What am I supposed to say after this? After any Rainbow Rowell book5 (the-part-where-I-give-this-book-stars-that-don't-even-compare-to-the-book) STARS
What am I supposed to say after this? After any Rainbow Rowell book? Nothing I can say will be good enough. Everything I say will pale in comparison to the Greatness of this book. When a book makes me EVERYTHING so much, I just can’t.
I am doing this review for me. Because this book is too much goodness and I feel like my review is just going to disappear into the chasm of reviews for this book. But I wanted to do it anyway. Because when a book is so Great, I can’t keep it in.
Part of the review where I give a short summary:
1. Beth and Jennifer write emails to each other at work. (They are hil…ar….i….ous. I want to be their friend.)
2. Lincoln (mmmmm….Lincoln) is the IT guy (The cute IT guy), and his job is to monitor people’s emails at work. (This book takes place in the late 90’s.)
3. Lincoln (mmmmm…..Lincoln) enjoys their emails and begins to read them a lot.
4. Lincoln has been seriously scorned by a girl in his past. For most of the book, he is trying to move forward.
5. Lincoln (mmmm….Lincoln) falls in love with Beth……….
6. I know, you’re probably asking “THAT’S IT?! That’s the whole book?!” Because I asked myself the same thing. And yes, it is the whole book. And yes, IT IS EVERYTHING. Do you know why it is everything?! Rainbow….Rowell. I want to read her grocery lists, and so would John Green. (I got the grocery list thing from The Fault in Our Stars.) That’s how good she is.
LINCOLN. Forever and ever Lincoln. I want my own Lincoln. Mmmmmmm……..Lincoln. He’s perfection. He is a cute, nice guy…..the type I usually don’t fall for in a book, but Lincoln is mine forever. And ever and ever. He’s the type of guy that doesn’t know how great he is. He isn’t hard on himself. He just doesn’t realize how amazing he is. And he is AMAZING.
Beth & Jennifer be like:
Beth – This book was barely about her. The only pov we see is when she is writing emails with Jennifer. And how Lincoln sees her and feels about her. (mmmm…..Lincoln) She has a boyfriend for almost the whole book (no, there isn’t cheating in this book), and I had no idea how Lincoln was going to get the girl!! (mmmm…..Lincoln)
Lincoln & Beth….So much of this book, I was like “Gah! How are they going to meet?!” And “Gah! I love Lincoln!” (mmmmm….Lincoln) And “Gah! I want you to get together!” And you guys, when they get together, it was everything I could have ever asked for. I could live off of their moments.
This book has a sloooooooow burn. Most of the time, slow burn is a no-go for me. But this book could slow burn forever, and I wouldn’t even care. I cried. I laughed. So much laughing. So much feeling. So much.
Damn it, I can’t even write a review for this book because it’s so unique. It’s not even a book. It’s life. BOOM!