Pamela Sparkman's writing is like a song. Lyrical, melodic, colorful, descriptive, eloquent. And when she puts that in a fantasy story you bet it's phenomenal. A MONSTER LIKE ME is the second in the Heart of Darkness series and if you haven't read The Moon Shines Red you definitely should do that before diving into this one.
A Monster Like Me starts where we left Zeph, Elin, Arwyn and Lochlan. As I dug deeper into Zeph's story understanding for his antagonistic, aggressive behavior came to me. I didn't want to love him, the things he did, how he treated pretty much every one around him, I couldn't see how I would ever forgive him. But then I found out what a tragic character he really is, that no punishment somebody else could deal was nearly as bad as the one he inflicted on himself. Zeph didn't feel worthy of anything good.
Everything he was feeling, he was setting it free, letting it out, and all his hurt and pain, anger and guilt, fear and sadness, they felt like a whip and a lash against her skin. But she took it. She took it all. Because he had carried it inside him for so long— and it was killing him.
Healing a broken soul like that takes a special person and Arwyn definitely is that. She's tenacious, thoughtful, compassionate, fiercely loyal and deeply in love with Zeph. She was the constant in his life, his rock and the balm that soothed his soul.
“You know my heartbeats?”
she said,
“I don’t know if they are yours or mine.”
But it's also Elin's forgiving heart and the budding friendship between Zeph, Searly, Lochlan and Favian that gives this tortured man peace. I loved their friendship so much - these scenes gave me some much needed comic relief when emotions had been running rampant. This group of people made him see that he wasn't beyond saving and that he deserved happiness. Every time one of them managed to weaken Zeph's grip on his guilt it felt like a reward.
Don't expect that the romance between Arwyn and Zeph will be on the forefront of the story. While it is undeniably romantic and beautiful, it's Zeph's path to redemption, his own forgiveness you will be routing for. Maybe because despite Zeph's struggles to accept love, theirs was inevitable.
“Thank you,”
he said.
“For what?”
“For loving me when I was so unlovable.”
“Thank you,”
she said breathlessly.
“For what?”
“For not giving up.”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
Scattered throughout the story there are action scenes that will leave you breathless.
The Moon Shines Red and A Monster Like me are fantasy at its finest. These books will wrap you in a magical and wondrous world full of adventure. The characters will break your heart and you will root for every single one of them. With her narrative Pamela Sparkman makes sure of that - she gives us fully fleshed out side characters. To say goodbye to them all is my own struggle because they have taken up a little space in my heart. I hope the author keeps writing fantasy in the future - she definitely has a talent for it.
You are neither man, nor monster, my friend. You are the magic that makes everything else shine.
Pamela Sparkman's writing is like a song. Lyrical, melodic, colorful, descriptive, eloquent. And when she puts that in a fantasy story you bet it's phenomenal. A MONSTER LIKE ME is the second in the Heart of Darkness series and if you haven't read The Moon Shines Red you definitely should do that before diving into this one.
A Monster Like Me starts where we left Zeph, Elin, Arwyn and Lochlan. As I dug deeper into Zeph's story understanding for his antagonistic, aggressive behavior came to me. I didn't want to love him, the things he did, how he treated pretty much every one around him, I couldn't see how I would ever forgive him. But then I found out what a tragic character he really is, that no punishment somebody else could deal was nearly as bad as the one he inflicted on himself. Zeph didn't feel worthy of anything good.
Everything he was feeling, he was setting it free, letting it out, and all his hurt and pain, anger and guilt, fear and sadness, they felt like a whip and a lash against her skin. But she took it. She took it all. Because he had carried it inside him for so long— and it was killing him.
Healing a broken soul like that takes a special person and Arwyn definitely is that. She's tenacious, thoughtful, compassionate, fiercely loyal and deeply in love with Zeph. She was the constant in his life, his rock and the balm that soothed his soul.
“You know my heartbeats?”
she said,
“I don’t know if they are yours or mine.”
But it's also Elin's forgiving heart and the budding friendship between Zeph, Searly, Lochlan and Favian that gives this tortured man peace. I loved their friendship so much - these scenes gave me some much needed comic relief when emotions had been running rampant. This group of people made him see that he wasn't beyond saving and that he deserved happiness. Every time one of them managed to weaken Zeph's grip on his guilt it felt like a reward.
Don't expect that the romance between Arwyn and Zeph will be on the forefront of the story. While it is undeniably romantic and beautiful, it's Zeph's path to redemption, his own forgiveness you will be routing for. Maybe because despite Zeph's struggles to accept love, theirs was inevitable.
“Thank you,”
he said.
“For what?”
“For loving me when I was so unlovable.”
“Thank you,”
she said breathlessly.
“For what?”
“For not giving up.”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
Scattered throughout the story there are action scenes that will leave you breathless.
The Moon Shines Red and A Monster Like me are fantasy at its finest. These books will wrap you in a magical and wondrous world full of adventure. The characters will break your heart and you will root for every single one of them. With her narrative Pamela Sparkman makes sure of that - she gives us fully fleshed out side characters. To say goodbye to them all is my own struggle because they have taken up a little space in my heart. I hope the author keeps writing fantasy in the future - she definitely has a talent for it.
You are neither man, nor monster, my friend. You are the magic that makes everything else shine.
Axel loves basketball, is young, single and out-of-the-closet gay and has been offered his dream job at Barmuth University. He watches an online stream of one of their Basketball games to decide whether the job, being responsible for the sports teams' marketing, would be a good fit. The camera zooms in, his eyes fall on a familiar face, a face from his past. And just like that his decision has been made.
If it weren't for his brothers Cax would never have returned into his hometown after graduation but watching over them, while they have to live with their abusive father has taken up precedence. He works as a teaching assistant at Barmuth and loves watching the basketball games. When he realizes that the one guy he ever kissed, the one he had to cut out of his life because of his father, works and lives in the same town, he has an inkling that his life is about to become way more complicated.
Axeldental & Caxtastrophe...
Axel is out of the closet and determined to stay there when he moves to a small university town in Massachusetts. There isn't a homophobic insult he hasn't heard. He is quite comfortable in his own skin, sweet and easygoing...and terrified of meeting his first love again. Their first meeting is awkward but thankfully they quickly fall back into a grown up version of the easy friendship they had when they were kids. Axel is exceedingly patient with Cax, and it becomes even more prominent when he sees with his own eyes that Cax didn't exaggerate when he told him about his problems.
Axeldental to Caxtastrophe: I’m sorry. I’m sorry that’s how it is, and I’m sorry I made you talk about it. And I’m really sorry that there isn’t some way we can spend time together. But at least I understand now why we can’t.
Cax' fear is so tangible in this story and it is so understandable! His father terrorizes him and has been since that day all those years ago, when he kissed Axel. Cax' brothers mean everything to him, he wants them to feel comfortable to contact him when they are in trouble so he needs to make sure that he stays in their lives. Which means staying firmly in the closet because his homophobic father threatens that he will never see his family again if he ever finds out that Cax is in a gay relationship. Which also means denying himself a life and love. It is unfair and infuriating, especially when you feel the yearning they feel for each other.
Before Axel came to Henning, I’d only suspected that my life sucked. Now I knew that it truly did.
It was lovely to see how Cax gained self confidence with Axel's backup, how he leaned more and more on his childhood friend and lover. I fist-pumped when Cax took charge and went out of his comfort zone to right the wrongs. I adored him for being such an amazing brother.
The trust we had for each other was like a cocoon surrounding the bed.
If you take a closer look at the two families you see a glaring difference in both of the heroes' upbringing. Axel's mom is accepting of his sexual orientation On the other hand you have Cax' father who has already started to affect his other kids with his homophobia. The story shows nicely how tolerance and intolerance is being infused by your upbringing. Parents have power and it's up to them to use it wisely.
Sarina Bowen's books are always special. They are touching, poignant and usually come with a truckload of emotions. These two men share a tenderness and love for one another that radiates off the pages. I loved that we got to see Josh and Caleb. They hold a special place in my heart. I also love the world this author has built for us. It feels familiar the moment you open the book - it's a bit like coming home. While this installment didn't quite reach the level of Goodbye Paradise it was still a heartwarming, sweet and important story packed in a very quick read with 200+ pages. Now I am wondering if Sarina will write Jason's book which I will definitely read.
Hello Forever is the second part in the Hello Goodbye series and can be read as a standalone.
When one of your favorite authors writes a new book, as a blogger and fan you drop everything and free up time to read and review. I almost didn't read this one, bad blogger and fan, bad. True story. But I came to my senses and I'm not above begging for an ARC, so that's what I did.
We met Darlene in The Butterfly Project when she was at her lowest - an overdose that almost killed her forced her to take a hard look at her life, get clean and take charge of herself again. Two years without drugs, a boyfriend who doesn't even have the cojones to dump her face to face and Darlene is ready for a fresh start in a city where nobody knows about her past.
"You’ll always be an addict. You’ll always fight that battle. But fight it with your best, most honest self, if you want a chance to win.” - Max
Darlene is a warm, sweet heroine with a super-soft heart. She is always friendly and tries to stay upbeat. Her new neighbor, Sawyer, is a jerk but she senses his exhaustion, the daily stress of providing for his daughter, studying for his finals and bar exam leave him on edge. So she does something that's so inherently Darlene : she kills him with kindness, gentleness and care. She's an absolutely endearing heroine who is constantly facing her demons but never lets them pull her under. It was incredibly sweet to watch her fall in love not only with the hero but also with his sweet, bright daughter Livvie.
Sawyer is a grump - that's what stress does to him and it's pretty understandable seeing how he cares for his daughter, who was just dumped in his lap by the mother, and trying to finish law school to give his girl a better life. But when Sawyer has to face his worst fears he becomes stoic and builds a wall of ice around him. Only those who know him well enough see it for what it is. He may act like a jerk and idiot sometimes but when all that falls off of him he is a beautiful man with a heart the size of Texas. The love for his daughter, how he handles her with utmost care and reverence, is so incredibly touching. And it wouldn't be Emma Scott if Sawyer didn't have a heart-breaking past.
"Law doesn’t have feelings. It has direction. It tells you where to go and what comes next.” - Sawyer
The first half of the story was not as angsty as I expected from Emma Scott but that's not necessarily a bad thing because once you're past that she cranks up the anxiety-slider and I got the familiar delicious squeeze in my chest, the one that has your heart beating in your throat. She builds up the chemistry between the characters at a steady pace but doesn't give us the release we crave, no, she keeps on going, letting the sexual tension crackle until we are just about to blow. But that was fine with me - these characters really had to sort through a lot of baggage before they could focus on their relationship.
God, Sawyer, the way you’re looking at me… If I could have just one moment, one feeling, and live in it forever, I would choose this one.” - Darlene
Emma is a masterful emotion conjurer. She has this way of tying you to her characters and making you care deeply about them. Those are big personalities with depth and layers. And that doesn't just go for the main cast, the side characters all have a story to tell as well, so you wonder if they'll be happy in the future, what life has in store for them. Max and Jax shine almost as bright as Darlene and Sawyer. And don't get me started on the adorable Livvie, who took off with my heart and didn't let go. Also, if you loved Zelda and Beck from TBP a much as I did you'll be happy to hear that we get to catch up with them! And then...then there is the twist that will make you fall in love with Sawyer even harder.
Again, Ms. Scott weaves a gorgeous story that shows her own heart beautifully. It is charged with emotion, kindness and sweetness. It's true that we always measure authors against their best work and the Full Tilt Duet and The Butterfly Project still remain my favorite by Emma Scott - they play in a league of their own - but do not underestimate the power of this story and the punch it packs. This author isn't one of my favorites for nothing and she made me fall in love with one of her stories yet again.
“A tornado, Darlene,” he whispered. “I’m swept up.”- Sawyer
While Celia has always been fearless her twin sister Sawyer has a significant penchant to be cautious. She is the one who makes to-do lists and never takes risks and definitely doesn't leave things up to chance.
Her sister wants nothing more than for Sawyer to let loose and live instead of locking herself up - and Celia knows what she is talking about. A tumor is wrecking her brain and she doesn't have much time left. Celia asks Sawyer to pack up her apartment in San Diego and tie up loose ends pretending she is Celia.
The life Aden has chosen for himself after he left special forces three months ago is perfect. It's quiet, solitary, and he can escape when his past becomes overwhelming and the deaths of his brothers in arms make his chest tight. Today he lives on a boat and manages his uncles property in San Diego. When his uncle's favorite tenant walks up to him to get the key for her cottage he can't quite see the girl in his uncle's photos. This version of Celia is uptight, reserved and he finds it highly entertaining to be the cause for her to get her panties in a twist.
I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” “Aden.” He looks up at me with those arresting chocolate-brown eyes. “Most people call me Colt.” “Colt, like… a baby horse?” He goes back to searching the drawer. “Yeah, or Colt like my last name.” “Oh.”
Aden is a soldier, it is ingrained in his DNA to serve his country. This fateful night, when he trusted the enemy and was betrayed and ambushed, he lost most of his brothers-in-arms. He was honorably discharged and tried to find his footing in the world outside the army. Not so easy with an untreated PTSD. He looks for solitude, he doesn't like gatherings of people, and drinks way too much. Women help Aden to forget for a night but when the going get really tough he goes out on his boat to be alone.
Despite his crippling nightmares and the guilt he is carrying he isn't a depressing character. Aden is such a smartass with an amazing sarcastic sense of humor who made me laugh a lot throughout the story. He is the sort of hero who is always in charge...until a slip of a woman shows him the light. I completely fell for Aden (dips!) and he broke my heart when he felt so unworthy of love. He was pretty intense at times, complicated and bossy and not at all in control of his life. Unsurprisingly, he was also a straight shooter.
“I’m not the type of man who begs.” He hisses through his teeth when I grip him tighter. “But I’m begging, please, let me fuck you.”
Sawyer is facing tragedy and she knows it. She wants to fulfill her sister's dying wish not realizing what a gift Celia is giving her. In the beginning you see this uptight a little reserved woman with some funny quirks, who, when she does as her sister asks, becomes increasingly relaxed. I loved her growth. How she became the perfect mix of Celia and Sawyer. She still had her inherent personality but when she loosened up she became happier, less fearful and that was thanks to Aden who challenged her and made her face her fears.
When I read the blurb I thought I'd be in for a delicious angst fest. What I got was so much more lighthearted, but not less delicious. In the last 25-30% J.B. Salsbury cranks up the angst and I ended up clutching my chest because it became a bit tight. I appreciated that there wasn't any unnecessary drama. I also loved Sawyer's and Aden's connection - it was attraction, sexiness, adoration, friendship and respect wrapped up in a sweet package. This story is in parts full of raw emotion, and humor and sweetness in others. At no point I felt overwhelmed or depressed, it is perfectly balanced to make this story immensely enjoyable.
It’s the way he makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. He responds to every word I say, every sound that slips unabashed from my lips, as if I’m giving him a secret he’s been desperate to discover. When we’re together it’s as if I’m the air and he’s begging for his next breath.
Miss Salsbury totally took me by surprise with this book. Sawyer's and Aden's journey is wonderful and reminds me of things that are important - forgive yourself, face your fears and get over your hangups and start living. And always TRY. I loved being part of their adventure. J.B. Salsbury really impressed me again with her flawless writing. Can you see how much I loved this book? Yeah...I loved this book hard!
A hot tortured farmer? A city girl teaching him how to love again? Sign me up!
Margot has a late visitor. Her ex wants to get back together and proposes to her. If that doesn't smell fishy...yet she considers it. The next day at a fundraiser he presents his "new fiancé". isn't her. She's had enough, something's gotta give. After throwing a tray of scones at her ex-jerk she decides to go out of town to get away from the gossip. She takes on a new client on behalf of her and her best friend's PR agency, a small family farm whose owners focus on sustainable agriculture.
Jack's and his brothers' farm is struggling a little bit. They need to grow brand awareness, stand out from the multitude of farms but Jack doesn't like change. And the barbie doll who is supposed to show him his own business? No way is he on board with the plans she has for the Valentini Brothers Farm. Add to that the feelings this woman awakes in him, feelings he doesn't want and deserve...he needs to get rid of her and fast.
Jack and Margot couldn't be any more different. He is an ex soldier now farmer with a traumatic past who lost his anchor when his wife died. Grouchy, ill-mannered, downright rude. Margot is a city girl, used to luxury and abundance. Yet something ties them together. They have an insane chemistry and although Jack is volatile and puts up walls within seconds, her big heart and easy smiles make them weaker and wear him down, little by little. She knows how to treat him, to push and prod when he needs it and to leave him be when he doesn't.
Careful, city girl. I'll want to keep you." She laughed as I let her go. But the scary thing was, I was only half joking.
Soon he finds himself seeing more in her than the spoiled city girl he thought her to be. She is strong-willed and doesn't let him roll over her like a bulldozer which I loved. Jack needed somebody who stood up for herself. But she is also incredibly forgiving, because she knows that behind all those walls is a good man and while she didn't leave him hanging for too long his grovelling was delicious and sweet.
Jack's heart is so broken and shattered that it feels like it will never heal. The way he holds on to the past and thinks that he doesn't deserve anything good in his life is painful and so misguided. He lashes out when he feels cornered and hurts Margot almost to a point where you can't fix what's broken. But there is also a sweet side to him and one that can see what he is doing despite his inability to actually DO something about it. Both of them reflect a lot about themselves, Margot probably even more so than Jack.
How could I compare my situation, which was probably just boredom, to his tragic loss? What a spoiled brat I was, complaining about "something missing" from my life. I'd never wanted for anything.
Their whirlwind romance develops fast but even though they give in to their building desire for one another quickly it doesn't feel insta because Jack keeps pushing her away. And anyway was the push and pull in this story an emotional roller coaster.
But forgiving myself would mean giving myself permission to move on, to be happy when I didn't deserve it. I'd never make that mistake again.
My heart broke for these two a thousand times over and when the story came to a conclusion the epilogue was well deserved and beautiful. I left them in a place I felt comfortable with and confident that their future would be bright. It's a story about healing and filling a void they both feel with love.
One more thing I want to mention is their chemistry. God were they hot together. Jack was quite the dirty talker and if he doesn't make your girly parts tingle then I don't know what will!
She wrapped her fingers around my shaft again and looked up at me expectantly.
"Good Girl. Now listen to me. I want you to stop being so fucking polite. Use your hands. Get messy. Make noise. Forget about being queen of the prom and suck me off like the greedy little slut under the bleachers. Got it?"
I have had a lot of firsts this year. This is another new to me author and I know it won't be my last book by her. Melanie Harlow's combination of humor and heartbreak has made me an instant fan. I can't wait to read more of her!
I'd never been so aware of my body or felt so driven by its need. Never experienced hunger or thirst or exhaustion to the point where my body craved food, water or sleep the way it craved to be filled by this man. Connected to him. Anchored to him.
After Stroked, which I had some major quibbles about (and I think I wasn't alone there), I was nervous starting this one. I was hoping for more story and less inane bitchiness that was Bellini. What can I say? My prayers were heard and Meghan Quinn dishes up a way more serious story than I knew her for.
The moment Bodi forgot to lock up the door of his childhood home was when this spirited twelve year old boy shattered. He and his sister became ear witnesses of the murder of their parents, cowered together in the tub. It was the moment Bodi turned from a carefree young boy from a loving home into a damaged human being with ticks and disorders. And above all with an unbearable amount of guilt and self hatred.
Helping to plan a fundraiser gala in memory of her friend Eva's late parents together with Eva's brother, the hot swimmer Bodi Banks gives Ruby tingles. She's had a crush on him for a long time after all. Her first encounter with him involves glitter in her face and jazz hands and how embarrassing is that?
Bodi's only concern is what is left of his family. There are two people he can be himself around: his sister and her girlfriend Lauren. These two give him a modicum of normalcy by letting him keep them safe. Talking to other people is a rehearsed behavior and doesn't come naturally for this socially awkward man. His days are planned out, deviating from his routine means ending up in a panic attack. When he meets Ruby Hearts who he is supposed to plan the gala with, he doesn't know what to do with her quirkiness. He knows she is chaos and will be a disturbance to his routine. She says those weird things and has glitter in her face. Yet, there is something fascinating about her too.
From page 1 Bodi broke my heart. He is so impeded by his disorders that he can't function without turning his lock three times in row, washing his hair in three repeats. His quirks give him a sense of calm when nothing else can. Talking with people he doesn't know is a veritable act of force to him. In the first chapter you might think he's rude - read the second and you get your first view into the damaged soul that resides in Bodi. My heart bled on every page with him. You can clearly see his inner beauty, only he can't.
This man is so clueless to his worth in this world and not just in the athletic sense. That comes second to the heart he shares with others. He has no idea how special he really is.
His self hatred is so misplaced yet I don't pretend to understand what goes on in a person who had happened to them what Bodi experienced as a child. Despite his mental issues he is caring, protective and has the most beautiful, kindest soul. And he has a dirty mouth on him that completely took me by surprise.
When he meets Ruby it's the first time in his life that he is tempted to leave his comfort zone. She doesn't judge him, she puts his demons at ease and soothes him. He breathes easier with her.
You're sweet, caring, kind, easy to talk to, and a fucking ball of sunshine"
Ruby is such a sweet, compassionate and funny character. Nurturing, caring, selfless, gentle and super quirky. One scene involved a camel toe and I just couldn't stop laughing with the images in my mind. And everytime that scene was mentioned I cracked up again. And again. The only person who could drag this broken man out of the darkness was Ruby with her bright light.
Looking at the sparkle in her eyes that hits me straight to my core, I know I'm up against a force too great for me to comprehend, too grand to undertake. It fucking terrifies me.
Around the 90% mark I started to get a bit nervous how this would play out. It was the moment when I thought Meghan Quinn will either make it or break it now. I tell you what. She made it. I am absolutely happy with the ending. (view spoiler)[ The whole time I was waiting for Bodi to break out of his walls when I realized he didn't have to. The way this author wrote the last pages of the story were perfect because there wasn't a miracle healing. Bodi was broken and with Ruby he had found the perfect partner to deal with his issues. She didn't have to fix him. (hide spoiler)]
Meghan Quinn has written one hell of a story. It's not a typical romcom. It's too serious for that but her sense of humour is spread throughout the book and I kept asking myself how this woman comes up with this stuff. I think I went through every emotion I have in my repertoir, from sad to happy, from upset to warm and fuzzy. I laughed, I cried and if that doesn't justify a 5 star rating I don't know what does.
Jay McLean is a new to me author although I've had her previous stories on my TBR for a long time. When I saw that she was starting a new series I thought this would be a good starting point. And let me tell you - I couldn't be happier.
SIXTEEN CLICKS. Eight seconds. That's how long it took me to realize I'd been in love with her for four years. Eight, life-changing seconds. It's also the exact length of time it took to lose her.
The Preston family consists of seven siblings, one sister, six brothers. Lucas is the oldest son and ever since his mom passed away he has taken over caring for his family, relieving his father a little bit from his duties. His best friend Lois/Laney has become a sort of surrogate mom to this bunch of frisky boys. Lane and Lucas have been friends for years. And it's the same amount of years they have been in love, even when they were still too young to put a name to their feelings.
And so without meaning to, without wanting to, I started to fall in like with a girl who would later become my best friend.
Lane is the glue who holds everything and everyone together, especially Lucas. One night changes everything. The dynamic of their relationship and friendship and their lives. Along the way lie heartbreak, hurt and devastation.
I don't want to give away too much of the plot - I went in blind and I'm happy I did. However please be aware that there are triggers which I will post at the end of my review in spoiler tags.
These two walk through fire for each other, even when they are at odds with one another. Their relationship is deep and has its roots in an all encompassing love. And Laney craves love. So bad that one decision will change the course of her life. What I admire about her is her strength, loyalty, strong will and backbone. She owns her decisions and always tries to keep her loved ones from the hurt that comes as a consequence to her poor choice. She protects them fiercely.
Lucas is flawed. He has hurt Laney in the past, often without him realizing it because he is so tangled up in caring for his family and living the life of a teenager. He also makes one poor decision, although I don't think his brain was involved. You can look past it though because he is young and young people make stupid mistakes. The important part is how you deal with it, what you do to fix it and if you learn from it for the future. And Lucas does all that. You can see huge growth along the way.
"And I think, ultimately, that’s what true love is, you know? To want to be someone’s hero when they’re faced with villains. To want to be to be the one that saves them. To be their Wonderwall.”
I adored all the Preston brothers but one stood out in particular and that was little Lachlan. He made me laugh so hard. He is all of six years old when we first meet him and he repeats everything his older brothers teach him. He yells "SEXING" during a Shakespeare play or laughs about his brothers saying "F*ck". I think every mother would be horrified yet laughing on the inside. And generally Jay McLean inserts a lot of humor throughout the story so that you are never overwhelmed with the angst that certainly comes with the main themes of this book.
"We've had several parents complain that Lachlan's the one teaching their kids swear words." Lachlan stands, shoves his finger in this teacher's face. "That's bullshit, lady!"
I am in love with this family. This author has a way of writing that made me feel all the things these characters were going through, from the main cast to the secondary, that's how well fleshed out they were. Lucas and Lane were relatable and lovable.
“I need you. I need to love you. And I need to love you right.”
I am so looking forward to meeting the love matches of the other Preston boys, they will definitely need someone special in their lives. much as I'd like to make my opinion known on how silly I think it is when parents give their kids matching names, I can't. Because: Lucy Lucas Leo Logan Lincoln Liam Lachlan
The safety gang will have a field day with this one. (view spoiler)[ Abuse, domestic violence, cheating (hide spoiler)]
While reading this I had one face in my mind that would go perfectly with the hero of this book:
Connor before he was taken:
I can't stop staring. He's beauty. Plus, Scott Eastwood has the perfect scowl.
Connor after:
Right. I digress.
Alina left her Colombian home to run from the grasp of an evil drug lord. She sees the world through the lens of her camera so she is hired to go to Afghanistan and report about an orphanage. A wayward soccerball introduces her to one of the soldiers who is supposed to take her there.
Connor is almost done with his deployment and soon he will join a special force. Before leaving he has to take some journalists to the orphanage close to their camp. When he meets Alina he is instantly smitten. Their whirlwind romance is cut short when Alina's past catches up with her and she leaves without a trace and only a note.
Years later Connor wakes up in a cell. He is being tortured and drugged. The drug deletes his memory extinguishing the loyal, upstanding good man that Connor used to be. In his stead is a killer, cold without emotions and with nothing to lose. Until he is captured by the special force unit he used to work for. His former comrades wean him off the drug but he is volatile and full of rage. A raging storm that can only be calmed by Alina, who he saved from her abusive husband. The druglord who erased his memory.
"Don't give up on me, Alina."
After what this hero went through you can completely understand that he is broken, and sometimes he seems beyond repair. You wonder how somebody can come back from that. The Connor from the beginning is quick to smile, playful, loyal, fearless and proud. He makes Alina feel safe and gives her sweet. With the return of his memories comes pure torture - the man he used to be can't live with the things he did while he was under the influence of the drug. He is trapped in a prison he builds around his mind to not lose it completely, setting himself up for the danger of losing the one person he loves above all. His initial reaction when cornered is to rage and then run.
Emotions were like a tornado whirling with no clear destinaton or end, but precise in its destruction.
But there is also courage and persistence which eventually and together with Alina's love takes him on the path to healing. The love he feels for Alina before his capture is also different, lighthearted and sweet, while the one after is darker, desperate. It was physically painful to watch him struggle with the agony because he was incapable of controlling his rage. Some may find it creepy but I loved how protective he was of Alina. He put Alina above everything and everyone else. She was the dominant thought.
"I'll look after you. Couldn't look after you for eleven years. Now I can."
Interestingly Alina was a little bit bland for me right at the start, I thought she would be a doormat. After the first two books in the series I shouldn't have doubted Nashoda Rose to give me a strong heroine. Alina started to shine during the course of the story. She is sweet and confident in herself, her backbone comes out unexpectedly.
"Fuck you, Connor. You want to see me, then get un-lost"
Her love for Connor is pure, innocent and unconditional and she puts up one hell of a fight against Connor's demons. There is no situation in which she even thinks about walking away, she is there whenever Connor feels the need to leave. I loved that about her.
Together they make a steamy mixture, their sexual encounters are never free from sorrow, there is always an edge to it. In the lighter moments there is some sweet and funny banter. There is a pig called Bacon and I got a kick out of that name, and a goat called Rocket and that one makes for some hilarious moments. The epilogue is epic, it was completely satisfying and left me wishing for more about this group of friends.
The last installment of the Unyielding series kicks you right into places where it hurts most. I had a lump in my throat, a knot in my gut and was bawling my eyes out in quick succession only to start again with the lump in my throat. Nashoda Rose knows how to grab my heart and squeeze out emotions like an orange. I hope this isn't the last we hear from Vault's Unyielding Riot.
"Living is one big spin of the wheel, baby. Might as well enjoy the ride until it stops.
Chanel Cleeton, where have you been all my life? I was fortunate to have the second of this amazing series waiting for me after finishing Fly With Me, thanks to the author gifting me an ARC.
Military men are a league of their own. They own every little bit of confidence, cockiness and arrogance but also loyalty and love for whatever they deem worthy. This is why I love stories featuring them.
The whole remaining squadron of the Wild Aces is still reeling from the tragic events in book 1. They try to deal with it but Eric, call sign Thor, finds it increasingly hard to focus. An almost accident makes him realize that he needs a time out, away from the job he loves to find solid ground again, to move on. After a chance run-in with his ex fiancée Becca he takes up the opportunity to go home and see where they stand, wanting to salvage the ties he cut loose a decade ago because they wanted different things out of life. His regret hasn't subsided in those ten years but will Becca be able to forgive him?
Look at me. Please. Forgive me. Let me in.
Seeing her ex again after such a long time has left Becca angry and confused. And when he comes to his home town after a decade of absence she does everything she can to shut him out and put up walls against this different yet familiar Eric. He sneaks past Becca's walls though and soon she finds herself entangled with him again. Forgiving is hard, forgetting almost impossible, and nobody wants to be second fiddle to your guy's job.
I have no idea how to put all my emotions for this book and the series into words. The heartbreak these two endured separated from the other because of one bad decision, the love that jumps from each page at you, the hope that is tangible, it all lured me in, hook, line and sinker and I just couldn't stop reading.
"What?" "You being here. In South Carolina. With me." "Not a nightmare?" "It depends on the day you ask me." "It feels like a dream."
Becca is an endearing heroine with a huge chip on her shoulder. Her strength is what defines her, so it's no surprise that forgiveness doesn't come easy to Becca but she is willing to work through the history that connects her with Eric. And so is he, he shows her with small and big gestures that he thinks the world of her. The way he treats Becca is achingly sweet. Eric is such a swoon-worthy hero. He has it all, the cockiness, the arrogance and the depth to make him doubt himself and his decisions. His remorse for cutting himself loose is in every word he says. With his heart in Becca's hands he is desperate to find a solution out of the mess he created otherwise it would mean ending up where they did those ten years ago.
"Have dinner with me tonight." She grinned. "Okay." I graduated from "maybes to "okays", and I felt like a fucking king.
Their soul deep connection makes this story so worth reading. They try so hard to get past their messy history, it's beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. And then there is that lady parts-tingling attraction, the undeniable force that draws them together that makes you gasp and hold your breath. Their deep sexual need for one another is exciting and it almost makes you feel like an intruder. I loved their chemistry.
At some point I was wondering how this would play out, with both of them being on completely different paths and not being able to stray from them. I couldn't see either of them give in...but I shouldn't have doubted that the author would get it right. When Becca finally realizes that things have changed from the impossibility of their love to the only way, it is mindblowingly sweet. At that point my heart strings let loose a crescendo of feelings for these two. I was so relieved. You realize that these two had to go through the heartbreak to find a common path. They weren't in the same place when they separated and only the time apart got them to where they had to be.
Maybe it took losing her to realize just how much I needed her, the contrast between my life with Becca and my life without never clearer than in this moment.
What I love about the heroes of this series is that they are good men and still have the edge of badasses and super-alphas. They don't mess around, they go for what they want without being dicks about it. They are open about what they feel and have no shame admitting it. It's easy to fall in love with them.
Chanel Cleeton's writing style is fluid. The dialogues feel natural and you can't help sinking into the story and being swept away with it.
I hope after this series finishes Chanel Cleeton will continue writing romance with fighter pilots. I have no idea why not more authors do it, there is so much potential. Maybe they shy away from the knowledge that is needed, or even the insight that Ms. Cleeton has. But be that as it may, I think if this author continues what she's doing she'll strike a rich vein. I'm her devoted reader at any rate.
ARC received by the author in exchange for an honest review - thank you so much!
Quotes are taken from the unpublished work and are subject to change....more
I think everybody who started this series and loved it was intrigued by the character who would have an appearance in every single book. The enigmatic, wise beyond years Bridger, the owner of The Silo, who had a roughness about him yet offered kindness in the most unexpected moments. I was intrigued by his demons from the start, you never learned what they were, only saw the way they worked him. Until now.
When an aquaintance drops an injured, beat up woman at his place everything in Bridger says "no way, José". But never being one to refuse innocent people a helping hand he agrees to letting her stay under his protection.
Maggie is the victim of the jealousy of an old lady. She gave birth to a daughter whose father is the president of a one percenter MC. Not wanting to expose her child to the life of an outlaw motorcycle club and being the property of her father she escaped one day and hid her daughter. When she was captured again she was tortured by Zeke, the president and his old lady Kayla. When she awakes from almost being killed by Kayla the first person she sees is Bridger. He offers her his protection and gives her a place where she can feel safe. As it always is when you live with somebody in close space you get to know them. Bridger, true to his trade, is a very sexual person so it doesn't take long until both of them give in to their desire for each other. Soon, Maggie finds herself wishing for more than the physical but will she be able to tear down the walls Bridger has erected around his heart? How can you fight demons you don't know?
From the start we know that Bridger was abused by his stepmother as a teenager. The things she did to him were horrible and that leaves scars on the soul of a decent man and it's a testament to the strength of our hero that he has stayed an inherently decent man. Nevertheless...
" is for idiots and trust is for fools."
It was fascinating to get a good view into the aloof Bridger, seeing him doing mundane things like make toast (and failing) for Maggie. He is the person who gets things done, and if he needs to use sex with a man for it he'll do just that. Enjoy it, however, he does not. It's all the same to him, woman, man, sex is only a way for him to blank out for a moment and escape his darkness.
"I could probably engage in a focused chess match as I was ploughing someone, able to stealthily checkmate my opponent while getting my rocks off.
That darkness and how it impedes him and his emotional life is heartbreaking. The way he tortures himself over not being able to give Maggie what he wants had me hurting for him. He sometimes is callous with her when his walls start to crumble.
I'm a shameful, heartless fuck, no doubt, but I'm also selfish as I mentioned.
On the other hand it was lovely to see him finding out that he was actually good with kids. When he was with Belle, our heroine's daughter, it was lovely and adorable. Bridger is a fascinating and bottomless pit of contradictions and I love that while he doesn't lose his edge he becomes a better and softer version of himself.
I have to say I did Maggie wrong in the beginning. I thought she'd be a needy and weak heroine but it didn't last long and soon she showed a strong backbone. There is a lot of kindness in that woman but also resilience and pride and when the time for grovelling comes she gives Bridger a run for his money. She also has a traumatizing past yet never let it break her. Her strength is fortified by her little girl.
We get to see most of the past main characters and of course Woolf, Bridger's best friend, has a lot of page-time. It was lovely to reconnect with him and remember why I loved him so much in his own book. He gives it to his best friend straight, filterless, when Bridger makes a mess of things.
"...but don't make me do your dirty work for you. Man the fuck up, Bridger."
I had an inkling that this installment would be the most emotional in the series and it really was. I hope we'll meet some of the characters of this series in other books as we have with others. They have grown on me and I am sad to let them go. Maggie was an endearing heroine and loved how she was with Bridger. Bridger was everything I hoped for. Sawyer Bennett did Bridger's story justice.
If you haven't read First Touch I urge you to stop here because, even though I will try to keep this review spoiler-free I will refer to events that happened in the first book.
Where to begin...
After finishing First Touch I was left with anxiety for Reeve and Emily, knowing that the return of Amber would be a major disruption of the budding and fragile relationship these two had started to build. And God, she was. This book had my stomach in a knot and carried me through the highest highs and the lowerst lows.
“I can’t control myself when I’m inside you.” His voice was ragged and threadbare. “I want to tear you apart. I want to rip you to shreds.” He moved both of his hands to grasp my thighs, tilting my pelvis so that his thrusts hit even deeper. “I want to destroy you. Want to fuck you to pieces. Want to shatter you. Want to break you.”
Emily's feelings for her best friend were a source of frustration and anger for me. I tried to understand why she felt that way about her but all I could come up with was a false and undeserved sense of loyalty for Amber. She didn't have any qualms laying blame on Reeve for whatever she thought he was capable of doing but never thought that her friend wouldn't be as well-meaning as Emily thought she was. What I did love though was the stark contradiction of her need to submit and her independent spirit as well as her strength.
Reeve on the other hand was the person who kept me reading. He fought for his love, he was probably even more frustrated than I was with Emily and at some point I really thought she didn't deserve it, didn't deserve this intense, strong, dominant man. When he opened up completely to her it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
"My love for you is so ferocious, so dominating that I'm possessed by it. It changes who I am. It makes me someone different and yet I'm more who I've always believed I am than I ever have been."
And then there was Amber. I KNEW what was coming. I knew it in my bones but it was still so well executed that it was a punch to my gut. I hated her throughout the whole book.
This was a captivating read and a worthy conclusion of the First and Last series. It would have been a 5 star read for me if I hadn't been so frustrated with Emily not owning up to her feelings for Reeve. He did everything he could to make it right for her, to be the man she needed him to be, yet, she betrayed his trust and love everytime she raised her suspicion towards him. The way she held on to her misguided sense of loyalty and friendship for Amber was frustrating, it just went on for too long.
Frustration notwithstanding, Laurelin Paige's ability to write a raw, intense story left me in awe. Some of her dialogues were almost poetic in their essence and have made Reeve's and Emily journey unforgettable.
For me to love a story depends 75% on the female lead. I know. It's not fair but there you have it. Since I'm supposed to be studying hard, I'll forgo the summary and jump right into my thoughts.
Arrow was a wonderfully broken character. He was loyal to the bone and tried to adhere to the bro code when it came to his friend Brogan. He went through hell and back and took the penance for what he'd done and hadn't with grace.
Brogan was an idiot and why his friends stood by him the way they did I can't fathom. The author failed to convince me why he was the good guy he was supposed to be, there was all this talk about him being such a great guy but I didn't *see* it. He was one-dimensional (view spoiler)[ and it didn't help that he screwed around on the heroine (hide spoiler)].
Mia fell flat for me. Throughout 400+ pages I couldn't get a read on her. I have no idea why these young men went all gaga over her. She wasn't not likable. She just...was. I wanted to care about her but I couldn't. I wouldn't be able to tell you much about her if you asked me, except maybe that she was a hard worker.
I'm still rating this with 3 stars because the story itself and the mystery were good and I did like the author's writing style, it had a pleasant flow. It is written in dual-POV and additionally switches between before and after the accident. It has a somber tone throughout the story, there is nothing light-hearted to lift the darker mood. We are introduced to likable secondary characters and I think we will get at least two more stories about them. I will definitely read more of this author, I think these boys have potential! ...more
God. I'm so screwed. This series has me in its grip and tickles and squeezes emotions out of me I didn't know I still had. The Royals slayed me and put me back together only to have me destroyed yet again. This book is a whole new level of awesome, I think it might even get its own zip code. As my friend Lana so aptly stated: "Welcome to the addiction! LMAO!" Well thanks, evil woman, you and Christie have ruined me too.
I may refer to events that happened in Paper Princess so if you haven't DEVOURED it yet I urge you to stop reading here.
I think most of us who read adult literature would agree that we don't read YA. There is too much unnecessary drama. Even so, this book has a boatload of drama and we still fell hard for this family. I think we all can also agree that the killer cliffhanger at the end of book 1 ripped our hearts out. Fear not, Broken Prince will satisfy most of your question marks and turn them into exclamation marks. But be aware that you will get a whole box of new questions.
While Paper Princess was written in Ella's voice this one has a dual POV which made Broken Prince so much deeper and even more emotional. We get to see events from book 1 through Reed's eyes, it makes some of them so much more significant in hindsight.
The undeniable attraction between Ella and Reed comes to full bloom. It's it's emotions galore because our sweet girl still doesn't roll over. Reed has to bring out the big guns if he wants to win back Ella's trust. And let me tell you, she holds a mean grudge. Will she ever forgive him? I had to consciously unclench my muscles from anxiety.
“He told me to stay away. He told me I didn’t belong. If only I’d listened to him.”
Reed is a wonderfully broken hero who finds his equal in Ella. These two are so alike despite the completely opposing environments they grew up in. Reed's remorse is beautiful to watch, the honesty in it is heartbreaking. Ella's struggle to not fall for his half truths is real. There is an inherent loneliness to her that only Reed can banish.
Sometimes I forget that he's got a heart that is as fragile as mine."
Lies, deception and distrust are the common denominators in all things Royal. They are the reason for their fights but also for their strong bonds. And if you thought there were many lies and deceptions in ain't seen nothing yet. There are layers upon layers of them and it's no surprise that the Royal family bonds are challenged.
“She’s the best thing to happen to the Royals in a long time.”
I adored every word, every letter in Broken Prince. I loved the secondary characters even though I hated some of them but there is so much substance to them that, even though you might despise them, in your deepest depths you might find a tiny grain of understanding for them. Ella and Reed have made my "favorite couples ever" list. I loved them hard.
How I will survive until October I have no idea. The way these Royals ruin us all is amazing and mind boggling. Elle Kennedy and Jen Frederick have created a world that speaks to me on a visceral level that I haven't found often in books. I can't recommend The Royals enough.
ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review - thank you so much!
"I'll never see you that way again. Because before this, I didn't know you were essential for me to feel alive"
I'm nursing the mother of all book hangovers. This is the first time in a long time that I just wanted to start a re-read of a series right away after finishing it. Tate and Logan have my heart still in a tight grip and won't let go all that soon. I jokingly said to a friend that it feels a bit like falling in love with somebody and then having to break up with them despite your feelings.
In the conclusion to the series we get a kick to the sternum with a brutal force that, honestly, left me shedding tears and with a bruised heart. Holy sh*t. I won't be elaborating on the plot as it would be a major spoiler.
We also get to see Finley who has his own story and I'm absolutely excited that I'll be reading this very soon. Can't say I was a big fan of him in Logan's and Tate's story but that's exactly the reason why I need to know what happened to him.
There is a lot of sexy times again. Before I started reading MM I was wondering how I would feel about reading about two men getting at it. I was scared that while I am a big fan of the gay pride movement it would be a bit TMI for my taste. I am still incredibly surprised how much I enjoy the erotic scenes between two guys. And these two...their desire is intense and burning brightly and well...hell...panties = soaked. are Tate and Logan settling into their relationship? With Logan only Tate gets to see his fragile side. The one that has the ability to shatter in an instant when it comes to the love of his life. The feelings he transports through the pages are as beautiful and pure as his mind is dirty.
"See the corner of the mattress over there? Feel free to bite it when I'm fucking you so hard your throat is hoarse from shouting."
Tate on the other hand knows how to push Logan's buttons and he does that a lot. Tate is such a reliable, steady, loyal guy. I think if these two were real I'd totally assimilate them forcibly into my life as friends.
They get along very well and there are only minor insecurities when it comes to their relationship. Logan and Tate have come a long way and are now building a life together. I would love to read more about them and maybe Ella Frank will give us little glimpses into their life.
“I love you,” he said, and as Logan looked at him, he reached for his hands. “I had no idea when you first sat down across from me that night—no idea what I’d been missing,” Tate whispered. “It was you.
I will definitely re-read this series but for now I have to let them go. Gonna miss the boys....more
I've had this on my Kindle since release day so I finally decided to put on my big girl panties and jump into this thinking I could handle the cliffhanger that I knew to expect. I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm realizing now this would have been incredibly painful if I hadn't know that Broken Prince would be waiting for me.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl...
Ella Harper has lost everything she ever cared about in her young life. Her mother might not have won the "mother-of-the-year" award but for all intents and purposes she kept her fed and clothed and loved her the way only mothers can. After two years of reversed roles of Ella taking care of her mother, her mom passes away and for the first time in her life she is completely alone to fend for herself. To avoid being introduced into the foster care system she forges her mother's signature and works as stripper. One day entrepreneur Callum Royal enters her life claiming to be her late father's best friend and now her guardian. She is thrown into a world of luxury, superficiality and loathing for those who weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
This will never be my home. I don’t belong in splendor, I belong in squalor. That's what I know. It's what I'm comfortable with because squalor doesn't lie to you. It's not wrapped up in a pretty package. It is what it is.
Callum has five sons and they aren't thrilled to meet their new family member. Reed, however, is the worst and he makes sure Ella knows that he doesn't want her around. On a daily basis they go head to head. He does what he can to rid his family from the perceived leech but he didn't factor in Ella's resilience.
“You’re poking a tiger.” I shrug. “He poked me first.”
Ella is everything I could ever ask for in a heroine. She is tough as nails, has a quick wit and bravely takes on the Royals when they make her life hell. Despite her resentment for everything they do to her she is compassionate and tries hard to find her niche in a world where wealth, privilege and entitlement are the only things that count.
Reed Royal is the leader of the Royal gang and the asshole we all love to hate. He and his brothers antagonize her and don't let her forget that they think she's scum. There were lots of times I wanted to flick Reed's dick for being such an ass. It didn't help that Callum didn't have an ounce of control over his boys out of guilt. Ella, though, doesn't roll over on her back and let them walk over her, she gives as good as she gets. And Reed? Despite his despicable behavior towards Ella you feel how he is reluctantly impressed with her and with each day his ability to resist this brave girl shrinks. There is also a deep sense of care for his family, these Royal boys stick together like glue.
“You want me to say it?” he whispers. “Fine, I’ll say it. I want you. I fucking want you.”
The sexual tension that rolls off of Ella and Reed is tangible and you can't help but think "geez, fuck and get it over with". It's that lust-hate relationship that is so addictive that you just need to continue reading. It's potent and delicious and once they give in it pulls you with them like a current and you start rooting for them. Romantic, however, it is not.
I'm Reed the Destroyer." He sounds sad. "Didn't you know that?" "I don't like that name." "Yeah, and what would you call me instead?" I open my mouth and say, "Mine.
In the 80s there was a tv show called Beverly Hills 90210. With this book I felt thrown back into that time when I gobbled up every episode and couldn't wait to see how the relationships would pan out. There is so much going on in the span of 300+ pages that I now have a severe case of emotional whiplash. You get the sense that every single character in this series has a story to tell and a purpose to fulfill, they are that well fleshed out. I would really like to know more about ALL of them. The cliffy at the end adds to that emotional whiplash and I can't wait to see how the Royals are going to fare.
“Reed Royal has broken me. I’ve fallen from the sky and I’m not sure I can get up. Not this time.”
Ella Frank's Temptation series is hard to top. Logan and Tate will remain my favorite MM couple for tReview @ Vanilla & Spice Books
5 Coming Home Stars
Ella Frank's Temptation series is hard to top. Logan and Tate will remain my favorite MM couple for the forseeable future (closely followed by Jamie and Wes from Sarina Bowen's and Elle Kennedy's HIM series). Nonetheless Finn and Brantley have captured my heart and I credit this to Ms. Frank's enormous talent for writing delightful, charming and likeable characters.
We met Daniel Finley the first time in the Temptation series as a secondary character. I didn't really have the hots for him then but if you read his story you'll understand why he was that way.
It's time to come home, Finn.
These words sent to him in a letter will turn his world upside down. When his professor Brantley Hayes sent him away seven years ago, Finn's heart was broken. How could the man who claimed to love him just do this to them, even if he had his best interest at heart. Despite the hurt that is still present and as strong as when he left Daniel Finley feels an irresistable desire to go home and face the man who caused it.
Their past and present collided spectacularly, and as they collapsed onto the rug in a tangle of arms and legs, he wondered if they would ever be able to disentangle themselves long enough to find a new place to begin.
Seven years ago Brantley Hayes set himself up for a world full of hurt when he sent the love of his life away because he saw so much more in Finn. His talented young student had so much potential so what right did he have to keep him tied up in Sunset Cove when he could study at the most prestigious universities? Ever since he hasn't been the same. After seven years he thinks it's time for Finn to come home and figure out where they stand. When he meets Finn again he realizes that the person standing in front of him is not the same favorite student he used to love. Daniel is a changed man and he won't go easy on Brantley.
After steaming and thinking about Finn's and Brantley's story I upgraded the rating from 4.5 to full 5 stars because, honestly, they are a class of their own. No they aren't Logan and Tate but they aren't required to be. Their story is heartwarming and pushes all my buttons. Their past is told in flashbacks and you get a direct comparison between the easygoing Finn and the career focused lawyer from Chicago who is not willing to give his favorite professor more than two weeks.
"I want you. And I'm selfish enough to keep you for as long as you let me."
The sexual tension Ella Frank is building from the start is sizzling. Despite Finn's resentment you can feel the incredibly deep connection these two have and the farther you reach into their story the deeper their bond becomes. I love how Ms. Frank manages to unite the hardass lawyer and the easygoing beach boy of Finn's youth and turns him into an utterly adorable person.
Brantley is mild mannered and understanding from the start and he has the patience of a saint. There couldn't be a better match for Finn. These two are a match made in heaven. I loved the chemistry of the cheeky Finn and his respectable professor as much as I loved it when he returned to his hometown.
No matter how much he guarded his heart, he would never be able to stop himself from loving this man again. And the reason for that was simple. He had never stopped in the first place.
Ella Frank delivers top notch writing and brings her characters to life. Not many books have the ability to make me cry these days but our two heros set the waterworks in motion. I loved Finn and Brantley hard.
"Now I'm right back where I was before I left." "And where's that?" "Tangled up in you," he whispered against his ear. "It's always been you."
I can't even begin to say how much I enjoyed this. This is my first book by Cambria Hebert and I'm prSo this happened. My M/M cherry has been popped.
I can't even begin to say how much I enjoyed this. This is my first book by Cambria Hebert and I'm pretty sure it won't be my last - especially since the author hints at events happening in an earlier series called #hashtag.
Trent is a mild mannered, protective, good natured guy who loves his family, his best friend and his car. Drew is said best friend - they love to hang out, especially at underground races where Drew is an independent driver. He loves the adrenaline rush coursing through his veins when he is in his car on a track. Drew is the more complicated of the two and their personalities complement one another.
One night Trent gets totally smashed and Drew takes care of his best friend. He takes him home and lets him sleep off the booze in Trent's blood. Alcohol makes you overcome inhibitions - you say things you would never say in a sober state. Trent admits to being attracted to Drew. The next day he pretends to have forgotten the things he said.
"I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Especially Drew. I wasn't gay. Except...maybe I was."
Their relationship and closeness grows slowly, coming to terms with the fact that they might be gay isn't exactly a walk in the park. The care they have for each other is always tangible and once they admit that there is more than friendship between the two of them it's a sensual explosion. The biggest problem they are facing though is how will their environment react to their new relationship?
The way Drew and Trent grew into their love I grew too. I loved how sweet they were with each other, how devoted and thoughtful. This was my first M/M read and I can only recommend it to everyone who is interested in this genre. I was being eased into the relationship of two guys and at no time I felt uncomfortable or that it was out of my comfortzone.
This book ends on a cliffy, and I HATE those. I avoid them like the plague but I wasn't aware and since the next one in the series is supposed to be released very soon I'll let this slide. ;) ...more
"You have never been invisible to me, flower. You're all I see."
Can a man be any hotter? I'm talking about Jack McCabe, brother of Jay Field, MC from Six of Hearts. This was even better than the first installment of this series and I'm so freaking happy with the end. Lets start at the beginning, shall we?
Lille is an artist and a good person. She lives with her mum who is a bitch extraordinaire and abuses and controls our heroine. One day at work, Lille receives the offer to join a circus. Lille, sensing the opportunity to get away from her mother. And so the journey starts.
Jack works for the circus as a fire breather. His family was killed when his parents' house burned to ashes. In the process he lost his brother. Or did he? Jack is broken and convinced no woman is fit to deal with the extent of his flavour of kink.
Lille wants to get to know this enigma that is Jack. She is fascinated and enarmored with him and wants to dig deep to get to the secrets he harbours. She also doesn't shy away from a little meddling when she thinks it's for the happiness of the people she loves.
“Would it make you feel better to know that we all get the same number of hours in a day, days in a year? Some people might be rich and some might be poor, but none of them can buy time. It is one of the fairest systems in the world.”
As they get closer Jack starts opening up. And of course there is betrayal and hurt and all kinds of roller coaster emotions. I loved the dynamics between Lille and Jack, while he tried to keep his distance he still showed a lot of tenderness with his girl. To be perfectly honest, I loved Jay and Matilda a great deal but I absolutely adored Jack and Lille.
My emotions were all over the place with this one. The hurt, the reluctant happiness emanating from Jack, the heartbreak when Jack talks about his youth. The incredibly hot sex.
There is a little murder mystery as a side story which I also enjoyed.
As you can guess I loved this book immensely and L.H. Cosway is becoming another favourite of mine with her stories in creative settings and her writing. I can't wait to see what King's story is. That guy really broke my heart.
Our heroine is Chloe - a mid-twenty girl from rich parents who owns a flower shop. When we mee4.5 rocky road stars
Hop on the emotional roller coaster!
Our heroine is Chloe - a mid-twenty girl from rich parents who owns a flower shop. When we meet her she is still with her boyfriend Eric (let me say right away - there is no cheating). She's sweet, straight forward, loyal and a good girl all around.
A.J. is so fantastically multi-layered, it's hard to describe him without spoiling too much. He is an enigma and on this journey we peel back layer by layer of his personality. He is distant, bad-mouthed and rude. His brain is capable of something called chromesthesia - seeing sound in colors. Comes in handy since he's the drummer in a rock band called Bad Habit (love that name btw.).
Chloe's best friend Kat from the previous book "Sweet As Sin" is getting married and Chloe has been trusted with providing the flower arrangements. When Chloe and A.J. meet (again - they have met in the previous installment first) they clash. A.J. is aloof and whenever he looks at Chloe to her it feels like he is tasting something really nasty in his mouth. Of course the obvious dislike doesn't last long and soon they find themselves in a dance of pushing and pulling. While Chloe is quite upfront with what she wants, A.J. keeps pulling away. (view spoiler)[I love how A.J. leaves origami figures on Chloe's car's windshield - because he just can't stay away from her. (hide spoiler)]
Chloe knows there are secrets he hides. He tries to stay away from her but her pull is too strong - until one day, when Chloe is hurt and his protective instinct kicks in full force. Once we see his real self he shines so bright that you're blinded by the brilliance.
The way J.T. Geissinger describes how A.J. sees colors when listening to music is almost like poetry, it's that beautiful.
We do get a happy end but until then there is a lot of drama and angst involved. And heartbreak - oh that hurt so good.
The heroine, while mostly acting mature has a moment of insanity when she screams at A.J. and demands out of pure jealousy that he never see a certain person again despite him just telling her that this person has been his only friend. The drama and angst are always strong in this story and rarely tip towards OTT.
As I've said in my review for Wicked Beautiful, J.T. Geissinger is an extremely talented writer, I love how she strings her sentences together, the wit, the charm, the heartbreak. There is a hint in the epilogue who we will get to see next and what this story will be about and I can't wait to see what J.T. Geissinger has in store for these two.
***ARC via netgalley in an exchange for an honest review***
I want to kiss Karina Halle on her mouth for letting us revisit with Kayla and Lachlan. This read has made5 Brilliant Snowy Christmassy Scottish Stars
I want to kiss Karina Halle on her mouth for letting us revisit with Kayla and Lachlan. This read has made my Christmas holidays all the sweeter.
We met those two first in The Play . If you haven't read this one, stop reading my review and go and do it. NOW.
After the events of "The Play" Kayla and Lachlan are both dealing with their respective problems. Lachlan's darkness is still creeping up on him but with the help of Kayla he has become very good at pushing it back and letting the light back in. After her transition to Edinburgh Kayla is trying to get a job with a newspaper. Additionally, she misses her mother and the rest of her family - it's Christmas after all. Broken down to the essential - they want to belong.
"Sibhe mo clann." "It's beautiful," I tell him breathlessly. "What does it say?" "It says you are my clan"
Those two are perfection. Lachlan is such a gentle beast, with a huge heart and dirty mouth. Can't say enough how much I love him.
"And when he whispers into my ear "I've got you", I believe him. He has me - now and forever. He won't ever let go. He won't ever let me fall"
Kayla's version of a Christmas tree is so hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing. If you come across this scene and you don't laugh you should stop reading this book shows the quality of their relationship. How deeply they care for each other, how explosive their chemistry is and that they can laugh in the face of darkness. How comfortable they are with each other.
Both of them get what they want for Christmas.
"It's a strange feeling, to actually feel part of a family, something deep and organic. I know I've felt it over the years but when you're an orphan, that longing, that search to belong, it never really leaves you. But at least now, after last night, it's abated. There is peace. There is relief. And when it's all over, I think I'll just be a wee bit sad"
Finally a quote I loved because it shows how successful Kayla is chasing Lachlan's darkness away:
"The shadows are gone. I am here. I am there. I am hers. Completely. When we've both caught our breaths we curl up into each other and pull the covers over us, tucking us in tight. Christmas may be over. But we have just begun.