These stories have some amazing moments and punches that hit the mark so right, but reading most of it's raw mass felt like walking through water, I cThese stories have some amazing moments and punches that hit the mark so right, but reading most of it's raw mass felt like walking through water, I can do it but it feels unnecessarily heavy and slow. If you average it, it was ok....more
This little piece of art pleasantly surprised me and caught me off guard.
I only started reading this book and the main character already annoyed the hThis little piece of art pleasantly surprised me and caught me off guard.
I only started reading this book and the main character already annoyed the hell out of me. I readily decided not to finish it (something I do not do often), when I found myself in a situation, I was in bed and wanted to read just a few pages before sleep, it was way too late to start a new book and none of the books I was reading at the time were light enough for a bedtime read. So I decided to give it a few more pages. And I am so glad I did.
This book is about growth and dealing with some really heavy burdens. Everything else is not important. The fact you realized what happened to the girl so early on, not important. The fact you very much knew how it was going to end, not important. Weather you like the character or not, weather you agree with their choices or not, so not important. It is just a beautiful story about coping that you watch from the sides and let it install some sense of peace into you too....more
Wonderfully creepy, yet sentimental, collection of stories that is surprisingly refreshing in ideas while it still leans on fairy tales, folk tails anWonderfully creepy, yet sentimental, collection of stories that is surprisingly refreshing in ideas while it still leans on fairy tales, folk tails and legends....more
I took this up expecting story about mental illness in teens, without the usual drama, and found teen drama about mental illness. And not written veryI took this up expecting story about mental illness in teens, without the usual drama, and found teen drama about mental illness. And not written very well. I do not think either of illnesses was illustrated well enough and the book reads more like ya story about a pretty outcast girl that is coming to terms with herself than serious work of fiction going into depth describing life with crippling illnesses like claustrophobia and depression, despite the overwhelming percentage of the book in which they were discussed. And the main character was such a crybaby. I can not shake the feeling story would have been much better if it was written from the perspective of Eliza's last few months.
All in all, thank you for trying to raise awareness of mental illnesses, but the book will still get "did not like it" from me....more
It was interesting to see how are the same lessons told through different cultures. I was reading it in English, but I am from Croatia and some of theIt was interesting to see how are the same lessons told through different cultures. I was reading it in English, but I am from Croatia and some of the proverbs are not event the same in English and Croatian, even though both languages are used in Europe, and I was aware of this for a long time. Still, seeing examples from the far east reminded me of it big time.
The content of this book for me was not ground-braking, but it was moderately fun. An OK book....more
It's not The Last Wish. I don't think anything ever will be The Last Wish again. But it is still amazing and worth reading. <3It's not The Last Wish. I don't think anything ever will be The Last Wish again. But it is still amazing and worth reading. <3...more
As a big fan of A Series of Unfortunate Events, I chose to try another Snicket series. In my opinion, it is not as good, but it does have it's shining As a big fan of A Series of Unfortunate Events, I chose to try another Snicket series. In my opinion, it is not as good, but it does have it's shining moments and I will continue down this road....more
Dancing somewhere on the edge between having dark humor and just being morbid. Stories are quite different from each other, each amusing in it's own wDancing somewhere on the edge between having dark humor and just being morbid. Stories are quite different from each other, each amusing in it's own way... or not. I would say it was worth reading for the ideas....more