Overall I really enjoyed this. I’m still on the fence about the younger narrator - her “French” accent was not good. But what do I know.
I’m still undOverall I really enjoyed this. I’m still on the fence about the younger narrator - her “French” accent was not good. But what do I know.
I’m still undecided about Anson…his behavior and the way he jumped to conclusions (for DECADES) was really offputting. Solene deserved better from him, especially considering what a villain his father was (and intentionally so.)
Yes, there were a lot of conveniences but the element of magic was always underlying so it did make sense in the context of this book ...more
Maybe this is more of a 2. I don’t know. It was so meh. The conflict was so contrived and flimsy. The FMC may have been the older one but was so wishyMaybe this is more of a 2. I don’t know. It was so meh. The conflict was so contrived and flimsy. The FMC may have been the older one but was so wishy washy. The MMC needed to move on. Blah. Nothing new with this one. ...more
4.5⭐️ - this was so emotional!!! I loved the characters and the pacing. It kept me on the edge of my seat! It was definitely traumatic but the HEA WAS4.5⭐️ - this was so emotional!!! I loved the characters and the pacing. It kept me on the edge of my seat! It was definitely traumatic but the HEA WAS WORTH IT!!
Ash was a dream. He was such a good man. Pearl was so sweet and kind. They were so wonderful together. I even think Dylan was better in this book than in book 1. We got so much more of his actual character as a person.
Predictable and boring. Lacked emotional depth and any character development. It felt lazy. The repetitive mention of sunny days and cake offered nothPredictable and boring. Lacked emotional depth and any character development. It felt lazy. The repetitive mention of sunny days and cake offered nothing. Relied too heavily on dull memories and weird dreams/fantasies/hallucinations to misdirect. The relationship between Dylan and Alex was one dimensional- 2 hot people and one was super rich. Yawn. Once the trauma was finally revealed, I just didn’t care. The relationship between Alix and Smith didn’t feel substantial or particularly meaningful....more
4.5 - I was so relieved this one worked for me. I was kind of scared because the set up was tricky. Teddy had two kids already and was pregnant with t4.5 - I was so relieved this one worked for me. I was kind of scared because the set up was tricky. Teddy had two kids already and was pregnant with their third when her husband tragically lost his life. Xander was 42 and a self confessed bachelor - with his own baggage from his parents failed marriage. So this could've gone sideways real fast!
However, this didn't feel gimmicky or contrived. The characters were likable and so endearing. This book actually read like real life issues vs OTT scenarios. Even when Xander popped off on Teddy later in the book out of his own fears and worries, it really felt like an argument people would have in that situation. It was uncomfortable but was so authentic.
Also, the kids were written as children so it added to the book rather than serving as a distraction and turn off as is usually the case.
This series gets major points for the found family. It was definitely a highlight in each book.
The spice was spicing after the slow burn for the majority. I will say that it would've been ok if Xander talked a little less during those scenes. He was a chatterbox....more
Generic, cliche and filled with boring stereotypes. There’s not much of a story here and certainly not enough for 400+ pages. Drake was temperamental,Generic, cliche and filled with boring stereotypes. There’s not much of a story here and certainly not enough for 400+ pages. Drake was temperamental, arrogant, ran hot-and-cold almost the whole book, he was oddly possessive and jealous to the point of insecurity. Amelia was weak and naive. Her character had potential but fell flat. Drake continuously treated her like shit and he never had to grovel. When he turned her grief into a pity party for his own issues, I was done. Another forced third act breakup that served no purpose other than to reiterate what a douche the MMC was. The stupid ass twist at 89% made me want to rage. ...more
4.5 - I loved this. The way the flashbacks were done really captured how innocent and insecure Violette was and why Rowan (and ultimately his betrayal4.5 - I loved this. The way the flashbacks were done really captured how innocent and insecure Violette was and why Rowan (and ultimately his betrayal) had such an impact on her. I also love how Rowan was such a true soul in his reasons and actions. He was put in an impossible situation. I was so glad the author allowed both characters to have their truth while also facing up to fallout from years earlier. I also loved how Rowan was such a protector and Violette didn't tolerate fools for long. They absolutely made sense and their second chance was well worth it....more
Logan was exhausting. He had a sexual comment for freaking everything. The obvious innuendos were abrupt, terrible and so unsexy. After a point he jusLogan was exhausting. He had a sexual comment for freaking everything. The obvious innuendos were abrupt, terrible and so unsexy. After a point he just read as so insincere and unserious.
There was no tension, no anticipation, no build up and then BAM Logan was all up in Maci’s face with some of the cringiest, immature propositions I’ve read. I can’t figure out why Maci didn’t immediately leave - which would’ve made more sense for her character. I skimmed nearly all the spice because the dirty talk was so awful.
While little Amelia was sweet, her dialogue was far too mature for a 3 yo.
This really felt like the author was just checking off trope and TT trend boxes so the execution was just bad. Cliche and misogynistic.
That was not to say there weren’t moments of honesty and tenderness but those were always overshadowed by ridiculousness. I don’t even hate the MCs or the premise. The execution is the problem.
The MCs reactions to the “twist” felt so convoluted. None of it made sense to me. It was like she wanted that third act breakup so bad that it didn’t matter if it worked, just that it was in the book. It was also resolved in a matter of a few pages.
I could continue but I’ve already done far too much for this mess. There was nothing new or original about it. ...more
I loved so much of this book but the thing that kept it from 5 stars for me was the brother played more like a comic book villain. It just wasn't neceI loved so much of this book but the thing that kept it from 5 stars for me was the brother played more like a comic book villain. It just wasn't necessary for him to be so OTT. I would also argue the mother served no purpose in this book and shouldn't have been in it.
This book has a couple of things in it that are so serious and I wasn't expecting them. HOWEVER, those made for a much more impactful and deeply emotional connection between Nate and Mel. I did cry a couple of times in the back half of the book. (I do think there should've been a bit more around why they were able to have their HEA after Mel's 3 experiences - just to give more closure.)
There was probably more sex than it needed but I can't say it took anything away from the book overall. There was one intimate scene that did shatter me. It was just so callous and that was the absolute point so the author did a great job eliciting those feelings!
I liked both MCs very much and I thought their relationship suited the story and their development. The addition of Nate's brothers and dad were great. I am excited for the other stories!...more
Hot cover for an absolutely terrible book. The sex scenes were like cheesy porn. You have to suspend any sense of reality in order for many things to Hot cover for an absolutely terrible book. The sex scenes were like cheesy porn. You have to suspend any sense of reality in order for many things to work, which is more than irritating in a contemporary romance. Lots of telling with no showing - literally 2 years of that nonsense. The MMC was dreamy of course cause why would there be anything wrong with the man. The FMC was vindictive, insecure and petty. This wasn’t just overloaded with miscommunication but the sheer lack of any communication made it almost intolerable. The things keeping this from no stars were the scenes with all 3 kids and the moments of vulnerability and tenderness between the MCs (which the author would end up ruining.)
I have a whole list of things that I hated but what’s the point. I wanted to love this but it didn’t work on any level. Even Tyler couldn’t save this mess....more
4.5 - this really worked for me. It’s been a minute since I’ve read a disaster/survival trope then throw in forced proximity with only one bed and the4.5 - this really worked for me. It’s been a minute since I’ve read a disaster/survival trope then throw in forced proximity with only one bed and they need body heat. Welp we know where that goes and I loved it! These two especially needed it after a colossal misunderstanding!
Both MCs had some baggage that didn’t help their issues. And I’m a sucker for a blow up that causes the MCs to be apart for some time. It hurts but then I know once they’re forced to face off, it’ll be so good. This book was no exception.
The tension, suspense and fear were definitely woven into this to give a real survival element.
I’m excited for the other two books and another set of authors I’ve not read before. ...more
4.5 - this gave me exactly what I wanted! 2 truly likable characters with wonderful chemistry. It was vulnerable, tender, sexy and emotional. I adore 4.5 - this gave me exactly what I wanted! 2 truly likable characters with wonderful chemistry. It was vulnerable, tender, sexy and emotional. I adore the concept of 2 people intrinsically connected and both feeling as if their love is unrequited. Typically I avoid fake dating but since this wasn’t done with the intent to deceive anyone but as a means to build confidence, it didn’t bother me. Sally’s father, John B, annoyed the shit out of me but I suppose that was the goal with his character - and we needed a little bit of conflict (felt forced but I wasn’t mad about it.)...more
3.5 - this was fine but it didn’t pack the emotional punch I wanted. I really wanted more out of Hudson’s story and his perspective but he was so stif3.5 - this was fine but it didn’t pack the emotional punch I wanted. I really wanted more out of Hudson’s story and his perspective but he was so stiff for the majority of the book. There were scenes that were glossed over that really needed his POV so more impactful insights were missed. ...more
This one finally gave me more of the emotional depth I’d been needing. I wish the angst that was in this book had been present in the others. I did enThis one finally gave me more of the emotional depth I’d been needing. I wish the angst that was in this book had been present in the others. I did enjoy this one overall! I still feel like I wanted more from Hudson but he gave more vulnerability toward the end and it was pretty good!...more
3.5 - Ooh these two are messy, toxic and so horned up. I’m not mad it. I am glad the lines of communication did open up before they resorted to sex ag3.5 - Ooh these two are messy, toxic and so horned up. I’m not mad it. I am glad the lines of communication did open up before they resorted to sex again to gloss over their issues AND that Hudson is still hiding something. I do actually wish their break would’ve been longer and that Alayna would’ve moved out - I want this to HURT! But alas, they are so consumed with each other. I did really enjoy the reconciliation (of sorts) between Alayna and Brian - that was long overdue and necessary.
Celia is bonkers and while I did know that, the big reveal wasn’t bad actually. It was predictable but it worked....more
So I ended up binging this but holy shit there was a lot I hated! Tight channel, moist opening, quivering entrance, musky arousal - like come on!! He So I ended up binging this but holy shit there was a lot I hated! Tight channel, moist opening, quivering entrance, musky arousal - like come on!! He used words like floozy and flabbergasted and he was only 29!!! He also called her “Precious” and unless Gollum is in the book, that endearment should never be used.
But here I am giving this thing a four and going right into book 2. I don’t actually hate the story. The premise was dumb as hell but once I hit 40% I was intrigued. I guess I was craving some toxicity.
He’s clearly still hiding something and she is so hopelessly in love with him but she’s not stupid - she knows there’s something else he’s not sharing.
The sex was hot but good lord there was just so much. Not really a complaint so much as an observation....more
The first 35% was truly awful. Not a single likable character. The setup also felt really forced rather than organic or even original. Characters wereThe first 35% was truly awful. Not a single likable character. The setup also felt really forced rather than organic or even original. Characters were all stereotypical and uninspired. Read more like caricatures than actual people. The thing about stereotypes is they’re boring and predictable. They lack creativity and read as lazy.
The way everyone allowed Cash to blatantly disrespect Mollie was pathetic. He steamrolled everyone and they just sat there. He was incredibly insulting and patronizing.
Millie’s parents divorced when she was six. Quite frankly, they both did her dirty and it wasn’t ever her responsibility to repair the relationship with her father, even if she were an adult.
I did love that after Cash was an asshole she gave it right back to him. She didn’t give him an inch and he didn’t deserve one.
It did improve around 65% and was even quite enjoyable for the most part. Once the lovers part came to play, the relationship dynamic flipped and they both were more tolerable.
A few things that felt ridiculous: He got a concussion from a dancing incident and was hesitant to dance again.
Mollie had stomach issues but nothing was ever addressed with that in any way. She magically felt better after opening up to Cash.
Side note, and even hilarious, wad the boots Mollie and her friend designed for their boot company, sounded like the absolute ugliest boots ever. ...more
This was just really dull. And way longer than it needed to be to set up this series - which I won’t be continuing. The “mystery” elements weren’t intThis was just really dull. And way longer than it needed to be to set up this series - which I won’t be continuing. The “mystery” elements weren’t interesting to me.
The main problem is the age gap. The FMC is 40 and the MMC is 27 - this is totally fine. BUT why write a 27yo man as if he is over 50. Just write a damn older man. The whole appeal of him being younger is that he is not only “in his prime” but there’s an element of escapism for the FMC. She’s not bogged down by age and experience. She gets to be told that she’s fuck hot not absolutely radiant - and trust as a woman in her 40s there is a difference.
This wasn’t bad, just too much filler, didn’t vibe the younger MMC, and I didn’t really feel the chemistry. Too much talking and build up to the intimacy for something that ultimately read as just ok....more
I wanted to love this and I can overlook a lot when I connect with the characters BUT I loathe the “heart failure” plot device. Using terminal illnessI wanted to love this and I can overlook a lot when I connect with the characters BUT I loathe the “heart failure” plot device. Using terminal illness as a big reveal feels ick and then to have the MC withhold that info so they don’t hurt the other person is a kind of logic I can’t pretend to enjoy. Yes because just dying is so much easier…I know this isn’t real life but there is nothing romantic about keeping someone in the dark and not allowing them to love their partner thru their hardships.
Once again the pacing was all kinds of nonsense. The mad dash at 75% is a weird choice. And the villains were more over the top than in fantasy books. Give me a break. There was zero reason for Jason to call Aaliyah a whore or for Walter to be so mean to her and belittle her. Marie was just a mess. The weird chick who cheated with Jason - like why was she so dumb and cruel? And why was Jason’s cheating never used against him especially when they talk about him leaving Aaliyah on their wedding day.
Then there’s the issue of allowing Damon, who is like 18, the chance to run a major real estate office…because he can dig up dirt? And he knows everything but the FBI isn’t aware of Walter???
The interview…where was any of that?? And then reading the article felt like such a bizarre non story. ...more