Somehow, I never read this before (I read the Process) and it easily became one of my favorites. It's a short read (I recommend the audio book) and itSomehow, I never read this before (I read the Process) and it easily became one of my favorites. It's a short read (I recommend the audio book) and it's not for everyone, but I adore it....more
Perceptually late as always, I finally read this book, long after watching the movie. Perhaps because I knew the basic plot and all the twists, I had Perceptually late as always, I finally read this book, long after watching the movie. Perhaps because I knew the basic plot and all the twists, I had a very easy time reading it and had a lot of fun with it. I cannot explain it, but I found it utterly hilarious at times. These two characters are so entertaining (Amy more than Nick). I think I went into this like it was Seinfeld or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so all the bad things that had happened to these characters became funny. I don't know if it was intended to be read this way, but it worked for me. The book itself does touch on many important and interesting subjects. I loved the usage of true crime and 24 hours media circus focusing all their attention on this one woman and her shitty husband. I loved the setting of a crumbling little town, crumbling marriage, crumbling economy. Very good read. It deserves the praise it got. ...more
I have been listening to this novella for months now. It has been on my TBR list for years (long before the Tringun thing).
As strange as it sounds, tI have been listening to this novella for months now. It has been on my TBR list for years (long before the Tringun thing).
As strange as it sounds, the quality of the writing intimidated me. To put it simply, I was jealous of this novella, ok?
With every word so carefully chosen, the level of commant of the English language, woven into every single sentence of this work, is something I aspire to.
This is one of the rare pieces of media featuring time travel that actually makes you feel the scale of the time and space continuum. Absolutely recommend....more
This might be the first book where I, a lesbian, think the weakest point by far is the sapphic romance. I liked the premise so much, hoping it would iThis might be the first book where I, a lesbian, think the weakest point by far is the sapphic romance. I liked the premise so much, hoping it would inspire me to work on my own projects with similar premises. I loved our protagonist, so flawed and unlike many others main characters. In the end, despire the grandiose premise, the world ultimately felt small. I think I might have gone in with an expectation this book was never going to fulfill because it's not that kind of a book. As I said, the romance between Cara and Dell is the weakest part and it drags the book down. Even with the explanations in the end, I had no idea why these two women would be interested in one another. Was there a chapter or two I was missing? I didn't go in hoping for a grand, sweeping romance, but give me something. Still, I like the writing and the themes explored. It was a very interesting read, all in all. It's more of a 3.5 actually, but I like to round up....more
Absolutely not my usual kind of book, but I'm happy I read it. A fun, quick read with surprisingly interesting bits of worldbuilding. I love that demoAbsolutely not my usual kind of book, but I'm happy I read it. A fun, quick read with surprisingly interesting bits of worldbuilding. I love that demons love sushi. If you're not ok with themes of cheating, this isn't a book for you. If you like cute sapphics, than it might be right up your ally....more
Very interesting read, that sadly turned out to be slightly disappointing.
It follows Kris, a new window whoMore of a 3.5 stars, but I'm rounding up.
Very interesting read, that sadly turned out to be slightly disappointing.
It follows Kris, a new window whose wife just died giving birth to their Kid, in a world where a crime of any kind means you have an extra shadow with you. First of all: I liked the voice. It's written from Kris' perspective to her dead wife and it has a steam of consciousness feel to it. It's usually not my favorite style to read, but it felt very appropriate for this story. I like the exploration of grief and how it never leaves you, not fully at least.
There is a CinemSins hole inside of my brain screaming about the lack of world building and I need to remind it that it doesn't matter. Not for this story. In the background, we see the modern day world slipping into a dictatorship, as the people with extra shadows are discriminated against and looked down upon. We get all we need for this story, but a world building nerd in me wants more! This is a flaw in my way of reading this book and not in the book itself.
As much as I was sure this was going to be a 5/5 for me, some flaws creept in to curb my enthusiasm.
Why is this Kid a kid when she acts and talks like a teenager? You are either going to love her or hate her, depending on how much you like kids who sound like they were made up for a tweet.
This spoilery thing was the first thing that bothered me:
I get what the author was trying to do, but "the crime" Kris did to get her extra shadow left me disappointed. As I said, I get it, even our smallest mistakes can mean so much in this harsh world, but I wanted her to have actually "earned" it, to have actually done something bad. Same goes for her eventual love interest. As I write this, I feel like I'm missing the point of the book, I know. That was just a symptom of my main issue with this book.
I simply wanted more.
Despite everything, I am happy I read this book. I wrote this review even tho I don't usually do those because I know this book, with all its flaws and virtues will be suck in my head for months....more