The blurb sounded more interesting than the story actually was. I expected Rosalind and Lucas to have a past that was just more than one meeting. "DNF
The blurb sounded more interesting than the story actually was. I expected Rosalind and Lucas to have a past that was just more than one meeting. "a love that began many years before" sounds like they were childhood sweethearts, but they met when they were children and they didn't fall in love or anything....more
I just the read the first few pages, but I disliked both the hero and heroine. He is a lying douche and I don't like the 'saving for marriage' trope, I just the read the first few pages, but I disliked both the hero and heroine. He is a lying douche and I don't like the 'saving for marriage' trope, virginity is not the holy grail in my opinion....more
I'm not a fan of the HUGE age difference. She is 21 and he is described as being in his forties with a 12 year old daughter. For me itRead approx. 50%
I'm not a fan of the HUGE age difference. She is 21 and he is described as being in his forties with a 12 year old daughter. For me it's just too much, when she is just half his age. In the beginning I thought he is in his early thirties, which would've been okay for me but this was just a tad too much.
And I DNFed because I didn't like the first sex scene. The descriptions weren't fitting or maybe it's because I hate the word "cunt". She was a virgin and the scene felt like a cheap porn script, I just wanted a little bit more romantic or fitting wording and the word "cunt" for me is a huge dealbreaker.
This is barely worth two stars! The heroine was annoying and stupid and the hero creepy and selfish. I just didn't care for the characters an1.5 stars
This is barely worth two stars! The heroine was annoying and stupid and the hero creepy and selfish. I just didn't care for the characters and disliked the story. Not worth my time and nerves....more
I was expecting something different, like an anti-hero, but the hero actually is really sweet. I especially wasn't a fan of the side storDNF after 55%
I was expecting something different, like an anti-hero, but the hero actually is really sweet. I especially wasn't a fan of the side story with apparently all the MCs from the previous three novels in the series, those parts weren't interesting at all. Maybe because I didn't read the previous book or because I was reading this for the romance and all the chapters from POV's of other characters got on my nerves. The characters were okay, but I'm not a fan of the insta-love or soulmate stuff, because I didn't see any chemistry between the two. The writing was nice but I think it's better to read all the books in series in order and I'm not invested enough to read a 13(!) book series....more
This was so strange, I could've lived with the insta-love, but a hero who only speaks in one word sentences and only when he DNF after 47% - 1.5 stars
This was so strange, I could've lived with the insta-love, but a hero who only speaks in one word sentences and only when he has to was hard to relate to. Especially since he is a teacher I found it hard to believe and the author failed to make him three-dimensional without him uttering a full sentence. Awkward is the best way too describe Amy's and Nash's relationship. Not my story, but the writing was okay and I got it for free, so I didn't regret buying it....more
Ich habe nur ein paar Seiten gelesen und schnell festgestellt, dass der Roman sprachlich gar nichts für mich ist. Ich habe dann etwas vorgeblättert unIch habe nur ein paar Seiten gelesen und schnell festgestellt, dass der Roman sprachlich gar nichts für mich ist. Ich habe dann etwas vorgeblättert und der Roman klingt eher wie ein Nackenbeißer als ein Urban Fantasy Roman. Ich meine “Er hatte mir seinen Samen geschenkt und mein Körper nahm ihn an“ oder auch sonst sind die Sexszenen ausuferned blumig beschrieben. Ich meine besser als von Mösen zu lesen, aber sprachlich war's einfach nicht meins....more
The hero was an ass and drowning in self-pity. Annoying and a total pussy, the heroine wasn't much better. And I didn't like the structdnf - after 70%
The hero was an ass and drowning in self-pity. Annoying and a total pussy, the heroine wasn't much better. And I didn't like the structure of the story, I like flashbacks instead of a chronological order. The hero also CHEATS on his current girlfriend with the heroine, because he values his place in the band more than the heroine....more