I liked the romance and Ryke and Elzira are a sweet couple but I didn't like the crude and explicit language. I just don't find the word cunt3.5 stars
I liked the romance and Ryke and Elzira are a sweet couple but I didn't like the crude and explicit language. I just don't find the word cunt romantic or erotic... sometimes the sex scenes reminded me of a cheap porn script. His dirty talk wasn't for me but aside from that the story was nice. A little bit rushed... they changed from enemies to lovers quite quickly but I liked them together. They both like bloodshed and vengeance, but the book isn't called sinister fairy tale for nothing ;)...more
This whole series felt like a trainwreck, I just couldn't stop although I got more and more annoyed with the characters and the story. But th3.5 stars
This whole series felt like a trainwreck, I just couldn't stop although I got more and more annoyed with the characters and the story. But the first book was definitely better than the second but which was just a repetition of miscommunication and assholery from Shane. The third book is a retelling from Shanes POV, which answered a lot of questions that weren't addressed in the first two books (and the third book had an extented epilogue!)
What bothered me here was the slutshaming, Lea and Grace were horrible to other females although both weren't angels either. Being jealous is one thing but the author portrayed every other female as ugly, slutty and stupid whereas Lea and Grace were perfect! Everyone loved Grace, it was so annoying!
Grace was okay, but too perfect and I disliked that the author portrayed her as an angel and pure soul, when she wasn't so perfect in my eyes. I think a lot of readers will be annoyed by her as well. And Shane? A total manwhore, he allegedly didn't sleep with any woman since he met Grace but he kissed and groped some just to make her jealous or because he is an asshole!? I havea high tolerance against assholes but Shane was stretching even my limits! In book 2 even more, because I knew how old they were and I was amazed how stupid and immature both behaved.
I liked the idea of the story but in the end it wasn't what I expected. (view spoiler)[Shane didn't know Grace was his soulmate, neither did Grace till the end and not because their souls realized their connection. (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)](hide spoiler)]...more
It wasn't as good as the first book, as I expected, but I still liked "Shadow Wings". I'm just a huge Tyrrik fangirl and was afraid that the 4.0 stars
It wasn't as good as the first book, as I expected, but I still liked "Shadow Wings". I'm just a huge Tyrrik fangirl and was afraid that the "Phaetyn prince" mentioned in the blurb could lead to some "love triangle situation", but fortunately that didn't happen! Sadly Tyrrik was kind of missing in the middle of the story and I really missed him, because he is my favourite character of the series, but Ryn wasn't as annoying as I feared. She had moments where I wanted to smack her but overall she was a nice heroine. Nevertheless I still think Tyrrik could've found a more mature heroine, he is over 100 years old afterall and she still acts like teenager in many ways (which I don't critizise, she is still very young) but I wished a hero like Tyrrik would've gotten an adult romance. While "Shadow Wings" is upper YA (especially the first book had its dark moments) it's very YA and tame on the romance side and I'm shocked to say but I missed sexy scenes like in the ACOTAR series by Sarah J Maas....more
After months of shitty books I finally found a book that I loved. The story wasn't perfect and I bet a lot of readers won't like Irrik, but I5.0 stars
After months of shitty books I finally found a book that I loved. The story wasn't perfect and I bet a lot of readers won't like Irrik, but I really loved the story....more
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Impress-Werken ganz gut geschrieben, aber ich fand die Story in der zweiten Hälfte extrem langatmig und der Held war2,5 Sterne
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Impress-Werken ganz gut geschrieben, aber ich fand die Story in der zweiten Hälfte extrem langatmig und der Held war sehr merkwürdig charakterisiert. Auf der einen Seite bieten die Blutelben Frauen ja viel mehr Freiheiten und echauffieren sich über das altmodische Frauenbild der Elori, auf der anderen Seite droht Darkyn der Heldin die ganze Zeit, schreit rum und reagiert erbost und gibt sich auch keine Mühe Verständnis für ihre Lage zu zeigen und wundert sich dann lautstark, dass er doch alles tut was in seiner Macht steht und warum zum Teufel sie ihm nicht vertraut. Äh, ja weil er sich wie ein Arschloch verhält!? Aber natürlich lag das nur an ihrer Erziehung, die ihr Angst vor Männern gemacht hat... Nee, der Held war ein Idiot und wurde zeitgleich als "lieb" dargestellt als auch als cholerischer Idiot. Ein modernes Frauenbild gab es hier zwar nicht, aber ich konnte damit leben. Der Held war nicht so scheiße, dass ich ihn gehasst hätte, aber ich fand die Charaktere und Story allgemein recht lahm. Der Weltenaufbau war auch ziemlich von "Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora" inspiriert, aber es fehlte einfach an einer emotionalen oder sonst irgendwie inspirierenden Geschichte. Kann man lesen, muss man aber nicht....more
This was a surprise, a good one. Especially the hero was amazing, his secret made him even more likable. Briar was a nice heroine, but I simp4.5 stars
This was a surprise, a good one. Especially the hero was amazing, his secret made him even more likable. Briar was a nice heroine, but I simply liked Poet more. I liked the world-building, not completely unique, but different from what I expected. The romance was sweet although the characters could've been more open about their feelings (at least to each other). My only complaint is the bittersweet ending. It was a happy ending but with a sad note to it. It was realistic but the characters deserved more, I wanted more for them. I need and want those overly sweet and happy endings and this wasn't one of those :(
The book was so good, but it was also dark, depressing, brutal and sometimes hard to stomach. Sometimes I wished for a lighter story. :( Alth5.0 stars
The book was so good, but it was also dark, depressing, brutal and sometimes hard to stomach. Sometimes I wished for a lighter story. :( Although Lila isn't raped, she is threatened with it and other characters are tortured, murdered and brutally raped. I thought this to be a YA novel but it isn't! The sex is descriptive but not too explicit, but it's still sexy and steamy.
I liked the characters although Lila was too often in the position of a damsel in distress and was surprised by some of the topics, including Lila's and Alex's kinks. And even some scenes where unpredictable, even when the ending luckily wasn't....more