This was super cute!!! I didn’t know what to expect, seeing as I don’t watch K-dramas. I am a decidedly dramatic person who doesn’t enjoy ✨Team Jacob✨
This was super cute!!! I didn’t know what to expect, seeing as I don’t watch K-dramas. I am a decidedly dramatic person who doesn’t enjoy too much drama in books or movies/shows. However, her name is Hannah so that’s an automatic read and it’s YA romance which was my first true comfort genre. So no surprise, the romance truly won me over.
Hannah! My prickly-pear tomato-hating name-sharing seoulmate. Honestly, I was on her side during every argument she had with anyone in this book. She made so much sense to me. She was strong and snarky but a cinnamon roll underneath her armor. Of course, when faced with her estranged-and-now-very-broad childhood-best-friend-turned-K-drama-star she found herself feeling *feelings.* Also her wanting to be an immunologist!!! Heart smash.
Jacob! I love an “ugly duck” moment. I live for that moment when the other character comes face to face with this newly-sculpted, distractingly-tall, deep-voiced hot duck. That moment of reckoning past with present is always so delicious. Jacob’s fame definitely takes its toll on him, and we got a lot of him struggling with his role on Heart and Seoul. I definitely got irritated towards the end, but it was an understanding irritation.
I loved the duel POV here, something I’m not always into. I definitely read more dual POV in adult romance, and maybe that’s why this one felt more new adult than YA to me. There was one scene that was more explicit than some romances I’ve read lol. It was literally like two paragraphs but I was like okay we went there!? It did feel very random but yolo I guess. I would’ve liked it to go more into that new adult sphere, since it kissed that line more than a few times. He was 18 and she was 17, so I’d also prefer to age them up a bit if it would’ve went more NA.
I really loved the many facets of the Korean representation at play here. The familial relationships were strong and wonderful with this one. We even got a few interludes from their mothers! God, I love meddling matchmakers. I learned a lot about K-dramas and a little about K-pop; the respect I have for those stars wow. I’m also really craving Korean bbq now.
Overall, this one was the perfect summer read. It took place around the Fourth of July and it’s the only time I’ll be celebrating that particular holiday this year. The real drama started around 70% and I did lose a bit of interest (the reason for the dropped 5th star). Well, that’s not really correct because I was still engrossed, my eyes just couldn’t help but skim some of the sections. Like I said, I’m not one for too much drama and his management situation was so shitty and angering. However, the romance of it all and the fulfillingly dramatic ending wrapped the book up with a bow.
Taylor swift song association: Betty & Cruel Summer
Thanks to the publisher for an eARC via NetGalley! All opinions are honest and my own....more
✨It’s giving “see you in chemistry” from Drake and Josh, Before I Fall*, Easy A**, every Taylor Swift song ever, and that one scene in Santa Clause 2 ✨It’s giving “see you in chemistry” from Drake and Josh, Before I Fall*, Easy A**, every Taylor Swift song ever, and that one scene in Santa Clause 2 where Scott gets Carol the baby doll.✨
*less tears for sure and there’s absolutely an HEA **basically just the vibes of Olive not giving a fuck
Isn’t it lovely when a most anticipated read is truly worth it? Especially since Better Than the Movies was That Bitch. Both books do different things, but they both do what they do very well.
In a possibly ill-fated attempt to describe how they’re related, I’m going to rely on Mean Girls because it is a timeless beauty and for some reason I’m in an early 2000s mood. For our purposes, The Plastics have been replaced by their cousin, The Papers. Better Than the Movies is Regina George because again, That Bitch. And it is here before you today that I present The Do-Over as Karen Smith. (Lynn I dare you to mention toaster strudels in book 3.)
The Do-Over just made me feel really happy and fluffy. It was a super quick read and I definitely read it in one sitting. There’s a 30% chance I’m already recommending it (I’m a pusher, I push people). Easy, breezy, beautiful, hardcover girl.
The DONC (day of no consequences) had me STRESSED like girl 90+ in a 45??? Ricky Bobby could never ...more
✨Mamma Mia here I go again, my my, falling for fictional characters✨
So good. So so so good. Seriously good. It’s so touching and emotional and cute. I✨Mamma Mia here I go again, my my, falling for fictional characters✨
So good. So so so good. Seriously good. It’s so touching and emotional and cute. I did not expect to feel as much as I did at ALL. I was apprehensive of the theater kid aspect because it can be… a lot. But when Mamma Mia is the reward, I’ve got to at least play the game. While there were many, many theater references I didn’t understand, I still loved it.
Millie was over the top, but self aware which was refreshing. Her vanity at times was honestly relatable and I’d rather have her know she’s a great actress and singer than be self-doubting all over the plot. Her Millie-moods never actually bubbled over into truly destructive. Sure, she made bad and dramatic choices, but things weren’t strung out for the purpose of angst. People in her life held her accountable, but were also supportive and very cool.
I definitely wanted more Oliver and Millie as a couple because their conclusion was very quick. They didn’t even really have a third act breakup which was GREAT because gorgeous gorgeous Oliver is very smart and amazing and Millie told him the truth instead of running away again.
Oliver legitimately didn’t do one shitty thing in this entire book. He always gave Millie the chance to be herself (and to explain) and he was SO gone for her. His crush origin story made this cookie CRUMBLE. He’s literally an angel cinnamon roll sundae with very pure motivations and words that melted me.
He ordered mint chip (Millie’s fav) at the party, but then his favorite is revealed to be sea salt chocolate chip cookie pieces at the end which is SO CUTE. He knows her favorite ice cream and subconsciously ordered it. It’s details like those that GRAB ME BY THE WOMB. You can’t tell me this wasn’t intentional. This book is too clever for it to be a coincidence. I also definitely love that Oliver is so pro bike helmet.
Teddy was an amazing platonic best friend and I loved his little side story. I love that Cooper got his happy ending as well. And Heather! And her “moms” did too! I figured out the mystery around 50% and I was very happy when I was right. Ugh it was all just so perfect at the end. I was not expecting to be as emotional as I was, but damn if I didn’t get all mushy. It was both heartbreaking and heartfelt.
The narrator also narrated Better Than the Movies, which is part of the reason a. why I love it so much and b. why I think these books are c. similar and d. similarly amazing. The audiobook performances are fantastic. The narrator has such emotion in her voice and basically defines the term “voice acting.” Plus, her guy voice is amazing. So good. So amazingly good. Please hire the narrator whenever you can.
The narration is also the reason I am very attracted to Cooper Price. I mean he’s got a hot name AND a hot voice and he was just so cute. He was also a journaling, nerdy 20yo who got handed a baby and THRIVED. Idk but that’s hot. I’m definitely down to get a prequel of Cooper’s college years. This is my first time being attracted to a father in a YA book. Yes, I’m definitely working through a lot right now. A lot to unpack here. To be fair, the concept of this book proves that the man can get it.
Overall, I’ve been fighting the urge to buy a hard copy of this book since the cover was released. Now, I’m struggling not to buy both the audiobook and the hardcover. It’s such a warm and spirited story, with definite influence and references from Mamma Mia. Millie is a Cancer, I’m a Cancer, and this book is definitely a Cancer (no matter what the pub date says). It’s my favorite book by Emma to date and I am extremely jealous that her brain gets to live forever with these characters.
I didn’t pick up on the multiple autumn vibes my first read, but my reread definitely reminded me of the fall fest, Halloween scene, and Thanksgiving!I didn’t pick up on the multiple autumn vibes my first read, but my reread definitely reminded me of the fall fest, Halloween scene, and Thanksgiving!
Also Wells getting detention so that Doe would be safe and uncomfortable from the predatory teacher was peak romance to me ...more
✨I too am a dirty little slut for libraries and dessert✨
This one was suuuper cute and I liked it a lot!! But after reading the summary and noting that✨I too am a dirty little slut for libraries and dessert✨
This one was suuuper cute and I liked it a lot!! But after reading the summary and noting that this was labeled romcom…I am CONFUSED! I originally thought the romance was just a subplot because I wanted MORE because BOY OH BOY was it rushed at the end ugh they deserved more (I’m so sad but also I will survive). I really loved Marnie's personal journey though and her friendship with Adhira was so good (there's even a redeemed enemy arc I loved). I also cried
Marnie is one of those characters who you may not like at the beginning of the novel. But I really really love when this happens. I have such a fondness for redeemed snooty/selfish characters. I use redeemed lightly because obviously she still remained firmly herself, but ended the book just a little bit more aware of how she can hurt others and how others have/haven't hurt her. I love witnessing the growth and acceptance these books normally work through. So while you may be disgruntled with her character at first, I really hope you see it through until the end.
- (My YA favs include If I'm Being Honest and A Midsummer's Nightmare.) (One I used to love is Before I Fall but I don't have the emotional capacity to read that book anymore, but I read the shit out of it when I was younger.)
I definitely wanted to shake Marnie A LOT when it came to Hayes, but even then, I get it. She's not the only one to have a very terrible, very messy crush and even though I was DISGUSTED with the man, I still understood Marnie. Also he was very sleazy and predatory so half of her mixed up emotions and feelings were because he was using and toying with her. He got his proper punishment though so I'm feeling good. Her family also got on my nerves, but I think they mainly made up for their initial shitty behavior. The mother, however, still needs to answer for giving away that lemon cupcake. That is a CRIME.
The animal shelter plot line was super cute and I liked the scope of her project. I also liked getting to know the San Fransisco area a bit more. The wedding was perfectly dramatic and I love Marnie for her flare. That scene alone was worth one star AT LEAST; I was so happy. I especially loved the wedding scene because so many times, characters are not able to go a little balls to the wall. Marnie did her fair share of fucking around and finding out and I loved watching her live her unhinged life. I too get seduced by chocolate desserts.
The romance between Marnie and Whit was like 15% of this book. I loved Marnie and had such a good time, but this was wayyyyy more centered on her relationship with her family, herself, Adhira, even Hayes, and then Whit. So much so that at the last chapter I didn’t actually know if they’d get together. We didn’t meet Whit until 25% into the book. I’m not saying this is a terribly terrible thing because I really did enjoy the book—I just wish we got more of Marnie and Whit because we don’t know much about him and I don’t know enough about them together to believe they love each other???
There was a SUPER swoony moment but it was immediately ruined by Marnie being plagued by lockjaw because Whit asked a very simple question and she simply could not answer it. (It was that type of moment where the main character just clams up even though they *think* about their response but ultimately say nothing.) It kinda spoiled the mood because again, the answer was SUPER simple. But still, that scene was SO good. I need to find myself a ball gown, ball, and enamored hero.
Overall, I had a really fun time re-imagining Mary Bennet's character. I laughed, I cried, I craved dessert. Marnie was nothing if not relatable—she's not always a great person, but I can't claim to always be either. She had enough of heart to keep me rooting for her. I liked the literary references and screeched at the Gilbert/Anne references, my heart! I also had a very fun time creeping on Will during this book because I will always have a hard-on for Darcy.
Thank you to the publisher for giving me an arc via NetGalley. All opinions and thoughts are honest and my own.
CWs: Comments on main characters body/weight, car accident, miscarriage, predatory older men...more
Holy hot cocoa this was adorable and warm and fuzzy and as mysterious and exciting as reaching into your Valentine’s box in ele✨ Carpe DM me sometime✨
Holy hot cocoa this was adorable and warm and fuzzy and as mysterious and exciting as reaching into your Valentine’s box in elementary school. That’s right, this is a Valentine’s Day book! It’s definitely going to become an annual read for me because reading it was like getting a Valentine from my crush with an extra heart by my name. Dare I say . . . 11 hearts?
Basically, Ella got into a car accident a year ago leaving the Valentine’s dance, causing her to forget the 11 weeks leading up the dance. This Valentine’s Day, a secret admirer starts sending her paper hearts—how many class? that’s right, 11 paper hearts—to help her get back the time she lost. She starts to unravel the mystery of her past with the help of a very cute, very lovable teddy bear—Andy.
This book is basically the lovely confection you’d get if you mixed up Before I Fall, The Vow, and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before: there’s depth, sentimentality, and a good old fashioned secret admirer mystery. I must stress though, no sad tears were shed during the reading of this novel. Only happy tears! Basically, if you feel like reading Before I Fall but don’t want to cry your face off, read 11 Paper Hearts. Both have excellent character growth and layered relationships.
I really enjoyed all aspects of the plot. The mystery kept me guessing until the very end and it was just so wholesome and charming. Ella was a likable character with a clear voice and personality—I felt like I knew her. Little things about her were unraveled like candy throughout the course of the book and my favorite was that she is a book person. Andy, well, Andy works at a library so obviously he was a sugar rush. *There’s a part about his character that I really want to mention but it’s a spoiler but just know it raises his level of hotness substantially.*
Their chemistry and banter was just so crystal clear it made little rainbows in the sun. I fell in love with each of them during the length of the novel and it was a really sweet journey to both witness and experience. It was also nicely paced and a very quick read.
✨Obligatory note on the number of Taylor Swift mentions: 2✨
My only few quibbles are that it was lacking physical character descriptions and she totally could have used email recovery to get into her social accounts. Oh and she mentioned she was Type A many times and it got a bit forced. Whatever type I am, I don’t consistently think about it . . . although maybe that’s a Type B thing?
Overall, this was just what I wanted. My emotions weren’t strung out too thin and I was just really happy throughout it all. I didn’t even need a bookmark for this one, there were so many fun plot twists and something was always happening so I barely put it down. My favorite aspect besides the romance was just how much Ella grew as a character and that by the end she wasn’t afraid to be herself and to be a good person. I want MORE! Give me an epilogue and I’ll love you forever.
*spoilers below because I can, sorry Ella I know you said you didn’t like them in Goodreads reviews*
I was really happy she didn’t just forgive her shitty friends at the end. I like the prospect of giving them second chances (maybe not Jess idk) but it needed to end on the note that it did. It made this book really real and just human. Hockeyyyyyyy player Sarah and Ashley were lovely additions I didn’t expect :,)
*Hot off the presses reaction*
THIS WAS SO CUTE MY HEART review to come but I need to go to bed and wallow in my relationship status it’s like Before I Fall without the sad tears!!! Only happy tears today!!! Cancer season bayyybayyyy ...more
Super cute and had me in knots over who I wanted Kate to end up with because my enemies to lovers brain is hard to rewire but overall it was cute and Super cute and had me in knots over who I wanted Kate to end up with because my enemies to lovers brain is hard to rewire but overall it was cute and summery!...more
This one was super cute and perfect for wedding season! The narrator was pretty solid except she didn’t distinguish between Sophie and Andrew’s voicesThis one was super cute and perfect for wedding season! The narrator was pretty solid except she didn’t distinguish between Sophie and Andrew’s voices very much.
It was pretty surface level with low angst and minimal drama. The characters were all likable and I enjoyed the experience as a whole. I did get war flashbacks from when I worked for a wedding planning company and florist, but Sophie didn’t have a screaming match on her last day so she stays winning and I stay grimacing.
This one gave me a healthy dose of YA drama and fulfilled all my hopes of college-decision angst and high school crushes. Like a lot of similar YA titles, especially with YA enemies to lovers, the book pretty much ended as soon as the two got together so you don’t get much time to see them happy and in love. This always makes me want an epilogue or sequel or just more.