A grumpy firefighter comes home and suddenly finds a baby on his doorstep, definitely an unusual way to become a single dad.
It is a some
Doorstep Baby
A grumpy firefighter comes home and suddenly finds a baby on his doorstep, definitely an unusual way to become a single dad.
It is a somewhat unusual storyline with plenty of highs and lows as Kieth tries to learn how to be a dad.
Keith and Susan were definitely complex and entertaining characters who only decided to know each other as there were benefits they could both gain by working together.
Not wanting the world to know how he became a single dad the way he did, Keith and Susan developed a fake relationship with mutual benefits, that would help them both even with their individual reasoning being worlds apart.
This fake relationship quickly took off, and within a short time, to keep up appearances, a fake engagement was on the cards.
Susan had always wanted to be the best in real estate and Keith and number one fire-fighter, well life had other decisions for them, so with this little bundle Keith and Susan find what they were pretending was fake had been growing into something more between them they both found as opposite as they were to each other their feelings grew into something far deeper and loving, learning to be better people all around.
Entertaining characters with a fascinating storyline, lessons learning all because of this beautiful doorstep Baby....more
Author Amara Clara has given us a superbly written short romance of a shifter world that deals with the pain of loss and desire f
Totally captivated.
Author Amara Clara has given us a superbly written short romance of a shifter world that deals with the pain of loss and desire for revenge.
The main female characters tries to balance the loss and pain she’s suffered by destroying the shifter who took her mother from her, believing her life will finally go in a fulfilling direction with her revenge dealt with.
This dramatic adventure immediately drew me into the plot and the diversity of the world this dramatic storyline takes place in and with how well the characters and their world are woven together I almost felt as though I was there, continually wanting to know what was going to happen next.
A great deal of this storyline was somewhat fast-paced, with the overall dramatic romance being woven through the world of the characters as they try to decide what happens next, I really felt as though I was standing beside Sasha as she deals with her emotional turmoil while deciding how to take her revenge
The two main characters go through diverse and in-depth changes within themselves as they try to deal with being fated mates while Sasha aims to destroy the shifter who killed her mother for being who he believed was the Last Primordial Wolf.
The lessons Sasha’s mother taught her kept her safe and aware even when she was orphaned yet Sasha knows she is the wolf who they really wanted and is determined to even the score with her vengeance.
The whole adventure has a very vivid and developed world with these two amazing characters as their romance develops from them being first enemies to fated mates.
I highly recommend you grab a copy of this paranormal romance you will definitely find it hard to put down....more
Finding your fated mate has always been something that was celebrated, even when the couple were from a different speci
Forbidden Mate By Anna Santos
Finding your fated mate has always been something that was celebrated, even when the couple were from a different species.
In this novel we meet Prince George and Anika, both from totally different backgrounds and definitely different species, George is the crown prince of a vampire nation and Anika is a werepanther not of the same social standing as George was at this point.
In the time frame they are living in you could easily be put to death by breaking the law for entertaining a loving relationship with someone who is not like you, it went against the value system of the supernatural community.
The author Ma Santos has done a wonderful job of expressing the difficulties Anika is facing as she realises that this man is her mate and is going to cause major disruptions with her family, simply because George is a pure blooded vampire.
Anika has been trained to be a warrior so she jumped at the chance to save her younger sister who had been kidnapped by a rogue group of vampires and ended up meeting the one man she’s always waited for, her fated mate, there was one major problem with this, he was a vampire and the crown prince of these vampires they could never be together their lives would be forfeited if they did.
This adventure has mystery, suspense, and drama throughout the novel, keeping us hooked trying to understand how George and Anika can solve the dilemma facing them while protecting those who were under their protection They show such care towards those under their protection yet because of who had kidnapped them, were vampires many of the survivors feared being near George and many of his men yet they were still shown compassion and caring as any survivors should have, this was how Anika saw who her mate truly was, he thought about everyone under his care and treated them with kindness and compassion if he was like that with strangers she could only imagine what he’d be like with her.
Ms Santos has written a novel with complex characters who certainly don’t follow the normal mould of vampire’s or shifters so the experience Anika and George are going through resonates with both love and pain throughout the whole book leaving a huge impact to those following this drama.
Will the two characters who had been protecting people, have a chance to continue saving other while hoping they can stay together or will they return home to their individual family units and never have the chance to help other’s or to see each other again.
I think I have already given enough away, admittedly it was hard not to, so I think you should grab a copy of this unique adventure and find out exactly how these circumstances evolve!...more
This is a terrific read that takes you into the world of shifters where their laws and lifestyles are a little differ
My Alpha Blood Vow
By T Haldeman
This is a terrific read that takes you into the world of shifters where their laws and lifestyles are a little different with how we understand the world of shifters generally function.
Luca is an Alpha male Apex shifter and through a horrorific event in his past he has a rather strong dislike of humans, even though through what he has gained in life via the tradition and workplace lifestyles of the humans makes him a very wealthy man/shifter.
After bumping into Lacey Luca finds himself drawn to her even through he wants to resist but finds it impossible so once she becomes part of his life he keeps her in the dark about what he is involved in as well as the world of the shifters.
Unknowingly Lacey is at the centre of a great many of Lucas secrets but is not told plus everything that makes Lacey......Lacey, Luca finds impossible to keep the brick wall up around himself to keep her at bay. Can he keep Lacey safe by not involving her, will he give his son Jax the chance to enjoy being a kid along with spending time with him while he is still young, these are some of his major fears as he juggles his lifestyle.
This storyline is somewhat fast-paced with plenty of mystery, mythical objects of power and supernatural flavours, building up to a major dramatic event that is certainly not expected, adventure and suspense throughout the storyline gives us small samples of what could be occurring in the background of the life of this Billionaire shifter.
Plenty of secrets are slowly exposed giving Luca a somewhat Mafia type personality yet as the final plot is exposed all the hints dropped throughout this fascinating book show us how the dynamics of this adventure finally come together, but remember there is also plenty of romance and spice to make it interesting.
Well I have to admit this novel has many different perspectives that it took me time to fully understandAliens Cruel Starfrost Domain
By Margo Collins.
Well I have to admit this novel has many different perspectives that it took me time to fully understand how challenging the content of this storyline is, I am taken from feeling for a Lord who appears to care deeply for his visitor as he battles with his desire for her to understanding how desperately Lara try’s to find ways to get home to stop these events from progressing any further, even if she also suffers with a desire she cannot understand for her kidnapper.
Lara finds herself kidnapped from Earth and is taken to a world that is full of extreme cold, magic, and political intrigue she knows she has to make difficult choices while at the same time, she is affected by scorching fantasies of Lord Eluwyn but understands that she is somehow important to what Lord Ivrael Eluwyn is planning, so she needs to stay quiet along with being very observant.
After Lord Eluwyn keeps her in his household as a servant, Lara begins to realise she has an unnatural pull towards the Lord of the manner, almost as if he has an invisible line connected straight to her which she cannot understand, she wants to hate everything this man represents, but often finds it impossible due to this pull he has with her, even though he is a Lord with power in his world to Lara he is nothing more than a lowlife who stole her from Earth.
The underlying problems occurring on the planet that Lara has been taken to, lie between the Caix and the Firelords their whole culture is slowly dying as those in power refuse to take a stand to keep the balance needed in the magic of the land which is also connected to the magic of the people. Lord Eluwyn with a number of people from both cultures believe those in power need to give back to the land and the numerous types of magical creatures on the planet so the balance is connected to the land and the people on both sides of the good and bad magical energy. The changes needed have to include the land, people and spiritual energy, those in power have to stop taking from the planet and balance the laws, conditions and magical powers to be coordinated so neither one side or another will end up using this power to their own advantage. Somehow Lara and her sister are connected to what Lord Eluwyn believes needs to be done to stop things from getting any worse, yet he didn't expect Lara to have such an effect on him, his selfish and arrogant endeavours certainly help him fit into the culture on the planet but Lara has picked up on some of what he has planned for her and is determined to not allow any of this plan to occur. Lord Ivrael Eluwyn suddenly finds himself battling with the decisions he’s made, especially when he finds everything she does, pulling him towards her emotionally and with a power that is not natural for a human. The Lord will not accept the effect she has on him, the plans he's made cannot be changed so he must ensure he follows through with his decisions even if it means destroying his very soul and turns him into a bigger monster than he already is. The continued treaties keep a shaky balance between the two powers but the whole system is waiting to implode from lack of action, so Lord Ivrael Eluwyn chose to start the war he had planned this also includes Lara being tested, which is when she begins to get some understanding of the depth of depravity Lord Eluwyn holds so dear, because of his decisions her plans will also have to be brought forward. Will she be able to prevent Lord Eluwyn from following through with using her to complete this horrific magical spell he has been planning for years. Can Lara save both herself and her sister it's going to be interesting to see what she can come up with. Will her emotional side influence enough her against having to take drastic action? It is going to be extremely hard waiting for the next book because now all I can think about is how these two determined people will achieve what they desperately want, and if it's going to be possible. There is going to be at least 2 books in this series but honestly if you like to get into the mystery and drama with ongoing situations where the answers are just out of reach then Aliens Cruel Starfrost Domain will keep you glued to each page and will be taken into a world of magic, passion and untold mystery.
It's a truly great read, and I highly recommend you grab a copy....more
It was great to read a storyline that built up into content that has no definite sign of which way the captain is going to develop his likesDifferent
It was great to read a storyline that built up into content that has no definite sign of which way the captain is going to develop his likes or dislikes of Maralyn. Considering he is a very hard headed controlling man/snake who has his own ideals of how things should be run, along with Marilyn being extremely stubborn and mouthy with her opinions, the guys working around them find they are suddenly in the centre of a battle ground and the two determined people throwing their thoughts and ideas around are not in the least bit concerned with the effect their disagreement could have on the team. An extremely exciting and fascinating world that Marilyn has found herself in, especially when the alien who's ship she stows away on is a monster in her eyes and most definitely a mercenary what is she going to do to survive this horrific situation. The captain certainly has his own aggressive attitude towards his stowaway and she challenges him every step of the way, he's not sure if he should throw her into space or laugh at the comments that spill from her mouth. If you enjoy Sci-fi romance with plenty of attitude and action, then you're going to love this one....more
Honestly this fascinating storyline took me through all levels of my emotions. One minute I was laughing at Frosts antics as he's trying deDetermined
Honestly this fascinating storyline took me through all levels of my emotions. One minute I was laughing at Frosts antics as he's trying desperately to understand some of Alinas terminology to finding Ms Ava Ross's description of how deeply both of these characters suffered while trying to make a choice that keep them safe and protected was extremely intense. Full of Christmas sentiment as Frost tries to understand what all the fuss is about regarding Christmas as Alina is determined to create a sense of the Christmas spirit with no decorations or atmosphere teaching Christmas songs becomes the thing that creates the atmosphere and laughter. One minute the author has the two characters being very suspicious of one another to find that even though they have been declared enemies it becomes very apparent the two of them have far more similarities than differences and the feelings they find growing deeply between them cannot be stopped, will they be able to take a huge step of faith and believe that what they have found is worth fighting for. I found this fascinating storyline took me to both ends of the spectrum with my emotions affecting me deeply while experiencing everything described by this extremely talented Author....more
There are so many storyline’s that can be found with how fated mates find each other, Vera Rovers has created a somewhat magical and uniqueUnexpected
There are so many storyline’s that can be found with how fated mates find each other, Vera Rovers has created a somewhat magical and unique set of events that bring Aurora into the lives of the Apex predators in Texas. Are the 3 male alpha's able to understand exactly how this prey shifter has suddenly found herself in their territory, has she come into their world to spy on them, how will Aurora explain exactly what occurred, how she was able to walk through their magical wards. Plenty of questions and fast-paced action as these four different shifters find themselves drawn to each other even though they couldn't be mates. An enjoyable read where all endeavours are made to find out exactly what part Aurora plays in the lives of these Apex predators. ...more
I always enjoy Ms Wolf's book’s, finding myself taken into the world she has given us, so easily along Claimed by the Wolf. By Mia Wolf and Kayla Wolf.
I always enjoy Ms Wolf's book’s, finding myself taken into the world she has given us, so easily along with becoming involved with the various antics these different characters find themselves dealing with. Dalia suddenly finds herself in the position of Queen of her vampire nation, after the death of her father and the abdication of her brother, never having been schooled to lead her people, Dalia realises she has far more to deal with than just the political issues. No-one believe's she has what is needed to fulfil the position, especially as she is single, so without realising why her people are suddenly under threat by other nations who want everything her family has built up over the years, she had to make a few very decisive choices to keep everyone safe and her country from war. Without wanting to give up on finding a partner she can rule with, she finds herself accepting an offer of marriage for political reasons with Blaise Alpha of the largest werewolf colony. This would help them both, Blaise will get finacial help for his people and Dalia's peoople will get the protection they need. An unusual situation to be in, but ruler’s of countries do what’s needed at the time. However from a set of circumstances that are to balance the whole scenario for their clans and country, a marriage of political convenience will give security to all concerned, even if they are both stubborn enough to ignore what is staring at them in the face. Is a HEA possible with drama knocking on their door’s, will their own people accept what's been decided and will either character ever get the chance to find their mate to marry and be happy, can these two entertainingly stubborn and tenacious people bring this whole drama filled situation into line so they can each live a happy and satisfied life. It really is worth grabbing this book to find out exactly who gets what, I could tell you but there is no fun giving you all the details Just be assured the two Author’s who created this storyline have woven a terrific web around the central characters, that unraveling the political mess Dalia and Blaise find themselves in will be plenty of fun, including unraveling some of the challenge's along the way.
Merged review:
Claimed by the Wolf. By Mia Wolf and Kayla Wolf.
I always enjoy Ms Wolf's book’s, finding myself taken into the world she has given us, so easily along with becoming involved with the various antics these different characters find themselves dealing with. Dalia suddenly finds herself in the position of Queen of her vampire nation, after the death of her father and the abdication of her brother, never having been schooled to lead her people, Dalia realises she has far more to deal with than just the political issues. No-one believe's she has what is needed to fulfil the position, especially as she is single, so without realising why her people are suddenly under threat by other nations who want everything her family has built up over the years, she had to make a few very decisive choices to keep everyone safe and her country from war. Without wanting to give up on finding a partner she can rule with, she finds herself accepting an offer of marriage for political reasons with Blaise Alpha of the largest werewolf colony. This would help them both, Blaise will get finacial help for his people and Dalia's peoople will get the protection they need. An unusual situation to be in, but ruler’s of countries do what’s needed at the time. However from a set of circumstances that are to balance the whole scenario for their clans and country, a marriage of political convenience will give security to all concerned, even if they are both stubborn enough to ignore what is staring at them in the face. Is a HEA possible with drama knocking on their door’s, will their own people accept what's been decided and will either character ever get the chance to find their mate to marry and be happy, can these two entertainingly stubborn and tenacious people bring this whole drama filled situation into line so they can each live a happy and satisfied life. It really is worth grabbing this book to find out exactly who gets what, I could tell you but there is no fun giving you all the details Just be assured the two Author’s who created this storyline have woven a terrific web around the central characters, that unraveling the political mess Dalia and Blaise find themselves in will be plenty of fun, including unraveling some of the challenge's along the way....more
I have read books by these authors before and always find myself drawn into the drama the fascinating characters find themselves in, while trying to uI have read books by these authors before and always find myself drawn into the drama the fascinating characters find themselves in, while trying to understand why everyone else around them seem to be getting what they wanted from life, while destiny seems to have another idea for them. Adam has spent his life being ready to defend his family and protect them at all costs. He finds himself craving for the one person who would complete him, or was he going to be a man who had to be content with never finding her. Paige had always had a huge crush on Adam, but due to her shy personality, she never allowed anyone to get close to her or get to know her. Laws had been established to ensure no one ever found out shifters existed, but as often happens, actions were taken, and a person's life and existence are destroyed, causing destruction to those who just wanted happines. An easy read with definitely intense emotional pain weaving it's way through the dramatic life altering situation a number of characters find themselves in. Even though a quick read, this storyline will have a definite impact with curve ball ending to the reader....more
An enticing read, giving us a perfect example of Vera Sky's work. Easily read, with a tantilizing Introduction to the world of the Archangels and theirAn enticing read, giving us a perfect example of Vera Sky's work. Easily read, with a tantilizing Introduction to the world of the Archangels and their battle with vampires. As Cloe and Raphael come to terms with their destiny, they find getting to know and understand each other with the life they have been dealt. Meet the characters as they deal with everything going on around them, but their connection to each other keeps them strong and bound to each other. If you enjoy paranormal novels, you will enjoy this storyline....more
Like so many of Anastasia Wilde's books, Silverlake Shifters was a great read, with all the challenges found within the paranormal realm, while incorpLike so many of Anastasia Wilde's books, Silverlake Shifters was a great read, with all the challenges found within the paranormal realm, while incorporating fascinating characters with fast paced action. Each storyline has creative and innovative adventures the characters find themselves in, giving us enough fascinating situations to enjoy and experience with the lives of the characters Easy to read with enough unusual possibilities to keep you glued to the pages....more
Reading about the different worlds we are introduced to from our Author’s, gives us the opportunity to fully understand theAlpha Council By Leigh Haile
Reading about the different worlds we are introduced to from our Author’s, gives us the opportunity to fully understand the complexity and extent needed to put together a great tale. The Alpha’s Council is a perfect example of how the intensity of the storyline we are introduced to gives us understanding about the characters and the history involving the supernatural. Their lives with their power struggles seem to become a central theme throughout their history leaving them full of anger mistrust and totally inflexible against each other, so taking a close look at what happened during their war,.hopes grow that each side would accept and take responsibility for what occurred, that the both were at fault, but it seems as though even though both sides lost in this war the blood witches were banished from the council and now suddenly the blood witches were being targeted again, so trying to get back on the council became Cassies number one priority. So this truly is a wonderful mystery full of suspense drama and plenty of mystical scenarios that seem to take the reader down a number of different pathways as the werewolves and blood witches seem to be back at loggerheads between each other. Eric the alpha of the werewolf faction and Cassandra from the coven of blood witches find themselves continuously attacking each other believing they were back to defending themselves against the other, needless to say that fate has decided to put them both in rather unusual situations as they both begin to realise that their fates had been joined when they were born. As impossible as it sounds, they were fated mates, and understanding hits in when they attempt to work together to try and find out who was killing werewolves from Eric’s pack. As much as certain characters seem to fit the profile for the killer, each time evidence seems to point in a certain direction something happens to throw them off the scent, the how and why becomes evident when the character finally steps up and both Cassie and Eric get the biggest shock of their lives when they finally realise who and why?? This tale has plenty of passion with mates trying to understand each other along with plenty of others stepping in and attempting to cause as much disruption as possible, throughout this who adventure it appears as though getting the blood witches to keep their seat on the council might be a far bigger challenge than expected. Entertaining adventure throughout this intriguing storyline where the characters end up in so many different situations and experiences emotional turmoil from finding pack members and coven members dead that as a reader it’s impossible to not be drawn into everything going on within their world, grab a copy today and find out how much this experiences changes those within these pages.
Merged review:
Alpha Council By Leigh Haile
Reading about the different worlds we are introduced to from our Author’s, gives us the opportunity to fully understand the complexity and extent needed to put together a great tale. The Alpha’s Council is a perfect example of how the intensity of the storyline we are introduced to gives us understanding about the characters and the history involving the supernatural. Their lives with their power struggles seem to become a central theme throughout their history leaving them full of anger mistrust and totally inflexible against each other, so taking a close look at what happened during their war,.hopes grow that each side would accept and take responsibility for what occurred, that the both were at fault, but it seems as though even though both sides lost in this war the blood witches were banished from the council and now suddenly the blood witches were being targeted again, so trying to get back on the council became Cassies number one priority. So this truly is a wonderful mystery full of suspense drama and plenty of mystical scenarios that seem to take the reader down a number of different pathways as the werewolves and blood witches seem to be back at loggerheads between each other. Eric the alpha of the werewolf faction and Cassandra from the coven of blood witches find themselves continuously attacking each other believing they were back to defending themselves against the other, needless to say that fate has decided to put them both in rather unusual situations as they both begin to realise that their fates had been joined when they were born. As impossible as it sounds, they were fated mates, and understanding hits in when they attempt to work together to try and find out who was killing werewolves from Eric’s pack. As much as certain characters seem to fit the profile for the killer, each time evidence seems to point in a certain direction something happens to throw them off the scent, the how and why becomes evident when the character finally steps up and both Cassie and Eric get the biggest shock of their lives when they finally realise who and why?? This tale has plenty of passion with mates trying to understand each other along with plenty of others stepping in and attempting to cause as much disruption as possible, throughout this who adventure it appears as though getting the blood witches to keep their seat on the council might be a far bigger challenge than expected. Entertaining adventure throughout this intriguing storyline where the characters end up in so many different situations and experiences emotional turmoil from finding pack members and coven members dead that as a reader it’s impossible to not be drawn into everything going on within their world, grab a copy today and find out how much this experiences changes those within these pages....more
Well this was certainly an entertaining read, kept me glued to the pages with all the espionage and undercover tyOutlaw Wolves Hunted By Anastasia Wilde
Well this was certainly an entertaining read, kept me glued to the pages with all the espionage and undercover type operation’s that were going on and as is often the case with those who are fated as mates neither one of the two wolves knew for sure exactly what they meant to the other, especially with all the fighting, hiding underground and general chaos that goes on within a pack of wolves who were trying to stay of the radar while they used their abilities to help those who were most in need, even if it meant using illegal channels. Mickey and Gunn had an amazing relationship a year ago when suddenly Gunn up and left Mickey with no real explanation why, so considering Mickey was just as much a fighter for what she believed in as Gunn was, he suddenly became her target and after using many of the favours owed to her she hunted Gunn down with every intention of killing him for the pain and heartbreak he had caused her and obviously for not loving her the way he said he did, he lied, so she would make him pay for it. Well yes Gunn left Mickey but it was the hardest thing he had to do but he owed someone who took him in when he was a kid and couldn’t turn his back on this person and the pack needing his help. Without realising it Gunn had indirectly put himself smack bang in the middle if some of the hardest, illegal manoeuvring Wolves and Dragon’s in the world Mickey was related to them directly, and only because her family didn’t know exactly who he was, Gunn was still walking around, even though they knew how much Mickey had been suffering they stepped back to let her deal with the emotional torment she was going through on her own and to deal with the effect and results Gunn had caused. Once Mickey finds Gunn she has every intention of giving him hell, hurting him if possible and walking away, but she realises Gunn had not wanted to leave he just thought he was dragging her down not knowing exactly who she was connected to and that many of her family worked within the legal area’s of the council and Government so to him he believed he had little choice but to keep her safe by not being around. Without giving to much away believe me when I say this is a fast paced, drama packed adventure with alpha’s magical strong arm Dragon’s action and just about every criminal type wolf you would have heard of all caught up in the passionate relationship Mickey and Gunn have created. after finally realising they are fated mates and have the power of destiny on their side. Anyone who knows anything about wolf dynamics and mating knows nothing can stand in the way of fate not even a black ops operation so after trying to prevent Mickey from giving Gunn a taste of what being hurt is like she finds many of the pack understands the strength she gives him when they are together so after a great deal of resistance from certain members of the pack occured they stepped back to let Gunn and Mickey find themselves, aiming to work towards the same results staying together while helping those in need within thus particular pack. Certainly an exciting storyline with mishaps discoveries and never-ending suspense and mystery woven together to give us a brilliant novel full of paranormal romance and kick ass adventure....more
**spoiler alert** Saved by The Wolves By Evs Chase
Archangel Lord Corvin and Lady Talia are who Kara finds impossible to forgive. Archangel Corvin creat**spoiler alert** Saved by The Wolves By Evs Chase
Archangel Lord Corvin and Lady Talia are who Kara finds impossible to forgive. Archangel Corvin created a soul bond with someone who was not his fated, yes he believed Lady Talia was the only person he could ever love and want, but within his own personal selfish endeavours he never once contemplated what his fated love may feel by being rejected so openly. As far as Kara is concerned they are both at fault, but she believes most of the fault lies with Lady Talia, she her partner and she were not fated, along with only being human she seems to only look at the passion they felt, Kara also believes that even Lord Corvin has deluded himself by ignoring the natural bond that was created the moment Kara turned 18, now her life has been destroyed by these two selfish people and because Lord Corvin held a position of power, he would not have to serve any of the sentences anyone else would in this situation and he certainly didn’t show any remorse or care for the horrible heartbreak Kara was experiencing. The fates had deemed Corvin and Kara perfect mates but Corvin didn’t wait and fell deeply in love with Lady Talia, so Kara just has to put it up and deal with the horror and pain of her heartbreak. Well it’s now 10 years later and Kara has finally finished her sentence, for a number of years after Corvin rejected her Kora hated Lady Talia and did everything she could to try and make Lady Talia's life a living hell but basically Kara ended up suffering even deeper. So Kara finds Corvin and Lady Talia are causing her far to much pain so she decides to take a trip far enough away so she didn’t have to suffer any more humiliation. Along the way Kara is accidentally hit by a projectile and is knocked out waking up she finds herself sore but extremely safe and comfortable the men who found her were taking exceptional care of her, and finds herself in a warm bed. Ronan was stunned when he found this gorgeous young woman bleeding on his property so he did everything he could to help Kara and before long Kara finds herself helping wherever she could. As their friendship grows between the four of them they understand each suffered some type of severe injustice within their lives so a very strong protective bond forms between them all. These men were closer than brothers and realised that each one if them had slowly been falling deeply for Kara but they all refused to put any pressure on her, understooding that if they were open and honest with her they could have a wonderful loving relationship between the four of them but they wanted to ensure Kara got to be loved and treated the way she deserved to be treated so they took extra steps and precautions to show her what she meant to each of them. With Kara being the centre of their lives they know they will always give back their love and acceptance to Kara for who she is guaranteeing Kara knows she will always be centre of their lives surrounded by their love and devotion. This is a +18 novel....more
Half Bloods The First Covenant By Jennifer L. Armentrout.
I have not read anything of Ms. Armentrout for ages and had forgotten how beautifully she puts Half Bloods The First Covenant By Jennifer L. Armentrout.
I have not read anything of Ms. Armentrout for ages and had forgotten how beautifully she puts a tale together. Her characters and their worlds are always very intense with everything they go through, whether it be emotional or physical. These characters operate on an extremely deep level Alexandria finds herself back at The Covenant, a school specifically designed to teach the half Bloods how to either be good slaves or good Sentential (guards that protect the pure blood), in their world being a Pure Blood meant everything and you were basically declined nothing where as a half Bloods lives are limited with what’s on. The rules were very extreme when it involved pure blood and a half blood, pure blood and half blood can not get attached in any way, or it could mean death to one of them. Aidan became Alex’s trainer to help her catch up with the three years she has missed out on but even though Aiden is a pure blood with extra powers and a very responsible person, nothing can stop the chemistry that is developing between them. Alex lost her mum at the end of her three years away from school and she soon become aware that her mother has been turned into the daemon, a creature that spends its life tracking down pure Bloods to drain them so Alex is going through a huge amount of guilt believing she could have prevented her mum from being turned, but the truth was she did not have the training behind her. Alex has a lot of time and training to catch up wit but it seems to Alex that everyone seems to want to see her fail, so Aiden steps up and offers to train her which is acceptable as long as his own duties don’t suffer. Alex finds herself strangely drawn to Aiden even though it’s definitely against the rules. So with all the other mysterious things that keep happening around Alex she starts to wonder about a few of the things she can see or feel, especially when there is a huge meeting that includes both her step father and her uncle behind them come their Sentinel Guards and amongst Alex sees oe guy who stands out because of his electrifying energy that surrounds the room. She also noticed strange tattoos that climb up his arm, his face, and then disappear yet no one else can see this happening who is she to this guy there is definitely something strange Alex is finally introduced to this Sentential and finds he is the Arpollo. You only get one male or female of this calibre every so many centuries, and they are a blessing as they have abilities to kill the daemon that no one else has. Shawn has everything a Sentinel has but 10 times stronger, plus instead of having one or two power’s he has all five, so he’s like the golden child of this world. If you enjoy characters who are stubborn, fiesty, tender hearted yet never backs down, then this series is perfect for you. After finding her mother has been turned, Alex has convinced herself it’s her job to finish her, but can she do it. Also Aiden and Alex are definitely fighting what’s growing between them, but it almost seems like a lost cause, if they do fall into each other’s arms what would happen Aiden is a Pure blood while Alex is a half blood and its forbidden for them to have even a friendship. A really great series and trust me Alex has an uncanny ability of always opening her mouth when she shouldn’t and if you are someone she cares about she will go to the ends of the earth to help and protect you. Grab a copy of book #1 today and get ready to dive into book #2 straight after....more
This is the first book I have read by this author, and I have to admit Ms Reefe's writing style is exquisite. Like most otheMoonrise By Elyee de Reefe.
This is the first book I have read by this author, and I have to admit Ms Reefe's writing style is exquisite. Like most other shifter reads, there is the details of the perfect attraction to a special woman but I must say that even though Cray is highly attracted to Elizabeth he uses his willpower and waits until she is ready to accept him and his world. It’s great to have an author who openly describes exactly how much Elizabeth and Cray dance around each other especially when they both go out of their way at different times to reinforce their determination to not like each other, to even go as far as trying to convince themselves internally. Actually Cray is totally overwhelmed with how Elizabeth affects him but Cray has a deep wound that continues to fester and not heal, this wound often opens up when other’s give their opinions where they are not wanted. He wants to be the man/wolf that Elizabeth turns to for any little thing she needs. In many old fashioned packs, humans are considered illegal to be with and if they ever found out about pack life or accidentally bumped into one as they shift the human is automatically killed, to the shifters, humans are weak, nosy and extremely dangerous, especially when it involves anything to do with the supernatural world, even though this law has been stopped in many packs, now anyone responsible for exposing their species is the wolf who has to deal with the outcome. Lucas’s, the alpha of the pack, found Mari beaten to a pulp and left to die in the snow. Even though the laws are very particular Lucas’s openly claims Mari as under his protection. As alpha Lucas’s knows what the laws are regarding humans, but for the life if him he couldn’t allow Mari to leave the pack home, Lucas’s knows that in their home Mari would be safe, so even with her fear suspicion and general mistrust there was no way Lucas’s could possibly allow her to return home, where she could easily find herself back in a similar position, her x could easily find another way to punish her and she may not be so lucky this time around. I found this storyline very entertaining and full of brilliant ideas of how we as humans are able to openly destroy anything that is different from themselves fear of the unknown is a huge situation for humans to deal with. Even though Mari is unaware of the world of shifters she knows personally how destructive people can be especially when it comes to another wanting to have complete control over every piece of your world and your life, so she finds herself realising that the men who change from men into wolves would never do anything to harm even a single hair on their head, she had never felt so safe so her whole outlook on who the real animals were in this situation. The women in this tale tend to have a very specific effect upon the two male shifters, who are protecting and taking care of the human women who have become part of their pack and indirectly their world. The irony of the laws surrounding humans is simply that human women had no trouble conceiving pups whereas female shifters were finding less and less are able to fall pregnant, and fated mates were often human. Both Elizabeth and Mari find themselves part of the world of myth, they both know that no matter the situation they would always be safe, the pack...every member would happily give their life for the safety of each and every member, so both women quickly understand that anyone who want to cause either of them pain will find they have to go against each member of their caring family. If paranormal reads are a world you enjoy being a part of, then you should definitely grab a copy of this series and find out how this new pack will grow and develop....more
Rapture Midnight By Isobelle Cate I have stated before that indie authors have opened the door for many talented authors to be able to step up. Well, thRapture Midnight By Isobelle Cate I have stated before that indie authors have opened the door for many talented authors to be able to step up. Well, this book is another example of an extremely talented author coming to the forefront. I am unaware if Ms Cate is an indie author but I do know many of the books we read today would not be available if indie authors did not take a stand and I probably would not have even found this book if not for these authors taking a stand in our literature world. It's a great tantalising read, definitely a +18 tale, but one that’s full of mystery and drama the whole way through. Meet Finn and Eirene as they battle the scurge of the earth, Eirene had no idea of what she was getting involved in when she defended herself against 3 males who tried to attack her in the park, suddenly understanding that she was dealing with more than ordinary men Eirene tried to hide herself only to find another man who had strength and speed unlike anyone she had ever seen or met. Finn didn’t know exactly what was happening when he suddenly found himself killing the Scatha (as these creatures were known) this was what he always did, but he had never felt the desire to protect someone like he did this woman in front of him, who was she and how could she defend herself against these creatures. Without understanding Eirene had become involved in a war that had been going on for centuries even though those within the Cynn Cruor were determined to not allow her to understand what exactly she had stumbled into, but thus woman had a stubborn streak bigger than they knew so even the attempts to stop her from remembering them did not work. The Cynn Cruor were a combination of vampire’s and werewolves and human so they had the best of both worlds and didn’t allow humans to become involved but little did they know Eirene and her friend Devon would play a huge part of their world. Full of magic, desire danger this tale will take you into a world of morale and questions that will make you see our world in a different light, highly recommend with a unique storyline and amazing characters, grab a copy today if fantasy is your genre....more
I must admit I can never get enough of the wolf sisters books, they write with such passion especially when they are introducinGold Dragon By Mia Wolf
I must admit I can never get enough of the wolf sisters books, they write with such passion especially when they are introducing us to their new characters along with their friends and family and the adventure they will undoubtedly find. Tristan is a single parent bringing up his gorgeous son Dallas, he’s never known the love of a mother because his mother died giving birth to him, even so Tristan is doing a wonderful job with the little guy even though he knows his dragon clan will not come into the 21st century, as far as the elders are concerned, if he’s not married by the time Dallas has his eighth birthday he will be taken into the fold of the clan to be raised by the clan as a whole. Jules has a terrible history with relationships so when she meets Tristan, she is very curious as to why such a wealthy good looking man would be interested in a waitress, she understands that she is looked at with enthusiasm, but hey looks don’t last and she certainly does not associate with the upper class. Talk about chemistry it’s literally off the chart’s, but they both take their time getting to know each other because of their intense attraction, will the rest of their relationship be so easy, Tristan is finally breathing easier, Jules is everything he ever wanted in a partner and Dallas loves her, so what could go wrong when they are obviously so perfect for each other. No one ever said being happy was guaranteed, after spending a perfect weekend together Tristan suddenly finds that someone who is very close to him has collected information about Jules that is not good and for some strange reason he cannot get hold of her, why is she avoiding him, his life is very much up in the air, and all the dreams and hopes he had are now looking as though his ideas and feelings were not the way he saw them, was Jules really only taking him for a ride. Without either knowing, a couple of people have been influencing Tristan’s understanding of events and now suddenly people’s lives are at risk as drama galore occurs and those who you trusted have created a world of lies and manipulation, why to what end, you would never think how you lived your life, was so important to other’s, especially to go to such a degree, so they decided your life was up for them to manipulate and eliminate people and situations they didn’t like. Ms Wolf has written a passionate and down to earth tale of emotional torment, full of intriguing situations as people’s lives and relationships are devastated by the action’s of self absorbed other’s who have no care or feelings for anything other than what they have chosen to do. Will Jules be able to let this emotional turmoil go and give their amazingly beautiful relationship a chance. Paranormal Romance is a favourite of mine, so after taking the time to read this book, which really not a long read, I highly recommend you grab a copy of this book today and trust me, your not going to be able to put it down. Once started....more