I thought this book was beautiful. I absolutely loved the message.
It really talks about how we need to focus more on a gift economy. On a give and takI thought this book was beautiful. I absolutely loved the message.
It really talks about how we need to focus more on a gift economy. On a give and take relationship and not just a take one. Our world has become so obsessed with money and material items that we have lost respect for our resources. When there is no relationship involved, we take more than we need.
When a neighbor says help yourself to some of the tomatoes in our garden, we would only pick a couple that we needed. But if we saw a random tomato patch in a field, we would clear it out.
If we were gifted a plate by a friend, we would cherish that plate. But if we went and bought it at the store for $10, we wouldn't care so much. Relationships matter. In today's market economy, we have lost the relationships connected to the items we consume. We have lost respect for our environment.
This book is small but will definitely leave you with a whole new outlook and a lot of things to think about.
I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review....more