Most of my life, I've romanticized death. I used to love the idea of something being so
[Review Preview / Adelanto de Reseña]
|English| [image]
Most of my life, I've romanticized death. I used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificient things are worth living for.
It has left me speechless. Stephanie Garber take all my stars. It has been a story with many plot-twists, the appearance of new characters, which I appreciate because I love The Fates—it seems to me the most original thing I've read in a long time. I adore the story surrounding The Deck of Destiny. It's true that I would have liked to know more about The Fates, the past of some main characters, etc. . But this are minimal details, that's why my rating is closer to 5 stars. The end has left me totally delighted. And even though I have an unpopular opinion about a character I would like to say that I'm still not disappointed and that I have loved it with all my heart. Caraval has become one of the best trilogies I've read in a long time.
Review coming soon...
|Español| [image]
La mayor parte de mi vida, he romantizado la muerte. Me encantaba la idea de que algo fuera tan increíble que valiera la pena morir por ello. Pero estaba equivocada. Creo que las cosas más increíbles son por las que vale la pena vivir.
Me ha dejado sin palabras. Se lleva mis 5 estrellas. Ha sido una trama con bastantes giros, aparición de nuevos personajes, lo cual agradezco porque me encantan los seres míticos de La Baraja del Destino. La historia que envuelve La Baraja del Destino me parece la más original que he leído en mucho tiempo. Es verdad que me hubiera gustado saber un poco más de estos seres mágicos, el pasado de algunos personajes principales, etc. . Pero son detalles mínimos, por eso mi nota se aproxima más a las 5 estrellas. El final me ha dejado totalmente encantada. E incluso aún teniendo una opinión impopular sobre un personaje, he de decir que sigue sin haberme desilusionado y que he amado el libro con todo mi corazón. Sin duda, una de las mejores trilogías que he leído en mucho tiempo.
I stood and lifted the lid from the biggest platter in the center of the table. My heart fell into my stomach as everyone gap
[Review Preview] [image]
I stood and lifted the lid from the biggest platter in the center of the table. My heart fell into my stomach as everyone gaped at the contents of the tray.
A syringe. An envelope. And something that looked an awful lot like a bomb.
I set the lid under the table and plucked the envelope from the tray, opened the flap, and pulled out a sheet of paper. Unfolding it, I cleared my throat and read aloud.
"Welcome to dinner, and again, congratulation on being selected. Now you must do the selecting. Within the hour, you must choose someone in this room to die. If you don't, everyone dies."
3'5⭐ Wow... That was too many tension for me... I really enjoyed reading it. It was one of my most anticipated books of 2020, and I liked it a lot, not so much as to exceed my expectations, but in the end the plot has taken a 180° turn and I really liked how everything has developed. The chapters are quite short and concise, making the reading very agile. Each end of the chapter left me wanting to continue and not stop until I knew what was going to happen. At first I was not very convinced by the fact that the story is written in two different times, but now seen how the whole story has developed, I think it's the best thing the author could have done. I had a great time reading it, and that I don't usually read thrillers. I recommend it, could be a great summer reading. It talks about very important topics that make the story more realistic. ...more
Not everyone gets a true ending. There are two types of endings because most people give
[Review Preview / Adelanto de Reseña]
|English| [image]
Not everyone gets a true ending. There are two types of endings because most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, where the situation feels hopeless. But that’s when hope is needed most. Only those who persevere can find their true ending.
Well, everything is said...
I'm freaking out.
Did all that really just happen?
In other words, I've been all the damn book to find out the answers to the doubts that remain from the first book and it has left me with many more. Of course a big question is resolved, but now I have like 100 more questions to add to the list.
The air was full of salt and secrets.
At first I wasn't very convinced by the idea of changing the protagonist, but I have to say that I've loved Tella, I have been able to empathize much more with her than with Scarlett, and so far I'm liking her more.
I think this book has been better than the first one, because, on the one hand there is Caraval, the game that makes its participants unable to distinguish the difference between what is real and what is not. And, on the other hand there is the new plot of The Fates and The Deck of Destiny, that I'm in love with...
If you are attracted to the plot of Caraval and you have the opportunity to read these books, I highly recommend them.
TRIGGER WARNING: Explicit scenes of animal hunting, murder and removal of their bones.
Okay... So I'm debating whether to give it 3 stars or keep it atTRIGGER WARNING: Explicit scenes of animal hunting, murder and removal of their bones.
Okay... So I'm debating whether to give it 3 stars or keep it at 4. I've just finished the book and I don't fully understand that it has already finished. I mean, I know it's the first part of a duology but I think I have been missing more information. I haven't finished believing the love story, which is bad, because it's the plot of the story. The only thing that makes me save the book enough is Sabine. Such a badass woman. Her growth in history is incredible and I loved it. She's definitely my favorite character without a doubt. Ailesse has been a fighter and I really liked her personality, her attitude, a very good main character. I loved the fight/action scenes, they are very well written. The story behind each mystery that arises is perfectly built. I also loved the construction of the fantastic/magical places and the peculiarities of these mythical beings, that are the Bone Criers.
(About the warning: I don't think the scenes are very explicit, in fact I haven't had any problem reading it because I know in advance that it's fiction and my mind doesn't imagine these scenes in detail. I also prefer to warn you by exaggerating it a little more, than I really think it is, because there may be people who are more sensitive on certain topics. But in my opinion, if you situate yourself as fiction, you can read it with ease.)
Seriously, rn I think there's no other sidekick in the literature that I love more than the Lyin[image]
"Because the opposite of fucking."
Seriously, rn I think there's no other sidekick in the literature that I love more than the Lying Cat. I love her and I hope nothing happens to, because then I will cry for days. This animal is going to end my life...♡
Also, I've found this volume a little bit less interesting than the first two, but, OF COURSE, I will continue with the series.
I'm just literally obsessed with the Heartstopper main characters. Now I need to read everything that contains more Nick and Charlie love story. #SorrI'm just literally obsessed with the Heartstopper main characters. Now I need to read everything that contains more Nick and Charlie love story. #SorryNotSorry
Literally, I think I have a problem with this two... I'm terrible obsessed with them.
Seriously I HAVE A PROBLEEM... Well 2 problems, cause' I have to wLiterally, I think I have a problem with this two... I'm terrible obsessed with them.
Seriously I HAVE A PROBLEEM... Well 2 problems, cause' I have to wait til' 2021 to read the Volume 4...
*dying inside*
I would need some psychological help, thank you Alice.