I am such a fan of Georgette Heyer's. I believe I've listened to every audiobook available from the library, and so now I'm branching out to their eboI am such a fan of Georgette Heyer's. I believe I've listened to every audiobook available from the library, and so now I'm branching out to their ebook offerings. But I still imagine I hear Richard Armitage narrating them for me. ...more
I found My Lady, My Lord to be quite divine when I read it ages ago, so when I saw that Hoopla had added a whole slew of Katharine Ashe novels to its I found My Lady, My Lord to be quite divine when I read it ages ago, so when I saw that Hoopla had added a whole slew of Katharine Ashe novels to its catalog, I jumped at the chance to try another. The premise for this one sounded quite extraordinary, so even though it is the second book in a companion series, I couldn't help myself. It's a fault of mine, but it hasn't been my downfall yet. I Adored a Lord was elegant and fanciful and everything I'd been hoping for. With a murder mystery afoot and a prince's affections to win, the clever yet hoydenish Ravenna has a lot on her hands, even if she cares more about the former than the latter. This story was intricate, but while on the long side, it was never plodding. In fact, I adored (heh) the slowness of the revelations that came as Ravenna worried at her attraction to Vitor, the prince's bastard brother, and how their relationship evolved. The story was sweet and romantic and one of the better additions to the historical romance genre....more
This was such a lovely story about missed opportunities and what-ifs and second chances and it had my heart full to bursting by the end. I get a touchThis was such a lovely story about missed opportunities and what-ifs and second chances and it had my heart full to bursting by the end. I get a touch more lovey-dovey around the holidays, and this story was such a cozy read...and I finished it in a single day which is quite an accomplisment for me these days. The story is told from the point-of-view of two would-be victims of love at first sight as their relationship evolves -- and devolves -- over the years. It was at times frustrating and bittersweet, but at the heart of it, a truly beautiful story. And exactly what I love to read at this time of the year....more
I saw this recommended in a blog post on GR, I think, and for some reason I want to attribute the rec to Maggie Stiefvater but I can't find the originI saw this recommended in a blog post on GR, I think, and for some reason I want to attribute the rec to Maggie Stiefvater but I can't find the original post now. Anyway, it sounded like the perfect book to get me over my sadness that the Lady Helen series is at an end. But I almost gave up after listening to a few minutes of the audio because it was grating and tinny with an echoing quality. However, I normally listen at at least double-speed, so I tried it at a lesser speed and though slower than I would have liked, it was much more pleasant to listen to, especially once I discovered that the author herself narrates. This book took me back to my Jane Austen re-read last year: it was just so authentic in tone and speech and even had the characteristic dry wit and understatement of a Jane Austen novel. And then there was the magical aspect. It wasn't flashy or obnoxious, the way supernatural elements can sometimes appear when included in a historical setting. Instead, it was artfully described and was in fact used as a demonstration of art and magical talent in this story, those with the affinity using it to create splendid tableaus. I'd love to explore this magical system further in subsequent books, since I've also discovered that this is only the first book in a series....more
Rachel Hawkins books are always a little too cutesy for me, but I was actually in the mood for something like that recently, plus I just like stories Rachel Hawkins books are always a little too cutesy for me, but I was actually in the mood for something like that recently, plus I just like stories about royalty. Royals was indeed cute but not in a mind-numbing way. It was just enough...the perfect palette cleanser amid a bunch of dark fantasy stories....more
So, after having read three of these very similar novels, I've decided that despite their being sweet and thoughtful and a little melancholy, there alSo, after having read three of these very similar novels, I've decided that despite their being sweet and thoughtful and a little melancholy, there also more than a touch formulaic. Thirtiesh woman in need of some guidance meets or comes into contact with an elderly person with some special insight and develops a relationship with them to achieve their dreams, then when said dream is realized, insightful elderly person kicks the bucket. That might be putting too fine a point on it, but that's the general premise of the last three books I read from Jenny Colgan. And that's not even really a complaint, more like an observation. I just always knew it was coming and that made the death a little less impactful. But the stories themselves were all lovely and delightful in their own way. This one was probably my least favorite, but that might be because the heroine ended up with the wrong guy, in my opinion. But the guy I liked for her turned out to be gay, so I know nothing. :)...more
I've always wanted to have my own restaurant. But that's a journey I'd embark on if I won the lottery...not if I lost my job. Not so for the heroine oI've always wanted to have my own restaurant. But that's a journey I'd embark on if I won the lottery...not if I lost my job. Not so for the heroine of this story. She loses her job and her man in the same fell swoop and says screw it. She was a feisty one and I loved seeing her plan come together. There are just so many lovely characters in a Jenny Colgan novel, too. The setting becomes a character itself because it's so much a part of the story. I'd definitely visit the Cupcake Cafe....more
Since I enjoyed her Summer Seaside Kitchen series, I thought I'd check out what else was available from Jenny Colgan on Hoopla. She does love her foodSince I enjoyed her Summer Seaside Kitchen series, I thought I'd check out what else was available from Jenny Colgan on Hoopla. She does love her foodie-inspired stories, doesn't she? =) I loved the dual narrative of two women on separate timelines but with very similar trajectories for their life paths. I also loved the chocolate and the setting and the characters and just how introspective the story was. It was a little like The Chocolate Thief, but with more bite....more
I wasn't sure about this one, but I'd seen so many people talking about it on GR recently that when I saw it on Hoopla, I couldn't pass it up. And it I wasn't sure about this one, but I'd seen so many people talking about it on GR recently that when I saw it on Hoopla, I couldn't pass it up. And it was delightful and sad and, well, it definitely had its moments. The narration was great, and the storytelling was such that I felt like I was wandering the moors of Mure and discovering my love of cooking once again....more
Let's be real: we all daydream about winning the lottery. But how many of us consider the complications that might arise? I loved the MC's unflinchingLet's be real: we all daydream about winning the lottery. But how many of us consider the complications that might arise? I loved the MC's unflinching resolve to continue working at a job she loved, even after winning the lottery. Even when a top company sends a hot recruiter to poach her. Even when, in the process of trying to woo her to his company, they fall for each other. This was a really sweet story about taking chances and being willing to give second chances, and I can't wait to read about the other friends who won the lottery with Kit....more
I still remember when I was determined to hate everything this author duo wrote because I had just read Sublime and it was, well, the exact opposite oI still remember when I was determined to hate everything this author duo wrote because I had just read Sublime and it was, well, the exact opposite of sublime. But then my The Hating Game fever hit, and I wanted to read everything even remotely similar and stumbled upon Dating You/Hating You. And it was really fun. So, I thought I'd give the author another try, first with My Favorite Half-Night Stand, and then with this one. Except I finished the audio for Roomies and stalled on the other because I just haven't been able to focus on an actual book. That being said, I quite enjoyed Roomies. It took the fake romance trope and made it more funny and awkward than I've read in awhile. Both of the main characters were adorable, if a little out of their element, and the side characters, most notably the uncles, really shined...even if they were being awful gobshites. Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention that the love interest is Irish? And he plays classical guitar? ;0) It was really cute. And made me eager again to read their newest plus anxious for my hold of Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating to come in at the library....more
Okay, so I didn't love this one quite as much as The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, but it was still pretty sweet and absolutely perfect for this time oOkay, so I didn't love this one quite as much as The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, but it was still pretty sweet and absolutely perfect for this time of year as we prepare for all things fall. I, personally, love cider and have since I can remember. (I loveloveloved plain ole apple cider as a kid, so it makes sense that I'd prefer alcoholic cider to beer as an adult.) I enjoyed reading the descriptions of the process but also the hint of magic that went into it, as well as the rest of the story. It was just so heartwarming as too-tall Sanna fell in love with not only the bearded Isaac but also his inquisitive son Sebastian, while they were simultaneously falling for her and her beautiful orchard. I don't know which of Reichert's novels I'll read next, but I have a good feeling about whichever I decide on....more
Now that I'm reading more "chick lit," I'm discovering all these adorable books and authors, but I'm also over here like, "Why did no one tell me how Now that I'm reading more "chick lit," I'm discovering all these adorable books and authors, but I'm also over here like, "Why did no one tell me how cute this story was?!?" I love foodie stories. I love cake. I love a guy with an English accent. But most of all, I love a slow burn, even when it goes up in flames. Because I adored this book so much, I immediately downloaded three or four others by this author and so far, I have zero regrets....more
So, basically, what I'm taking away from these books is that Lizzie is entirely too impulsive and dives into every relationship as if it's happily eveSo, basically, what I'm taking away from these books is that Lizzie is entirely too impulsive and dives into every relationship as if it's happily ever after forever and ever. She needs to take time to figure out herself. Lizzie already knows what she wants to do with her life, but now she needs to figure out how to make that happen. There was a lot of change in this book, and I was really enjoying where things were headed. Until I started reading the third book (in the right order this time!) and things were all crazy again....more
So far, this one is my favorite of Sophie Kinsella's, and I say that after having read five of them. The story's a stretch but not that big of one, anSo far, this one is my favorite of Sophie Kinsella's, and I say that after having read five of them. The story's a stretch but not that big of one, and I loved the sharing a phone aspect. Oh, and everything being flipped upside down, there at the end...definitely loved that. But it was also just really sweet seeing these two people from different walks of life coming together to help one another, though they were veritable strangers before the phone incident. Equal parts comical and sweet, this one definitely left me with a smile on my face....more
My first Sophie Kinsella novel and it was just as I expected: cute and quirky and a bit awkward. I liked the reversal of fortune in this story, along My first Sophie Kinsella novel and it was just as I expected: cute and quirky and a bit awkward. I liked the reversal of fortune in this story, along with the idea that not everything is as it appears and that we all put on a front for the world. And I adored Katie and her attraction to Alex and her weird relationship with her boss -- not to mention her dad and stepmom -- plus the whole glamping business. It was cute. A little cheesy. But really cute....more
Books like this are the reason I'm so glad to be on Goodreads and a part of the blogging community. I never would have given these books the time of dBooks like this are the reason I'm so glad to be on Goodreads and a part of the blogging community. I never would have given these books the time of day if not for a review on GR that captivated my interest and forced me to satisfy my curiosity. Rife with Irish mythology and faerie lore, this series is exactly what I've been in the mood for, and I think the conclusion was every bit as good as the first book, if not better. It continued the BatB theme but made it more vicious and cruel and just plain heart-breaking. But it was also just so lovely and I'll definitely be revisiting....more
This was all kinds of adorable. Awkward and cringeworthy, but in the cutest way possible. That whole setting each other up with dates while avoiding tThis was all kinds of adorable. Awkward and cringeworthy, but in the cutest way possible. That whole setting each other up with dates while avoiding the sexual tension between them thing was priceless. And hilarious. I'm all about the slow-burn, and this story definitely delivers....more
Well, this book - likened to a reverse Pretty Woman story - was just absolutely wonderful. It's adorable and quirky but also angsty and genuine and fuWell, this book - likened to a reverse Pretty Woman story - was just absolutely wonderful. It's adorable and quirky but also angsty and genuine and full of so much love. I really appreciate how the author handled every aspect: sex and consent, the heroine's Asperger's syndrome, the love interest as an escort, family devotion, and well, just everything. I just knew I was going to love this novel! Equal parts sweet and sexy, it ranks right up there with The Hating Game for me...which I've read six times in the last year, if that tells you anything....more
So, I've finally read the MZ novel that so many call their favorite. And I get it. Brooding Kulti was hot AF. Jealous Kulti was sizzling. But sweet, gSo, I've finally read the MZ novel that so many call their favorite. And I get it. Brooding Kulti was hot AF. Jealous Kulti was sizzling. But sweet, gentle Kulti who hugs even when he doesn't appear to know how? Sigh-inducing. I laughed and awwed my way through this book. I enjoyed it immensely, especially when he calls Sal schnecke. I loved it when Kulti was grumpy and when he stood up for Sal. In truth, I'm having a hard time finding anything I didn't love about this book.
So, here's what I've learned from reading bingeing Mariana Zapata's entire backlist -- out of order, I might add: a) her books are very formulaic, but it didn't detract from the stories for me one bit, b) they're all companion novels of sorts, so you'll see characters again, c) they're like potato chips, you can't read just one, d) she really favors athletes and military men (but who doesn't?) who are older than her twenty-something protagonists, and e) my two favorites were about a rock star and a porn star...go figure. :D Oh, and she uses Texas as her setting. A lot. Which endears her -- and her stories -- to me that much more....more