Cop Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cop" Showing 1-30 of 58
Anne Rainey
“Careful old-timer, your age is showing.”
“Hey, I’m only thirty-two. I’m in my prime, woman!”
She harrumphed. “Well, I’m a mere twenty-five and you’re way too old for me.”
Jay’s eyes smoldered as he whispered, “My experience is your gain.”
Anne Rainey, Haley's Cabin

Scott Snyder
“That's what everyone thinks--they think being a cop is about punishing people for doing wrong. But that's not true. You know it isn't. It's about believing in people, believing in the good. In the will of people to do what's right despite their own instincts.”
Scott Snyder, American Vampire, Vol. 2

Melina Marchetta
“But it was definitely a car trailing me and quickly I prepared myself for a great dash. I began quickening my step and when it stopped alongside me I could stand it no longer.
"My father's a cop and he'll kill you," I screeched without looking.
"No, he's a barrister," I heard Michael Andretti say in a calm voice, "and he'll kill you if you don't get into this car.”
Melina Marchetta, Looking for Alibrandi

Kelly Moran
“Give him Bigfoot with an AK-47, a room full of sugar-induced five-year-olds, or any supermodel on the circuit in a little black dress playing a private game of cops and robbers with his fly, and he’d be fine. Wouldn’t break a sweat. But, put him within fifty feet of Maddie Freemont? He turned into a tongue-tied, forgot-his-own-name, card-carrying member of the idiot brigade.”
Kelly Moran, Under Pressure

Norman Mailer
“I always thought,' I said, 'that a man became a cop to be shielded from his own criminality.”
Norman Mailer

Laura Lippman
“John Updike, in that book you gave me, he said the dead make space. Do you know what I think? Updike doesn't know dick about what it's like to be a homicide cop in Baltimore.”
Laura Lippman, The Sugar House

Norman Mailer
“A cop is a human creature born stupid and raised in stupidity.”
Norman Mailer, Tough Guys Don't Dance

Abhijit Naskar
“Letter to Law Enforcement

Every field of human endeavor has its own unique problem. The problem with science is lack of warmth. The problem with philosophy is lack of empathy. The problem with religion is lack of reason. The problem with politics is lack of expertise. And the problem with law enforcement is not corruption, but an absolute denial of that corruption, and until you acknowledge that many of your officers are corrupt and prejudiced to the neck, you can never in a million years build a healthy relationship with the people.

Prejudices thrive on biases, and biases are a part of our psyche - of the human psyche, and no matter what we do, we cannot erase them from our mind - but we do have the ability to be aware of them, and only when we are aware of them, can we choose whether or not to be driven by them. However, when you don't even acknowledge that you have biases, that you are filled with prejudice, then you are inadvertently choosing not to accept the root of all the mistakes committed by you and your fellow officers in the line of duty.

A civilian may choose to stay biased and prejudiced all their life, but you as a defender of the people - as a defender of their rights, their security, their serenity - do not have the luxury to let your biases, to let your prejudices come in the way of your duty, for the moment they do, you the keeper of law and order, turn into the very cause of disorder.

Therefore, it's not enough for an officer of the law to have combat training and legal knowledge, it is also imperative that you learn about biases, that you learn about the fears, insecurities and instinctual tendencies of the human mind. An officer of the law without an understanding of biases, is like a ten year old with a knife - they may feel that they have power, but they have no clue as to the real life implications of that power. Remember my friend, power that doesn't help the people, is not power but pandemic.

Your combat training doesn't make you a police officer, for when enraged even an ordinary civilian can take down ten police officers - your knowledge of law doesn't make you an officer of the law, for when pushed even a mediocre college student can defeat an army of elite legal minds - what makes you a police officer is your absolute acceptance of your role in society - the role of selfless servants. Once you accept the role of selfless servants wholeheartedly, people are bound to trust you.

My brave, conscientious officers of the law, if you want people to trust you, don't use the phrase "police are your friends", for it only makes you sound authoritarian, egotistical and condescending - instead, remind them "police are humans too" - acknowledge your mistakes and work towards correcting them, so that you can truly become the Caretaker of People, which is the very definition of COP.”
Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent

Dana Marton
“Do you feel like you've been through a meat grinder or just tumbled around in a cement mixer?”
Dana Marton, Deathmarch

Abhijit Naskar
“My brave, conscientious officers of the law, if you want people to trust you, don't use the phrase "police are your friends", for it only makes you sound authoritarian, egotistical and condescending - instead, remind them "police are humans too" - acknowledge your mistakes and work towards correcting them, so that you can truly become the Caretaker of People, which is the very definition of COP.”
Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent

Abhijit Naskar
“Police Sonnet

Police is not a profession,
But a promise of protection.
So long as you carry the badge,
You must discard self-preservation.
The thin blue line of service,
Is not for self-serving narcissists.
When your sole concern is society,
Only then can you uphold justice.
You mustn't become manikins of politics,
Nor of bureaucratic brutality.
Your allegiance is only to the people,
Their welfare will rescue your humanity.
In the sea of selfishness be the selfless drop,
Taking care of people you become a real cop.”
Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent

Dana Marton
“He was going to kiss her. The thought speared through her stunned mind as he closed the distance between them and brushed his warm lips over hers.

The rush was like plunging from the high point of a roller coaster: sheer exhilaration, breathlessness, half a heart attack.

She made a sound. She hadn't meant it to be encouraging, but it so obviously was, he kissed her deeper.

Nobody kissed like Harper. God, she'd almost forgotten how he would begin slow and soft and seduce her mouth little by little until she was hopelessly lost, until she was ruthlessly conquered.”
Dana Marton, Deathmarch

Dana Marton
“Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Right?"

"As long as a person doesn't spend all their time preparing for the worst and miss when they stumble across the best.”
Dana Marton, Deathmarch

“I wasn't a "good" cop or a "bad" cop. I was an "every" cop.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Even a buffoon has own his costume but his costume doesn't make the people happy rather his act, the lesson a cop should learn from a buffoon”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“If you think the average law-abiding citizen feels strange finding himself in a cell, imagine how a cop feels. It’s not natural. It’s like a dog being peed on by a lamppost.”
Charles Alverson, Goodey's Last Stand
tags: cop, dog

Abhijit Naskar
“The thin blue line of service,
Is not for self-serving narcissists.
When your sole concern is society,
Only then can you uphold justice.”
Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent

James  Patterson
“WHAT WAS THAT AD SLOGAN you saw all over? Ellen Pierce wondered. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Ha! Not if you're an agent with the DEA. What happens in Vegas becomes a nightmare of paperwork back in Manhattan.

For the third straight day since returning home from Vegas, Ellen was stuck behind the desk of her small office at the DEA's New York Division on the Lower West Side.

This part of the job never made an iota of sense to her. Screw up and lose your bad guy, and you only had to file one report. Actually bring him down and you had to file three. It was almost as bad as being a doctor and dealing with insurance companies. The thought had probably come into her head because Ellen had once considered pre-med rather than pre-law at Wake Forest.”
James Patterson, Sail

James S.A. Corey
“I’m a cop,” Miller said. “I find things out.”
James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes

Steven Magee
“I always assume I am being stopped by a fake cop until proven otherwise.”
Steven Magee

“What is more beautifully cocooned in this microcosm at the centre of vast galaxies than an unflinching and unwavering effort and optimism embellished with sheer will to look beyond the present and hope for a better-sustained life? A future where adverse effects of climate change become a thing of the past, a future for earth made possible by the daring tenacity of man coined from harnessing climatech for social good.”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Steven Magee
“Calling 911 may result in the ‘Terminator Cop’ being sent to you!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“For some people, calling 911 has resulted in the ‘Grim Reaper Cop’ being sent to them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It used to be good cop, bad cop. Now it is more like corrupt cop, killer cop.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am thinking of becoming a cop because no matter how abusive you are, it seems to be a job for life!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I will never understand why a police officer has to do a gun magazine dump into their victim.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Until I start receiving excellent customer service from the police, I will not be thanking a cop!”
Steven Magee

Charles Bukowski
“when a man puts that uniform on that he is the paid protector of things of the present time. he is here to see that things stay the way they are. if you like the way things are, then all cops are good cops. if you don’t like the way things are, then all cops are bad cops.”
Charles Bukowski, Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness

Rosie A. Point
“You know what they say, you can take the cop out of the city..."
"But you can't take the donut away from the cop?"
"Hey," I said. "This is a burger."
"Punch a hole in it and it's basically a meat donut.”
Rosie A. Point, Vanilla Sprinkle Murder

“At times, cops resemble gangsters, and doctors resemble patients.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

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