"You're in your power when you know what you want."
~SIGH~ Nobody does character-driven romance like Roan Parrish!
I'm a big fan o4 STARS!
"You're in your power when you know what you want."
~SIGH~ Nobody does character-driven romance like Roan Parrish!
I'm a big fan of books that are mostly about 'nothing' (lol). I love the emotional nitty-gritty of two people learning to love one another. And that describes Raze to a T.
I can see why this book isn't as well-loved as the first two though.
Felix and Huey, while very much three dimensional characters, weren't especially likable in the traditional sense.
Huey deals with his addiction problems by mentally, building up walls, and physically, sticking to a strict routine . . . and I found him to be robotic. But I think that was the point. His character was meant to be in direct contrast to Felix's.
And Felix. Yikes. He wasn't just needy, he was NEEDY. A few times, I wanted to shake him and yell, Pull yourself together, man! But again, that was the point.
These two were real and flawed and vulnerable . . . and neither had any idea of how to deal with the other's actions or reactions. Their journey together was filled with doubt, heart-string pulling moments, and a steep learning curve.
My favorite part of the story was Ms. Parrish's uncanny ability to write incredibly telling sentences that show the nuances of her characters. It's too bad I don't have any highlights (because I listened, rather than read), but I managed to note down one of my favorites.
It was terribly sexy the way he'd perform movements without talking, like he was inviting me to watch him without the distraction of words.
Huey would probably be mortified that Felix thinks such things, but at the same time, it's most likely true that unconsciously Huey is putting on a show for him. It's so sweet in the context of the story.
Plus, the epilogue was wonderfully satisfying. And that, my friends, is what good writing is all about.
Audio: 3.5 STARS Lyn, I couldn't agree more with you that Kirt Graves could have (should have, imo) narrated the whole book!
Looks like Coco and Sophia's book might be next . . . and I'll be reading my first F/F. Can't wait!
Merged review:
"You're in your power when you know what you want."
~SIGH~ Nobody does character-driven romance like Roan Parrish!
I'm a big fan of books that are mostly about 'nothing' (lol). I love the emotional nitty-gritty of two people learning to love one another. And that describes Raze to a T.
I can see why this book isn't as well-loved as the first two though.
Felix and Huey, while very much three dimensional characters, weren't especially likable in the traditional sense.
Huey deals with his addiction problems by mentally, building up walls, and physically, sticking to a strict routine . . . and I found him to be robotic. But I think that was the point. His character was meant to be in direct contrast to Felix's.
And Felix. Yikes. He wasn't just needy, he was NEEDY. A few times, I wanted to shake him and yell, Pull yourself together, man! But again, that was the point.
These two were real and flawed and vulnerable . . . and neither had any idea of how to deal with the other's actions or reactions. Their journey together was filled with doubt, heart-string pulling moments, and a steep learning curve.
My favorite part of the story was Ms. Parrish's uncanny ability to write incredibly telling sentences that show the nuances of her characters. It's too bad I don't have any highlights (because I listened, rather than read), but I managed to note down one of my favorites.
It was terribly sexy the way he'd perform movements without talking, like he was inviting me to watch him without the distraction of words.
Huey would probably be mortified that Felix thinks such things, but at the same time, it's most likely true that unconsciously Huey is putting on a show for him. It's so sweet in the context of the story.
Plus, the epilogue was wonderfully satisfying. And that, my friends, is what good writing is all about.
Audio: 3.5 STARS Lyn, I couldn't agree more with you that Kirt Graves could have (should have, imo) narrated the whole book!
Looks like Coco and Sophia's book might be next . . . and I'll be reading my first F/F. Can't wait!...more
Definitely a me and not the book thing. The writing was good, the heat was scorching, and I really liked the heroine . . . but I did not likeDNF @ 51%
Definitely a me and not the book thing. The writing was good, the heat was scorching, and I really liked the heroine . . . but I did not like the glaring plot hole that revolved around her scent (upon which so much of the plot rested).
And things just went downhill from there for personal preference issues. The Alphas acted more like betas and then (view spoiler)[ the 'casual hookup' @50% that, to me, was an utter betrayal of Rhett's previous tenderness toward Lydia (hide spoiler)] did me in. Too bad because there was a lot to like here, especially Lucas....more
Our relationship is not defined in any substantial way, but I aim to hold on to it.
This one had everything - incredible chemistr3.5 STARS!
Our relationship is not defined in any substantial way, but I aim to hold on to it.
This one had everything - incredible chemistry, well-rounded, mature characters, a great set up - except it fell a bit flat for me because there was no conflict between the MC's. ...more
Loved it. Dark and kinky featuring two complex characters that I could very much get behind. If you're into believable D/s relationships, I 4.5 STARS!
Loved it. Dark and kinky featuring two complex characters that I could very much get behind. If you're into believable D/s relationships, I definitely recommend.
So . . . I was warned going in that this was heart wrenching. Still, that didn't quite prepare me for the reality. What a tear-jerker!
And honestly, anSo . . . I was warned going in that this was heart wrenching. Still, that didn't quite prepare me for the reality. What a tear-jerker!
And honestly, any book that makes me ugly cry should get an automatic 5 stars, but after a day of sitting on my feelings, I'm a bit torn.
The writing, and its incredible subtlety, was both a blessing and curse. A blessing because it didn't over-explain every little detail and let me feel all the raw emotion the author was trying to convey.
But also a curse because it left large portions of the characters' lives a mystery. I couldn't get a handle on their motivations. Why was Mike so closed off? Why was his self worth in the gutter? Why did Liam love him so much? And why was Liam satisfied with such a toxic environment for so long? I needed more damnit!
Ultimately, I won't complain too hard. This was a wonderful breath of fresh air no matter how I look at it. 4.5 stars!...more
So unique and I really enjoyed everything I've read up to this point. But I think this book is a victim of its own level of detail - there's DNF @ 65%
So unique and I really enjoyed everything I've read up to this point. But I think this book is a victim of its own level of detail - there's just too much, and the story just keeps going and going and going. I'm going to pretend it ended here and that they're now living happily ever after, lol. ...more