Cons: -characters get on their soap boxes a lot -the plot is kind of predictable -an attempt at diversity feels a lI liked it. Probably won't read again.
Cons: -characters get on their soap boxes a lot -the plot is kind of predictable -an attempt at diversity feels a little forced and awkward but points for the attempt
Pros: -characterization is something i like in general -the writing is such that FOR SOME REASON its hard for me to put down even with ff14 sitting in front of me -I really really like Nest Freemark -John Ross has an interesting internal struggle which, is most of the plot but eh -the magic though more of a soft magic nature than a Sanderson magic style, still works here imo and i really like the woodland creatures and how they live in the real world in this trilogy...more
3.5 stars - I enjoyed it but I'm not sure if I would recommend it or read it again.
Running with the Demon is a Shannara book that takes place before t3.5 stars - I enjoyed it but I'm not sure if I would recommend it or read it again.
Running with the Demon is a Shannara book that takes place before the apocalypse that creates the world we've seen in the main Shannara trilogy. It's basically our world as we know it, in a small town in Illinois, with a few people that know about magic and the tug of war between good & evil or the Word and the Void. I wasn't disappointed but I wasn't jumping to keep reading most of the time either. So it's a good middle ground, decent read. Sometimes I would get a little lost because there were a lot of stories within stories, but it's okay. I might recommend it to those who want to try a bit of fantasy without jumping head long into the high, epic full on new world experience.
Somehow I lost my old review? - 3 stars, maybe 3.5
Ah well, something something awesome AIRSHIPS making me like this book a lot more than it probably dSomehow I lost my old review? - 3 stars, maybe 3.5
Ah well, something something awesome AIRSHIPS making me like this book a lot more than it probably deserves. But also, it's a lot better when you don't get into it after reading something like WoT or Cosmere related, so there's that too. Anyway, I like it. I'm reading all of Shannara now. That's my goal. ...more
So it probably gets a 3-star rating because of nostalgia and the fact that I wasn't ever frustrated while reading it. Actually, I kindaWhat to say...
So it probably gets a 3-star rating because of nostalgia and the fact that I wasn't ever frustrated while reading it. Actually, I kinda enjoyed it for most of the book.
I do like Bremen. The other characters are lacking but at least Bremen, one of the main characters, is likable, right? TBH, my love of Bremen is probably what led to 3 stars instead of 2. So there's that.
The writing is better but there's still far too much telling instead of showing; the perfect example of why the old adage of "show, don't tell" exists. The action scenes are pretty good for the most part - I daze my way through the huge battle scenes but I do that in most every fantasy book with huge battle scenes anyway.
I enjoyed this one, but its still rough around the edges. One of the better books so far of this series that I've read.I enjoyed this one, but its still rough around the edges. One of the better books so far of this series that I've read....more
I dont know man, these books have such a terrible problem of "telling" instead of "showing" and it gets so frustrating to read 2 stars? 3 stars? 2.5?
I dont know man, these books have such a terrible problem of "telling" instead of "showing" and it gets so frustrating to read sometimes. The first third or so was good enough to hook me and keep me for a while but then the quest adventure starts and its like blah blah blah...
End was good, though. And the characterization / development of Walker Boh is what really carries the stars for me....more
It's much better than the first three books and all, and it's clearly going to be an actual, what, four books, that are all one story instead of fi3.5
It's much better than the first three books and all, and it's clearly going to be an actual, what, four books, that are all one story instead of fitting one story into one book. The characters have more depth, more -believable- depth, I should say. The plot is still mostly straight forward but it has its own little twists.
Twists that are all too often way too obvious. I almost gave this book 4 stars, but I just couldn't really push it that far just yet. I mean, the last little climax was so. freakin. rushed. And then it barely pulls away from that rush to whoops, here's the ending. Like, not really the best ending as far as pacing. (Cause there's so much lead up and then, bloop lol). The try/fail sequences are fun though.
Still. I liked it. Had enough power to pull me away from my gaming soooooo it's got that going for it. You can definitely tell Terry Brooks gets better with each book, which is kind of fun to notice in its own right. We're just not quite at 4 star "I really liked it" yet. (But we're close~)...more
Of course you need to read Wishsong first (published 1985) and then this (2003) and sure of course there's improvement in Brooks' Yo.
That was so good.
Of course you need to read Wishsong first (published 1985) and then this (2003) and sure of course there's improvement in Brooks' writing after so many years. But I'm very satisfied with how this one turned out. Very much enjoyed....more
This book sat at a good 2 or 2.5 stars (ups and downs throughout) from the beginning. Info-dumping moment from Allanon again. Go on a quest, destroy aThis book sat at a good 2 or 2.5 stars (ups and downs throughout) from the beginning. Info-dumping moment from Allanon again. Go on a quest, destroy an ancient magic book, yadda yadda yadda. There was something different in the characters, though. Jair kept my interest and then it was more about him and Slanter. Still, the merry group adds more characters and more blah blah blah. And I'm like "yawn", speed reading and skipping whole paragraphs of description b/c bleh.
The last 30%, and especially the last 10%, had me reading every word, sitting there, wrapped up in the characters. Especially, especially the last 10% I didn't want to put it down.
So for that? Three stars. Even had me tearing up at the end. Was a good end. ...more
3 stars 'cause I liked it over all. Though there were parts I totally skimmed over just like in the first novel, but this is where the world of Shanna3 stars 'cause I liked it over all. Though there were parts I totally skimmed over just like in the first novel, but this is where the world of Shannara starts to take on a life of its own instead of feeling so much like a LotR copy. Probably why the TV series starts here. (I haven't watched the show, but my husband has and said he kinda liked it though it wasn't amazing - about how I feel for the book, honestly).
So, what knocked the rating dow? Well - infodumps are freakin awful like in the Sword of Shannara, though there's far less of it; Brooks also does far too much telling instead of showing; and only some of the characters really shine, one of the main ones (Amberle) is kinda flat; the battle scenes are weak, probably because they're told in a perspective that's way too far away from the characters - this is where I did most of my skimming
What kept the rating up? I love the way this book starts. I was real excited at first. I love Ander's character. It's a little cliche' and trope-y but I still think he stands out as the one who feels the most ALIVE to me. Eretria is another that feels well done. Sad that the main two characters are kinda meh. Wil isn't bad and gets better but it's kinda forced. Ahem. Anyway, good things. Alannon has more character here too. Yay. (Hah, good points - all in the characters). The plot may be kinda, eh, forced and "monster of the week" feeling at times, but, personally, I like the idea of the Demons and whatnot being sealed away somewhere and when that seal breaks, needing to go on this quest - ah yes, old school fantasy quests are a joy - to find this one thing that can seal them up again. I'm sure it was a lot better in its time, or as one of those books you pick up before you really understand how common and trite this type of plot is in fantasy nowadays...
Anywho. That's about all I have to say. I'll be picking up the next one soon....more
I read this in high school thanks to my best friend having a copy in her room, if I remember right. So some nostalgia definitely exists for me asBleh.
I read this in high school thanks to my best friend having a copy in her room, if I remember right. So some nostalgia definitely exists for me as I read. (Alannon!) - being one thing I recall loving very much, and even on a re-read I still like my angry/grumpy Gandalf.
Anywho - this isn't really that good. Beginning is so slow and breaking "rules" that fantasy authors follow today (such as DON'T TELL YOUR WORLD'S HISTORY ALL UP FRONT) . Like, there's a whole section where they're just talking history IN THE BEGINNING WHY. Ahem.
When people speak of Lord of the Rings creating all these copies, this is what I think they're referencing, because goodness the plot and the characters almost line up perfectly. Clearly LotR inspired.
It's kind of painful to read through nowadays, honestly, but - BUT - I have picked up "Running With The Demon" years after graduating high school, which connects to the Shannara world and is much more recent. (Sword of Shannara being published in 1970s~ and Running with the Demon being published in the 1990s) So. I KNOW it gets better as Terry Brooks' writing improves over the years. And I do have fond memories of the world. Just. Gotta accept the first book is super rough, mate. (I was skimming whole sections b/c blah blah blah too many words?)
I still love Alannon and have feelings in my heart for him though atm I'm not sure why. I think it has to do with later books in the series. This one I think Panamon Creel stands out more. (Even though it takes like half the book for HIM to show up and for me to go AH YES I REMEMBER YOU NOW lol...)
...for some reason this book gives me Book of Three vibes...huh......more