Victory Parade looks at the cost of war at the home front. Woman welders try to adjust to life as WW II seems to go on and on. Rose tries to find comfVictory Parade looks at the cost of war at the home front. Woman welders try to adjust to life as WW II seems to go on and on. Rose tries to find comfort in the arms of a disabled soldier while waiting for her husband to return; Ruth is a young Jewish woman who escaped the Nazis only to find that her accent has people distrusting her. Ruth eventually becomes a female wrestler and is presented as the object of hate for the audience; a caricature of the very evil she had to escape. Haunting and thought provoking. ...more
I had never heard of the New York Conspiracy/Slave Rebellion of 1741 when African-American, Irish, and mixed race Hispanic sailors plotted to take conI had never heard of the New York Conspiracy/Slave Rebellion of 1741 when African-American, Irish, and mixed race Hispanic sailors plotted to take control of the city. This fascinating GN is based on historical events that still have relevance today; when do a group of individuals who are denied equal access to the law have a right to revolt against the system that silences their voices? ...more
This is a no nonsense look at what OCS was like during the Vietnam War. Rick Parker takes us through the often surreal world of young men having to puThis is a no nonsense look at what OCS was like during the Vietnam War. Rick Parker takes us through the often surreal world of young men having to put their life on hold as they prepare to become officers. I have to say that I do not think some of the 'training' would be allowed in the military today (I could be wrong) due to the harsh emotional and physical nature of the practices. ...more
What would you do if one day bones started showing up everywhere? If stuffed animals were found to have bones in them...and there was no explanation. What would you do if one day bones started showing up everywhere? If stuffed animals were found to have bones in them...and there was no explanation. This is a very creepy book that has a very interesting undercurrent dealing with how we deal with death. Without giving anything away think The X-Files and Kolchak: The Night Stalker and you will get a taste for what happens next. ...more
It always draws my attention when the classics are presented in new ways. This lavishly illustrated GN by the Brizzi brothers is a fine example of howIt always draws my attention when the classics are presented in new ways. This lavishly illustrated GN by the Brizzi brothers is a fine example of how new eyes can allow us all to see deeper into a great work of literature. It is time for me to revisit the Divine Comedy again; I will be sure to 'skim' this book to help better frame the 'fearful symmetry' of this place when I do....more
This is the story of a young man who finds himself caught between his vision for the future and revolutionary violence. Minh (no relation to Ho) wantsThis is the story of a young man who finds himself caught between his vision for the future and revolutionary violence. Minh (no relation to Ho) wants to lead the life of an aspiring artist; he comes from a well to do family and enjoys French literature. His father sends him away to look after family property in the countryside. Minh is forced to joining the Ho Chi Minh People's Army. He eventually becomes part of the propaganda producing unit that is trying to win over the ‘hearts and minds’ of the people. Raw and intense, this GN pulls no punches showing how one can suffer more than one causality in war. ...more
A young girl named Abi joins a team of scavengers trying to steal food from a luxury space ship as it is docked. Abi lives in a future where the gap bA young girl named Abi joins a team of scavengers trying to steal food from a luxury space ship as it is docked. Abi lives in a future where the gap between the haves/haves not has widened; she lives in a slum with her mother and there is never enough food (and now her mother is pregnant). She is unable to get off the ship before takeoff and is 'hunted' by security forces as she tries to survive. Abi is constantly moving and hiding (think of 'Newt' from Aliens) and is mistaken for a member of a group of saboteurs who want to take over the ship. Original and thought provoking - wonderful art! ...more
This book looks at a very interesting problem: what happens when you become 'addicted' to therapy programs? David Heatley grows up learning from both This book looks at a very interesting problem: what happens when you become 'addicted' to therapy programs? David Heatley grows up learning from both his mother and father that therapy is a good way to work on your problems; but what happens when adherence to a particular 'program' starts to interfere with all your other interpersonal relationships? Provocative and thought provoking. ...more
If you have not read this book yet make sure you read this GN right after you finish. If you have read the book then this GN (along with the movie) wiIf you have not read this book yet make sure you read this GN right after you finish. If you have read the book then this GN (along with the movie) will be the perfect complaints to getting a complete vision that will haunt you. Just a warning: the illustrations are extremely graphic; but it is in keeping with the story and never gratuitous....more
Three tales that examine the darkness within. A werewolf comes to terms with old age, a physiatrist is lost in a city where giant spiders seem ready tThree tales that examine the darkness within. A werewolf comes to terms with old age, a physiatrist is lost in a city where giant spiders seem ready to pounce on him, a cabaret act in Berlin in 1930 features a strange tiger taming act with Hitler watching. Thought provoking nd disturbing, surreal yet very relatable. ...more
Paco Roca tells the story of his mother, Antonia, in this heartbreaking story about growing up in Franco's Spain. Centered around a picture taken at tPaco Roca tells the story of his mother, Antonia, in this heartbreaking story about growing up in Franco's Spain. Centered around a picture taken at the beach in 1946 we learn that this family has been broken by war: a war that the country survived and a war within the family. The title of the book refers to the focus on returning to Eden after death - the only way to look for a happiness that will never be taken away....more
Lulu & Mitzi (spelled Mitzy on the cover) are two young prostitutes living in San Francisco. Because they are here illegally they are often taken advaLulu & Mitzi (spelled Mitzy on the cover) are two young prostitutes living in San Francisco. Because they are here illegally they are often taken advantage of. This is a gritty look at how they are barely able to survive. Very critical of SF; this is definitely a GN for adult readers who are not offended by implicit sexual content....more
Very original take on Dracula (D) that really focuses on the relationship he has with Renfield (R). As D starts to spread his wings shadows falls acroVery original take on Dracula (D) that really focuses on the relationship he has with Renfield (R). As D starts to spread his wings shadows falls across a group of people who are not aware that they are being hunted; only R is aware that his 'master' is coming, and while everyone is trying to determine what is wrong with R they fail to heed his warning. D is coming - and very soon everyone will understand that R was the only one who tried to warn them. ...more
Mike Mignola references Hammer horror films as one of his inspirations, and this book reads just like a movie Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee could haveMike Mignola references Hammer horror films as one of his inspirations, and this book reads just like a movie Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee could have been in! Mr. Higgins is a werewolf who wants to die; but before he goes to his eternal rest he will take revenge on the vampire who took away his wife on his wedding day! Wonderfully atmospheric! ...more
Read the English translation of this GN. Strange but interesting story about two bowling hustlers who find themselves in a town controlled by a cult. Read the English translation of this GN. Strange but interesting story about two bowling hustlers who find themselves in a town controlled by a cult. When they try to rescue a young girl who has been brainwashed by the cult leader they find out that they have been framed for murder. Creepy and original - really enjoyed this book!...more
Heartbreaking story of two young girls who make a suicide pact to jump off a cliff. Charlie is the toughest kid in school (she beats up bullies) and AHeartbreaking story of two young girls who make a suicide pact to jump off a cliff. Charlie is the toughest kid in school (she beats up bullies) and Astrid is the artistic girl who just doesn't fit in anywhere. The two girls make a 'blood oath' (cutting their hands and shaking) to come to the cliff and jump off in five days. But at school they ignore each other; they can't be friends even after the vow they have made. The shocking ending will stay with you. ...more
The most powerfully moving book I have read so far this year. Centered around the murder of Mahsa Amini this GN looks at what is happening in Iran todThe most powerfully moving book I have read so far this year. Centered around the murder of Mahsa Amini this GN looks at what is happening in Iran today through the eyes of prominent scholars and cartoonists/illustrators. The courage of young Iranians is beyond belief; it is as if a whole generation is trapped in a Kafkaesque nightmare; and the act of 'awakening' is a death sentence. Marjane Satrapi has helped edit a GN that will become a classic - highest recommendation. ...more
The horrific plight of the Uyghurs is told by Zumrat Dawut, a mother who was just going about her life, until she became an internee in a Chinese prisThe horrific plight of the Uyghurs is told by Zumrat Dawut, a mother who was just going about her life, until she became an internee in a Chinese prison. This story makes The Trial by Franz Kafka look like a pleasant tale; imagine being drugged and then awaken to find that you have been sterilized without you permission! Highest recommendation....more
Please note: the author refers to this group of friends in many terms that I would not use; he calls them 'queers' - please do not think that this is Please note: the author refers to this group of friends in many terms that I would not use; he calls them 'queers' - please do not think that this is (in any way) my way of trying to label a group of people. But at the core of this GN is the story of middle aged friends trying to deal with getting older; all the challenges we all face, regardless of sexual orientation. A very interesting GN that gave me a look at a culture I know very little about....more
When a devious duck comes to town he decides to try to 'scam' everyone so that he can get money to eat! A really fun book that will teach small childrWhen a devious duck comes to town he decides to try to 'scam' everyone so that he can get money to eat! A really fun book that will teach small children it is better to work hard towards a goal than to try to trick people. David Ezra Stein does a wonderful job of entertaining young readers while still getting across a very important life lesson. ...more