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Have You Seen Me?

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From New York Times bestselling author Kate White comes a gripping novel about one woman’s dangerous quest to recover lost memories someone would rather she never find.

The key to her missing memories could bring relief—or unlock her worst nightmares.

On a cold, rainy morning, finance journalist Ally Linden arrives early to work in her Manhattan office, only to find that she’s forgotten her keycard and needs to have a colleague she’s never met let her in. When her boss finally arrives, he seems surprised to see her—because she hasn’t worked there in five years.

Ally knows her name, but little else, and it’s only after several hours in an emergency room and multiple interviews with the hospital psychiatrist that she begins to piece together important facts: she lives on the Upper West Side; she’s now a freelance personal finance journalist; she’s married to a lovely man named Hugh. But she still can’t recall what happened to her during the previous two days. When she learns that she’s experienced a dissociative fugue state, Ally tries to think of triggers and remembers that she’d been seeing a therapist about a traumatic event from her childhood, in which she came across evidence for a murder that was never solved.

Desperate to unearth answers, Ally focuses on figuring out where she spent the missing forty-eight hours. As ominous details of the two days pile up, so does the terrifying pressure: she must recover the time she lost before the time she has left runs out.

Featuring Kate White’s signature twists and turns, Have You Seen Me? is a harrowing read that will keep readers guessing until its shocking ending.

384 pages, Paperback

First published April 28, 2020

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About the author

Kate White

47 books2,737 followers
Kate White is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of nineteen novels of suspense: eleven standalone psychological thrillers, including The Last Time She Saw Him (2024), and eight Bailey Weggins mysteries.

A former Glamour magazine Top Ten College Women Contest winner and cover girl, Kate had a long career in the media business, eventually running five national magazines. For fourteen years she was the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan, which under her became the most successful magazine in single copy sales in the U.S. Though she loved her magazine career, she decided to leave eleven years ago to concentrate full-time on another passion: writing suspense fiction.

Kate’s first mystery, If Looks Could Kill, was a Kelly Ripa Book Club pick, a #1 bestseller on Amazon, and an instant New York Times bestseller. She has been nominated for an International Thriller Writers Award in the fiction category, and her books have been published in over 30 countries.

Kate is a frequent speaker at libraries, bookstores, and conferences, and has appeared on many television shows, including The Today Show, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, Morning Joe, and CNN’s Quest Means Business.

She is also the author of several bestselling career books, including I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This and the ground-breaking Wall Street Journal bestseller, Why Good Girls Don’t Get Ahead but Gutsy Girls Do.

Kate is an avid traveler and spends each winter with her husband at their home in Uruguay. She holds an honorary doctorate of letters from her alma mater, Union College, where she gave the 2022 commencement address.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,807 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,849 reviews56.3k followers
January 26, 2024
What? Is this it? Are there any more pages that I forgot to read? Seriously ! How did book end like this? It is worse than last 15 minutes of Seven’s “What’s in the box”scene!

Sorry but I think the thrilling book I’ve been looking for cannot reach, read at this moment. Beep…. Yep it might have gotten lost at the tunnel.

The book made an intriguing, exciting start: Ally finds herself at her old work place she quit five
years ago and she thinks that is her first work day after her short break. Then she bumps into her ex-lover and also her ex-boss. Yes, she just faints and finds herself in the ER with short term amnesia. She slowly starts to remember she is married, she is freelance finance journalist and she has a secret from her childhood which buggers her lately. She keeps some important information about the crime scene she witnessed when she was nine.
Well, at first half of the book bored me so much! I didn’t understand why Ally’s husband treated to her wife as if she is Airbnb renter. Their cold, meaningless, unfriendly, boring relationship made me yawned. I wished I could position toothpicks into my eyes to keep them open.
Roger, brother of Ally also acted so suspicious and his wife was annoyingly noisy and disturbing gossipy element!
I also didn’t understand the unfinished business between Ally and Damien which made me think, I’m reading an angsty romance between two lovers who recently broke up from so many misunderstanding and communication breakdown (in the meantime I’m listening Led Zeppelin to calm my nerves after the damage this book created on me)

So Ally hires a private detective to gather lost pieces of her last two days which connects with the murder she witnessed when she was a child but as soon as I read the conclusion of the story: I said WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!!!! The bad guy was a little bit obvious from the beginning, wearing a sign on his/her head but the revelation part was so tasteless, still boring, meaningless!

And of course there is tons of misleading and blanks at the story needed to be filled! The ending was aimless. I felt like the author has been kidnapped and somebody pulled a nasty prank by writing this ending to torture us!

And Ally seems like blind, deaf and one of the most lost and dumbfounded characters I’ve ever read for so long. If a person pokes her with a gun, she doesn’t find out he is bad guy till she’s bleeding to death! I want to scream at her to open her eyes and stop acting like Snow White who recently poisoned by a tasty apple and waiting for her prince’s awakening kiss.

I kept reading this one because there were too many five starred reviews so I got patient and I think the story would go to some different direction and guess what? It didn’t.

Overall: I’m giving two stars and declaring my shiny place in the minority. I did everything to enjoy this story and look from the brighter side but pacing, story development, characterization and ending with so many blank spots truly disappointed me.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Harper Paperbacksto share this ARC COPY in exchange my honest review. I wish I enjoyed this story but unfortunately it didn’t work for me!
Profile Image for Alissa.
145 reviews217 followers
August 1, 2023
Have I seen you? I wish I hadn't. I'm giving this book two stars because the author made sentences, put them together, and got the whole thing published somehow! Hey, that's more than I can do.

God, this book is just so STUPID. Let me give you some reasons why!

Ally's job -- okay, she apparently does some writing and podcasting about personal finances and how best to be a frugal young woman! She is also going to write a book about the subject, which will clearly be a New York Times bestseller. Meanwhile, she and her insufferable dial-tone of a husband order $50 takeout every single night. Also, this woman takes more Ubers and taxis in one book than I have in my entire life. If I can get around Seattle without a car for a couple of years, you can do it in NYC, bitch! Get your entitled ass on the subway.

The dead kid. So, when Ally was 9 years old, she took a shortcut through the woods and discovered (gasp!) a dead kid. Instead of, you know, telling someone, she kept it a secret for a few days because she thought her parents would be mad at her. I'm pretty sure finding a dead kid is more important than having to sit in the corner facing the wall for a few hours. She was 9, not 5. Jesus. So, this story line is basically a giant red herring because someone could be out to kill her now because of this thing that happened 25 years ago. See, adult Ally has a startling realization that the dead kid was in rigor mortis when she found her, which would have changed EVERYTHING for the investigation. EYE. ROLL. Then the kid killer finds her and tries to drown her, even though her testimony (as a 9-year-old) would be swiss-cheesed by any decent defense attorney. Unfortunately, she survives the attack.

That leads us to the real climax of the story (I guess). Look, if your therapist invites you to her house at night because she needs to talk to you, that therapist is obviously going to murder you. If any of my clients are ever invited to my house, it's going to end in a murder-suicide. There is literally NO other reason I would agree to see a client outside work hours.

Turns out, Ally's disassociated state/amnesia began because she walked into her therapist's house and found a dead body. The therapist is a murderer, see? It's been three hours since I finished the book and I already can't remember why. Anyway, now that the therapist is sure Ally remembers, she has to kill Ally too! (Also, Private Investigator Mulroney is dead. You were a ridiculous caricature, but RIP). Thankfully, Ally is such a bad ass because she manages to throw a pitcher of water at someone holding a gun on her. Guess what, guys? She gets away!

Dial-tone lawyer husband has been fucking around with an old law school classmate, so Ally gets to dump his ass; and, although not specifically stated, she gets back together with her old flame, Damien. Damien crops up through the whole book, despite the fact that they haven't talked in five years, because he is just SO CONCERNED about her. All this time, Ally thought he dumped her, but Damien sees it the other way around. He loves her!

I hope the divorce settlement with Dial-Tone is good, because I'd love to see practical little Ally live in Manhattan on a podcast salary. Enjoy the subway, bitch.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hannah.
1,951 reviews265 followers
November 17, 2024
This was a very quick and easy to read. All the I’s dotted and T’s crossed. The red herrings were fairly good, but the actual reveal was a bit anticlimactic. Worth reading if you are liking for something simple. Liked sibling relationship and wished mine were a bit more like theirs - transparent and close.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,533 reviews31.7k followers
April 30, 2020
When Ally arrives at work, her boss is shocked to see her since she hasn’t worked for the company in over five years. What???

Ally goes to the hospital and sees a psychiatrist, finding out that she’s experiencing a dissociative fugue state, and is wondering what the trigger or triggers might be. Two days of her life are a complete blank. What happened to Ally?

Have You Seen Me was compulsively readable. I didn’t know which way it would go until almost the very last page. The pacing was tense and on point, and I found the premise captivating. Ally was a character I rooted for, and I was hoping the best for her. I’ll definitely be reading more books by Kate White!

I received a gifted copy. All opinions are my own.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram: www.instagram.com/tarheelreader
Profile Image for Rana.
216 reviews9 followers
May 27, 2020
This book tried very hard to be a psychological thriller by naming a bunch of psychological terms over and over again... if I have to hear this girl explain a fugue state one more time ... the author also decided the reader was too dumb to know (or google) what rigor mortis is... girl we’ve ALL watched Dexter! Every time the protagonist found out a new piece of info, she told her husband, brother, best friend and therapist IN THAT ORDER and we had to sit through 4 separate reactions. Then she gets a PI so we get another man to react to this girl’s TERRIFYING fugue state dissociative two days in which she did NOTHING scandalous so why are we here ???? Bad book
Profile Image for Patricia.
524 reviews122 followers
February 12, 2020
Ally, a finance journalist goes to work one morning only to find out she has not worked there in five years. Ally has somehow lost 48 hours of her life. While trying to figure out what has transpired, many twists and turns are revealed. I believe most readers will love this novel.
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,527 reviews745 followers
September 3, 2020
Have You SeenMe was my first Kate White book and now I am eager for more. What a twisty and crazy story this was. I read this over 2 nights, desperate at find out what was going to happen next and how it would all end. Great psychological/domestic thriller.

Ally is a financial journalist and turns up way she loves early to work one morning... only o be old she hadn’t worked at Greenbacks for 5 years. So why did she go there and why is she looking dishevelled and lost. Next thing she knows she is in the hospital being told she had an dissociative episode and had been missing for 2 days. Trying to unlock the memories proves harder than she thought and there is somebody who definitely doesn’t want her to remember.

I was sucked into this book straight away and really enjoyed it. Still not sure about the ending, which seemed a bit rushed and unexpected.

Thanks to Avon. Books UK for my advanced copy of this book to read.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,446 reviews1,566 followers
February 15, 2023

Featuring ~ single 1st person POV, memory loss, childhood trauma

Imagine heading to work one day just to be told you haven't worked there in over 5 years. That's exactly what happened to Ally.

I really liked this one. I was sucked into the story because losing my memory is something that frightens me. This is my first experience with this author and I'd definitely read her work again.

*older read mini review*

Follow me here ➡ Blog ~ Facebook
Profile Image for Javier.
1,036 reviews275 followers
November 22, 2020
“Have you seen me?” is to suspense books what a Lifetime movie is to, well, movies. Will I remember anything about it in a few days? No, but it served its purpose, keeping me entertained for a couple of car trips.

Imagine getting to work one rainy morning just to be told you haven’t worked there for the last five years. Your memories just start coming back but the last two days are still a blank. What happened those two days? Could the dissociative episode Ally suffered be related to her childhood trauma?

The whole story felt pretty generic with no distinguishing features that made it shine.

Thank God Ally was proactive in her quest to find out what happened to her, because her husband, friends and family couldn’t care less!

Hugh: “Honey, you’ve been m.i.a. for 2 days.”

Ally: “I’m scared, I have no clue what happened to me in that time.”

Hugh: “Ok, let’s order chinese.”

That could be an example of a “conversation” between Ally and her husband. It’s not till she enlists the help of the P.I. that things start to move along.

I understand that, as an author, you have to try and mislead the reader so that when the villain is revealed we all gasp in shock, but if all your characters but one are acting shady as f*ck, it’s probable we’ll guess that the non shady one is the killer, so no gasping this time!

The resolution of the childhood case was so anticlimatic I was waiting till the last minute for some more info about it. Why do you even add that plot line if you’re not gonna tie it to the present line? Also, the killer unveiling and motivation in the present line came so out of left field I was a bit frustrated.

On the plus side, I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator did a pretty good job, so I will definitely listen to some of her other work.
Profile Image for Kimberly Belle.
Author 20 books4,967 followers
January 27, 2020
Kate White has done it again. Her latest novel, Have You Seen Me? stars Ally, who shows up at her old job with no memory of why she shouldn’t be there. White starts with a bang and keeps the suspense high throughout, weaving together a labyrinth of buried memories and disturbing revelations that blur the lines between what's true and what’s not. An addictive, up-all-night stunner.
Profile Image for Sydney.
879 reviews78 followers
June 17, 2020
I think I’m stuck in the land of “thrillers that I enjoyed but had issues with and will forget in a month.” The premise for this drew me in immediately (anything with missing memory terrifies me; what could have happened!?). However, the characters were all awful and boring. Ally (the main character) was so frustrating since she didn’t see what was right in front of her at any point in time! I enjoyed the journey to find out what happened in the time she was missing from her memory, and this suspense was what kept me reading in addition to liking the author’s writing style. There was a lot of potential, but it felt a bit over the top and unrealistic. Did no one else really care about the bloody tissues in her jacket pocket!? I didn’t predict the ending but it felt like it came out of left field and didn’t seem plausible at all compared to the rest of the entire storyline. In the end, I think the conclusion brought down my rating of this book and it missed the mark entirely.

Thank you to Harper Collins for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review! (3.5 stars)
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,631 reviews69 followers
February 6, 2020
Well, I mostly enjoyed this one.

While not a fan of present tense storytelling, this was a very readable book. I liked our main character, really liked that she wasn’t an idiot, and was very interested in what had happened to her and why.

Unfortunately, I didn’t love the way our plot and subplots were tied up. While I did figure out the *who* in one subplot, the why was weird and out of left field.

I generally liked the author’s style and would read the author again, I just found myself disappointed in the way everything wrapped up.

*ARC Provided via Net Galley
Profile Image for Julie (JuJu).
1,013 reviews210 followers
August 3, 2020
This was an audiobook, with great narration, AND my first read by this author. I’ll be reading more!
Profile Image for Mary.
2,055 reviews582 followers
April 15, 2020
I have read a few of the Bailey Weggins series and have been loving them, so when I saw Kate White was coming out with this standalone, Have You Seen Me?, I knew I had to read it. I'm happy to report that it did not disappoint!

While some people might find the major twist a little out of left field and abrupt, I was definitely surprised by it and it wasn't at all what I expected to happen which I loved. I really liked the addition of the event from Ally's childhood and how it ended up fitting together with her current situation. It also added even more layers to an already intriguing plot.

I absolutely loved Ally and her friend Gabby, and the dynamic reminded me a little bit of the Bailey Weggins series. I thought that in general the majority of the characters were likable so if you don't want a book full of characters you hate, Have You Seen Me? would be a good novel for you.

Have You Seen Me? is completely binge-worthy and I ended up reading it all in one day, in basically one sitting. I was so into it and I just had to know where it was going. And of course, in true Kate White fashion, you don't get the big reveal until the VERY end. I don't know how suspenseful I thought it was, I didn't really have any pulse-pounding moments, but it was definitely addictive and kept a pretty quick pace throughout. Plus there is enough going on that I didn't feel my attention waver even once.

Random thought that I just have to add, Ally's therapist Dr. Erling reminded me SO much of Dr. Evelyn Vogel from season 8 of Dexter. Even though the characters aren't similar in age or looks I couldn't help but hear and picture Vogel every time Ally had a session with Erling. Anyone else? Just me? Okay.

If you love Kate White's other books then I would definitely check out Have You Seen Me?

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book, all opinions and thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Caitlin Reads.
178 reviews65 followers
December 9, 2019
Kate White delivers another riveting page turner in her new psychological thriller, Have You Seen Me? Ally Linden arrives at work soaking wet and missing her key card. She quickly runs into her old boss and former lover who is surprised to see her since she hasn't worked there in five years. Ally begins to piece back together who she is when she arrives at the hospital remembering she is a financial journalist and married to a man named Hugh. However, she can not remember anything from the past two days. Ally begins to try to figure out what triggered her to go into a fugue state hiring a detective to help. Her situation is further complicated by the fact that she discovered the body of toddler whose murderer was never apprehended when she was only nine. Could this somehow be connected with her current predicament? Joining Ally on her quest to piece together where she was over the course of two days and find out the root of what caused her to dissociate from herself was a lot of fun. There were several twists and turns that I didn't expect. Have You Seen Me was very suspenseful and kept me up long past my bedtime. Fans of Kate White will not be disappointed with her latest installment.

Thanks to Edelweiss+ and Harper Paperbacks for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Liz.
458 reviews54 followers
December 30, 2020
Wait?! Is that IT?! I cannot believe I just read that. An entire book dedicated to unraveling the mystery of Ally’s whereabouts for 2 days? I mean....yeah, there could be something there....but the ending just did NOT deliver like I was hoping it would. BUT, I have to give it to the author....I was totally wrapped up in finding out what happened to Ally during those two days. I could not put this down until I found out. The only problem was, when I found out.....Major Bummer-ville.
Oh, one more thing...Why was I so annoyed every time Ally’s brother, Roger, referred to her as Button? I am an only child so maybe this is an enduring thing having a pet name by your older brother? But, it literally just weirded me out. They are middle aged and I just figured there is a shelf life with that kinda thing..🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh well, this was definitely an easy read, and could not DNF it bc (like I said before) I HAD to find out the truth. If you have nothing else to read, sure, you may have better luck with it than I did...but if you have ANYTHING else on your TBR list....Just pass.
2-stars ⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Zoe Weatherholtz.
262 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2020
Am I missing something?
This book had such a good start. It had a lot of potential but, wow, it fell so flat at the end that I feel like I am missing a chapter somewhere.
Poor Ally is so lost and confused because she has completely lost her memory for the past few days in her life. She wants so desperately to get it back, which I would be too! There is a lot of information missing, so when some comes back its welcoming. BUT it is the wrong information that comes back to her. The information is tied to the dead body she found when she was a child. Is her amnesia interlocked with the dead body? Is the information that came back to her going to hurt her in ways that it has hurt others?

Like I said, this book had such a good start but then the conclusion just smacked you right in the face and it was like, uuuhhhh okay??
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,446 reviews1,830 followers
August 25, 2020
First book for the summerween readathon and what a let down! I hated the ending and absolutely found it hilarious that our heroine had unknown sleuthing powers until something traumatic happens to her. The ending was confusing and boring too.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,346 reviews123 followers
May 25, 2023
Ally is a woman suffering from memory loss. When she arrives at work one morning, she’s shocked to find out that she hasn’t actually worked at this office for years. Somehow, she’s suffered a dissociative episode, and while the memories of the past eventually come flooding back, she still cannot remember anything that happened over the previous two days. Alarmed, she seeks out her therapist...her friends...her husband, trying to put the pieces together. There’s been tension in her marriage because her husband is pressuring her to have children, so when Ally finds out they had a fight the night before she “disappeared,” the root of her memory loss seems to be clear. However, there are still too many loose ends. Such as why were there bloody tissues in the pocket of her coat? What happened to her cellphone? Could any of this be related to a murder investigation from her childhood? Not sure who she can trust, Ally hires a private detective who also is murdered. One thing is for certain...someone is willing to go to great lengths to prevent Ally from recovering her memory. The author provides the twists and shocks that any reader of domestic thrillers expects, but she also manages to use some of our expectations to create clever dead ends. Ally’s need for self-discovery has an immediacy, of course, but also a larger resonance, as she begins to realize that she hasn’t always made choices that are completely authentic or independent. Perhaps recovering her memory will be the first step in a larger quest to find herself. Overall, this is an engaging, cleverly written novel that will engage and entertain most, if not all, mystery lovers.
Profile Image for JANELLE || WHATSHESEEES.
438 reviews41 followers
May 3, 2020
I absolutely loved Have You Seen Me. It was a terrific read that was so entertaining I couldn’t put it down. It was an extremely fast-paced read for me with really great characters. Sometimes it’s obvious with a character what’s going to happen but with Ally, it wasn’t. She was tough but also knew her weaknesses and me kind of admired her for that. ⠀
⠀This book just kept taking the WRONG turn. Every time I thought something was going to happen it confused me and didn’t happen and then when it happens you don’t see it coming. So much suspense along the way is what made me love it!! ⠀
⠀I can’t wait to check out Something She’s Not Telling Us by Darcey Bell next because every time I read a book from @harperperennial it’s always so enjoyable!! ⠀

Have You Seen Me is available now and I highly recommend you check this one out if you haven’t already!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,171 reviews
April 29, 2020
4.5/ 5 stars

Have You Seen Me is a standalone suspense/mystery/thriller. It is my fourth book by this author.

The narrator is 34 year old finance journalist Ally Linden (1st person POV). The story is set in New York City.

I really enjoyed this book and was hooked right from the start. And the title was excellent and very relevant to the story.

The premise was very interesting. It has to do with lost memories. Something happens to Ally. And she spends the book trying to put the pieces together to figure out what happened to her. Over the course of the book we get new pieces of information added so that we can figure out what has happened. There were so many great reveals in this book. I found the story to be quite riveting.

Also, there were a lot of characters doing shady things. So it was fun to try to figure out who was lying and who was ultimately the bad guy.

There were private investigators, therapists, doctors and police. And they all added so much to the story.

I'm not sure if I totally loved the final reveal. I would have preferred something a lot more unpredictable. But overall I just found this story to be completely engaging and I really liked it.

Thanks to edelweiss and Harper Paperbacks for allowing me to read this book.
Profile Image for SheLovesThePages.
371 reviews113 followers
April 30, 2020

Have You Seen Me? by Kate White
Pub Date: April 28, 2020

So we meet Ally, who has just come into the office and realized she forgot her keys....but soon, we find that she has forgotten whole years and the last time she worked at this particular office was 5 years ago. Soon as regains most of her memories, with the exception of a few days leading up to her strange appearance at her old work place.

I was IN TO IT right from the first page. I was sucked in. I was trying to figure it all out. I was making noises and faces and saying "what?!" out loud the entire time. I enjoyed Ally and how she notices everything. Every little movement and facial expression. I was all in....until the end and unfortunately it just didn't bring it all home for me. It was completely realistic and then....it wasn't. Although I felt that way about the ending, I enjoyed 90% of it and it was well on its way to becoming a must read. The end was fine, I just feel like some missed opportunity there.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5 stars
I recommend this book!

The Silent Patient
What Happens in Paradise
The Woman in the Park
Profile Image for Audrey.
631 reviews522 followers
May 10, 2020
The premise of this book totally hooked me - Ally arrives at work one rainy morning and is a little confused when she can't find her access card to get into the space or the key to her office...and when her colleague Damien (who is also her ex) shows up he's equally confused - Ally hasn't worked there in five years!

After a much needed trip to the ER some of Ally's memories start to come back but she's missing the memories of the last 72 hours of her life and has no idea what triggered the memory loss.

I really enjoyed Ally's quest to recover her memory and to retrace her steps. She can't find her purse or cell phone. She finds bloody tissues in her pocket. The memories from her childhood when she found a dead body in the woods near her house are flooding her mind. And she just can't shake the feeling that someone is watching her. Something sinister definitely happened that sent her into the fugue state and she's desperate to find out what it was...and I was right there with her.

Despite her husband's protests she hires a PI to help her find out just what the heck happened and she turns to her best friend, brother, therapist and colleagues to help put the pieces together.

There was so much great potential here, but ultimately the story didn't hold up for me. There were lots of red herrings and shady characters, but it felt a bit over the top and like everyone was hiding something and being extra shady. It made me wonder why any of these people were even in her life as is seemed like they all had something to hide and were all trying to work against Ally finding out what happened to her. And when Ally recounts what happened to her people's responses come across as a generic "I'm sorry that happened to you". No one seemed as terrified as Ally did that she lost the memories of the last 3 days of her life...never mind that she's got a pile of bloody tissues in her jacket pocket, but she's not injured, so you know it's someone else's blood.

The climax and ending fell a bit flat for me. I'm totally down for a "I didn't see that coming" twist but it also needs to be plausible and connect to the story. This story also did two movie tropes that I despise: our villain gives a full speech on the blow-by-blow of how and why they did what they did AND there is a moment

I was also super frustrated with how one character's storyline played out.

I have been a fan of Kate White's books since she started her Bailey Weggins series and while there was potential here, I felt like it missed the mark when it came to the big reveal/conclusion. I will keep picking up her books in the future but this was wasn't a total smash for me.
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,205 reviews1,562 followers
April 28, 2020
Ally went to work, but not to the place she currently works.

Ally ended up at the place she had worked five years ago, and then she fainted and is rushed to the hospital.

Those two things were not the worst part. Ally can't remember anything, her purse is gone, and apparently she had been gone for two days.

After coming home from the hospital, things still didn’t clear up.

Ally couldn’t remember what had triggered her memory loss and wondered if a traumatic event when she was nine may have resurfaced and caused her dissociative episode.

As I read, I could feel something was just not quite right with the characters, Ally's episode, and her situation. An undercurrent of something sinister seemed to lurk behind the words.

You will be on pins and needles with Ally as you wonder what’s really happening and who’s behind it all. How could everything that's happening be a coincidence?

Ms. White always brings her readers a story that will keep you tense, totally absorbed, and in this case thinking about your memory and well being.

Are you doing all you can for your well being and your life? 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kellie O'Connor.
347 reviews164 followers
May 14, 2023
4.9 star rating from me ✨✨✨✨(I finished this book late Friday night,May 12 and only had a chance to write my review today.)

Imagine not remembering getting out of bed in the morning and going to work... only Ally Linden goes to work in a place that she hasn't worked in for 5 years! Yikes!! 😳 What a strange start to your day!! She remembers only her name and age. Hasn't a clue that she's married, where she lives and ends up in the ER where memories start to emerge. She is told to relax and let the memories come back on their own. Her memory may come back or not. If she doesn't do what she's told, she risks going through another fugue state that she's just coming out of. What would you do? Well, Ally wants to know everything that she's been through for the past 48 hours. By doing this it means dangerous things for Ally and leads her back to a memory that happened when she was 9 years old. How is it connected to the present?

This is a fantastic, gripping, psychological thriller that is full of so very many twists and turns! I really couldn't stop reading it and had a hard time putting it down. A lot happens and it's a fast paced read that leads to an amazing ending that I didn't see coming!!

I love a good mystery every so often and this one is fantastic!! I highly recommend this book to all mystery fans out there or if you just want a break from reality for awhile. Enjoy, happy reading and happy mother's day 💐🌺
Profile Image for Tracey .
722 reviews49 followers
August 3, 2020
This is a well-written, entertaining, fast paced, psychological thriller with mystery, intrigue, and suspense. It is a real page turner, with twists and turns that kept me guessing until the surprise ending.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,456 reviews170 followers
September 10, 2020
Despite the first few chapters really gripping me, I found that the remainder of the narrative continued to “simmer” and never really build in tension. This was completely unexpected, especially as the premise of the novel suggested a story that was gripping and leaving me wanting more. Alas, I did not get this reaction to the story and gradually lost interest as the narrative progressed.

White explores an interesting subject of dissociation. The protagonist, Ally, has literally switched her brain off from a series of events and, although her body still functions, she cannot remember what has happened. This is how the story begins: with Ally arriving at her old workplace with no idea how she arrived or why she was there. As the novel develops, we learn that Ally suffers from the dissociative state, having regular therapy to control this extreme reaction and prevent it from happening again.

However, as Ally tries to piece together what happened over 48-hours, more questions are raised. These involve her husband, whom she starts to mistrust, her work colleagues and it even brings back memories of a traumatic event from her childhood. Naturally, Ally is suspicious but White does not develop these emotions until the paranoia I would have expected.

Indeed, the story eventually grows to cover not only Ally reinstating her memories, but also an incident from her childhood. I found this mostly an irritating element to the story and felt it prolonged Ally’s own discoveries. Instead, I wanted there to be more focus on the lost two days, rather than churning through a police investigation from the past. This caused my feelings of frustration and boredom because I felt this part of the story significantly slowed the pace and lessened the intensity I was hoping for.

Although this story explores an interesting idea, I wish the writer had emphasised Ally’s confusion more. She seems to accept too many things, rather than questioning, and I could not get a grasp of any true urgency – even when it is clear that Ally may be in danger. I was hoping for a pacy, explosive narrative that would have Ally literally running around trying to find definite answers. What I read was a character who was a little too laid back for my liking and with not enough cliffhangers at the end of chapters.

This was an ok read but did not fulfil my expectations. I enjoy thrilling reads but I don’t think this suited my tastes. It is a shame, as I feel the foundations are there for a really exciting story. I’ve read that White has written many suspenseful reads but, in this case, I could not experience this sensation over the pages.

With thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Carla.
7,119 reviews164 followers
May 1, 2020
This is my first book by Kate White and it won't be my last. This was a psychological thriller that drew me in right from the first page. Ally Linden arrives at work missing her key card. She is let into the building by someone she does not recognize and when she runs into her old boss and former lover she finds out that she hasn't worked there in five years. She goes to the hospital to get checked out as she appears to be in a fugue state. Ally begins to piece back together who she is, what she does and that she is married to a man named Hugh. What she can't remember is anything from the last two days. As some memories come back, she also remembers finding the body of a neighbour girl, dead in the woods near her home when she is a young girl. She begins to remember things that she did not remember at the time. She hires a private detective to help her piece together the two days she was lost.

This story was a page turner that had me on the edge of my seat. Ally is a very likable character. She is a smart woman, who is not content to just sit back and hope her memories come back. She also has a conscience and when she remembers things from the past that might help solve the case of the murdered neighbour, she immediately takes steps to rectify the matter. The story was fast-paced and listened to it in one day. My one complaint, and it is a biggie, is that the final twist of this story came out of left field for me. It tied up all the loose ends for me, but there was not hint along the way. It seemed rather abrupt. I am not sure if all her books are this way, but the rest of the story was so enjoyable, I will read more books by this author.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Cynthia Farrell. This is the second time I have listened to a book she has narrated. The first had two narrators, but this one was her alone. I found that I enjoyed her performance very much. She does a good job with the pacing, expression and intonation. The character voices were well done and I will definitely continue to listen to books narrated by this talented voice actress. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book upon request. The rating, ideas and opinions shared are my own.
Profile Image for Melissa (Always Behind).
4,998 reviews2,876 followers
April 30, 2020
3.5 rounded up for GR.
Overall I liked the mystery portions of this book. The premise immediately grabbed me and kept me totally invested in finding out what exactly happened to cause Ally to dissociate and lose her memory, and what happened during the two days she ultimately can't recall.
I also thought that tying it into what happened when she was a child was fascinating and none of the things that occur are predictable. Good twists abound.
Where the book falls slightly short is regarding Ally's personal life. For as astute of a businesswoman as she is, she's pretty pathetic with her relationships. The ending was not good in my opinion and a total letdown. Suffice it to say, a person shouldn't make rash decisions after a traumatic experience, and Ally does just that and the book makes it seem like everyone around her is just fine with the decision.
Overall worth reading, especially for the mystery and set the rest aside.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
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