On minute you’re walking in the mist, then next you’re being hauled away like a sack of potatoes by a Scottish laird from the past.
This is a quick fiOn minute you’re walking in the mist, then next you’re being hauled away like a sack of potatoes by a Scottish laird from the past.
This is a quick fix bit of light capture erotica. The h is upset, but you know, not THAT upset. The H is technically a kidnapper, but he’s also reeeally handsome and reeeeaaallly likes the h.
Big thumbs up all round.
It’s a bit like Outlander without the page count...more
The story of Lilli and Issac continues. This was an ok read.
The first book was much more my thing. For starters, I don’t really read multi-volume booThe story of Lilli and Issac continues. This was an ok read.
The first book was much more my thing. For starters, I don’t really read multi-volume books about one couple; it’s just not my thing. But because I loved the first book so much I felt compelled. So it was always going to be a hard one to please.
Basically, I am all about the initial chase. I just love it. A second book just never has that unless it’s a second chance which is also not my trophe as it always has baggage.
This book had none of the joy the first book had. It had a lot of falling out and miscommunication which just made me sigh. It was also much more ‘domestic’. Lilli has retired from being kickass and is finding her place embracing her softer side. I’m sorry, but she just felt tame. And LAME!
Suddenly she’s letting her guard down, doing very unmilitary things. She takes stupid risks like going to buy toilet roll during a lockdown, then not checking her environment like a hawk, then leaving her gun in her bag! I mean DICK MOVE! I was so… CRESTFALLEN.
The story had lots of action but also LOADS of dark elements. Lots of sad bits! It just felt like a bit of a heavier read. It had a lot of feels and a lot of overcoming obstacles which certainly made it gripping. So if you like a dark, MC read with high emosh then you’ll love it.
I just felt a bit worn down and wrung out by the end. I felt like the main characters had lost a lot of their sparkle....more
A short erotic paranormal story about a race of hot black elves who steal women, put a spell on them, sweat out some enchanting oil and pass women aroA short erotic paranormal story about a race of hot black elves who steal women, put a spell on them, sweat out some enchanting oil and pass women around until they find their true mate.
Two women are taken and we get both their stories. Diana’s is the main story. She fights her capture. She’s a strong, feisty heroine which I liked. Turns out though that the elves can work out what turns you on. She thinks they are all just into bondage but little does she realise they are just responding to her needs. This is very light BDSM. It was pretty hot!
There isn’t much of a story her, it’s just a good smutfest really. Roll on the next book.
Merged review:
A short erotic paranormal story about a race of hot black elves who steal women, put a spell on them, sweat out some enchanting oil and pass women around until they find their true mate.
Two women are taken and we get both their stories. Diana’s is the main story. She fights her capture. She’s a strong, feisty heroine which I liked. Turns out though that the elves can work out what turns you on. She thinks they are all just into bondage but little does she realise they are just responding to her needs. This is very light BDSM. It was pretty hot!
There isn’t much of a story her, it’s just a good smutfest really. Roll on the next book....more
I love a grumpy hero and a ray of sunshine heroine. It’s a favourite trophe. Mix in dragon smut and enemies to lovers banter and i’m all in.
Amalia isI love a grumpy hero and a ray of sunshine heroine. It’s a favourite trophe. Mix in dragon smut and enemies to lovers banter and i’m all in.
Amalia is a good witch living a quiet life in the woods caring for injured animals. Rurik is disguised as a lizard and gets healed by Amalia before being captured and taken to Rurik’s lair.
We get a good story about witches, dragons and magic which was pretty engaging. I am impressed the author managed to weave such a well thought out story inbetween all the smut!
So I liked Jester. He was huge and brawny which I knew I would like. Emily was sweet and I always like the story of someone normal being thrust into tSo I liked Jester. He was huge and brawny which I knew I would like. Emily was sweet and I always like the story of someone normal being thrust into the MC life more than if the h is already part of MC culture.
What I didn’t like was the fact that Emily was a shit spy. I just felt like any minute she was going to balls it up! I really think Snake overestimated her ability first subterfuge quite frankly.
But the story was fast-paced and entertaining.
Why did I drop two stars?… weeeeelll
It’s not as action packed as Snake’s story which I LOVED.
Also, it felt a bit instalovey. Why is Emily the one Jester brings back to his house? How does she get to ride on the back of his bike the day after they meet? I just wanted you to feel why she was so great. I wanted a sense of connection.
But you know, it was a good, quick read and had a good heat level. Onto the next one!...more
So there was a lot to like about this book… and a few things not to like, but overall, the takeaway I have from this read is that I really enjoyed it.So there was a lot to like about this book… and a few things not to like, but overall, the takeaway I have from this read is that I really enjoyed it. I was engaged, engrossed and entertained. So even at a punchy pricepoint, I feel it was worth it. I look forward to the second.
Things I liked I thought the world building was good. I really liked the idea of Mortem, the magical power of the dead and Spiritum, the power of life. It had lots of gods and goddesses mixed in with opulent court life. A good solid start to a series. I felt the story was quite predictable but I was still engaged.
I liked the authors slightly poetic turns of phrasing. She used a few odd words to describe things but I felt like it set the tone of the story.
I like Lore, she seemed kickass without being too kooky and cocksure like this genre of sassy heroines can be. Sometimes they just annoy me, sorry!
What I didn’t like This story felt a bit like a reverse harem trophe at the start. We have poison runner, Lore. An enigmatic spy, hanging out in the rough part of town. She’s a special snowflake with a hazy past and awakening powers she doesn’t understand. That’s all great, but then it wasn’t RH and I was discombobulated.
It was… GASP… a love triangle. Eeeewww. Not my fave. I hate the angst. I hate that there’s a loser, that someone is made to feel not good enough. I just don’t seek that theme out. Why love one when you can love all of them?
Saying that, RH isn’t a favourite trophe either! Jeez! i am so hard to please. I guess I just felt at the start of the book we establish Lore as a sexually experienced, confident young woman, so independent that she can like someone then get up and leave without a backwards glance when her spy gig is over. Cool. So you imagine that she can handle two hot guys no problem…
But it was all heated glares and petulant moping. I just felt it got in the way and diminished Lore’s strength. To be fair though, the romance is pretty light, hence it could almost be ‘young adult’. I’d say it just edges into ‘new adult’. But don’t go into this thinking it’s got much heat.
So it loses a star for that really. Plus the ending was a cliffhanger and now I have to wait until next spring for the second book!...more
So Olivia is kidnapped from Earth so she can help these insectoid like aliens save other humans from a slave ship. As a behavioural profiler, she has So Olivia is kidnapped from Earth so she can help these insectoid like aliens save other humans from a slave ship. As a behavioural profiler, she has been selected to show commander Atarian how he can fake getting it on with a human.
It was a nice idea. I did however, put the book down initially as I found Olivia’s acceptance of being kidnapped a bit quick, but I gave it a second go and enjoyed it far more once I suspended my beliefs a bit.
I loved that it was all about life on an exploratory spaceship. I could probably read tonnes in a series just set on a spaceship.
The romance did have slow parts and I was never really into the mandibles, but on the whole, it was really entertaining. ...more
So Valera is an impoverished girl, who looks after her sister, works hard for little money and is beaten by her drunk father. She is whisked away to bSo Valera is an impoverished girl, who looks after her sister, works hard for little money and is beaten by her drunk father. She is whisked away to be the bride of mysterious, cursed fae Erolas for a year and a day.
This was a good read. Why only three stars?
Weeeellll… you kind of know that Valera is going to f*ck it up in some way. She is constantly fighting her imprisonment which we can all see is pretty great. Okay, so you’ve lost your freedom, pfft. You’re in an opulent castle, with nice goblins, great food and a hunky husband.
Over the course of her imprisonment you see her slowly start to enjoy herself. This was quite slow. Valera basically finds her inner magic as a seamstress. I guess I was hoping for the transformation to be a little… more.
She also talks to her husband every night. He’s really nice. Always nice. A bit like he’s always on his best behaviour. I think I doubted their growing feelings a bit because these interactions were so brief and polite.
And of course the book ends on a cliffhanger. I really want Valera to stop doubting and start trusting. All her lackeying about just started to annoy me. I can see that she is tested and tricked but I wanted her to be more steadfast. I guess that is the story.
I liked this one. Ophelia was strong and gutsy but didn’t get herself in stupid situations. I loved the push/pull between her and judge. It was a sweeI liked this one. Ophelia was strong and gutsy but didn’t get herself in stupid situations. I loved the push/pull between her and judge. It was a sweet read. ...more
So this is really three short stories. Er… three tentacle sex scenes really. The basic premise being that a scant set of human survivors are rescued bSo this is really three short stories. Er… three tentacle sex scenes really. The basic premise being that a scant set of human survivors are rescued by tentacle aliens from a dying colony. In exchange for safe passage the females must agree to carry the aliens eggs…
This is a great start to what could be a rich series. The first scene was a bit non-con for my personal taste, but the h didn’t overly seem to mind to be honest. It was pretty hot.
The second scene was more non taboo but not quite as hot?! And the third was MM which isn’t my favourite but it was done really well.
I surprisingly enjoyed this book. It got to the good stuff straight away! I am only giving three stars though because I want looonnnggger stories and I want a bit more of an after story.
I’m out at 30%. A little early probably but I’m on holiday and I am looking fir something a little deeper. The story if this book is a classic alien aI’m out at 30%. A little early probably but I’m on holiday and I am looking fir something a little deeper. The story if this book is a classic alien abduction tale which I love, but the slight upbeat nature of all the characters threw me.
This is a real case if all the characters sounding like the same person.
Isolde is a sassy, unflappable heroine which I like, but she seemed unreal. She wasn’t freaking out or scared, she just took everything in her stride which just made it all feel a bit unbelievable.
Gideon is the ‘Mauleon’ hero; an alien bounty hunter, but he sounds just like the heroine. It’s almost too comical.
The two are almost at it in the corridor 15% into the story which felt a bit too instant for my liking. It just kills the anticipation for me really
But it was the sassy talking sword that made me finally call it a day.
Dr Charlotte is the caring ship’s doctor whose main objective is to heal people. Axrel is the dangerous alien prisoner who hates humans. You can guessDr Charlotte is the caring ship’s doctor whose main objective is to heal people. Axrel is the dangerous alien prisoner who hates humans. You can guess the rest. I really enjoyed it. Maybe it could have been a bit hotter, but I still enjoyed it. ...more
So this is the second in the series. Bikers but not quite bikers. A lil bit special. This close band of brothers look out for each other and have a stSo this is the second in the series. Bikers but not quite bikers. A lil bit special. This close band of brothers look out for each other and have a strong sense of family. They've been through the mill though so much of the darkness in this book refers to the past. Much the same as book one.
I am not sure if it's just me, but this was a slow read for me. After having the back story in novel one, I felt much of the looking back at past horrors was old news and became repetitive. It kind of dragged me down a bit. Oh gawd, more of Steele's inner musings on how broken he is. SIGH.
But also, this novel was a classic second chance love story which just isn't my thing. I lose interest if they've already met and fallen in love before. I love the getting to know you bit. So yeah, this story didn't work as well as the first for me.
Breezy was an ok heroine but she was essentially pretty weak and submissive. Yes, she made it on her own, but barely it would seem. And now she is back and threatening to leave every 10 minutes when essentially she has no power to do so. She freezes every time the going gets tough and tries to appear small. WAY TO GO ASPIRATIONAL FEMALE CHARACTER!
Ack. It just annoyed me after a while. I prefer more power in my female characters. Breezy was a WIMP.
I am also not sure I could have been as forgiving as Breezy. It was a lot to forgive. All that anger and resentment was kind of heavy too. This book just dragged me down a bit.
Anyway, maybe I just wasn't in the zone. I will give it a break then get back to the series. ...more
The story of little sister Riley and assassin Malek. You think the author might run out of hot bad guys, but no, they just get badder and hotter. I loThe story of little sister Riley and assassin Malek. You think the author might run out of hot bad guys, but no, they just get badder and hotter. I loved it.
“It’s not that I hate people, I just feel better when they’re not around.”
I like Riley. She was a somewhat scruffy introvert. Very relatable! I liked how originally Mal thinks she’s some hooker who needs saving.
“You were so unkempt. Small, gray, and rumpled, like a tissue someone had kept in their pocket too long.”
Gosh, that’s how I feel everyday!
I loved Malek. He had all the feels. I loved the cabin in Russia. It was just all warm and cosy. A great story.
But now I’ve moved on to Spider. Waiting for the next book is already killing me!
Men say they love a strong woman, right up until they meet one.
Ain’t that the truth. Ah, Sloane. I knew you would be my favourite kind of heroine.
Men say they love a strong woman, right up until they meet one.
Ain’t that the truth. Ah, Sloane. I knew you would be my favourite kind of heroine.
“One: I don’t tolerate disobedience. If I give you an order, you follow it.” Magic Eight Ball says: outlook not so good.
I might have mentioned before that mafia romances is not my genre. I don’t like the ordering about, the protecting your wimin like they are princesses and all the money thrown at them. ‘You just sit in this gilded cage and worry about my dangerous lifestyle babe, oh, and here are some expensive shoes’. Eye roll. That about sums up mafia romances for me. So Sloane’s reactions to all the drama were refreshing. She was unflappable and unimpressed by all the male posturing. She was great.
As is typical with this author, this book was full of witty comebacks and banter which I love.
“I think you’re lying about not having boyfriends. I think you’ve had plenty, and they all committed suicide.” “And I think it’s scary that people like you are allowed to vote. You never answered my other questions.” “I’m too busy planning where I’m going to bury your body.”
Sloane was strong and fearless but not overly cocky or stupid. I hate a heroine that thinks she’s badass then proceeds to just jump into trouble forcing guys to save her. But Sloane wasn’t like this. She just accepted everything and took it in her stride.
“Tell me how it’s possible that you’re not scared of me, or of this situation, or of anything else as far as I can see, and I’ll tell you what’s happening.” I give it serious thought for a moment. “Honestly? I’m just badass like that.”
But along with all the action there were all the usual feels.
His voice rough with emotion, he says, “You own me, Sloane. Every corner of my worthless black soul. Every piece of my corrupt black heart. You own it all, and you always will. I’m your slave, not the other way around. Never forget it.”
So I only read the preview of this book. I think I am out on this one. So far there was nothing grabbing me to continue. I just need a little spark ofSo I only read the preview of this book. I think I am out on this one. So far there was nothing grabbing me to continue. I just need a little spark of connection to get me moving forward. I just need more of a sure thing at the moment. I’m out. ...more
The story of Ryziel and Aly, both seeking to escape from a dark, mining planet full of scary beasts lurking in the pits.
I liked this story but not asThe story of Ryziel and Aly, both seeking to escape from a dark, mining planet full of scary beasts lurking in the pits.
I liked this story but not as much as the first. It was quite disconnected from the first so I wouldn’t say you need to have read the former in order to enjoy this one.
I liked the concept if an ancient civilisation’s ruins hidden in the bottom of the mine and I really wanted the things they found to have sparked another adventure at the end. I felt a bit meh about the end, hence the three stars and I didn’t really enjoy the gruesome bit at the end, it was a big angsty for me. ...more
The story of abducted earth girl Emerie and super fast healing warrior Galak. Both are prisioners. Both in the same cell. Both forced to mate. Your stThe story of abducted earth girl Emerie and super fast healing warrior Galak. Both are prisioners. Both in the same cell. Both forced to mate. Your standard alien captivity book.
This was an ok read. It had the bare bones of a solid story arc which I quite like but there was nothing extra. The world building is just ok, the way they escape is pretty poor. There is no great plan, it is just chance. They don’t have to do anything nor have any clever ideas. The baddies are just bad.
Galak sees Em and feels the connection instantly so it’s not a slow burn in any way. This made the chemistry feel a bit weak but there were plenty of hot bits. As individuals Galak was really sweet and protects Em from the get go. Em is strong of character even though physically she can’t compete with these super warriors.
A good, quick, light read for this genre. I guess after reading so many in this genre, I am always looking for that extra element which makes it standout. This did not have this bit I could happily read all the others in the series. ...more
“I wasn’t to be handled carefully because I was a dainty flower. No, I had to be handled carefully because I was an atomic bomb.”
I loved Zara. She was“I wasn’t to be handled carefully because I was a dainty flower. No, I had to be handled carefully because I was an atomic bomb.”
I loved Zara. She was a kickass heroine. The story was just okay though. I kind of couldn’t understand why someone so kickass didn’t want to go adventuring on a space ship. Nope, she wanted to settle down and wear floaty dresses. That was a bit lame. ...more
The story of childhood friends Ella and Natt. This was yet another orc delight. I am removing one star though because Ella was slightly annoying in heThe story of childhood friends Ella and Natt. This was yet another orc delight. I am removing one star though because Ella was slightly annoying in her desire to be a lady. I know it was part of the story, but you just wanted to shake her! I mean we could see how awesome Natt was from the get go!
”You are the fairest gift ever to greet my eyes,” he said, quiet, intent. “You are a bright jewel, a flame in winter, a blade new from the forge. It shall be pure joy to walk my home by your side, and flaunt such a rare prize.”
Oh Natt, you big ol softie!
What was great about this book was that it was so much more than orc spunk. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of that everywhere...
”There was too much, so much, and Ella moaned as she watched that deep slit spray the rest of its seed wide across the cave. While the thick whiteness bubbled its way out between her swollen lips, running thick and messy and hot down her chin.
Phew-we! It’s not for the feint-hearted. GO ORC SPUNK!
But as I’ve been slowly realising, somewhere deep in my orc spunk haze, these books are also about inequality and preconceptions. Both of these characters needed to really know each other and recognise their differences and similarities in order to forgive each other and be together.
In fact, it was pretty angsty in that respect. Ella felt deserted by Natt. It’s a hard feeling to let go of after 9 years. Natt needed to let go of the fact Ella had moved on, away from him. It was a pickle that slowly resolved itself inbetween all the orc spunk. And it was done really well.