Currently utilizing this excellent resource in my life again! — "Laying On of the Hands" type of healing. Aka Energy Medicine. Currently utilizing this excellent resource in my life again! — "Laying On of the Hands" type of healing. Aka Energy Medicine. ...more
A read for when the soul needs RESToration. I re-read this a couple of times a year, ever since I first picked it up in 2016.
2018 Review WAKE UP AND REA read for when the soul needs RESToration. I re-read this a couple of times a year, ever since I first picked it up in 2016.
2018 Review WAKE UP AND REMEMBER WHO THE EFF YOU ARE! My heart and soul needed this wisdom. It did indeed, create a spiritual awakening within me.
Self-worth, determination, and sprinkles of enlightenment will be bestowed upon those who are ready to dig deep within themselves for the messages contained within. Some people are visual learners and do best with no words, while others miss the message(s) if there are no words. This is why Paul Coelho adapted this spiritual GRAPHIC NOVEL from his original wordy version of The Alchemist. So if you like pictures, finding multiple perspectives, and deciphering your own spiritual interpretations, this graphic novel is for you. I think it's great the author provides different versions of the same book so that people who learn in different ways have options. So brilliant!
Many think this book is over-hyped. If you are new(ish) to spirituality, I doubt you will find things so cliché. If you already know it all, you will not take anything away from this book, it will have no benefit and you will not like it, more so than not, resulting in a bad rating. In my opinion, you either love this book or hate it. Some people can take hints and incorporate things into their life without concrete direction, while others need a roadmap written out word for word, and also even more help along the way. This used to be me. It is now something I consciously work on because it is one of the many lessons I acquired whilst reading this. This story made me realize many things that I needed to personally work on.
Everyone is at a different place in life- and the timing of reading The Alchemist in people's lives needs to line up. 7 years ago, I would have hated this book...I would have been like- What messages? What digging deep? I would have perceived this one-dimensionalensional and woo-woo. My heart and soul would not have been ready for the mind-blowing reality that was about to unfold. This started me on such a bigger path, but I had to be in a place of openness and willingness to learn new concepts.
If you didn't like this book, I encourage you to try to pick it up again when your heart is more open to new ideas and you are ready to start letting go of some of the views that were put into you by society, your parents, or whomever. You do not have to be a certain religion because you were raised that way, you do not need to fear money or divorce because those were your parents' problems. Do you see how we can instill other people's fears in us and let that subconsciously run our lives? (I will not be like *inserts name here*, when in fact it drives us to that very same place.) (Another key lesson in this story!) We need to let these thoughts go: I will be this way because it was the way I was raised. Or - This is just the way I am.Don't let other people steal your personal power that is yours. Yes, these are the profound insights and messages I received from this story. I'm not saying it was easy, but I had to admit to myself a lot of truths before this story would sit with me. If I were not at a mentally/spiritually mature place in my life, pretty sure this book would have gone right over my head because I did not care for this type of info in my heart earlier on.
There were many topics presented here that I'd simply never been taught or even heard of before. I had never heard about divining with stones —and trusting your intuition isn't something the cultures of America necessarily embrace. Quite the opposite actually... Oh, you are feeling something? Here, take this pill and only call us if you have side effects. These are more the vibes I have come into contact with. I come from a background where my religion was picked for me when I was younger, as are most people. You are Christian and Luthern, even though we didn't have much to do with the Church or the community. I mostly felt like an outsider because fearing people into something isn't the path to enlightenment for me. I was never confirmed in a church but nonetheless, I still believe in A Creator, among other things. Being a God-fearing woman was NOT ok with me. Another deep personal message I received from reading this story was to reverse this. Become a God-empowered woman instead. There should be no fear in faith and it should not feel heavy in the heart. I had never learned this profound positive thinking before. Being raised with a Western or Mid-Western mindset can really dampen the spirit and the soul that's for sure!
After reading this graphic novel I had tears of joy, smiles, and lightness in my heart for the first time! Truths in my heart were being unlocked as I couldn't fly through the pages fast enough. Sometimes the happy tears were flowing so much I had to take a break from reading which made me cry even more because it was that good to me. I learned to look at every trial and tribulation- not as the world striking out against me, not as the Creator hating me...but saw naysayers and tests towards the path of enlightenment. If you let the naysayers keep you down you will never rise above them. Enlightenment is purely blissful but the journey there can feel like Hell. Your path may not be someone else's path and that is OK. This book helped me see all of this.
The Alchemist graphic novel changed my perspective on life and truly shifted something meaningful in my heart. I am someone who was always looking for better, this book taught me lessons my soul needed. It showed me to enjoy the moment and step back from that longing attachment I had been creating by always wanting/wishing/praying for things to be better. Resisting and staying small day in and day out, always listening to others or trying to avoid their opinions, shutting down or hiding my own, afraid of speaking up because girls didn't grow up that way can truly hurt one's spirit without you even knowing it — is a problem. As children, most of us were not allowed to have opinions- that's just the way it was because they said so! Well, no more! This book gave me my personal power back. Strength in mind, body, and soul.
If you have holes and cannot seem to fill them with anything, no amount of food, friends, booze, or external substances help, then I highly suggest you check out this graphic novel, or read the wordy version, or try both, and see if you can do some INTERNAL soul searching like I was able to do.
I think if you loved this book as much as I did, it is because the warm spiritual messages were needed. It gave me the determination to stop letting me get myself down so much by letting others get to me. I now have the wisdom to know that others will not understand my path, but the closer I feel to peace, well that's the direction I am going in.
I cannot thank the author enough for his ability to write a story that I connected with on such a deep level! This review definitely cannot describe all the emotions I felt while reading this.
I also want to thank my Decongestive Lymphatics teacher, Dr. Corey Carter of Blackhawk, South Dakota (Owner of Alt. Med Services), for recommending me this glorious read. I am forever changed by this wisdom. Namasté
I was under no obligation to write a review, my honest opinion is freely given. I purchased the small hardback, graphic novel (physical) edition of "The Alchemist" from Amazon.
I look forward to reading the lengthier, "wordy" version, which I have waiting on the Kindle App....more
#NSFW I remember borrowing this from the library a few years ago after being told I was an Empath, I REALLY wasn't ready for some of the topics present#NSFW I remember borrowing this from the library a few years ago after being told I was an Empath, I REALLY wasn't ready for some of the topics presented within. I can laugh now, but back then I had MANY "What the hell, people do this?" moments.
I recall one of the author's exercises vividly: Meditating and then merging bodily fluids with a tree. You read that right! I'm talking WAY out there stuff that made me SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE to even read about. (I guess I'm the weird one for thinking splooging on a tree, on purpose is strange?) I'll be a tree hugger, I guess that would be second base, but I highly doubt I'll be making it to 3rd base getting THAT intimate with nature. Haha! I just couldn't get my head around this concept. It raised A LOT of what I felt to be inappropriate questions. (Like do you put it in a jar and then go to the tree, do you risk in-decent exposure, it's probably easier for guys than girls, why am I even wondering these questions? Haha!)
Even if something isn't for me, I like to know the person's reasoning. I'm so curious as to why people do the things they do, and what they think they get in return. The "give and receive balance" exchange cycle is something I'm completely in awe of.
Other exercises weren't as odd, but this person's approach to spirituality was WAY different than my own, and that's OK! Reading about material that makes us uncomfortable can help us learn about ourselves. It shows us where and what our boundaries are, and where we have healing to do yet. Just because you read something, doesn't mean you have to put it to practice.
I'm assuming Amy Following Hawks (one of my favorite spirituality mentors and blogs I follow) felt uncomfortable merging with nature in this way as well, I learned from her: Every time she works with nature, to make the give and receive exchange balanced, she does a couple of different things: • Picks up trash from the surrounding area (trying to leave it better than the way she found it.) • Or she'll leave a strand of her hair as a thank you without leaving a negative imprint on the world (birds can use hair to make nests and such, it's not littering because it's biodegradable and natural.)
I'm assuming this leaving the hair would be a similar equivocal to "cumming on a tree", just a lot nicer and not as intense. Is saying thank you and delivering prayer not enough? Does it take real physical action? This is all stuff for me to learn. Jeesh what a weird thing for me to say. I never thought I'd be talking like this! There are levels to this stuff. Find what YOU are comfortable with and go towards what DOES RESONATE for you!
Many of the esoteric traditions are hidden because the depth of understanding and training that is necessary can seem very odd to those who were like me and didn't even know what esoteric meant at the time. Haha!
So, while this book wasn't for me years ago, I still don't know if I'd like it any better now that I'm further along on my path, there were some pretty good points, but mostly I remember this book showing me what direction I did want to go in and that this particular path or level of intensity wasn't the way for me. I've found other books on Empathy and being an Empath much more helpful to navigate. This one will continue to remain esoteric to me. I'm still thankful for the experience, because it did lead me further down my path, and for that, I have much gratitude....more
2018 Review (Revised) This material warms my heart and soul.
When I picked up this book from the library years ago, I had no interest in becoming a medi2018 Review (Revised) This material warms my heart and soul.
When I picked up this book from the library years ago, I had no interest in becoming a medium, nor do I still. Upon flipping through the pages though, I saw what were steps to living a more conscious, positive life, something everyone could benefit from, not just mediums. I think the title may scare off a lot of people, and that's sad, but if you fear not, you will find so much positive beauty in this baby.
I'm not kidding, I wore rose-colored glasses for weeks to months after reading this, and honestly, I now have an easier time coping with things that used to make me angry. Step by step guide is right.
While reading this book I didn't take a sip of water or even blink without having gratitude. I've tried spoon-feeding myself gratitude nonstop before, and sometimes certain things just didn't work for me: traditional talk therapy, pharmaceuticals, gratitude journals, crystals, meditating every day... I've tried a lot of these things to no avail. This book had so many things that worked for me! The gratitude I experienced was real and not shoved down my throat! It was amazing!
The authors' ability to cherish every moment and truly teach others how to master themselves is uniquely special. Never has information stuck with me as much as this did.
My biggest takeaway from the title was: When in time of upset, give your love, not your anger. • Exa- in traffic, do not send anger towards crazy drivers, there are enough bad vibes around. Send them love, because you can see it is needed! Pray for their safety, your safety, and the safety of everyone in the surrounding area out of LOVE, NOT out of FEAR. Be aware of your mindset. Have a POSITIVE outlook that all will be well, do NOT give in to negativity, swearing, or judgment! Be responsible for your emotions! Nobody can make you feel a certain way unless you let them. There are exercises included to help strengthen the mind, body, and soul.
As I mentioned previously, I want to make sure this message hits home: This work is doable whether you want to deep dive into the spirituality of it all or not.
The more you practice sending out love the more joy you will receive in return, it's true! It creates this beautiful mindset! It DOESN'T even have to be said out loud verbally! It may feel completely awkward at first if you aren't used to operating from the field of love all the time, it takes a lot of practice. Opening up the heart space can be tremendous work, but is always worth it.
I started practicing sending love to people or animals that COULDN'T hear me, especially while driving through traffic in 7 lanes of dangerous Arizona freeway (lots of chances to practice); then I moved up to communicating and sending love VERBALLY while in conflict(s). When we swear and get angry, we either project our emotions onto others or shove it down internally, which ultimately ends up poisoning us if it is not released in healthy way(s). Learning to clear energy LOVINGLY makes all the difference between making a choice to respond in love, taking a few deep breaths, and choosing how to respond OR riding the emotional wave, having a freakout on others or ourselves, and destroying relationships. Cultivating a healthy mindset is a must to be completely successful in life. You can get out of your own way. You can stop being your own worst enemy. It's going to take work on your behalf.
I need to buy this book because as I said earlier, this was a library book I picked up, meaning I had it for maybe 2 wks, and it had this profound effect on me. 2019- I bought the book! "MEDIUM" is on its 4th printing!
This is one book I truly learned life skills from and it has forever had a place in my heart. I have very few favorites, but when you want to memorize a book because its that good....when you can take that writing and incorporate it in your life, it's so much more than an author just giving you their words....more