It would have been 5 stars but i can't give it that. Ll not for a bad reason or anything just my mind telling me not too maybe after book 2It would have been 5 stars but i can't give it that. Ll not for a bad reason or anything just my mind telling me not too maybe after book 2...more
4.5 stars! I need the next book now! That ending made me mad! But I see see so many different places this author can take this book and I can't wait fo4.5 stars! I need the next book now! That ending made me mad! But I see see so many different places this author can take this book and I can't wait for more. This was my first book from ann mayburn and I will read more of her books! Great story but a cliff hanger. Isn't the worst cliff hanger, but can't be classified as a HEAFN either, so I will be awaiting the next book ...more
We start off shortly after the first book ended and let me tell you within the first couple pages I was freaking out! I didNeed now!!!!!
Merged review:
We start off shortly after the first book ended and let me tell you within the first couple pages I was freaking out! I didn't know what was going on and was yelling NO! After my heart returned to normal and I kept reading I was suprised at how well this book flowed, well I can't say suprised because Lori Adams is an amazing writer ad this book was no exception. Again we have 3 POVs and they were done amazingly!!!!
Michael had a hard Time in the beginning of the book fighting everything he was feeling for Sophia his heart wanted her, but he felt like he couldn't truly have her, not with everything that he wanted for his life. I always get scared that I will give too much away but he got some of his wishes early on, and let me tell you just reading it, it didn't seem like what he thought it was going to be.
Sophia, what can I say about her, she grew up since the first book, she has accepted everything her mom told her and then she waited, she didn't know when or what was going to happen but she accepted that something might happen but even with that she still tryed her best, she set out to do her best to go to college I admired that In her. He love for Michael was still there and as stron a ever, when she felt him it have me goosebumps, there attraction grew stonger and stronger. But again they couldn't be together because of the council. I'm not going to give stuff away tho.
Dante, what can I say about him, well he lost in the first book and he felt it deep, when he got back to hell, well let's just say e was I. A whole level of hell, I truly felt bad for him, I'm a twisted way, he loved and got burned, no pun intended :) but it was bad enough in the first book he lost his love now he is going tru so much worse then it was before. But thing changed. He fought, he fought hell and did what he could for the people that have helped him, I can't really call most of them people because tru were demons but still. Anyways, even tho he had lost he wasn't giving up, his determination was amazing to see as the story went on, ya he might have done the thing he did for personal gain, but I looked at it as he wouldn't give up. That's not the proper of this story in my eyes but his determination made me like him, even if he wasn't my favorite character
There were times in the book I didn't really care for Michael, he was a jerk sometimes when it came to Sophia, but he redeemed him self in my eyes, he was very protective of her and didn't want anything bad to happen to her, even tho it was jerky it was sweet at the same time. Him being supernatural makes his feeling ten times stronger, weather it be love or anger and the author did a great job on conveying that. My favorite part of tho book has to be the training they both go tru, it was amazing to see how hard they had to work to become there destiny. The end really thru me for a loop there were some parts that I wish I could ask about or tell you about but I'm sure it would be spoiler so I can't, but I know I can't wait till book three and figure out what happens with these three I really don't have any ideas of what my happen because the first two have thrown me off. An amazing book! I received a copy of this book from net-galley for an honest review
I dont even know how to write a review for this amazing book!!!!!! Arc was provided by net galley
Let me start by dying that I really need the second bI dont even know how to write a review for this amazing book!!!!!! Arc was provided by net galley
Let me start by dying that I really need the second book like now!!!! This book had it all, the drama, the romance, the using your brain, it was just amazing! I spent the whole boom on the edge of my seat not wanting it to end, but sadly all great things must end.
We have Sophia, she was stubborn and nosey, wanted answers when she wanted them, her heart was literarily beating for Michael, he pushed her away because she thought she wa a test, but little does he know she's not. Dante wAs sad, my heart broke for him when he searched and searched for his love and finds her and she loves another, the three POVs didn't bother me at all I love more then one POV in romance books. Sophia's dad had me freaking out the whole book because I didn't understand what was happening, it threw me for a loop when the answers came out! I was dumbfounded and had to stop reading and think, Sophia's love for her dad went beyond anything on what she went tru to try to save him. At the end I was confused but hope the next book is quick!!! This is a paranormal romance at it's finest!!!!! The angels and demons made this book! The plot was amazing and the H/h were lovable. I'm not the best at reviews but it rocked my socks off and I'm glad I got a chance to read this!!!!!!!! 5 amazing stars!...more
Ok so I stayed up way to late to read this and finish it and we'll I am confused, I'm gunna say it's a cliff hanger only because of the ending. There Ok so I stayed up way to late to read this and finish it and we'll I am confused, I'm gunna say it's a cliff hanger only because of the ending. There was t what I normally expect from a KA book, no shooting, ect. But that's ok this was sweet all on its own, but that ending, we'll I can only hope it means one thing. And that one thing will rock my socks off if it happen!!!!! ...more
That ending kissed me off! But I can't wait for the upcoming books. But I have to say I think I'm going to wait til all the other books are4.5 stars!
That ending kissed me off! But I can't wait for the upcoming books. But I have to say I think I'm going to wait til all the other books are out before I contained down the breakneck road. There's a lot going on and I hate feeling like this with these endings. Will I be able to hold true I have no clue but I will try! :) worth the read just a bi*** of a cliffhanger!...more