I'm ashamed that it's taken me this long to read from Atwood—arguably the most acclaimed Canadian author of all time—being a Canadian myself. It's onlI'm ashamed that it's taken me this long to read from Atwood—arguably the most acclaimed Canadian author of all time—being a Canadian myself. It's only thanks to my English teacher that I picked up The Handmaid's Tale, finally experiencing Atwood's disturbing dystopia that forewarns of a world where women's bodies are policed by the state.
"Freedom, like everything else, is relative."
I think I read this book at the perfect time. Over the past month or so, it's been hard to ignore the constant stream of horrifying headlines from our American neighbours, whose government has been passing several laws restricting women's rights to their own bodily autonomy. Regardless, The Handmaid's Tale is a great read, with the current world amplifying the fundamental importance and timelessness of this story.
The first thing that struck me was Offred's narration, and how different her tone was from what I expected; in fact, several of Offred's fellow handmaid's fit my initial expectations more closely than her. Moira's feisty personality could have given readers a more strongly emotional view of Gilead and its atrocities. Ofglen's hidden resilience might have added to the greater understanding of the resistance. As things carried on though, I grew to appreciate Offred a little more, eventually finding intrigue in her outward passivity and hidden anger. Offred's struggle to maintain her sanity while in such a powerless position became terribly interesting, with her at times dull narration accurately conveying her sense of dwindling hope. I liked how the tone fluctuated slightly as Offred found power wherever she could. I can see why Atwood is such a beloved writer.
There isn't much else to say that others haven't mentioned already. I was shocked to discover that The Handmaid's Tale was crafted almost entirely from real events that have happened around the world, though (like I mentioned before) I really shouldn't considering what's been happening in America. I can't properly emphasize how important this story is, and I implore everyone to give it a read if you haven't already!...more
“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?”
I almost picked this book for an essay on critical literar
“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?”
I almost picked this book for an essay on critical literary theory… I’m grateful I didn’t. My teacher noticed that not many students were very enthused by the novel options this year, and returned the next day with a new addition to the list: A Clockwork Orange, a supposedly very dark and disturbing novel about teenage criminals and the freedom of choice. It would be a difficult read, she warned, but she assured us that she read it in high school and really loved it. Needless to say, over half the students (including myself) gave in to the premise and selected it for the focus of our final assignment………… I opened the first page, and changed my selection the next day.
A Clockwork Orange is extremely hard to get into for its jaunty and excessive use of made-up slang. In the beginning, I understood nothing of what Alex—the narrator—was saying, and promptly went looking for another book to analyze and write about for my assignment. Still, I vowed to give this book a full readthrough in my free time. My mom is big fan of the 1971 Kubrick film adaptation, which served as even greater incentive for me to continue reading. All of that leaves me here.
My initial hatred towards the narration and complicated slang was made up for around the halfway mark, after something clicked and I realized that I was suddenly able to understand almost all of Burgess’ strange vocabulary. The narrator (Alex) and his droogs are a startling bunch, though their amusing lingo softens the blow of some truly horrific deeds, making them play out like a haughty scene in a musical rather than the realities of theft, assault and murder. Burgess’ main message is primarily what kept me reading; I like how the droogs’ senseless evil raises the question of what warrants a person to be bad over good, and if maybe, having that choice is a crucial part of what makes us human.
“If he can only perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange—meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with colour and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound up by God or the Devil.”
From what I’ve read online, it seems that most people prefer the film to the novel of A Clockwork Orange. Burgess’ message is definitely worthwhile, though I just can’t get over how much of a slog it was to get through the first half of this story. I felt like an idiot trying to figure out the basics of the slang, reading and rereading the same sentences over and over just to get a general idea of things (like horrorshow meaning excellent or cutter meaning money, etc etc etc). Even so, I definitely don’t regret reading this story. The second half was really entertaining… now I’m really curious about the movie! (I mean…the eyelash accessory on Alex is everything... the posters alone have sold me)....more
This was by far one of the most entertaining books I've read for school. Anything written about ancient Greece has all my attention, so considering OeThis was by far one of the most entertaining books I've read for school. Anything written about ancient Greece has all my attention, so considering Oedipus the King is the OG murder mystery and greek tragedy, I loved it. Short, and (not) sweet!...more
The Kite Runner is the kind of book that leaves you a changed person. You’ll finish reading feeling dazed, accompanied by a faint fuzzy warmth in yourThe Kite Runner is the kind of book that leaves you a changed person. You’ll finish reading feeling dazed, accompanied by a faint fuzzy warmth in your heart—side effect of the grief and betrayal finally ending in resolve.
“For you, a thousand times over”
It’s hard to believe that this journey of a novel was Hosseini’s debut, especially considering the impact it’s had on millions of readers across the globe. The friendship and hardship between two Afghan boys has completely altered my perception of the world.
For the few who aren’t already aware, The Kite Runner is by no means a light book. It’s centred around a childhood traumatic event that leaves the protagonist haunted for years. And for those who have read the book, oh boy, that scene made me cry harder than I have in a long while. This was an emotional rollercoaster, to put it very lightly.
Hosseini does an exceptional job illustrating the complicated relationships between his characters; within pages, I was already able to feel the years of history between Amir and Hassan, Baba and Ali. There came a point where I could hardly conclude that I wasn’t reading a memoir, the characters felt so true, their emotions so real, and I loved every bit of it. This what people call masterful storytelling.
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't.”
Macbeth has got to be one of my favourite Shakespearean tragedies. I’d lost hope in the pla“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't.”
Macbeth has got to be one of my favourite Shakespearean tragedies. I’d lost hope in the playwright after reading Romeo & Juliet last year, mainly because insta love—even in the 14th century— pains me. I should’ve gotten the hint that enjoying Julius Caesar would entail only good things for this play. The darker the better, it seems.
~★~ What is this play about? ~★~
If you haven’t already heard (which I’m sure you have), Macbeth follows a loyal general to the King of Scotland. When three witches prophesize that he will soon become King, the general Macbeth quickly overcomes his scepticism and begins contemplating murdering the ruler to take his place.
Despite Macbeth being one of Shakespeare’s shortest plays, I think it is easily one of the most interesting. The exploration of human nature and our desire for power was executed so well; you’re sure to become invested in the oncoming events. It was fascinating to follow Macbeth as he went from an honourable man to a cruel tyrant.
Never did I expect a work written in the 1600’s (by a man no less) to include women with so much power. Lady Macbeth —despite her questionable nature— was pleasantly surprising in her influence. I loved knowing that she acted as Macbeth’s “dearest partner in greatness” despite the time period suggesting otherwise. While the turnout of her character was expected, it was nice to see she and the witches play an integral role in the proceedings of the play.
Alas, I very much enjoyed this (and wish I can someday see it performed). It’s obvious why Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, and I’m glad to have studied it....more
“The thing is -- fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream. There aren’t any beasts to be afraid of on this island.”
Haha. Hahaha. Spoiler alert: t
“The thing is -- fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream. There aren’t any beasts to be afraid of on this island.”
Haha. Hahaha. Spoiler alert: the beasts are themselves.
Lord of the Flies, as I’m sure you’ve already heard, follows a group of boys (aged 6-12) after they survive a plane crash. They’re left stranded on an island to fend for themselves in what is ultimately a study of human nature.
Having to annotate this book for school came with a lot of scepticism on my part. I usually expect classics to be slow paced and often uninteresting, with messages that take all of my brain power to decipher. What I didn’t anticipate was to become so enamoured with the downward spiral of several young boys as they attempted to piece together some semblance of civilization.
There were several instances where I looked up from the book and stared at the wall, mouth agape, overcome by horror at the madness ensuing. The last chapter had my heart racing with fear for Ralph. Its almost funny how in my haze of panic, the conclusion hit me with the force of a brick.
While William Golding’s writing is far from the most spectacular I’ve read, it’s simplicity fit this story like a glove. The narrative made for an easy time progressing through the novel, while certain scenes and one liners stuck with me all the way through.
Having expected something mediocre, I’m beyond pleased with what Lord of the Flies delivered. If someone told me a classic would have me crying at some points and physically panicked at another I likely would have laughed. I can’t laugh anymore, because damn if this wasn’t a journey....more
A classic Nordic tale originally published in 1963, The Ice Palace was gorgeously told. The lush winter scenery made for a wonderful read.3.5 stars ❄️
A classic Nordic tale originally published in 1963, The Ice Palace was gorgeously told. The lush winter scenery made for a wonderful read.
“They were floating, almost at one with the darkness, reflecting no light. Their footsteps could not be heard. But their breathing could, and perhaps the heart. They mingled with other almost inaudible nocturnal stirrings, like a small vibration in long wires.”
This tale follows a brief and unlikely friendship between two eleven year old girls named Siss and Unn. When Unn wanders out alone and discovers an Ice Palace at the edge of their village’s waterfall, she is transfixed. The next day everyone is quick to hear of her disappearance, and Siss is the first to go looking.
The greatest thing about this book was the feeling the atmosphere gave off. Everything about the surrounding nature was described in breathtaking detail--unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The Ice Palace itself felt like a living breathing thing, which seems to be a common takeaway for those who’ve read this story.
However, my one complaint is that this story felt too short. There wasn't enough time for me to feel a true attachment to Siss or Unn, though I still enjoyed their characters to an extent. I wish that there was a bit more substance to allow for a deeper liking of their personas.
Still, I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t a beautiful story. It radiates a great message for such a short amount of pages. The Ice Passage was definitely worth the read!...more
Moony… thats all. He’ll forever be my favourite <3
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of
Moony… thats all. He’ll forever be my favourite <3
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”
I cried once this entire series, and for a reason that seems minimal in comparison to the extent of everything that happened. When Harry tells his son that he was named after Severus Snape--the bravest man he knew--I was done for. Harry’s maturity in being able to forgive Snape, and Snape finally being appreciated by someone--by a Potter no less--IT’S TOO GOOD!
The Deathly Hallows was far from anything I expected going in. Our main trio was away from Hogwarts for the majority of this novel, which I eventually got used to. The absence of characters who died previously in the series felt like a gaping hole in my heart, which is to say I was not ready for what took place.
Rowling’s writing was great as always. The tone was nothing short of perfect for a middle grade series, and Harry’s narrative does a wonderful job of conveying emotions to the reader. While I did miss the presence of a lot of Hogwarts characters, I eventually grew to like the way Harry was always on the move and interacting with newly introduced characters.
Something I’ve loved about the past two books in this series is the prominence of backstory. I love discovering more about the adult characters in particular, as there’s always something to uncover in their younger days that adds to their intrigue. It was great to get more on Snape, Lily and Dumbledore in particular.
The final fifth of this book held my attention really firmly; the last bit of drama and action always seems to elevate each instalment by a significant amount for me. While the ending after the final battle did seem a bit abrupt, and the time jump of 20 years for an epilogue lasting only a few pages was rather short, I’m not altogether unhappy with the ending. I wish there was more of the students in their teenage years recovering from the war rather than the abrupt switch to having everyone married with children.
Overall I do thing the quest for horcruxes made for a great concluding book, as the plot never relented! While I was upset over the fate of certain characters (3 of my 4 favourite characters are unfortunately dead... ) I can’t say I didn’t enjoy this story as a whole. A well executed finale indeed!
“I'm going to keep going until I succeed — or die. Don't think I don't know how this might end. I've known it for years.”
Hello, 911? Yeah, I just witnessed an illegal activity. Draco cried.
I am not fine. I am not okay. I am distressed. FIX DRACO, ROWLING, I BEG YOU.
Hello, 911? Yeah, I just witnessed an illegal activity. Draco cried.
I am not fine. I am not okay. I am distressed. FIX DRACO, ROWLING, I BEG YOU.
“You said to us once before," said Hermione quietly, "that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?”
The Half Blood Prince was a journey in itself; a relentless one at that. The last few chapters came as a complete shock to me, as I’m sure they did to everyone. To say I wasn’t ready would be an understatement.
Where do I begin? I’m really starting to enjoy the dark turn that this series is taking, especially since The Order of the Phoenix. The entertainment factor is definitely increasing for me now that we’re receiving more information on Voldemort’s past life. While the first couple of books seemed to have their own individual storylines, now that Voldemort is being explored often the plot feels more continuous, as this will surely be important for the rest of the series.
I take back everything I said in previous reviews abut Draco growing more malicious each book. This instalment really made me feel for him, especially after discovering the motive behind his actions. He’s still a teenager, and it’s awful what he’s forced to endure.
I find as the cast of characters matures and grows older, I can relate to them more and find a better connectivity to the story. This is perhaps why I’ve enjoyed the later books in this series significantly more, as Harry and his friends are further from children. Harry’s emotions are becoming more complex as he ages, which has allowed me to sympathize with him more easily.
The romance has definitely become more prominent in this book, though I will admit I don’t care much for any of the canon pairings. (Wolfstar is the only couple I could have cared for if it happened). This being said I don’t disagree with any of the ships, either. I’m definitely more invested in the plot itself which leaves me with little to care for in terms of the characters’ love lives.
“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.”
The Half Blood Prince was a great penultimate book; I’m really looking forward to the series conclusion! JK Rowling better do her best and deliver a finale worth the while. ...more
Umbridge is a better villain than Voldemort; I said what I said. Also: my love for Remus Lupin has reached untouchable heights; the man is precious.
Umbridge is a better villain than Voldemort; I said what I said. Also: my love for Remus Lupin has reached untouchable heights; the man is precious.
“We can't choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.”
The Order of the Phoenix is to me the greatest book in this series thus far simply because of the attention to characters. Harry’s grief and frustration were both far more palpable in this instalment; his anger allowed me to sympathize with him more strongly than ever. I was so glad to see old faces return (Sirius and Lupin), new faces introduced (Luna and Tonks), and pasts explained (Snape and James). The cast of characters continues to grow each book, and yet everyone is developed really well!
While one could argue that The Order of the Phoenix is rather uneventful considering it’s length, I think there was a good balance between plot and characterization. We learned great bounds of information on Voldemort and the Death Eaters’ pasts, were introduced to a tinge of romance, and as usual received a lengthy but thrilling action scene nearing the end.
Dolores Umbridge was an incredible antagonist, especially considering she’s only been around for one book. The amount of hatred I feel for that woman is worlds above anything I hold against Voldemort. She is easily one of the most irritating characters I’ve ever come across (in a good way considering she’s meant to be this way, of course), and this in itself is a great feat achieved by Rowling.
While I think this book could have definitely been shortened, it’s length does not take away from the story (whereas to me The Goblet of Fire’s length did). I was really pleased to get more incite into the characters struggles, and am looking forward to the rest of the series!
“You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.”
“We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.”
Something I really en3.25 stars ✨
CEDRIC. DIGGORY. A king amongst men.
“We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.”
Something I really enjoyed about The Goblet of Fire is the exploration of side characters. The plot of the Triwizard Cup left room for people besides Harry’s trio to play a prominent role in the story, which was lovely. I’m especially glad that my favourites--Sirius Black and Cedric Diggory--were looked at in more depth this book. All I can hope for is that there’ll be more of the wonderful Remus Lupin later in the series!
On the contrary, The Goblet of Fire is more than seven hundred pages long. Considering the majority of the plot is taken up by the Triwizard Cup, it was unfortunate that the first tournament event didn’t even commence until nearly the halfway point of this massive novel. I’m almost certain JK Rowling could have given readers the same--if not a greater effect--with a book four hundred pages in length. For this reason I found much of this instalment a trudge, save for the last few chapters where most of the action took place.
Being years late to the Harry Potter series, I’ve heard plenty from the fandom. A common theme I came across was that many were upset with the treatment of the Syltherin house, which after reading this book, I completely agree with. JK Rowling really began hammering the antagonist role onto Draco Malfoy in this one, as well as his friends and any other Slytherin members we’ve heard from. At first it seemed like plain fun, but Draco began to seem almost malicious in this book, which I really didn’t like. He deserves so much better. It’s as if Rowling stereotypes the Slytherin's simply because they share common personality traits. Being cunning and ambitious does not mean a child is bound to turn out evil, yet the way they’re written here begs otherwise.
This being said, the last ten chapters certainly redeemed a lot that I didn’t like about The Goblet of Fire. I could really see the planning that went into this story, regardless of my previous opinions. The twists and revelations that could be drawn back to earlier points were great.
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”
Sirius Black’s name was mentioned once in the first two books, and even then I knew he was going to be legendary. I WAS NOT WRONG!
I absol3.75 stars ⚡️
Sirius Black’s name was mentioned once in the first two books, and even then I knew he was going to be legendary. I WAS NOT WRONG!
I absolutely loved the introduction of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black as characters; those two are by far my favourites of the series. They add a certain aspect to the story that I can’t exactly pinpoint, though it’s certainly amazing.
The last hundred pages of the Prisoner of Azkaban were incredible. There were revelations happening left and right; I never could have guessed at half of what we learned. Stakes were high and tensions rising in the last bit of action, which was great!
Before the last quarter, however, I found myself growing disappointed with this book. The Prisoner of Azkaban was definitely the slowest in the series thus far, and it is also the longest out of the first three instalments. Most of it was comprised of Harry Potter eavesdropping for information and seeing repeated bad omens. I was left slightly bored for the majority of this story, as nothing truly eventful took place until we got to meet Sirius. I was eager to learn more about Black since he was mentioned, but it wasn’t until almost the halfway point when speculations of his past or escape were even mildly elaborated.
If it weren’t for the ending, I fear I wouldn’t have liked this book at all. Sirius and Lupin boosted my rating by nearly a full star, and I’m really glad for it. I hope they play a future role in the series, as I’m terribly eager to see more of them!...more
While I definitely missed out on years of Harry Potter nostalgia, it’s hard to deny the creativity that went into crafting this story.
“It does not While I definitely missed out on years of Harry Potter nostalgia, it’s hard to deny the creativity that went into crafting this story.
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
Rowling’s writing is undeniably exceptional for a children's series. It gives of a whimsical energy and encapsulates this tale in a wonderful light. I loved being introduced to the world of wizards and magical creatures of all sorts. Most of all I found enjoyment through the characters--Harry and his friends were wonderful!
My main criticism is that the plot never really took on a clear path, which left me with nothing to look forward to. There was no mission or main objective until we were very deep into the book. Harry and his friends simply went about their day, whether it involved classes or quidditch, and occasionally got into a quick debacle. While I wasn’t necessarily bored, I admittedly had hoped there would sooner be a more prominent conflict or task at hand.
There were also problems I had regarding certain additions and commentary in this book:
The fatphobic narration was impossible to look past considering it was constant and blunt. Comparing Dudley--a child--to a pig because of his size is gross and in no way comical or necessary. It’s especially jarring to me that this is included in a book targeted at kids--a wildly popular one at that--which contains hateful remarks as mentioned.
The cultural appropriation was really off putting for me as well. Reading that Quirrell (a British/European man) wears a Turban around all the time was quite unsettling.
While I was not completely awed by this book, it was fairly entertaining and contained a likeable enough cast. I can see why people enjoy this series, though I definitely missed out by waiting so long to pick it up....more
Good god, Atticus Finch is too noble for this world.
“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a m
Good god, Atticus Finch is too noble for this world.
“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.”
There is a lot that could be said of this novel, but I’m positive you’ve heard much of it already. All I’d heard of To Kill A Mockingbird was that it surrounded the central theme of suppression and racism in the American South.
It’s incredible how much more there is to it, though.
To Kill A Mockingbird is about Scout’s slow maturing from childhood innocence to the grasping of harsh reality. From the beginning, Scout, Jem and Dill have created an image of their neighbour Boo Radley that only children ever could. Boo is their monster, the unknowingness makes them more afraid of him than anything else. As the story progresses, their view of Boo Radley becomes gradually more human, and Scout realizes the true monsters plaguing society are the people fueling racism and hate.
I’ll take a moment to say what likely everyone who’s read this book shares in common: Atticus Finch is a beautiful character. It made me unbelievably happy to know that Harper Lee could create such a character as Atticus; especially considering that this was written during the times when people thought against people like him. Atticus Finch believes in equality amongst white and coloured folks; he expresses this without fear of retribution. Not only that, but he’s the model of a father we should strive for. My heart was with him the entirety of this book.
Then we’ve got the incredible Scout Finch. The embodiment of ‘fuck your gender roles.’ It was lovely to see that Scout was so sure of who she is, despite everyone’s constant objections to her ‘boyish’ tendencies. At first it was puzzling to me how a child as young as her was able to grasp so much. As the story progressed though, I realized Scout harbored a false surety that what she knows is correct. Soon enough she is exposed to more than what any child can wrap their head around properly. Regardless, a greatly important character.
The court trial was mind blowing. By far the scene that had me the most engaged. It was then that I really started to get the importance of this novel, and truly realize all that it stands for. It passes the test of time like only few other classics I’ve read have been able to.
At first, I hardly got why most of this book was taken up by Scout, Dill and Jem’s childhood journey. I questioned why there wasn’t more that focused directly on the effects of racism during the time. It saddens me that it only made sense after I thought about it for some time after finishing. I know I can appreciate To Kill A Mockingbird more the second time around.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
There is no way to properly articulate the beauty of Donna Tartt’s story telling. My words wouldn’t nearly suffice to the incredibility of what I expeThere is no way to properly articulate the beauty of Donna Tartt’s story telling. My words wouldn’t nearly suffice to the incredibility of what I experienced. Fruitful and full of life, yet terribly dark and uniquely twisted, The Secret History is a masterpiece.
“Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it.”
The Secret History follows the journey of a tight knit bunch of college kids under the influence of their Greek classics professor. The turning point that pushes them to obsession, then corruption and quite nearly past the point of insanity.
Donna Tartt crafts her characters with an almost artful precision. It is amazing how anyone was able to create such a bizarre bunch- I was drawn to every character despite their awful nature. One can’t help becoming enthralled in their twisted and helpless desires, their desperate attempts at self preservation.
These characters are not written to be at all likeable -that concept was new to me. I never could have fathomed a book so monstrous and beautiful would be borne of insanely flawed and twisted characters.
“I suppose at one time in my life I might have had any number of stories, but now there is no other. This is the only story I will ever be able to tell.”
There is a certain depth to the brilliancy of this novel- largely attributed to the meticulously planned out plot. Within the first sentence of the prologue everything is given away: our five protagonists murdered their friend. This means that the storytelling lies in the endless turmoil that led up to this event- and the disturbance that came afterwards. It was truly awe-inspiring to experience this story as it unravelled.
“Beauty is rarely soft or consolatory. Quite the contrary. Genuine beauty is always quite alarming.”
Tremendously executed, I will never forget this book....more
I first read The Great Gatsby when I was around twelve or thirteen, and—understanding next to nothing about money or the implications of social statusI first read The Great Gatsby when I was around twelve or thirteen, and—understanding next to nothing about money or the implications of social status—quite confidently proclaimed it the worst classic I’d ever read. What can I say… little ol’ me was not entertained (my apologies to Fitzgerald for that disgraceful review).
Bless my english class for forcing this book back into my life; if it hadn’t, I’d be going around for the rest of my years spouting my unfounded hate for this book. While I still didn’t loveThe Great Gatsby the second time around, I’d be stupid to deny its impact.
Fitzgerald’s writing was poetic and nothing short of lovely, which was—funnily enough—exactly what originally put me off this book. I can’t help feeling there’s something brilliant about Fitzgerald’s way of expressing everything with his flowery words, while also not explicitly saying much at all (and I mean that in the best way possible). It sort of adds to the flighty, purposeless qualities attributed to characters like Daisy, who have too much money and feel like there’s not enough to do with it.
“All I kept thinking about, over and over, was 'You can't live forever; you can't live forever.”
The message conveyed through this text—the unattainable American Dream—is a great one, though I couldn’t help being bored by the flaky, hypocritical characters. Despite Fitzgerald intending for his cast to be written this way (and for good reason) I wasn’t interested in any of them save for Nick, and felt bored by most of their social interactions.
My favourite scene by far (which nearly bumped my rating up an extra star) occurred in the final chapter. (view spoiler)[I was moved to the brink of tears reading about Nick’s desperate attempt to find anyone who wanted to attend Gatsby’s funeral. It hurt like hell when no one showed up. (hide spoiler)] Like Owl Eyes put it: “The poor son-of-a-bitch”.
In the end, I’m really glad to have re-read The Great Gatsby. This book does not, in fact, suck. Sorry again, Fitzgerald!...more
I’m happy to say that not even Disney can top classic books. Thank god.
This was just about as magical and enchanting as you’d expect of a classic fairI’m happy to say that not even Disney can top classic books. Thank god.
This was just about as magical and enchanting as you’d expect of a classic fairy tale. It was lovely to accompany Peter Pan on his adventures though Neverland. The essence of childhood captured by this book was just wonderful, I’ve got no complaints.
There isn’t much to say besides what most already know about Peter Pan.
Animals taking over a farm and pigs representing a totalitarian government is definitely not something I’d expect to have read, but school exists, so Animals taking over a farm and pigs representing a totalitarian government is definitely not something I’d expect to have read, but school exists, so here we are.
Let me say that this book gets a whole lot more interesting once you know a bit about George Orwell’s life. Born to British parents in India, Orwell served with the imperial Indian police, fought in the Spanish civil war, and became a world war two correspondent for BBC. This, in turn, gave George Orwell first hand experience with the inequalities and hardships around the world, thus giving him the idea for Animal Farm.
There are several comparisons that can be drawn from Animal Farm back to historical and even recent events. The Berlin wall and the Russian Revolution/Soviet Union among the most relevant. It’s brilliant, the way that events going on in the world today can still be seen through this book. The way Orwell uses animals as embellished versions of people and reality.
This is a relatively short book, for many this wouldn’t take more than an hour or two to read.
I can definitely appreciate Animal Farm, my complaints seem small and pointless when looking at the bigger picture. At times scenes came off as slow or repetitive, though I can definitely see why some things are that way. For me, it was a bit difficult to get fully immersed into the story, mostly because every action or character represents something totally different than what meets the eye.
(Who was going to prepare me for the horror that is pigs learning to walk on two legs?)...more