Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader's Reviews > Have You Seen Me?

Have You Seen Me? by Kate White
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When Ally arrives at work, her boss is shocked to see her since she hasn’t worked for the company in over five years. What???

Ally goes to the hospital and sees a psychiatrist, finding out that she’s experiencing a dissociative fugue state, and is wondering what the trigger or triggers might be. Two days of her life are a complete blank. What happened to Ally?

Have You Seen Me was compulsively readable. I didn’t know which way it would go until almost the very last page. The pacing was tense and on point, and I found the premise captivating. Ally was a character I rooted for, and I was hoping the best for her. I’ll definitely be reading more books by Kate White!

I received a gifted copy. All opinions are my own.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: and instagram:
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April 18, 2020 – Started Reading
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April 30, 2020 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Fabulous review Jennifer! Sounds really good!🤗💜

message 2: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Outstanding review Jennifer! 💕

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Kaceey wrote: "Fabulous review Jennifer! Sounds really good!🤗💜"

Thanks, Kaceey! I really enjoyed it! ♥️

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Babydimps (Suzy) wrote: "Outstanding review Jennifer! 💕"

Thanks so much, Suzy! ♥️

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) What an intriguing premise! Fabulous review, Jennifer! Glad you enjoyed!

message 6: by Ohaka (new)

Ohaka Chizi Do we buy the book or can we read offline

message 7: by DeAnn (new) - added it

DeAnn Wow! What an intriguing plot. I'll check this one for sure, great review Jenni!

message 8: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Stop doing this to me, Jennifer! 🤣 I have too many books to read as it is! 📚😊 Great review!

message 9: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Great review, Jennifer.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Meredith wrote: "What an intriguing premise! Fabulous review, Jennifer! Glad you enjoyed!"

Thanks, Meredith! I just loved that premise. A great way to build a mystery.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader DeAnn wrote: "Wow! What an intriguing plot. I'll check this one for sure, great review Jenni!"

Thanks, DeAnn! It was a great read!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Jayme wrote: "Stop doing this to me, Jennifer! 🤣 I have too many books to read as it is! 📚😊 Great review!"

😂 We do it to each other, Jayme! ❤️ Thank you so much!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Angela M wrote: "Great review, Jennifer."

Thanks so much, Angela! ♥️

message 14: by JanB (new)

JanB Great review Jennifer, this sounds like a terrific page-turner.

message 15: by Virginia (new)

Virginia Wonderful review, Jennifer! I cannot wait to read this mystery. ❤️📚

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