

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Mat Harlow had his life figured out. He married his college sweetheart, and his residency at the hospital was showing a promising career ahead. Then, at the hands of a reckless driver, all of it changed. A traumatic brain injury derails his life, and Mat finds himself dumped by his wife, out of a job, and rejected by his family. He escapes into the world of tattooing, settling in Fairfield, Colorado, surrounded by the only people who had ever offered him unconditional support. But as comforting as the guys at Irons and Works are, he can’t deny that he’s lonely. His inability to read, aphasia, and stammer make it difficult for him to maintain any semblance of normal when it comes to relationships.

Wyatt Adley has dealt with his fair share of disaster when it comes to marriage. When his husband is involved in a scandal with a student, Wyatt spends all of his energy to clear his name, then quickly escapes Canada for the US. He settles in a sleepy little town just outside of Denver, renting a small house from the local mechanic, and trying to lay low until he figures out what he wants to do with his life. But it’s not that easy to start over, and his ability to keep himself isolated is strained when he meets the young tattoo artist recovering from a head injury. Wyatt falls quickly and deeply, but there’s one problem—as far as he knows, Mat is straight.

Except, that might not be entirely true. Mat’s been holding tight to a secret, afraid to take up space in a lane that never belonged to him. But with every French pick-up line Wyatt teases him with, every second he spends in the other man’s company, Mat starts to realize he can’t hide that part of himself anymore. He’s enamored with the other man—from Wyatt’s love of old westerns and Tombstone, to the way he lives his life unapologetically. Once Mat leaps, he knows there’s no going back.

If only it were so easy. Wyatt is afraid that his past ruined him for any future, and Mat’s afraid that his inabilities make him impossible to love, but with the support of their friends and family, they just might find their way to their happily ever after.

Stick and Poke is the fifth book in the Irons and Works series. The book contains no cheating, and guaranteed HEA. Stick and Poke can be read as a stand-alone novel, but is best understood in the context of the previous books in Irons and Works.

290 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 20, 2019

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About the author

E.M. Lindsey

126 books1,214 followers
E.M. Lindsey is the author of MM contemporary romance. They presently live and work in the south eastern United States.

EM Lindsey also writes MM Paranormal Romance under the pseudonym Ariel Millar.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 213 reviews
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,248 reviews2 followers
September 22, 2019
4.5 parfait stars!

I’ve always loved this series and while I loved some books and didn’t love some as much, I think this is among my favourite, if not THE favourite of the series. Wyatt made some very brief cameos in previous books but he kept mainly out of it. Mat was around more but his story was a pretty tightly kept one. So it was really rewarding for me to finally know both their stories.

I’m really happy with the pacing and the story arc in this book. There wasn’t any drama between Wyatt and Mat, which was a relief since they’ve had way too much going against them without them having added drama between them. I love that they both save themselves and neither relies on the other to be the provider or caretaker.

As with the rest of this series, I adore that the characters each have some physical limitation. I don’t think it classifies as a fetish to love damaged characters. I hope 😳 but I love it all the same because as much as it opens my eyes that people who aren’t “normal” can do as much or more than people who have limitations.

I love the resilience and the strength it shows and that while natural selection scientifically means that the weak get phased out, one can never underestimate human will 💪

Anyways, I’m so happy to have read this book. I can’t even begin to speculate who the next book is about. But I suspect it’s a certain damaged journeyman 😉 Can’t wait!
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
September 23, 2019
Oh I loved Wyatt & Matt ... I love the series and the vulnerability of the characters. Each with a trauma or disability that highlights and celebrates the people they are, despite their challenges. Wyatt & Matt really had struggles but I adored their connection ❤️ I’m really hoping the introduction of a new character at the end might mean a new book ? Fingers crossed
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,585 reviews90 followers
June 30, 2020
I started off liking this. Mat's an interesting character. Wyatt, not so much. But it went a bit downhill for me. Crazy exes always bug me in stories. On the plus side, there wasn't as much repetition in the plot of the previous books as some of the others.

Wyatt also lost major points when he mused that he wasn't big on kids, but the thought of them wasn't a deal breaker, but he hoped they were on the same page. The world is a shitty enough place to raise kids in if you want them. I don't think anyone should decide on kids because their partner wants them.

I don't get why Mat's friends would think he needs a partner to play cards with just because he can't read. Cards have 4 suits, 2 colors, and visual representation of the card #. Mat even muses that he can easily tell the cards apart from their images. It's implied that Mat is a card sharp, but nothing really comes of that.

I don't get why it's said that stick and poke tattoos are massively frowned upon... it's like any other kind of tattoo, you want to make sure the tattoo artist knows what they are doing.

The French was annoying, too. Especially since at times you would have actual French, and other times it would be in English and say "he said in French".

The editing isn't as good in this as most of the other books I've read from EM Lindsey. The feminine "blonde" was used to describe a guy. There are quite a few typos.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews73 followers
Want to read
July 24, 2020
🎁 FREE on Amazon today (7/24/2020)! 🎁
Profile Image for Meagan (FranticVampireReads).
706 reviews49 followers
August 22, 2022
My brain is just a happy little pile of mush right now because of this book. This was one of my favorites in this series so far and Mat and Wyatt are some of my absolute favorite characters in this series. I loved that we got to see them go from being friends to lovers gradually. I also really liked that we got to see them fight for their independence both despite their families and with their families encouragement.

I loved everything about this book and I especially loved all the little peeks at what everyone else is doing. I’m pretty sure that we caught little glimpses of things for future books and I’m so ready for them! Stick and Poke is getting five stars. If you haven’t already checked out this incredible series you definitely should!
Profile Image for Teri.
1,799 reviews
October 13, 2019
3.5-4 stars
Pretty sweet. I love the guys, the last two in this series haven't been as good for me as the first couple, but its still good to see all the characters and watch them find their happiness. Um, Wyatt's family...ugh, what utter shitheads. I love that the drama was not within the relationship also, they were solid and yes, had insecurities and all that, but no big issues that blew them up.
Profile Image for Ella.
584 reviews6 followers
September 13, 2024
Anche la storia di Mat Harlow & Wyatt Adley è stata molto bella.
Mat aveva una vita programmata, una moglie, e una specializzazione in ospedale, quando tragico incidente gli ha portato via tutto.
Ora è divorziato, ha una lesione cerebrale traumatica, afasia e non sa leggere. Il suo recupero è stato lungo, tragico ed è stato allontanato dalla sua famiglia.
Wyatt è canadese, nato con una malattia ottica di occhi ballerini ed è cieco in un'occhio e dall'altro vede dei contorni, un marito e un lavoro di professore in un scuola privata ed esclusiva.
Quando suo marito viene coinvolto in uno scandalo sessuale con uno studente, viene coinvolto e la sua reputazione è messa a repentaglio.
Ha una famiglia troppo ossessiva, opprimente.
Trasferendosi, conoscerà la grande famiglia della Irons & Works e proverà una forte attrazione per Mat.
Due uomini feriti, una famiglia menefreghista e una troppo opprimente che si rivelerà anche stronza. Ma Mat e Wyatt sono forti, affronteranno delle difficoltà, degli ostacoli, ma insieme sono molto più forti.
Profile Image for Vaga16.
364 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2024
Il punto di forza di questa serie, ma soprattutto di questo libro, è mostrare che anche le persone con disabilità sono in grado di crearsi il loro spazio nel mondo. E a volte lo fanno con una forza di volontà tale da lasciare di stucco tutto gli altri.

Wyatt e Mat sono molto carini insieme.
Si rispettano e supportano a vicenda, nessuno dei due reputa debole l’altro, nonostante le concrete difficoltà che sono costretti ad affrontare.

Quello che, invece, non tollerano è il pregiudizio delle persone, che a volte soffocano e altre volte preferiscono voltarsi da un’altra parte. Le loro famiglie ne sono un esempio lampante.

Tuttavia, la storia di Wyatt e Mat mostra soprattutto il lato dolce e premuroso e, anche se non è la mia preferita (non avendo un alto tasso di drammaticità😅), nel complesso mi è piaciuta.

Voto 3,5⭐️

Profile Image for Ulla LiebtBücher.
214 reviews3 followers
July 7, 2020
Kurz und knackig: Wyatt und Matt sind zusammen einfach klasse!
Die beiden möchte ich nicht missen und es hat mir unheimlich gut gefallen, wie sie aufeinander eingehen, sich nahe kommen und dem anderen trotzdem genug Raum lassen, um zu wachsen.

Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,340 followers
July 8, 2021
With every book in this series, there comes a point where I ask, “can’t these characters catch a break?!” There is a lot of trauma, both past and present, and it can feel unrelenting. I struggled with

That said, Wyatt and Mat were both super compelling characters and I enjoyed reading about them. They both had great emotional arcs and they made a great pair. It's a pity the plot went in the directions it did because they're among my favorite characters from the series.

The found family element of this series remains the best aspect. It’s great to see the guys interacting and supporting each other and also bringing new people into the fold. I love how seamlessly they accommodate each other’s disabilities and look out for ways to help.

Character notes: Mat is a mid-30s bisexual tattoo artist with a nipple piercing. He has a TBI and his mom is Colombian and his dad is white. Wyatt is a 40-something gay white Canadian former professor. This is set in Fairfield, CO.

Content notes: blind MC (genetic condition), MC with Traumatic Brain Injury (6 years ago, unable to read, aphasia, stammers), closeted MC (no forced outing), panic attack, anxiety, toxic family, descriptions of hospitalizations and rehab, medical procedure involving stem cells, ex stalks and physically assaults MC (also takes his cane away so he can’t easily leave), past car accident (hit by driver who was texting), past divorce (ex-wife left while Mat was recovering from accident because he was no longer able-bodied; Wyatt left his husband due to betrayal), MC’s husband was accused of sexual misconduct with 18 year old student and then falsely accused MC of orchestrating it (he’s cleared of charges but opts to leave their university), death of guide dog, past suicide attempt (described on-page), on-page sex, ableism, homophobia, alcohol, female pejorative, gendered insults, ableist language, ex-wife almost uses R-word, truck referred to as “penis-envy sized pick-up”, MC’s father had a stroke when he was 17 (some personality changes)
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,711 reviews
September 22, 2019
Another winning story

This author has a marvelous ability to create characters that come to life in my mind as I read. Mat and Wyatt are both unique and complex with their individual histories and the disabilities they live with. I so enjoy fiction that teaches without ever seeming like a lesson. I already liked Mat’s character from the prior books and Wyatt was fascinating, making it so easy to catch all the feels around the relationship and romance. It’s moderate levels of angst mixed with steamy scenes and warm fuzzies with the found family Mat and Wyatt share. I still need to try and make poutine and googling translations of (also) cheesy French pick-up lines was fun. Highly recommended along with every book in the series.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,332 reviews89 followers
November 30, 2020
This was an okay read. I did have some issues with the story but overall it was okay. 3ish stars.

The characters of Mat and Wyatt are nice and they have a very sweet romance. I liked seeing all the friends being happy and supporting each other. An enjoyable read without Hugh emotions.

The time jumps were hard to follow. I wish there had been a header saying two weeks later, or whatever the time jump was. Mat's ex being so, ugh, I wish hadn't been the case. They could have parted more amicably and still Mat gone to live his same life. And Wyatt's family, why why why did they have to support Wyatt's ex like they did? Seriously?

I'm glad they got their HEA and they now live together with Wyatt's new support doc, Apollo. And it looks like Mat is going to be a physical therapist of some kind, which that's cool. Not sure he will be able to give up tattooing but no reason he can't do both.
Profile Image for Mathilda Grace.
Author 105 books49 followers
October 14, 2021
Auch wenn mir der Vorband nicht gefallen hat, die Geschichte von Mat und Wyatt setzt diese Buchreihe in gewohnt guter Qualität fort – Gott sei Dank habe ich sofort zugeschlagen, als ich die Gelegenheit hatte, das Buch zu bekommen.

Ich kann nicht sagen, was die beiden an sich haben, aber ich war vom ersten Moment an förmlich von ihnen verzaubert, um es mal so auszudrücken. Mat hat ein Leben hinter sich, das man selbst seinem ärgsten Feind nicht wünschen mag, und für Wyatt gilt in gewisser Weise dasselbe, obwohl er auf den ersten Blick alles hatte. Eine Ehe, eine Familie – ein schönes Leben. Genau das, was auch Mat besaß, bevor ihn ein schwerer Unfall völlig aus der Bahn geworfen hat.

In dieser Situation treffen beide Männer aufeinander und sind recht schnell voneinander fasziniert. Doch Mat und Wyatt sind psychisch arg angegriffen und sie haben Angst, sich wieder auf etwas Neues einzulassen. Wie gut, dass es die übrigen Jungs im »Irons and Works« gibt, wenn Mann mal einen guten Freund bzw. einen guten Rat braucht.

Fazit: Wieder eine sehr gelungen Geschichte dieser Reihe und ich hoffe, dass auch bald der 6. Band übersetzt wird. Ich kann die Story nur empfehlen und werde sie mit Sicherheit wieder lesen.
Profile Image for Tina J.
1,289 reviews172 followers
August 27, 2020
Wyatt and Mat's story. Age-gap of less than 10 years.
Off-page cheating by a secondary character.
Wyatt's character addresses blindness and the challenges that come with it. Mat's character addresses the obstacles he's faced, overcame, and still struggles with due to a TBI (traumatic brain injury).

All of the story timelines overlap a bit with one another so it would be my recommendation to read them in the order they were released.
The author's use of words leads me to believe that US English is not her first language. Certain terminology suggests UK, CA, or AUS English. If unprepared and words matter, it may throw the flow off a bit.
Profile Image for Lauralee.
532 reviews5 followers
August 5, 2020
I enjoy this series so much!
These characters feel real and honest to me and I love to watch them find happiness against what seem to be bad odds.
I also enjoy to gain some new perspectives along the way, as they all come from different backgrounds and face different struggles and handicaps.
There is not really and arc of suspense in this book, but it's a great comfort read that made me all mushy and content deep inside.
Profile Image for riley | romance reader.
729 reviews13 followers
August 17, 2024
I really liked this! Very wholesome. Both mat and wyatt have been through so much, I’m glad they got their HEA.

Since both have disabilities or limitations, they know and understand perfectly how the other needs to be treated. Aka having the extra patience and not assuming the other wants help.

I wanted to give Wyatt the biggest hug, he had so many disappointments in life which led him to his happiness (Mat).
806 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2022
This book did not really work for me. The MCs were ok personality-wise, but I didn’t feel super connected to them, especially Wyatt. I wasn’t invested in their relationship. I really wanted to love Mateo, and he was good, but again, not as invested as I could have been. He was basically abandoned by his family but I didn’t feel the heartbreak because we literally never saw them in the novel. Only the ex wife for one scene. Maybe it’s me being petty, but I wanted him to show up with Wyatt, happy, a new career, and give them all a metaphorical middle finger, while also having him get vengeance by seeing that the ex had never remarried and was working some menial job to get by and she sees what she let go. I also don’t know how I feel about him going back to medicine. If it’s something he loves, go for it. But if it was something that he did because he thought it’s what the ex wanted? Go find something else. But if that’s where it’s going I wanted to see it dang it.

I would also be interested to see how amputees and blind people feel about the portrayal of that experience, because I had high hopes for this book because the portrayal of being Deaf in the first book was so good, and I felt like she had done her research. But Mateo and his TBI? It felt like she hadn’t researched at all. Here are some of the many errors that irked me:
1. NO mention of speech-language pathologists. Someone gets a head injury and can’t communicate? The literal first person (or second after PT maybe) the doctors will refer to after the patient is stable is the SLP. They are who will help find a way for the parent to communicate their wants/needs
2. Aphasia isn’t something that comes and goes, you always have aphasia. There are varying degrees of it, between mild anomia (word finding difficulties) to global aphasia where you have major deficits in both receptive and expressive language, and especially in the beginning there will be some spontaneous recovery and speech therapy can help recovery as well to improve it , but it’s not going to come and go.
3. It depends on the amount of metal, but just because he has plates and screws in his skull doesn’t mean he will automatically set off the detectors. It’s more likely the uneven texture of his skull would set it off.
4. The paraphasias (when he says the wrong word) were not realistic. There are two types, semantic paraphasias where you substitute a word that is similar in meaning (e.g. saying shirt when you mean jacket) and there are phonemic paraphasias where you substitute a word that sounds similar but may not be related in meaning (e.g. saying tefelone instead of telephone). In the book they were clearly trying to be phonemic paraphasias but at least half the word must be correct, it’s not just a word that starts with the same sound.
5. If his alexia and agraphia (inability to read or write) is so profound, it would be more realistic to have his oral language deficit be more profound too. I guess every brain and injury is unique, but an acquired brain injury that results in that would most likely impair his oral language to a greater degree as well.
Profile Image for Jennifer Reilley.
1,118 reviews26 followers
September 2, 2019
Stick and Poke

I can’t gush enough over this series. Wyatt and Mat have now become my favorite couple and I don’t think anyone will top them

Wyatt is out of a bad marriage and trying to move on. His family, although they love him, are not treating him fairly and he just wants to be alone and get his life back together and finds himself in Fairfield.

Mat, once destined to be a doctor, has a horrible accident that leaves him with a brain injury and all alone as his wife and parents abandon him until a couple of men see what he offers and sweeps him away to build a new life

Wyatt and Mats meeting was at a tough time for Mat but Wyatt was there to help and calm him.

These two are so swoon worthy. I found their book to be very romantic. I cried so much through the book with the obstacles they faced and how they conquered them together.

One of my favorite quotes , “I love you. Exactly as you are - with whatever your limitations are.” See swoon worthy.

If you haven’t read this series your missing out. Go get Free Hand to meet everyone and see what an awesome family these men have created with love and support. I love this author and do not need a blurb to know I will read anything she writes
Profile Image for Gabis Laberladen.
1,151 reviews
October 25, 2021
Darum geht's:

Als Mat nach einem unverschuldeten Autounfall Sprachprobleme hat und nicht mehr Lesen oder schreiben kann, muss er seine vielversprechende Karriere als Arzt aufgeben. Seine Frau trennt sich, seine Familie lässt ihn fallen und Mat ist des Lebens überdrüssig. Als er das Zeichnen für sich entdeckt, kann er als Tattookünstler unterkommen und kommt langsam wieder auf die Beine. Wyatt ist schon immer so gut wie blind, doch er schafft ein selbständiges Leben. Der Ehebruch seines Partners, der Wyatt auch noch die Schuld dafür zuschiebt und ihn in einen Skandal hineinzieht, der Tod seines geliebten Blindenhundes und die Tatsache, dass seine Familie diese Gelegenheit nutzt, um Wyatt in Watte zu packen, treibt ihn davon. Die beiden Männer lernen sich über die Freundesclique der Tattookünstler kennen und obwohl keiner von beiden nach einer Beziehung sucht, knistert es heftig zwischen ihnen.

Meine Meinung dazu gibt’s hier
Profile Image for Shawna (endemictoearth).
2,221 reviews34 followers
January 16, 2020
This series is really great, but this might have been my favorite. There is a lot of angst and anguish, but it doesn't feel too heavy, and there's just something about these two characters in particular. I was excited to read about them from all the hints in the other books. Their histories let them really connect and support each other in a special way.

I also have to admire the author for weaving all of these tales around each other. They don't just pick up from when the last one left off, most of them are happening simultaneously, which must be a big task to keep all the moving parts in order. (Almost said "keep them straight" but that doesn't really apply to this series, lol.) So, I can totally forgive the few grammatical errors (which I did mention in the last review.)

I haven't left detailed reviews of all of these books because they all feel so interconnected, but I'm very glad I read this series.
September 20, 2019
Great book, well written story, the right dose of angst, hurt, confort, joy and love. Both MCs had their share of bad luck in the past, and had to grow and move on from it. And it always amazes me how the author can write about such unique characters, with their imperfections and flaws, and how they found love and peace of mind in the most "uncommon" ways. Mat and Wyatt are lovely guys, and you will fall in love with them in the first pages. Loved this one, perfect addition to the series. All the other guys appereances made it all even better 🧡🧡 5 starts for sure!
Profile Image for Julia.
645 reviews
August 8, 2020
There are far too many characters and the story is too long, even if the page count is nothing out of the ordinary. Furthermore, the whole storyline of Wyatt’s family strained credulity. In general, Wyatt’s character had a few characterization issues, chiefly the fact that he didn’t come across as someone who is close to 50 at all. The beginning was better than the second half.
Profile Image for Marthea.
938 reviews9 followers
May 3, 2020
Szczerze mówiąc, wszystkie pary w tej serii są świetne, każda z nich skradła w mniejszym lub większym stopniu moje serducho.
Ale Mat i Wyatt?
Oni skradli mi serducho i oddech jednocześnie...
Po prostu... 💙💙💙
Profile Image for Allison.
1,744 reviews13 followers
August 30, 2020
OMG, this is killing me. This was, by far, the best of the series for me, I absolutely adore Mat and Wyatt, and together they are wonderful. BUT. What the Hell happened to the editing? Was any done? Were there even beta readers? Because the sheer volume of mistakes in this book is inexcusable. I can remember, off the top of my head, at least four times that the incorrect character name was used when an action occurred. There were multiple instances of incorrect word usage as well. There are lots of other mistakes. I'm so disappointed because this would have been a five star read for me if only there was any editing done. I'm a little disappointed that Wyatt's vision improved and that Mat decided to go back to being a doctor, they both felt a little overreaching to me but not horribly. Mat and Wyatt were absolutely lovely together, they complimented each other and supported each other in the very best ways. I loved how they came together and the adorkable way they flirted. If you can overlook the complete lack of editing (not easy for me) you should fall in love with the MCs and their story.
Profile Image for 1000storie1000vite.
843 reviews21 followers
August 28, 2024
Finalmente è arrivata la storia di Mat e Wyatt e io mi sono perdutamente innamorata.
L'autrice parla di disabilità, come sempre con estremo garbo, e con questo romanzo mi ha ammaliata grazie a una narrazione delicatissima, in cui l'angst è praticamente assente, ma dove le emozioni scorrono potenti e avvolgenti.

I protagonisti emergono dalle pagine vividi e reali. Il loro passato, la loro sofferenza, la cattiveria che hanno incontrato, mi hanno fatto sanguinare il cuore. La bellezza delle loro essenze, imperfette ma preziose, il coraggio che sanno trovare per affrontare ogni difficoltà, la dedizione e l’amore che sono in grado di mettere in ogni passo fatto, l'uno verso l'altro o insieme, mi hanno illuminato l'animo.

Gli amici di sempre sono tutti qui, presenti e vivaci. Una piccola, meravigliosa comunità, che sa stringersi in difesa dei suoi componenti e allargarsi senza scossoni per accettarne di nuovi. Ad ogni volume di questa serie mi viene sempre più voglia di farne parte!

Accadono così tante cose tra queste pagine che non sono mai riuscita ad interrompere la lettura.
Si sono accese, e hanno bruciato, così tante emozioni, che alla fine avevo gli occhi umidi di felicità e tristezza, per aver finito il libro.

La resa italiana è davvero buona e questa serie è sempre più bella.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 213 reviews

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