12/19/15: Series RE-READ in preparation for newest book, coming December 21, woot woot!
Original Review
4 Stars
So, I'm completely obsessed with this ser12/19/15: Series RE-READ in preparation for newest book, coming December 21, woot woot!
Original Review
4 Stars
So, I'm completely obsessed with this series right now.
Like as in the Tom Cruise style "I'm so obsessed with Scientology I shall laugh maniacally" kind of obsessed.
* * * * *
I know this series kind of...different...
...in what some might say is a "weird" M/M on steroids genre...
...But whatevs!
I freakin' DIG it.
See Mer-Man says it's cool, so it's aight.
So see, totally reasonable.
But I digress.
Book One is still my favorite, of course.
Nothing and no one can compare to Rohyr and Lassen in my opinion.
And while I at least liked Naeth and Reijir more as people than I did Riordan from book two, I didn't necessarily feel their connection as strongly as I did with the couples from books one and two.
Still, a really good story against a backdrop of outstanding world building.
Something else I think the author does that is really cool is tell each story in a timeline that interweaves itself into the timelines of the previous books - thereby making the time frame make sense and giving us even more details from those previous book relationships - but without being repetitive in any way.
Pretty neat trick if you ask me.
Well I would actually put some true effort into this and make this review an actual review, but like I said:
So I need to get back to reading book 4...which I am already 80% into...
Merged review:
12/19/15: Series RE-READ in preparation for newest book, coming December 21, woot woot!
Original Review
4 Stars
So, I'm completely obsessed with this series right now.
Like as in the Tom Cruise style "I'm so obsessed with Scientology I shall laugh maniacally" kind of obsessed.
* * * * *
I know this series kind of...different...
...in what some might say is a "weird" M/M on steroids genre...
...But whatevs!
I freakin' DIG it.
See Mer-Man says it's cool, so it's aight.
So see, totally reasonable.
But I digress.
Book One is still my favorite, of course.
Nothing and no one can compare to Rohyr and Lassen in my opinion.
And while I at least liked Naeth and Reijir more as people than I did Riordan from book two, I didn't necessarily feel their connection as strongly as I did with the couples from books one and two.
Still, a really good story against a backdrop of outstanding world building.
Something else I think the author does that is really cool is tell each story in a timeline that interweaves itself into the timelines of the previous books - thereby making the time frame make sense and giving us even more details from those previous book relationships - but without being repetitive in any way.
Pretty neat trick if you ask me.
Well I would actually put some true effort into this and make this review an actual review, but like I said:
So I need to get back to reading book 4...which I am already 80% into...
So this is probably my least favorite of the series so far, because, whelp... * * * * * CHEATING.
[ima3.5-3.75 Stars
***Spoilers Abound - Enter at Own Risk***
So this is probably my least favorite of the series so far, because, whelp... * * * * * CHEATING.
And not only cheating, but Ash-banging-someone-Eiren-can't-fucking-stand cheating.
Holy effin' burn, peeps.
There, there, Val. There, there.
Now, normally this is a deal breaker for me - of epic proportions; however, in this case:
1) I was so invested in the series and the characters that I just had to continue.
2) For whatever reason, cheating doesn't bother me AS MUCH in m/m as it does in m/f. I am not sure why this is the case. It doesn't make sense to me either. But whatevs, it is what it is.
So there's that.
Then, AFTER said cheating, Eiren leaves for a while and comes back.
To someone ELSE.
And as though that isn't enough, the new guy is a righteous dude and everyone loves him. Even Ash.
So you can't even have the satisfaction of hating the guy.
Some other righteously annoying shenanigans ensue - think death and STDs.
But hey, at least I got some really good groveling and an HEA.
And I still love the series.
Merged review:
3.5-3.75 Stars
***Spoilers Abound - Enter at Own Risk***
So this is probably my least favorite of the series so far, because, whelp... * * * * * CHEATING.
And not only cheating, but Ash-banging-someone-Eiren-can't-fucking-stand cheating.
Holy effin' burn, peeps.
There, there, Val. There, there.
Now, normally this is a deal breaker for me - of epic proportions; however, in this case:
1) I was so invested in the series and the characters that I just had to continue.
2) For whatever reason, cheating doesn't bother me AS MUCH in m/m as it does in m/f. I am not sure why this is the case. It doesn't make sense to me either. But whatevs, it is what it is.
So there's that.
Then, AFTER said cheating, Eiren leaves for a while and comes back.
To someone ELSE.
And as though that isn't enough, the new guy is a righteous dude and everyone loves him. Even Ash.
So you can't even have the satisfaction of hating the guy.
Some other righteously annoying shenanigans ensue - think death and STDs.
But hey, at least I got some really good groveling and an HEA.
I had a really long, gif-filled review for this that I inadvertently deleted when I accidentally and idiotica***Happy Publication Day***
3.75 - 4 Stars
I had a really long, gif-filled review for this that I inadvertently deleted when I accidentally and idiotically hit the power button on my computer.
I don't see myself being able to replicate what I had written, and I'm also not that motivated to try. Cause I'm pretty irritated right now. So this is going to be sloppy. But hey, at least I'm laying something down.
I'll do my best.
This is a book that I (and many Guild Hunter fans) have been wanting and anticipating for a really long time. Seriously though, for years. I read book one when it originally came out in 2009. I still have the battered mass market paperback. There is scotch tape holding the spine together. Meaning: I've read it into the ground. And THEN bought the digital copy...but still kept the paperback. Because, you know, nostalgia. And book hoarding. And because I haven't had to move recently.
But I digress.
My point. Aodhan and Illium's relationship and story has been something that has captivated us all since book one. And when Nalini released the blurb for this thing, we all went a little insane.
A wholly reasonable response in my opinion.
As a result though, I was worried about how all the external and internal buzz of this high would affect my reading experience. All of us readers know the damage bloated expectations can have on what would otherwise have been a great read.
So I tried to maintain an open mind and tempered expectations when I sat down to read this. And I'm glad I did.
After finishing this last night, I thought long and hard as I was unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep (because general insomnia) about what I was going to put in my review for this. After all, this is an ARC and a highly anticipated read.
So, since I already felt unsure about what was the most diplomatic way of trying to say how I feel without making it sound like a gripe...and since I lost the long ass review I tapped out in my quest for said diplomacy, I have decided I am simply going to get right to the point and say what I myself would want to know about this book.
Which is this:
If you are thinking this is going to be a traditional, full-fledged M/M romance story...
...adjust your expectations. Because this is just not that.
I know. You are thinking...
But it's true. And that's okay.
Because while this may not have been quite the...robust M/M Singh romance I was expecting, it WAS a story about a friendship that transcends the definition. And, quite frankly (and practically), I feel like Nalini had to straddle a fine line here. In my opinion, she wanted to write the book she knew her fans wanted, and to which her own characters had led her - an M/M book. But she had to do it in a way that wouldn't be off-putting to her M/F readers who haven't ever dipped their toe into the M/M pool and/or who have really no interest in doing so outside this book.
And so, in that regard, I think Nalini was very successful at pulling it off. What we got here is a slow burn, light romance involving one of our favorite duos of all time. It was true to the characters Nalini has so painstakingly crafted over this series arc. It was beautiful. And I really enjoyed it.
This book jumped back and forth between the present and past pivotal moments in Aodhan and Illium's lives and relationship. If you are a fan of the series and eat up anything and everything Aodhan/Illium (which I am and I do), then you will really enjoy this format and the endless glimpses we get into not only the the lives of Aodhan and Illium, but of a few other key Seven members as well.
I didn't think it was possible, but I love Raphael and his Seven even more than ever before. And I LOVED how stinking adorable Aodhan and Illium were, across all time frames. They were just a joy to read about. In fact, I would read another book about them in a heartbeat. Even if every scene is just them bickering.
All that said, in my opinion, if you go into this this book expecting a fast-paced, hot and heavy M/M romance (in the sense that you have read a lot of M/M before and expect certain things), you are going to be hugely disappointed.
However, if you go into the book ready for a calm, somewhat slow-moving character piece on a friendship and love that transcends romance altogether, you will really enjoy this. Perhaps even more than I did.
XXXXXXXXXX Sooooooo excited you guys. Not only did I get lucky enough to get an ARC for this, but it's gonna be the first book I read on my new Precious Precious!
Gonna be a great weekend.
You guys...
I'm so exited, I can't even form sentences. This is the one we've been waiting and hoping for, folks!...more
I was super ill this past week with that dreaded illness that shall not be named. Luckily my symptoms allowed me to be able to basically All the Stars
I was super ill this past week with that dreaded illness that shall not be named. Luckily my symptoms allowed me to be able to basically binge read. I feel very fortunate in that respect as I know a lot of people have had it so, so much worse. So pardon me while I catch up on a ton of reviews. Anyway, enough about me.
This book, you guys...
Was everything I wanted and more.
Like all Dartmoor fans, I have been waiting for Tennyson and Reese's book since...the beginning mutterings of a potential Tenny and Reese ship. And, like I said, this was just bliss and I enjoyed every single moment and sentence.
Dartmoor is probably one of my top most favorite series of all time. And what with how much I've read and loved over the last three decades, that's really saying something. Lauren Gilley is simply talented as fuck. She can write complicated, grey human beings with so much color and I adore her.
I loved every moment I got to spend with all these characters who legit feel like family to me.
Fans of this series need no encouragement to download this. And people who haven't started this series yet...what are you even doing?
5 "Candy Canes and Pine Cones and Epic and Awesome" Stars
I originally read this book in preparation for a giveaway over on the blog; but rest a5 "Candy Canes and Pine Cones and Epic and Awesome" Stars
I originally read this book in preparation for a giveaway over on the blog; but rest assured, said giveaway had NOTHING to do with me giving this bad boy 5 big ones.
If it had sucked, I would have rated it however many "suck" stars it deserved, written a semi-diplomatic "this thing sucked" review...
And then still done my blog-wife duty and shamelessly plugged the giveaway.
But thank fuck I didn't have to do that.
Because this thing was awesome.
Before this book, I had never read - or even heard of - T.J. Klune, quite frankly, but a few weeks ago, my non-PNR-reading blog-wife Maria, said, "OMG Val, you just HAVE to read this awesome M/M PNR book I just read. It was fucking fabulous."
Well, okay, that wasn't exactly what she said...
But that's what I heard.
But anyexaggeration, homie Maria was right.
I loved this thing.
As I said, I've never read anything by T.J. Klune before, so I'm not sure if this book is an example of his general writing style or just his writing style for this book. Either way...
It's very different. And it just really worked for me here.
The entire story is told from the POV of our main character, Ox.
Ox lives in the country in the middle of Green Creek aka Nowhere, Oregon.
Yeah, exactly.
Anyway, Ox's father tells him he is stupid and the kids at school call him a "retard."
But really, Ox is just a simple boy with simple wants and needs and a heart of fucking gold.
And when I say "simple," I mean that the way he sees the world and other people is the way I wish we ALL could see things: with no artifice, no underlying motivations, and no cruelty.
And that is how the writing is structured.
Short, concise paragraphs that are simple in nature but tell a story of great complexity, beauty, and depth.
Also, something I am always a sucker for and always will be is the PNR Mate trope.
Well, this definitely has that, but in a different way than I've ever read before.
The connection between Ox and all of the other characters is so awesome, so simple, and yet so beautifully complex at the same time.
They way they all interact and play off each other is alternately heart wrenching, endearing, and hilarious.
I don't want to talk too much about the story line though because, being that I went in kind of blind myself and loved it, I would encourage others to do so as well.
But I will say this...
What this book doesn't have is:
- A whole lotta steam...nothing really happens between any of the characters until the end. And you know what? I didn't notice the loss...and I'm a huge "I need the sexy times" whore.
- Artificial drama. So nice. So refreshing.
What this book does have is:
- Beautiful characters with beautiful connections
- A love story built over the course of more than a decade
- Grief and healing
- Some angst and groveling
- Camaraderie in spades
So if any of that cranks your tractor, I say snag this book.
Find this review, other reviews, and general shameless shenanigans at:
Okay, I am just SO in the minuscule minority here that I don't even know what to say.
Except that it must simply be me.
Seriously, I don't even hOkay, I am just SO in the minuscule minority here that I don't even know what to say.
Except that it must simply be me.
Seriously, I don't even have anything snarky or BAD to say about this book.
I know, right?
Imagine how I feel.
But I can't say anything bad...because there is nothing bad to say.
I LOVE Aly Martinez and her writing here was flawless as always.
Her characters were quirky and funny, her pop culture hilarity was on point as usual, the story line was great...this had all of the ingredients necessary for 5 stars.
So why not 5 stars?
Overall, I felt very disconnected from this story.
I had a hard time warming up to Evan, for whatever reason, and the story just never fully grabbed me.
In fact, it took me over a week to finish this...and I can't even fully explain why - even to myself.
Because they just aren't the same thing in my mind.
And just like I don't think it would be fair to rate this:
The same way as this:
I don't rate smut/erotica the same way in my head as I do other types of books.
Both are different. And BOTH have value in the their own way.
Thus, the smut scale.
And, holy gang bang, did this book rock it.
This ARC has been sitting on my kindle for-fucking-EVER.
And I think the reason for that is because, before this, I had only read one other book by this author.
And let's just say that didn't go too well...(ahem, aka DNFsville).
Needless to say, I wasn't in a hurry to read another one from her.
So why request this from Netgalley, you say?
Well, that's because one of my whore friends (that's an endearment and she knows it, so calm down GR police), Shelby, said it was sex on a stick and told me I should read it.
And being that I am the type of person who, if all my friends jumped off a cliff...
...I would videotape tape said idiocy and post that shit on Instagram, I decided I should maybe check it out.
And I'm glad I did, because I MUST read more of this abject FUCKERY.
Being that this was book three in this series, I had NO fucking clue what was going at first.
And I had no idea what this "Wicked Horse" "Silo" business was.
So let me educate you, my friends.
The Wicked Horse is a bar, apparently(?)
And Silo...
...is where everyone comes to fuck everyone else.
And Boy.
Seriously though, I think every character in this book has fucked almost half, if not all, of all the other characters.
It was like a buffet of sex acts and sexual partners.
But it was done in a way that I didn't feel like the characters were betraying any loved ones.
Regardless, I really enjoyed the "kinky fuckery" of this book and I even liked the story line.
Cat married for money - which she openly admits and is forced to deal with on an emotional level at one point- and was forced to perform sexual acts that she didn't necessarily want.
Rand was unknowingly a part of those sex acts, and this book is about how - now that her husband has kicked the bucket - Cat moves on and comes to figure herself and her situation out...and Rand helps her in this endeavor.
So I guess what I am saying in this long-winded as fuck review that - no one will actually read because this is an old book that has already been reviewed, and way better than this I might add - is that I really enjoyed this smutty book and I look forward to reading more from this author.
I felt like this book - which focused mainly on Dex and Sloane,2.5 Stars
This book? In a nutshell?
Yeah, that about sums it up.
I felt like this book - which focused mainly on Dex and Sloane, a-fuckin-gain - was super circuitous.
Full Definition of circuitous
1 : having a circular or winding course, a circuitous route.
I couldn't have said it better myself, Merriam-Webster.
Seriously though, to beat a dead horse - much like this book - I feel as though we are going around in circles with Dex and Sloane's relationship.
And don't even get me started on Dipshit Dex and some of the bonehead choices this idiot makes is this story.
There's "going Maverick..." ...and then there's just plain retarded. And Dex definitely fell into the latter category here.
And holy shit, we get that Dex OMG loves 80's music, cheese doodles, and Star Wars. And we appreciate it. #TeamTheForce But we don't really need to hear about one or the other every other paragraph, do we?
The progress we make with Ash/Cael and Calvin/Hobbs was the most exciting part of the book for me. Although, after reading this one, I'm no sure how motivated I am to jump on their stories, which I assume are next.
Well check you out getting all m/m on us Jay Crownover!
And doing a damn fine job of it to boot!
I especially felt a kinship with Dom4 Huge Stars
Well check you out getting all m/m on us Jay Crownover!
And doing a damn fine job of it to boot!
I especially felt a kinship with Dominic. I have dislocated my shoulder six times and have had it surgically rebuilt not one, but twice; so needless to say, I felt his pain!
I was already excited about this new series of hers, but now?
I think this might truly be a case of it's not you it's me.
Because I found this plot and story line to be ki2.5 Stars
I think this might truly be a case of it's not you it's me.
Because I found this plot and story line to be kind of convoluted, frustrating, and ridiculous to be honest.
* * * * *
Just kidding.
It was totally this book.
This story was like a kangaroo on a pogo stick.
AKA: All over the fucking place.
It kept jumping from Dex/Sloane's relationship, to Ash/Cael, to Sloane/Ash's childhood, to the convuluted mess of a story line with the Coalition and the Order.
The whole story line mystery with Ash and his shenanigans?
I mean, it was so obvious, I actually lost some respect for Dex and Sloane on the way they totally avoided handled it.
Because, really?
Sloane has known Ash almost his entire left, been through some serious ish together, and he couldn't figure that out?
Speaking of Sloane...who was this asshat masquerading as Sloane in this book?
Because it sure as shit wasn't the same Sloane from books one and two, I'll tell you that much.
And don't even get me started on Ash and Cael.
* * * * *
We get it, Ash.
You are just so damaged.
* * *
Oh for the love of...
* * *
Yeah, I get that Ash had a rough childhood and all that jazz, but the reason for him pushing Cael away?
It felt very random and "thrown in."
And I just didn't buy it.
Something else I didn't buy?
The utter shit show they called an "investigation."
You mean to tell me you have two victims you think might be connected, but you don't even run them both through the super secret spy search engine that supposedly knows all until the 11th fucking hour?
Well check you out Elle Kennedy, getting all M/M up in here.
And I have never personally read anything by Sabrina Bowen, 4-4.5 Hot Hockey Stars
Well check you out Elle Kennedy, getting all M/M up in here.
And I have never personally read anything by Sabrina Bowen, but perhaps I shall do so now.
Quite honestly though, if you took Elle Kennedy's The Deal, mixed it up with Riley Hart's Collide, gave them some skates, and threw them on a hockey rink, you'd have this book.
Oh get up Self, I'm not complaining.
I lurve sports romance.
I lurve the friends to lovers shtick.
So when you put those three things together?
*instant shudder*
And thank Chuck this book delivered.
Wesley and Jamie were to die for.
"Here's the thing about family, Ryan...blood doesn't mean shit. You just need to surround yourself with people who do love you, and they become your family."
Seriously, I loved these two.
As athletes.
As friends.
And as lovers.
* * * * *
Pardon me, I got distracted there for a got second.
Seriously though, Wesley and Jamie's banter was great and I liked how it didn't take forEVER for them to get a little "experimental," if you know what I'm saying.
Seriousy though, sometimes it seems to take over half the book in a GFY for one or both parties to decide to throw caution to the wind and get things started.
But I digress.
Like I said, I really enjoyed this book.
And I can't wait to see more M/M from Elle Kennedy...so fingers crossed.