I've gotta say out of all the books Jennifer Harlow has written, this one is definitely one of her best (I feel like I say this about every new book sI've gotta say out of all the books Jennifer Harlow has written, this one is definitely one of her best (I feel like I say this about every new book she writes lol). She writes the best heroines. So it's no surprise that I absolutely loved Iris Ballard. She definitely was flawed and a total wreck when the book started, which made her more realistic to me, so I loved how once she got back to work with the FBI when Luke Hudson, her former partner asked her for help with the Woodsman killer case. Her inner thoughts and humor were actually right up my alley. She made me laugh a couple of times out loud with the things she was thinking about and said. And also, she doesn't take shit from anyone. Gotta love that!
The cat and mouse game between Iris and the killer was really suspenseful, even when she knew who he was. The way the author wrote this guy was raising the hair on my arms. I never knew what was going to happen from what moment to the other so the unexpectedness of it all made this story even better.
I also really liked the relationship between Iris and Luke. They have quite a lot of history and chemistry between them, which made the dialogue between them always fierce. I'm definitely rooting for them. The ending was sort of abrubt and explosive so I can't wait for the next book in this series to find out where things are going next for Iris.
Overall, I don't read a lot of thrillers but when I do I like them to be just like Beautiful Maids All in a Row. It was well written with a protagonist who is sharp tongued but also flawed who went up against a arrogant yet intellifent sociopath where I wasn't sure what he wasn't going to do next. It was suspenseful right until the very end and I loved it all. I can't wait for the next book!
Merged review:
I've gotta say out of all the books Jennifer Harlow has written, this one is definitely one of her best (I feel like I say this about every new book she writes lol). She writes the best heroines. So it's no surprise that I absolutely loved Iris Ballard. She definitely was flawed and a total wreck when the book started, which made her more realistic to me, so I loved how once she got back to work with the FBI when Luke Hudson, her former partner asked her for help with the Woodsman killer case. Her inner thoughts and humor were actually right up my alley. She made me laugh a couple of times out loud with the things she was thinking about and said. And also, she doesn't take shit from anyone. Gotta love that!
The cat and mouse game between Iris and the killer was really suspenseful, even when she knew who he was. The way the author wrote this guy was raising the hair on my arms. I never knew what was going to happen from what moment to the other so the unexpectedness of it all made this story even better.
I also really liked the relationship between Iris and Luke. They have quite a lot of history and chemistry between them, which made the dialogue between them always fierce. I'm definitely rooting for them. The ending was sort of abrubt and explosive so I can't wait for the next book in this series to find out where things are going next for Iris.
Overall, I don't read a lot of thrillers but when I do I like them to be just like Beautiful Maids All in a Row. It was well written with a protagonist who is sharp tongued but also flawed who went up against a arrogant yet intellifent sociopath where I wasn't sure what he wasn't going to do next. It was suspenseful right until the very end and I loved it all. I can't wait for the next book!...more
I'm so very excited about this new serial written by various authors! It's the first serial I've come across that is historical fiction and I'm, as soI'm so very excited about this new serial written by various authors! It's the first serial I've come across that is historical fiction and I'm, as some people might know, a bit of a history nerd... okay, a HUGE history nerd... so I couldn't help but like this first part of Whitehall so, so much.
Whitehall, season 1, episode 1: Embarkations is set in 1662 and is about Catherine of Braganza and her marriage to King Charles II of England and is written by Liz Duffy Adams and Delia Sherman. Both are new-to-me authors but I really liked their writing because it really felt like it took me to the era in which this story takes place.
As this story takes place in 17th century England there is of course a lot of political intrigue, scandal and there is never a boring moment. The character all are intriguing in their own way from Catherine herself to King Charles II to his mistress Barbara Palmer to the ambitious Jenny.
I, for one, am very excited to read all the other parts in this 13-part serial. If they're all as good as Embarkations was, then I'm sure I've found my new favorite story.
Merged review:
I'm so very excited about this new serial written by various authors! It's the first serial I've come across that is historical fiction and I'm, as some people might know, a bit of a history nerd... okay, a HUGE history nerd... so I couldn't help but like this first part of Whitehall so, so much.
Whitehall, season 1, episode 1: Embarkations is set in 1662 and is about Catherine of Braganza and her marriage to King Charles II of England and is written by Liz Duffy Adams and Delia Sherman. Both are new-to-me authors but I really liked their writing because it really felt like it took me to the era in which this story takes place.
As this story takes place in 17th century England there is of course a lot of political intrigue, scandal and there is never a boring moment. The character all are intriguing in their own way from Catherine herself to King Charles II to his mistress Barbara Palmer to the ambitious Jenny.
I, for one, am very excited to read all the other parts in this 13-part serial. If they're all as good as Embarkations was, then I'm sure I've found my new favorite story....more
When I started writing this review I didn't expect it would end up this long. This book was just so good! ♥
The Lost Souls series by Avie Adams has turWhen I started writing this review I didn't expect it would end up this long. This book was just so good! ♥
The Lost Souls series by Avie Adams has turned into my new favorite series that I've read this year. It's the biggest surprise for me of the year as well. These books are true gems. And this one, Scalding Ice and Goldfire ended up being my favorite of them all. I absolutely loved it and could not put the book down.
This book takes place around the same time as Incanta Soul-Catcher but revolves mainly about Lyvie, a new Incanta who got a place with a Reviver in a chapel where she doesn't have it easy at all being a second Incanta to the first Incanta loaths her and really has it out for Lyvie. In the meanwhile she gets hopelessly infatuated with the coldhearted Zeitlin (who we also know from Incanta)
As flawed as she was, I really liked Lyvie. She really goes through hell during this book, but we can also see a big change in her towards the end. It was such great character developement! Her obsession with Zeitlin was quite intense, slightly extreme and sometimes I wondered why she did this to herself but it all did serve a purpose in the end, which I was glad about.
I'm also glad this book delved more into the character of Zeitlin because it made me look at him in a whole different way than I did in Incanta. He has suffered so many awful things in his life so I understand him more now and his decisions. It totally changed my whole perspective of him.
There were so many new secondary characters that I just loved. Mari and Ree were my two favorites. As well as Kair, who I thought was pretty brilliant. Mari was such a good friend to Lyvie and I just really adored Ree and kept wishing he would end up with Lyvie (of course I won't say if they do end up together. No spoilers!)
And just like I said before in my reviews of the other books, the writing is absolutely gorgeous. My opinion on that will probably never change. It's a delight to read this book word for word, page after page, chapter after chapter.
Overall, Scalding Ice and Goldfire by Avie Adams was yet another great addition to the Lost Souls series. The world the author has created is so very unique and addictive. I really can't get enough these dark fantasy books. I loved it! ...more
Prequels can either be a hit or miss with me. Luckily I thought this book was very much a hit. Reviver Amond was exactly the prequel I needed4.5 stars
Prequels can either be a hit or miss with me. Luckily I thought this book was very much a hit. Reviver Amond was exactly the prequel I needed after reading the first book, Incanta Soul-Catcher. Amond was one of my favorite characters so I loved reading more about him and having some questions answered.
I read this book in less than a day and even so I took my time with it. This wasn't a very long book but I thought it was really fleshed out and just excellent. Shorter books can often feel very rushed, but this definitely wasn't the case with this one, which made me really happy.
The writing, again, was absolutely beautiful. I think I could read thousands of pages with the author's writing and still it wouldn't be enough.
Overall, Reviver Amond was obviously a fantastic read and such a great prequel. I loved it just as much as Incanta. I simply can't get enough of this dark and unique world. It's so very intriguing and jumping into these books is just so enjoyable. ...more
I almost don't know where to start expressing my love for this book. It took me a couple of chapters to really get into the story but once I did I quiI almost don't know where to start expressing my love for this book. It took me a couple of chapters to really get into the story but once I did I quickly fell in love with it. It ended up being my favorite historical romance of the year so far.
To keep it short, this story is set in the Ottoman Empire where the main character, Leila, gets chosen to be part of Prince Emre's harem. Emre turns out to be very kind and compassionate towards Leila and the end up falling madly in love.
Leila was quite a character. I totally loved her sass and how opinionated she was. However, she acted very impulsively a lot of the times which led to her being in trouble a lot. But then again it was kind of fun as well. Emre just stole my heart, it's as simple as that. Hello new book boyfriend.
I've got to admit I hadn't expected to be so captivated by Leila and Emre's relationship as much as I was. I absolutely loved reading about them falling in love. It was such a delicious slow burn. They even made my cry. And I don't cry often with books so this was surprising even to me.
The secondary characters were really great to read about as well. I loved the friendship between Leila and Dariya (one of Emre's other concubines). Dariya was just so kind to Leila. You can't help but like her. Hell, I even liked Aster even though she was quite horrible at times because she brought some drama, which I kinda liked at times.
But my favorite thing about this book probably was all the love for Jane Austen's books. They actually play a pretty important role in the growing love between Leila and Emre. I just loved it!
Overall, The Merchant's Pearl by Amie O'Brien was beautifully written, detailed and just exquisite. This is certainly a book that will stay with me for a very long time and I can't wait for the next one. I already know this author is going to be one of my favorites, just like Leila and Emre ended up being one of my favorite fictional couples....more
Indelible wasn't my favorite book in the series but I still love Teal and Trent to bits and pieces. I did like the story but I just didn't totally lovIndelible wasn't my favorite book in the series but I still love Teal and Trent to bits and pieces. I did like the story but I just didn't totally love it. It was a solid 3.5 star read for me.
In this book Teal and Trent are basically trying to figure out what the next step in their relationship is. Trent wants her to move to Kentucky to be with him, while Teal has some doubts about it. Trent eventually convinces Teal to come to Kentucky on a little vacation with him when people from his past show up meaning to ruin what they have together.
I liked the story well enough but I missed something I can't quite place my finger on. As I said, I still love Teal and Trent. And I really do. I love them together. They have so much chemistry and would do anything for one another. As always I'm awed by how Teal is so strong for Trent even though his past was horrible.
The ending of the book was probably my favorite. It even made me squeal a little with joy. I can't exactly say what happened or how it did end but I'm really so happy for how it all turned out for Teal and Trent.
It was a pretty quick read so that probably helped a little but this book pulled me out of a reading slump so yay! And as always I'm excited for the next book....more
There are absolutely no words for how much I loved An Exaltation of Larks. As I read, this book slowly wrapped around me, getting such a hold on me anThere are absolutely no words for how much I loved An Exaltation of Larks. As I read, this book slowly wrapped around me, getting such a hold on me and making me so emotional that I just couldn't deny that this is one of the best books I've ever read. I remember I said the same about The Man I Love and I don't think you can really compare these books, but I must admit that An Exaltation of Larks was even better. This story, these characters, the writing... it all left me speechless and in such awe.
It's hard to describe what this book is about because I have so many thoughts and feelings about it and I want to keep it as spoiler free as possible because you just have to read it for yourself to really experience this incredible story.
The characters were so special to me. Jav, Val, Alex and every other character... they were definitely not perfect but that made me love them all even more. They all touched me so much, they made me angry at times and they made me cry. And I loved how they kept finding each other.
Some scenes were a little hard to read, especially on both September 11th dates taking place in the book, but I thought that this only made the story more powerful. And then there's the prose, which was so very beautiful. This made me fall more in love with the story.
If I could recommend only one book right now above all other I would absolutely recommend An Exaltation of Larks by Suanne Laqueur. ...more
I've always been super interested in the history of Vlad Dracula and the Ottoman Empire so I really enjoyed reading this story. This book was well-wriI've always been super interested in the history of Vlad Dracula and the Ottoman Empire so I really enjoyed reading this story. This book was well-written and also very well-researched, it was easy to like the book. There was nothing in it that I disliked.
The relationship in this book between Vlad Dracula and his father Vlad Dracul as well as the one between Mehmet and his father Murad was striking to me. I thought the link between these sons and fathers were very similar. I really liked that because these relationships were what probably intrigued me the most in the story.
As always I love reading any book that takes place during this particular era (15th century). I also thought that the link between Vlad and vampyrs (or strigoi) was also interesting to read about. I know that even to this day there are rumors of vampyrs in Romania. I can definitely see why Bram Stoker used Vlad Dracula as his inspiration and I liked how the author incorporated it into the story.
The Sultan, the Vampyr and the Soothsayer by Lucille Turner was every bit as amazing as I hoped it would be. I've been reading more and more historical fiction this year and I have yet found another favorite book in the genre. This book was excellent and definitely worth to read!...more
Puck by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes definitely was one of the big surprises of 2016 for me. I really liked all the previous Twisted Lit books but I lovedPuck by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes definitely was one of the big surprises of 2016 for me. I really liked all the previous Twisted Lit books but I loved Puck even more. It was a quick read that I had such a hard time to put down. If I could've I probably would have read it in one sitting.
Puck is a modern retelling of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. This happens to be one of my favorites of his work so I really liked all the similarities. The main characters of this story is Puck, a fifteen-year-old girl, who gets send to a rehabilitation camp for juvies by her foster mother. I loved her character. The way she was written felt like a real teenager who's having a tough time in life. The kids she ends up with a this camp were are very different and interesting in their own way so this made for a unqiue cast of characters.
I don't know what it was about this book but it made me emotional. I teared up a few times, which speaks for how good this book was. I guess I saw myself a little in some of the kids in the book and I'm sure other people will be feeling the same thing.
The book is not just emotional though. It's also quite hilarious at times and made me smile and laugh out loud. So I would say it isn't a too heavy book because of how funny some things were in it but it does make you feel things. At least I did.
I would very highly recommend recommend Puck to anyone. I've only spend about three days reading it but it's already feels like a special book to me that I adore. So I would suggest everyone to go buy this book and start reading it right away. You definitely won't be disappointed!...more
I'm not going to beat around the bush, this book was simply amazing. It ended up as a top favorite of mine. It's also one of the best books I've read I'm not going to beat around the bush, this book was simply amazing. It ended up as a top favorite of mine. It's also one of the best books I've read about Ancient Rome. It's right up along with some of my favorite authors in the same genre like Kate Quinn and Ben Kane. I loved it!
This book takes place during the reign of one of the most infamous Roman emperors, Caligula. It is written in the point of view of Marcus Carinna who's older brother (and Caligula's closest friend) commited suicide after being charged with treason. Marcus' father tells him to befriend Caligula and earn his trust. It's then that Marcus starts to unravel a lot of secrets and conspiracy involving his family.
I loved reading about Marcus. He was strong-willed and all he wanted was to lead legians against the barbarians but obviously his father had other plans for him. I was in awe of his devotion to find out what exactly happened that lead to the accusation of treason against his brother. I also liked the scenes between Marcus and his father. They had they had a lot of differences but his father clearly loved him.
One of my favorite characters aside from Marcus himself was the Germanic priestess Aurima. I really liked her relationship she eventually has with Marcus. Their chemistry was off the charts. But more than that I loved how strong she was and knew what she wanted. She really stood out. And I also just have to say that I really enjoyed reading about everything related to Harman a.k.a. Arminius because I've been quite intrigued by this historical figure and the people around him.
Another female character that I really liked was the sister of Marcus, Nina, because in the story she really wants her voice to be heard but as a woman in ancient Rome, she didn't really have much of a chance for that since women in this era basically only could be heard through their husband or other men. But she did get her voice out in the world in the story so this felt really important to me.
Overall, Roma Amor by Sherry Christie really had it all. Historical fiction at its finest.Obviously this era was very well-researched. It had a lot of mystery, especially concerning Marcus' brother. There was action and drama too and a bit of romance as well. The writing was also superb. Really, I couldn't have asked for a better book....more
So this book was something different from this author. She usually writes rather dark books (as Pepper Winters), which I love so much. This one, thougSo this book was something different from this author. She usually writes rather dark books (as Pepper Winters), which I love so much. This one, though, is a romantic comedy. I'm more into dark romance but I enjoy a funny book from time to time.
I liked this book, I really did but that was it. I didn't fully love this one but I did laugh my ass off. Some things in the story were just so damn funny. And of course the animals in it stole my heart. I also liked the banter between Vesper and Ryder a lot. Also, there were some serious hot sex scenes (which didn't really surprise me). I also really liked Vesper's best friend Polly. She was SO great!
Some things I didn't like was the random appearance (and drama) of Ryder's ex. I don't want to get too much into it but I feel like the story could've done without that. It was kind of unnessecary in my opinion. But still, I'm pretty excited about the next book which I hope will be about Polly.
Overall, Can't Touch This by Tess Hunter was hilarious, sexy and I thought the animal love in it was so great. Although I didn't love it like some of the author's other books, I definitely liked it and would recommend it to people who adore animals like I do and enjoy books that make them laugh out loud....more
The First story of this anthology started of really strong. I thought it was an amazing story but this came as hardly a surpriThe Apple by Kate Quinn:
The First story of this anthology started of really strong. I thought it was an amazing story but this came as hardly a surprise since it was written by Kate Quinn, one of my top favorite historical fiction authors. It featured Hellenus and Andromache. I wasn't very familiar with Hellenus but I've of course read more about Andromache. However, I did end up absolutely loving Hellenus. I loved his voice in this story. I also enjoyed reading about Andromache and her husband Hector, who is the crown prince and future king of Troy. As always I thought that Kate Quinn's writing was amazing. It really was a great start!
The Prophecy by Stephanie Thornton:
I was doubtful that I would enjoy the second story as much as Kate Quinn's but I thought it was equally amazing. This time Cassandra wa in the lead, the seer who's visions and warnings no one ever believes. The story was also pretty dark, in my opinion, but it was written so very well. I'm also pretty sure that I couldn't hate Paris and Helen more than I did at this point in the story. As troubled as she was, I did like Cassandra a lot. But I also pitied her because of the bad way her family, except for her twin brother Hellenus, treated her. But overall it was another really great story.
The Sacrifice by Russell Whitfield:
I remember really liking Russell Whitfield's story in A Year of Ravens so I was excited to read this one as well. I ended up loving this story about Agamemnon It actually changed my whole perspective about his character. The start of the story was very sad but also very strong. It was a stunning and exceptional addition to the book.
The Duel by Christian Cameron:
This author was unfamliar to me and at first I had a little of a hard time getting into the writing style for some reason but ended up loving the story soon enough. I don't know what I expected but I really hadn't expected the author to write about Briseis. She was one amazing and unconventional character. This was one powerful story! Achilles played a big part in it a well. Before this story I wasn't sure what to think of his character. He was somewhat an enigma to me but I really liked the author's take on him as well as his relationship with Briseis. This was without a doubt the best story in this book and easily my favorite.
The Bow by Libbie Hawker:
In Libbie Hawker's story I hadn't expected the points of view from Pentesilea and Philoctetes at all. Penthesileo's character I didn't care much for but I really liked Philoctetes because he was reallt different from all the other characters I've come across so far. I really liked his voice and how he hadn't really been part of the war due to a snake bite. I also liked the parts where Priam and Achilled came into as well.
The Horse by Vicky Alvear Shecter:
I was really looking forward to this Vicky's Alvear Shecter's story. Not only is she one of my favorite authors but this story of hers was really excellent. It was quite shorter than some of the previous stories but this definitely didn't mean it was any less enjoyable. In this story Odysseus was the main characters. He was one of my favorite characters so I was really glad to see him in the lead and the author's take on him was really great, too. This story was simply a brilliant piece of writing.
The Fall by S.J.A. Turney:
I was really looking forward to this story and the conclusion of this epic book. I had high expectations because I've really enjoyed S.J.A. Turney' work before. I've only read short stories by him so it's my goal to finally read a full book of his soon. But anyway, this story was a really great one and I loved the ending of the book as well. I really liked how the author wrote the main character of this story, Aeneas who also ended up as one of my favorite characters in general. I really enjoyed it!
Overall thoughts: I enjoyed all of the stories and all the author involved are so very talented. The book was simply epic and a real joy to read. As much as I enjoyed A Day of Fire and A Year of Ravens, I thought that a A Song of War: A Novel of Troy was even better. It was a true masterpiece! ...more
The one thing I really liked about The Learn was that in was set in North Wales during the Celtic Bronze Age. I love ancient history and would love toThe one thing I really liked about The Learn was that in was set in North Wales during the Celtic Bronze Age. I love ancient history and would love to read more books that are set in that era so that part was the best for me.
But the setting alone wasn't enough to make me love this book. I just couldn't really connect with the characters and the story. The writing wasn't all that bad either but I can't say I loved it. Some events happening in this book were pretty interesting to read about, but again, it just wasn't enough for me.
This isn't a very long book with only about 250 pages but some parts dragged quite a bit, which made it a whole lot less enjoyable.
The Learn by Tony Halker was a bit of a shot in the dark for me. It sounded amazing and totally up my alley but I knew right from the start it could've either been a great read or a disappointing one. Unfortunately it ended up being the latter. But still I hope people will check out this book because it's really unique....more