Ahhh Roman my sweet beautiful baby boy. I don't think I can like any other fantasy male lead anymore. They pale in comparison to him!Ahhh Roman my sweet beautiful baby boy. I don't think I can like any other fantasy male lead anymore. They pale in comparison to him!...more
OH MY GAWD YOU GUYS WHAT THE WHAT it's currently 6am and I don't know what to do?! Do I go to sleep or do I read every single review just to feel sometOH MY GAWD YOU GUYS WHAT THE WHAT it's currently 6am and I don't know what to do?! Do I go to sleep or do I read every single review just to feel something because I don't think what I'm feeling right now is good for me mentally. I WANT THE THIRD PART NOW GOOD GOD!...more
oof my HEART!!!! I don't think I've ever liked a book of this genre this much. It's been a week since I read this and I still keep thinking about it. Soof my HEART!!!! I don't think I've ever liked a book of this genre this much. It's been a week since I read this and I still keep thinking about it. So beautiful. Nicholas has my whole entire heart!...more
I am a mess. A big freaking mess. An emotional, sad mess. I read this book in one sitting, for two continuous hours. I did not move. I couldn't move. I am a mess. A big freaking mess. An emotional, sad mess. I read this book in one sitting, for two continuous hours. I did not move. I couldn't move. Y'all cannot understand what I'm feeling right now. Maybe you can but I can't understand what I'm feeling. I think I want to cry? There were so many parts where I wanted to cry but there were also so many parts that made my heart so full. Jase and Em ffs I love them. So so much....more
God this was good. Absolutely beautiful and so very well-written. My arms hurt like crazy from carrying this heavy-ass book for three days but I don't God this was good. Absolutely beautiful and so very well-written. My arms hurt like crazy from carrying this heavy-ass book for three days but I don't regret it....more
Read this because I saw the BTS members reading it and well why the hell not? No words can describe how much I adored this book. It felt like a nice waRead this because I saw the BTS members reading it and well why the hell not? No words can describe how much I adored this book. It felt like a nice warm hug that I did not want to end. So friking beautiful. Will probably reread it and then re-reread it....more
Wow, it really did end huh? My life holds no meaning now. I have nothing to do...nothing....
I could've easily finished it yesterday but I forced myselWow, it really did end huh? My life holds no meaning now. I have nothing to do...nothing....
I could've easily finished it yesterday but I forced myself to put it down because I did not want it to end.
I think this and book 2 were the best out of all the four books. The character development (especially in case of Cress) is obvious, it's much more humorous, much more sadder, much more overwhelming. I ADORED Winter. I normally don't enjoy characters like her but she managed to not be annoying for me. And Jacin and Winter are perfect for eachother! I'm genuinely sad this series has ended. This is one those series that has managed to remain addicting and thrilling from book one to four. Honestly if you haven't read this series, please do. It's really good. Really good....more
I've been throwing four and five stars here and there recently but it's not my fault that every other book I read turns out to be a gem. All these (goI've been throwing four and five stars here and there recently but it's not my fault that every other book I read turns out to be a gem. All these (good) books came out during the time when even the word 'fantasy' would make me cringe but I've grown to like the genre so I'm lucky in this way that I have so many books to read now. Anyway, this book is thrilling. The story is very different from other books in it's genre. The characters are so loveable (and some equally hateable. I'm looking at you Commandant and Marcus) you have our very strong protagonist Laia, Helene with her big big heart, Izzy who is so friking cute and of course sweet sweet Elias. The guy is so friking sweet, man. I love him.
The book is adventurous, it's amusing, it's thrilling and I'm not doing it the least bit of justice with this review but trust me, it's amazing....more
Y'all can't imagine just how addicting this book was! I'm kind of regretting reading it in one sitting, it was just too good! Also, the cover is so cooY'all can't imagine just how addicting this book was! I'm kind of regretting reading it in one sitting, it was just too good! Also, the cover is so cool....more
This review is spoiler free (because I'm nice like that)
Before I say anything, let me tell y'all that I love CJ Tudor. I think her writing style is veThis review is spoiler free (because I'm nice like that)
Before I say anything, let me tell y'all that I love CJ Tudor. I think her writing style is very unique and she does an incredible job in setting a very nostalgic and mysterious tone in her books. I've only read two books by her (because she's written only two lol) yet she is (one of) my all time favourite author.
Okay so the book starts off with the police discovering a corpse of a woman whose head is blown off and its chunks scattered all over the room (hey, I said spoiler free, didn't say it won't be gory) and her son dead/murdered in a really brutal way and the people think that the mama killed her son.
So the story is of a 40 year old guy Joe who comes back to his hometown after ages although he really really doesn't want to. When Joe was 15, his eight year old sister was 'taken' away and 'brought' back after 48 hours but she was never the same, in fact Annie was straight up scary and the hometown had something to do with it so obviously he isn't too happy to be back. His old friends (who used to be just a bunch of bullies including our dearest Joe) aren't exactly pleased to have him back either and try almost everything (well not everything but still) to get rid of him which makes you wonder what exactly happened 25 years ago which tore the group apart. I admit that I did a really crappy job at explaining the whole synopsis but please believe me when I say this book is amazing. If you like Stephen King then boyy do I have good news for you. You'll love this book! But if you don't like Stephen King (why??)you'll still love this gem....more
JK Rowling might as well rip out my heart and stomp on it.
[image] This.book.was.fantastic!!! I am both happy and sad at the same time. H~Spoilers ahead~
JK Rowling might as well rip out my heart and stomp on it.
[image] This.book.was.fantastic!!! I am both happy and sad at the same time. Happy because Harry, Ron and Hermione got the ending they deserved. Sad because- well because of a lot of things. KILLING OFF DOBBY WAS NOT A GOOD MOVE! Lupin died, Fred died - how can Fred die!- Snape's story made me an emotional mess. I never hated Snape but his story? How can one not feel sad for him? Ugh poor man :/ My adrenaline had shot up by the end. Such an intense moment. I have never read something like this and I swear no book has ever made me this emotional like this one did. The whole series actually. I wanted to know what happened to that Dudley Doo. Like, how'd he end up and all. Oh and Luna as well. What happened to her? Ahh well. I'm really sad this whole series ended. Nowwww it'd be really nice if I could get a whole series of James, Lilly and Snape's life thank you very much! :)))...more
I loved this so frikin frackin much! Holden just might be my favourite fictional character of all time. I know majority of the people don't like it butI loved this so frikin frackin much! Holden just might be my favourite fictional character of all time. I know majority of the people don't like it but I don't know man, everything Holden did and thought and said just felt so real. So brilliant!...more
If I could give this book a thousand stars I swear to God I would. Where do I begin? The story is friking magical that's for one. I know it sounds cliIf I could give this book a thousand stars I swear to God I would. Where do I begin? The story is friking magical that's for one. I know it sounds cliche but it is magical. It felt like I was thrown into this one beautiful-slightly haunting- supernatural world and I just did not want to get out. If I had the opportunity I'd never leave the friking place-no joke. The story is of three 'witches' who were drowned by a town(well, the people of the town) in the 19th century mainly because the guys were too attracted to the lasses and thought ehh they might as well be witches (again, I'm not joking) Then you get to meet our main character Penny in 21st century and how her and the town's life is affected by the three witches (because they kind of come back from the dead and drown as many boys as they can lol) The romance in this one was so cute! Romance is a very bleh aspect for me, I don't usually care for it especially in Young Adult because I find it very annoying BUT boyyy it was C.U.T.E. The guy Bo is very VERY caring, sweet and chivalrous and I just adored him. Anyway, read the book (pleasee) It is great....more