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Sleeping Beauties Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sleeping-beauties" Showing 1-9 of 9
Stephen        King
“It makes no difference if you're rich or poor
Or if you're smart or dumb.
A woman's place in this old world
Is under some man's thumb,
And if you're born a woman
You're born to be hurt.
You're born to be stepped on,
Lied to,
Cheated on,
And treated like dirt.
-Sandy Posey, 'Born a Woman'
Lyrics by Martha Sharp”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Lila harboured an unspoken belief that motherhood was the best possible rehearsal for a prospective police officer.. Mothers were naturals for law enforcement, because toddlers, like criminals, were often belligerent and destructive.
If you could get through those early years without losing your cool or blowing your top, you might be able to deal with grown-up crime. The key was to not react, to stay adult..”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Don't say pussy when it means weak".”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Until this point Tiffany had assumed that abusers... must live in denial. If not, how could they go on? How could you hurt or degrade a person when you were fully cognisant of what you were doing? Well, it turned out you could...”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Dark green mountains knuckled up in the distance. Clouds seemed to be melting on the pan of the fair blue sky. Birds flew and sang. Wasn't it a hell of a shame, the way good country got wasted on folks.”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“And was he judging all men by himself? No. He was a member of the tribe, that was all. It was women who were the real riddles.”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“The idea had just occurred to him and he was immediately cheered. You couldn't stop your body from breaking down and thickening, but you could fight back.”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Civilians had no idea how much nonsense you had to listen to when you were a cop. The public loved to salute police officers for their bravery, but no one ever gave credit for the day-in, day-out fortitude required to put up with the bullshit. While courage was an excellent feature in a police officer, a built-in resistance to gibberish was, in Lila's opinion, just as important.”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties

Stephen        King
“Wasn't it a hell of a shame, the way good country got wasted on folks.”
Stephen King