Loved it to the Moon and back, even the second time around. I don't know how long of a review I can write, but I know I want my favorite Scenes here, Loved it to the Moon and back, even the second time around. I don't know how long of a review I can write, but I know I want my favorite Scenes here, it's always great to have them for a quick review of the story BUT it's also spoiler territory, so don't proceed unless you've read the book!!
》》Favorite Scenes 《《
- Mira helping Violet prepare for the Conscription - Violet trading a boot with Rhiannon for the Parapet - Violet seeing Xaden for the first time - Violet threatening Jack Barlowe with her dagger - Violet finding Dain after the Parapet
“Don’t worry—if someone sees us, I’ll just say that I was overcome with lust at first sight and couldn’t wait another second to get you out of your pants.” “Ever the smart-ass.” A wry smile tugs at his lips as we start down the hall. “I can throw in a few oh, Dain cries once we’re in your room just for believability.”
- Xaden seeing Violet and Dain together - the first Battle Brief class - Violet receiving The Book of Brennan from Mira - Violet spying on Xaden's meeting with the marked ones - Finding out Xaden's signet
“Your signet is a shadow wielder?” “What, Aetos hasn’t warned you not to get caught alone in the dark with me yet?”
- Violet comparing the different way Dain and Xaden told her to deal with Jack Barlowe - Violet throwing the daggers at Jack - Violet winning her mat challenges by poisoning her opponents - Xaden stepping in, to challenge Violet - Dain massaging Violet in his room - Xaden running into Violet after curfew
“Look, are you going to kill me or not? The anticipation is starting to annoy the fuck out of me.” “Haven’t decided yet." “Well, could you?” I mutter. “It would definitely help me make my plans for the week.” Markham or Emetterio. Scribe or rider. “Am I affecting your schedule, Violence?” There’s a definite smirk on those lips. “I just need to know what my chances are here.” The ass has the nerve to smile. “That’s the oddest way I’ve ever been hit on—” “Not my chances with you, you conceited prick!”
- Xaden actually giving her some coded advice - Rhiannon and Violet talking about Dain
“He wants something I can’t give him.” Her eyebrows rise. I roll my eyes. “Not like…that.” “I wouldn’t care if it was like that,” she replies under her breath. “He’s hot. He has that whole boy-next-door-who-can-still-kick-your-ass vibe going for him.”
- Violet getting over the Gauntlet on Presentation Day - Violet using Scribe logic to get out of Amber's accusations of cheating and Xaden being on her side - Garrick directing them to Presentation - Violet and Rhi bonding during Presentation - Violet talking to the two green dragons who came closer to sniff her - Discussing what dragon to bond before Threshing - Violet putting herself between the golden dragon and Jack Barlow and his 2 friends, protecting it - Xaden showing up and warning Violet
“Behind you!” Xaden shouts. “You can’t interfere!” Tynan shouts at Xaden. “No, but I can narrate,” Xaden retorts.
- Tairn choosing Violet - Tairn being such a grumpy and sassy dragon - Violet realizing Tarin can read her mind - The Golden dragon speaking to Violet - Andarna choosing her too
“Violet Sorrengail, please tell me the name of the dragon who chose you.” “Tairneanach.” “Andarnaurram.” The sweet, high voice of the golden fills my mind. “Andarna for short.” I feel the blood rush from my face, and the edges of my vision sway as I pivot on my good ankle, staring back across the field at where the golden dragon—Andarna—now stands between Tairn’s front legs. “Excuse me?” “Tell her,” the golden insists. “Tairn. What am I supposed to—” I think at him. “Tell the roll-keeper her name,” Tairn echoes. “And Andarnaurram,” I whisper. Her eyes fly wide. “Both dragons?” she squawks. I nod. And all hell breaks loose.
- Violet's verbal sparing with Jack while they are being patched - Tairn telling Violet to stay with Xaden - Dain and Xaden having a heated discussion - Violet being allowed to keep both dragons - Dain kissing Violet - the sift in social dynamics the day after Threshing - Xaden ordering Imogen to train Violet - the first flight lesson - Dain and Violet talking about the kiss - Violet meeting Jesinia in the Archives - Andarna stopping time for a second - Xaden showing up when the unbounded cadets attacked Violet in her room - Xaden and Violet sneaking out to see their dragons and talk about what happened - Xaden adding Liam to Dain and Violet's squad and Violet arguing - Xaden believing Violet about Amber's involvement in the attack - Liam growing on Violet and telling her bits about his and Xaden's past - Xaden and Garrick sparring shirtless, making everyone look
“That is…” Rhiannon murmurs beside me. “It sure is,” I agree. “Stop objectifying our wingleader,” Liam teases. “Is that what we’re doing?” Rhiannon asks, not bothering to look away. My mouth waters at the muscled expanse of his back and that sculpted ass. “Yeah, I think that’s what we’re doing.” Liam snorts. “We could just be watching for technique.” “Yeah. We absolutely could be.”
- Tairn and Andarna beginning to channel - Tairn and Sgaeyl having fun, making Violet lusty - Xaden kissing Violet
“Damn it. Touching you was a bad idea.” “The worst,” I agree, but my tongue skims my lower lip. He groans and my core melts at the sound. “Kissing you would be a cataclysmic mistake.” “Calamitous.” What would it take to hear that groan again? “We’ll both regret it.” “Naturally,” I whisper. “Fuck it.” One second he’s out of reach and the next his mouth is on mine, hot and insistent.
- Liam keeping his promise to Violet not to tell Xaden she'll fight Jack at the mat - Violet using oranges to defeat Jack - Xaden training Violet and having a dagger made for her - Second Squad stealing the map from General Sorrengail's office to win the squad battle - Mira reunion with Violet
"I’ve gotten very good at poisoning my opponents before challenges.” Mira nearly spits out her wine, slamming her hand over her mouth. I laugh, crossing one booted ankle over the other. “Not what you were expecting?” Respect shines in her eyes. “I honestly don’t know what I expected. I was just desperate for you to live. And then you went and not only bonded one of the most powerful dragons alive but a feathertail, too.” She shakes her head. “My baby sister is a badass.”
- Xaden showing up - Xaden being able to talk mentally with Violet - Xaden giving Violet a sadle for Tairn - Violet saving Liam - Violet manifesting her lightning signet and killing Barlowe - Xaden going to Violet's room to check on her and their first night togheter - Professor Carr taking Violet for wielding lessons
“Well, then start there. Ground in your power and try to feel whatever it was you were feeling.” He goes back to his notebook. “Should I get the wingleader?” Tairn flat-out laughs in my head.
- Xaden and Violet discussing where they stand - the mental discussion between Violet and Xaden at lunch - Violet realizing she loves Xaden - Violet going after him on the Parapet - Violet taking him to his room to take care of him - Spending another night togheter
“Oh gods.” “Which one are you calling out for?” he asks against my flesh. “Because it’s just you and me in this room, Vi, and I don’t share.” “You.” My fingers tangle in his hair. “I’m calling out for you.” “I appreciate the elevation to deity, but my name will do.”
- Rhiannon catching Violet in Xaden's jacket - Rhiannon covering Violet's jacket, so Dain won't see it's Xaden's - Xaden choosing Violet, Liam and Imogen for his squad - Dain realizing Violet and Xaden are a thing - Violet discovering Xaden has been working with Fliers - Finding out the truth about Venin - All of them deciding to defend Resson
“I need you to survive this, even if I hate that I still love you.” “I can live with that.”
- the battle is painful, won't even point *THAT specific thing* out, but I loved badass Violet fighting - Xaden's chapter, where we get to see how he fell in love with Violet - Brennan being alive...more
Loved it to the Moon and back, even the second time around. I don't know how long of a review I can write, but I know I want my favorite Scenes here, Loved it to the Moon and back, even the second time around. I don't know how long of a review I can write, but I know I want my favorite Scenes here, it's always great to have them for a quick review of the story BUT it's also spoiler territory, so don't proceed unless you've read the book!!
》》Favorite Scenes 《《
- Violet talking to Brennan about the revolution - Seeing Andarna - Voting to return to Basgiath - Andarna waking up - Andarna's as an adolescent and her constant need to contradict Tairn - Xaden and Violet talking about the situation - Xaden and Violet going after Liam’s letters - Reuniting with Ridoc and Rhiannon - Rhiannon hiding the letters - Xaden & Co making it back during the death roll
“Garrick Tavis. Xaden Riorson.” Captain Fitzgibbons’s voice carries over the formation as he reads from the death roll. “Well, this is awkward,” Xaden calls out. And every head in the courtyard turns our direction.
- General Sorrengail believing them - Dain reaching for Violet - Xaden handling him and Imogen playing along
“You’re alive! We’d heard—” Dain reaches for me, and I recoil. “Touch me and I swear to the gods, I’ll cut your fucking hands off and let the quadrant sort you out in the next round of challenges, Dain Aetos.” “You should take her at her word. In fact…” Xaden doesn’t bother to lower his voice. “If you don’t, I’ll take personal offense. She made her choice, and it wasn’t you. It will never be you. I know it. She knows it. The whole quadrant knows it.” “That was…interesting,” Rhiannon whispers at my side, her eyes puffy and red. “That was hot,” Nadine comments from in front of us, standing beside Sawyer. “Love triangles can get so fucking awkward, don’t you think?” Imogen says.
- their squad asking Imogen and Violet how real combat was and Imogen telling them Xaden and Vi are the reason they're alive - Colonel Aetos sparring verbally with Violet and Xaden - Violet's and Xaden's good-bye - Rhi being the new squad leader - The RSC: Rider's Survival Course - Discovering Cam / Aaric came to the Conscription for the Riders - Sloane Mairi crossing the Parapet
“Pretty sure that girl wants you dead,” she whispers. “Any particular reason I should know about? Should I see if we can trade her to another squad?” “She blames me for Liam’s death,” I say quietly. “Let her stay.” “You sure?” “I promised Liam I’d take care of her. She stays.” “Between Aaric and Sloane, you’re collecting strays,” Rhiannon warns quietly.
- Imogen and Violet running togheter in the mornings - Sloane wanting to fight Violet on the mat on Assessment Day - Violet defeating the assassin - Violet reunion with Xaden - Xaden writing letters to Violet - Rhianon trying to figure out what's wrong with Vi - Violet's comebacks with Varish
“Quite the necklace you have there.” He points to the greenish bruises on my throat. “Thank you. It was expensive.” I lift my chin. “Cost someone their life.”
- Going to Samara and finding Xaden fighting - Violet giving up and kissing Xaden - Imogen, Bodhi and Eya showing up for Violet after Varish punished her - RSC in the forest, with the other sections - Violet trusting Jesinia with part of the truth - Violet helping Sloane win the first challenge on the mat - Using Liam’s letters to force Sloane to train with Imogen
“You. Are…” Imogen shakes her head as she catches up to me. “I see it now.” “What?” I ask. “Why Xaden fell for you.” I scoff. “Truthfully.” She puts her hands up. “You’re fucking clever. Way more clever than I gave you credit for. I bet you keep him constantly annoyed.” A smile beams across her face. “How glorious.”
- Violet talking to Imogen about Xaden - Jesinia telling Violet she should trust her squad mates - Rhiannon assuring Xaden she would help Violet hide his body
“I’m fine. I promise. You guys have a great time.” I force a smile. “I’ll let you know if I need your help burying a body later.” Ridoc sputters into a cough, and Sawyer pounds him on the back. “I think she might mean you,” Rhiannon says as she gives Xaden an arch look. “I’m certain she does.” “I’ll do it, too,” Rhiannon says over her shoulder. “I’ve never moved anything as big as you, but I bet my signet could put you in the ground without even disturbing the dirt if I’m pissed enough.”
- Xaden meeting Jesinia - Tairn threatening Solas and making Varish apologize - Violet telling Rhi a few things, while walking to Tairn - Violet visiting Xaden at Samara and putting on a kissing show in front of Mira - Mira figuring out Vi is in love with Xaden
“Oh, no. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” “You can’t possibly know that just by looking at me.” “Ugh. Let’s go throw knives at shit.”
- Dain challenging Violet on the mat - Aaric telling Vi he knows about Venin - Violet's squad escaping the interrogation chamber - Jack Barlowe being alive and Vi's squads support - Bodhi giving Violet his flight jacket - Xaden and Violet's shower scene - Meeting Catriona - Kaori saving Violet from Varish
“Are you accusing me of abusing my power where this cadet is concerned, Colonel Kaori?” Varrish moves to step toward us, but my bag is in the way. “Oh, no.” Kaori shakes his head. “I think you abuse your power in general.”
- Vi telling Ridoc, Rhi and Swayer everything about Venin - Ridoc knowing about the founder's journals - Aaric and Sloane both bonding dragons - Jack Barlowe saving Violet - Violet telling Xaden her friends and Quinn know the truth - gathering a squad to break into the Archives - Jesinia recognizing Aaric - Violet being a badass while being tortured by Varish
“Does Solas enjoy hiding?” My voice croaks. “Just because you’ve blocked my ability to talk to Tairn doesn’t mean he doesn’t know exactly what you’ve done to me.” My lip splits again when I force a smile. “You’re hunting Xaden. But Tairn is hunting Solas. You’re the weaker on both counts. I might die in this chamber, but I promise you will.”
- Varish using Dain to question Violet and her showing him Venin - Dain stabbing Varish - Xaden showing up - Violet killing Varish - Xaden's love confession - General Sorrengail's involvement - Taking half the quadrant with them when they left - Setting up classes in Aretia - Andarna waking up and her dialogs with Tairn
“Can you carry a luminary?” “That question insults me.” “Can you carry a luminary while insulted?”
- Mira and some riders joining the revolution - Mira punching Brennan after finding out he's alive - Xaden kissing Violet in front of Brennan and Mira
“Seriously?” Brennan remarks. “Right in front of me?” “Oh, this is tame for them,” Mira replies. “Wait until they decide to basically climb each other in a public place. You can’t burn that shit out of your head, trust me.”
- Trying to raise the wards - Felix teaching Violet - Violet sneaking out of Aretia with her siblings, to see Tecarus, only to find Xaden waiting for her - Xaden helping Violet with Cat - Violet killing the Venin - Negotiating for the luminary - Sloane telling Violet she doesn't hate her - Violet sort of bonding with Maren, the flier - Riders snd fliers climbing the clifs
“Good. That hilt is eight inches—” “Seven,” Dain corrects. “Imagine a man actually shortening a girl’s estimate,” Maren teases.
- Dain and Sloane defending Violet in front of Cat - Violet's squad all discussing how bad Cat is - Sawyer asking Vi to teach him sign language - The professors allowing challenges on the mat before inserting fliers into the squads - Cat challenging Violet - Rhi, Imogen, Sloane and her dragons encouraging Vi
“Scratch her eyes out,” Andarna suggests. “Really. The eyes are the softest tissue. Just jab your thumbs in there—” “Andarna! Use some common sense,” Tairn snaps. “The kneecaps are a much easier target.”
- Discovering Xaden trained them both - Their dialog while fighting - Vi remembering Rhi trained her too - My House. My chair. My woman. - Xaden making Violet talk about feelings - Violet's best comeback ever
“It’s going to be fun making your life as miserable as you’ve made mine.” “You’re welcome to try and make me miserable,” I tell Cat, letting go of Rhiannon to walk back to the flier. “Oh! And one more thing.” I lower my voice just slightly, well aware of every head within our squad that turns our direction. “What?” she snaps. “That trick you mentioned? You know, with the fingers?” A slow smile spreads across my face. “Thanks.” Cat’s eyes bulge. Imogen laughs so hard she snorts as I walk back to Rhiannon.
- Violet working with Dain on the transactions - Violet realizing how to raise the wards - Violet informing the fliers in her squad they won't be able to channel with the wards up - Cat seeing Violet and Xaden mentally arguing - Cat and Violet protecting each other during Solas' attack - Violet and Xaden arguing about their trust issues - Violet asking Xaden about his second signet - Raising the wards - Violet discovering Xaden's second signet
“How long do you think it takes for someone to fall out of love?” He studies the skyline. “A day? A month? I’m asking because I don’t have any experience with it. I’m asking,” he continues, his throat working as he swallows, “because I think it will take you all of a heartbeat once you know.” “Less than a minute,” Xaden whispers as Sgaeyl moves toward him— toward us. “That’s how long it took for you to fall out of love with me.” “My love isn’t fickle.” I shake my head slowly, keeping my gaze locked on his. “So you’d better live, because I’m ready to ask you all the fucking questions.”
- The wards working to kill Wyverns - General Melgren requesting a meeting with the Sorrengails and the leaders of the rebellion - Something being wrong with the wards - Meeting with Melgren - General Sorrengail seeing Brennan alive - Lilith giving them Lyra's journal - Xaden and Violet revolving their issues - Violet realizing the Venin won't attack Samara, but Basgiath - Jack Barlowe bringing down the wards and the cadets getting ready to fight - Brennan showing up - Second Squad fighting togheter - Violet saving Sawyer - Cat helping - Andarna saving Violet - Jesinia having translated the journal - Violet talking to Codagh - Everyone choosing Violet's life - Raising the wards...more
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5
Merged review:
Genre: contemporary romance Tropes: arranged marriage, forced proximity, hate to love relationship, revenge quest, dual POV, interracial romance, age gap, billionaire x heiress Series: Kings of Sin #1 Cliffhanger: No (it can be read as a standalone) Spice: 3/5...more
Genre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, rebellion Series: Genre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, rebellion Series: Shatter Me #3 Cliffhanger: Not really, but you know there's gonna be more Spice: 0.5/5 ...more
Genre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, rebellion, who hurGenre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, rebellion, who hurt you Series: Shatter Me #2 Cliffhanger: Yes, but mild Spice: 0.5/5 ...more
Genre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers Series: Shatter Me Genre: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, upper YA Triggers: violence, death Tropes: love triangle, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers Series: Shatter Me #1.5 Cliffhanger: Yes, but mild Spice: 0/5 ...more
“Men like me don’t get to be with women like you. We don’t get the princess and the happy ending. We get killed by the prince and become a cautionary “Men like me don’t get to be with women like you. We don’t get the princess and the happy ending. We get killed by the prince and become a cautionary tale for anyone who dares to reach beyond their lot in life, let alone dream of winning a love that defines eras.”
I received an ARC through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own and left voluntarily. Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy.
Genre: fantasy, romance Tropes:cursed & captured heroine, betrayal from a close person, enemies to lovers Series: A Villain's Ever After #9 (can be read as a stand-alone) Cliffhanger: No
This was definitely a fun read. Not deep, not extremely touching, but catchy, easy to read and very fast-paced. You don't have time to get bored, but you also don't have time to fall in love with the characters (which is a pity because the ideas and the world described are really great).
“I should have known you’d be trouble when the form you took was a swan.”
It's a very nice fairy tale retelling for The Swan Lake and, even though the characters lacked depth, I enjoyed this novel. I loved the imagination and the easy way the story has unfolded, I found particular delight in the scene with the wedding crashing and the shoe throwing (it simply reminded me a lot of Rhys and Feyre from ACOTAR) and I appreciated the way the dialogs between Ava and Dietrich were written.
I recommend this to anyone in search of a fast and easy read, with fantasy and a bit of romance. Perfect for a weekend afternoon or a road trip....more
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, New Adult, Dystopia Triggers: violence, death, torture Tropes: enemies to lovers, revolution, touch her and you die, fae vGenre: Fantasy, Paranormal, New Adult, Dystopia Triggers: violence, death, torture Tropes: enemies to lovers, revolution, touch her and you die, fae vs humans Series: Savage Lands #2 Cliffhanger: yes Spice: 2/5 ...more
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, New Adult, Dystopia Triggers: violence, death, torture Tropes: enemies to lovers, revolution, one bed trope, touch her andGenre: Fantasy, Paranormal, New Adult, Dystopia Triggers: violence, death, torture Tropes: enemies to lovers, revolution, one bed trope, touch her and you die, fae vs humans, slow burn Series: Savage Lands #1 Cliffhanger: yes Spice: 1/5 ...more
“Okay, that was …” Rosie’s voice trailed off, not ending the statement. “Maddening? Insulting? Bizarre?” I offered, bringing my hands to my face. “Unexp“Okay, that was …” Rosie’s voice trailed off, not ending the statement. “Maddening? Insulting? Bizarre?” I offered, bringing my hands to my face. “Unexpected,” she countered. “And interesting.”
Genre: contemporary romance, comedy Tropes: fake dating, enemies to lovers, one bed, slow-burn romance Series: The Spanish Love Deception #1 Cliffhanger: No Spice: 1.5 /5 ...more
“The future is just a roulette wheel, Darcy. Only every outcome is grey.” “That doesn’t sound so good,” I murmured. “It is good, and bad. That’s life.“The future is just a roulette wheel, Darcy. Only every outcome is grey.” “That doesn’t sound so good,” I murmured. “It is good, and bad. That’s life. I guess that’s one thing The Sight makes me see clearer than anything else. It’s all about the choices you make, the actions you take. Cause and effect. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do everything, everything will happen.”
Sweet buttery bagels, what is this series doing to me?
The Plot
You know how things keep getting darker and darker in Harry Potter as you keep reading through the books? Well, I swear that's what's happening here too. Because the angst you feel while reading this... it's the sweetest torture. "Cursed Fates" left us with Orion in prison, Tory lost to the shadows and bounded as Gardian to Lionel and the very first casualty of the war that will no doubt ignite: Diego. So, in other words, another painful cliffhanger which didn't really promise a happy start for "Fated Throne". And let me tell you this: things are changing. Completely. First of all, the Heirs, Darcy and Geraldine are getting along in that perfect way that's making my heart utterly happy, while also being one of the strangest things ever. Secondly, the siblings of the Heirs are also starting ZA, so this book introduces us to new side characters, apart from Xavier who was already known (and loved!!!). So get ready to meet Athena and Grayson Capella, Hadley Altair and Ellis Rigel. Thirdly, the regime is completely changed, whit the new power shift happening here, thus new rules are created and there's a lot of shit going on (at this point, Voldemort seems an innocent little kid). About the rest of the plot? Well, you'll see. It's full of prophecies, romantic angst, adorable friendships, betrayal, cool Phoenix stuff, great battle scenes, a better Halloween than the previous one, crushes, funny moments, Caleb getting caught in another threesome, defying the stars, breaking bonds and a new cliffhanger. Perfect mix, right?
"Is it me or is she scary as fuck when she goes all shadow freak?" Seth muttered and I snorted. "A bit," I agreed. "But she can be scary as fuck without the shadows too." "I guess she'd need to be to keep Darius in line," he joked. "Is that so?" Darius's voice came from behind us and I turned to look at him with a less than innocent shrug. "You're high maintenance, dude. You gotta admit it," I teased.
Characters and Relationships
》》》Darcy and the Heirs
“We won’t die,” he said with a shrug. “We’re the Heirs and the Savage Princess. Darcy and the dudebros. Wolfman, Bitey C, Fish Fury, Dragzilla, and the Phoen Dream.”
Without Tory and Orion, Darcy spends the entire summer with the Heirs, training, fighting, rebelling and turning into a total badass. Throughout all this hurt, like a true Phoenix, she fought and found courage to move on, to get stronger and bolder, proving an amazing character development. I love how close she got with the guys and they really are a dream team.
》》》Darcy and Seth
"I shoved Seth in the forehead and he grinned at me, looking like he was about to jump up and start a play fight. “Stay,” I mocked him like he was a dog, pointing a finger at him and he nipped the end of it with a smirk."
The cutest friendship. I simply adore them. And this friendship must be protected at all costs. From Seth sleeping with her as a Werewolf, to their talks about Caleb and his crush on him, to the taunts and teases... They are melting my heart.
》》》 Darcy and Darius
“Pinching my ass, Gwen?” “Gross. And don’t call me Gwen.” “Why’s that gross?” Seth asked as he woke. “Darius has a lovely peachy ass.” “Because he’s in love with my sister which makes him about as appealing to me as a three day old tuna sandwich – no offence,” I tossed at Darius and he smirked. “You’re an old tuna sandwich to me too, Gwen,” he agreed and I punched him over the name, but couldn’t fight a smirk.
I love their new bond, even though I think it's sad they've formed it over the loss of Tory and Orion. However, I'm glad they've found each other for support and comfort.
“Don’t ever let her go again, Darius Acrux,” I growled in his ear. “Don’t you hurt her or let her down or make her cry. I don’t know how we’ll fix everything, but we will. And when we do and you two can love each other like you’re meant to, I won’t take any shit from you.” He chuckled in a low tone as he released me and tapped me on the nose. “It’s a deal, Gwen,” he said and I punched his arm playfully before turning away with a smirk.
Turning badass with all that hurt made her overprotective over Tory, too, not just the other way around, and I found this really nice,
》》》 Geraldine and Max
"Don't do that tonight, Maxy boy," she breathed. "Just let me hold you close and we can pretend the rest of the world isn't out there."
I ship them. SO HARD. Funny and touching and I totally love them. I've been a Geraldine fan for quite some time, but in this book I finally had the chance to fully click with Max and understand him better, realising what an amazing character he actually is.
》》》 Tory and Orion
My gaze snagged on the friendship bracelet I’d made for him all those months ago and my heart felt full as I smiled at him. “I missed you, asshole,” I said in a low voice. “Missed you too, savage.”
I love their friendship soooo much. I like the way they can talk to each other about the bond and know they will understand and not judge, and I especially enjoyed their conversation about the weird things it made them do. Plus, having them semi free and able to share some moments after everything they've endured is a really nice break. Not that this will make Tory forget how Lance broke Darcy's heart.
I relented, hugging him tight for a moment as we just took a second to appreciate the fact that we were both half free of our shackles, then I huffed out a frustrated breath and kneed him in the balls as hard as I could. "That's for breaking my sister's heart, asshole," I snarled, pointing a finger at him and glaring.
Don't you guys love it when she does this? Because I definitely do.
“I’ve had Darius in my bed every night this week talking about you non fucking stop,” he replied. My gut tightened as I wondered if he was exaggerating or not and I couldn’t decide if I wanted him to be. “Maybe I should be kicking you in the junk too.” “Maybe,” I agreed softly, not really knowing what to say about the Fae the stars had chosen for me.
And you know what I love even more? That Orion is on the exact same level, being protective over his best friend.
》》》Darcy and Orion
"Do you really think that little of me, Lance Orion?” His brow creased, his eyes scouring my face, pausing on my mouth. “No…I think the world of you, Darcy Vega.”
They are my favorite couple, but I've already said that in like every review, so no surprises here. After Orion gets out of prison, even if it's only to get into a new kind of prison, the angst between the two of them is simply deliciously unbearable. Orion doesn't think he's good enough for her, she doesn't trust him anymore and they both feel hurt and end up pining for each other. Seth deciding to try and get them back together by making Orion jealous, while entertaining, was also a bit cruel.
"Having Orion’s new number was a treat in itself. I sent him daily photographs of me and Darcy together with captions like #sheaintblueoveryounomore and #teamDeth."
Sending him all those texts and pictures and the general way he was acting with Darcy when Orion was around might have been a good idea though. It definitely made Lance realize he can't let Darcy go. Not that she could do that either.
“You’re going to be a queen,” he growled. “Just like your ancestor. I can feel it, I fucking know it.” “How do you know?” I asked, doubt flitting through me. “I’ve known since I crowned you in my car. Just don’t ever forget you were my queen first.”
And I'm really happy we didn't lack scenes to make me mushy over the two of them.
》》》Tory and Darius
"Admit it, I ride better than you," she said as she backed up, putting some space between us. "I already knew how well you could ride from the time you climbed into my lap on the throne," I said and her eyes widened at that reminder as I fought with everything I had to hold my ground.
They are finally getting their shit together. I mean, it was clear from the first book that they had chemistry, but both of their heads were shoved down their asses and sheer pride and stubbornness stopped them to acknowledge their connection.
"It's only you. Even though it can't be, it fucking is." "What?" I asked, my brow pinching but her mouth was on mine before I could further form that thought.
Amazingly now, when they have real issues and things standing in their way (like fate, stars, a crazy dragon king, mind compulsion and torture), they fight for each other. And they do nice gestures. And defy the stars. Also, that cute New York date? And the mud scene? Golden stars, I swear.
"She was mine. Destined to be mine by the stars. The girl who should have been my Elysian Mate and was so much more besides. I needed this. I needed her. I'd been like the moon without the light of the sun without her all this time. Cold and pale and void of life. But she lit me up and made me burn. And I never wanted to stop burning with her."
》》》Tory and Darcy
"And yet no matter what we'd experienced over the years, I'd always had this one burning light right beside me, like my very own star set to guide me back home always. Darcy. My other half. My one, truest love."
It's the purest form of love, one of the strongest relationships I've ever read about and something that inspires me a lot.
》》》 A shout-out goes to Xavier & Sofia and Caleb & Seth. I would write more about them, but I kind of have mixed feelings. I mean, I totally find those relationships cute, but something is missing, I don't know....
》》》 Also, can we take a moment to appreciate Gabriel?
"I wanted a word with you alone about Tory," Gabriel said, rolling his shoulders back as he straightened up. "Oh?" "Just don't fuck this up," he warned, fixing me with a death glare.
Uuuu yes, protective big brother on the radar. Even when it's about his best friend.
“Relax, Orio. Sit down. We need to talk about the diary,” Gabriel said, gripping his arm tightly and leaning in close to speak in his ear. “Oh and if you ever shove my sister like that again I’ll rip one of your arms off.” He said it so calmly, but the darkness in his eyes said he’d absolutely do it. Aw, I love my psycho big brother.
Where can I get a Gabriel? With my taste in men, stars know I need this sort of energy in my life.
The Ending
As expected, another cliffhanger. As expected, my heart is broken, but not as broken as it was after finishing books 4 and 5. The ending is still twisted enough to hurt, but hopeful enough to make you think that stars might decide differently. And damn, I'm going to burn until December, when the 7th book will be out. But I do hope we will get an EM moment for Darcy and Orion. That would make the wait worthwhile. And I wouldn't mind some vicious punishment for Lionel.
"But I would show no mercy. It was time for the King and his army to fall. And the Vega Queens to rise." ...more
“Fucking Vegas,” I muttered, half a smirk tugging at my lips. “Fucking Vegas,” he agreed.
This series is killing me. I've read this book in ONE DAMNED“Fucking Vegas,” I muttered, half a smirk tugging at my lips. “Fucking Vegas,” he agreed.
This series is killing me. I've read this book in ONE DAMNED DAY, and I swear it's eating me alive. From all that romance, plots, mystery and teasing, to the POV's that again were shared between Tory, Darcy, the Heirs and Orion to that heart stopping ending... it will murder me, it simply will.
“I'm gonna lose my mind over you,”
》》The Plot《《
After the attack against Zodiac Academy, Fae must do what Fae do best: move on and show no weakness. Which means that, with the upcoming Reckoning, the Hell Week is about to start for all freshmen. Each one of them has to go through trials for each of the elements they possess before taking the final test, while also going through the week where all older students are allowed and encouraged to rain down hell over their heads.
“Caleb’s just trying to get into my pants again.” “How hard are you going to make him work for it?” “He took part in the whole throwing us in a pit business. So I’m thinking I’m done with him,” I said dismissively. “Yeah, you totally should be,” she agreed. “But that look in your eye says you’re not.” “That’s just the part of my brain which is blinded by his hotness. I refuse to listen to her because she’s a slut. The sensible part of my brain says hell no and I’ll be keeping company with her and her chastity belt from now on.”
》》The Characters《《
DAMN. I LOVE THEM TO THE MOON AND BACK. Especially since the Moon gave us such entertaining scenes here. But anyway, the relationships in this book? AMAZING.
✅ the Heirs
"Seth bounded out of the chair and leapt on Darius like he’d just declared his undying love for him instead of offering a consolation hug. He jumped into Darius’s arms and knocked him back onto the bed where they fell on top of Cal who got dragged into the hug too."
I want to hate them, I do, but I just can't. I love Darius and Caleb without question, Max hasn't really appeared enough to make him the cherry of my pie but I adore him and Seth was so cuddly and simply cute that my poor heart just keeps forgetting what an ass he can be.
✅ Darcy and Orion
“That almost sounds like fun,” I teased. “Yes, well I can be fun sometimes. Especially when I'm not wearing this suit.” I stared at him and his eyes widened as he realised what he'd said. “I meant when I'm not working,” he said quickly.
They are without any doubt my favorite couple. All hail the new king and queen of my heart, because sweet biting vampires, there's not a single part of their relationship that didn’t make me fangirl dangerously loud.
From texting on the Atlas ...
Lance: I’ll make it worth your while if you pass The Reckoning today. #motivation #seemeafterclass Darcy: I can’t believe you just hashtagged me! Lance: I can’t believe you’re not in my bed right now. #missyourpeach
.... to utterly adorable moments....
“’re missing something though.” “What?” I frowned. He reached behind his seat and produced the crown he’d won at the fair, placing it on my head. I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. “Better” “If you go around placing crowns on my head, you’re going to be in trouble,” I teased and his mouth skewed. “Well let’s not tell anyone then,” he said, leaning in to kiss my neck.
... to giving us the best possessiveness ever ...
"Seeing another guy's hands on you makes me want to rip out their eyes so they never get to look at you again."
... to actually giving us the spice we've been craving ...
for safety reasons I will not be inserting any quote here, I wouldn’t want any of you to turn into a jelly while reading my review, but damn, I'll say this again: where can I get a Lance Orion?!? Please, he can be my birthday gift for my entirelife.
.... to amazing teasing ....
“You drive a hard bargain, Mr Orion.” “I can drive an even harder one if you want?” “Very tempting, but I'm not sure five minutes is long enough for your hard bargain."
... and to simply being relationship goals.
Lance: I guess you’re about to go back to radio silence so for what it’s worth… In Solaria blue means royal. And to me, blue means you.
I loved them a lot, I love their relationship with all the ups and downs, I absolutely fangirled at every scene, from Darcy showing up unexpectedly, to that car scene and to their entire interaction.
✅ Tory and Caleb
“I have a bit of a weakness for assholes,” I admitted slowly. “But I’m used to them lying about what they are. At least you own it.” “I do,” Caleb said with a smirk, his hand travelling up my neck ever so slowly. “I’m an honest to god asshole. Do you want to keep playing with me, Tory?” “Maybe,” I breathed because in that moment I didn’t even know anymore.
I love Caleb. I've said this before and I'll say this again. And I do enjoy their scenes but again, I know Tory and Darius are endgame. It can't be any other way and I just want it to happen because their slow burn romance makes me go crazy. The thing is, I think Caleb might have actual feelings for that badass Vega and I just don't want my golden-bad-boy-turned-sweet-for-her to be heart broken.
"He was the perfect escape from the mayhem of everything else that was going on in my life. And I was more than happy to lose myself with him for a little while."
I mean, they certainly have a lot of chemistry and I did enjoy their scenes, which were teasing and hot at times, but sometimes actually cute. And again, I love them separately a lot and I just want for them to end up on good terms and not have this entire thing go up in flames.
"Darius caught my hand and pulled me upright, before throwing his arm around my shoulders as he held his Atlas in front of us and took a picture while pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I couldn’t help but laugh as he took the picture which he instantly sent on to Caleb."
But you know what I love? This competition and banter between Caleb and Darius over Tory.
✅ Tory and Darius
“There are countless people who would say I’m not allowed to want you,” Darius breathed. “But you make me want to burn the whole world down so that I can claim you for my own.” “Then we should burn it down,” I agreed.
They will kill me. I've never read such a slow burn romance in my entire life. By the time these two will finally kiss, Darcy and Orion will have grandchildren.
“I should go,” I breathed. “Stay,” he replied instantly. “I have my Air Trial tomorrow,” I said. “I really need to get some sleep and-” “So sleep here. Like last night. We don’t have to do anything else.” “I have a perfectly good bed downstairs. Why would you want me to stay?” “Because it feels right,” he breathed.
The scene where he took her to her room to take care of her after she got drunk? The motorcycle race? Priceless. Amazing. I'm rooting for these two sooooo hard, my heart will explode.
“I’ve been watching you,” he said slowly. “Why?” I asked slowly, needing his answer like I needed to draw breath. “Because that’s what I do,” he said slowly. “I watch you and hunger for you and ache for you. It torments me like I torment you.”
You know who else was tormented here? ME. The tension and the undeniable connection is murdering me slowly.
✅ Darius and Orion
“You took Tory Vega home?” I questioned, putting my Atlas down and doing up my shirt. “Are you screwing her?” Please say yes so I can tell you about Darcy.
The best bromance ever. There's not even a competition here.
I'm still so overwhelmed by this book that I don't know what more to say: How exciting it is to finally have the Orders of the twins? How much I love Geraldine and Xavier as side characters? How happy I am for Sophia's relationship and the way she seems to turn a little badass too? How annoying Hat Boy Diego is becoming? How much I hate Lionel? How frustrating that ending was, leaving me craving for more?
I simply have no words. It's a masterpiece that breakes and mends my heart with every new chapter.
"Caleb stepped up beside him and they both started smiling. Like actually smiling. Before I answered, Seth broke into song, cracking out the Backstreet Boys classic, I Want It That Way. Caleb picked up the next line on cue and Seth started clicking his fingers to the beat. They both started dancing, sashaying their way toward us and I stared on in surprise. Seth looked to Caleb and they both belted out the last line of the chorus together with their hands on their hearts. "
Also this scene?!?! I guess you never really know what to expect......more