Three literary giants Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie and Sylvia Plath are known the world over. This book gives us the story of the remarkable women Three literary giants Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie and Sylvia Plath are known the world over. This book gives us the story of the remarkable women who shaped them; Julia Stephen, Clara Miller and Aurelia Plath. These were incredible and fascinating women in their own right and as parents profoundly influenced their daughters lives.
The mother - daughter bond as we know can be a tricky one to negotiate, but always for better or worse it shapes who we become. I found this such an interesting way to look at these authors, as it often isn’t done. They tend to get written about in relation to their lovers, or their writing work and their lives lived forward, rather than looking at where they came from and how their mother may have influenced their behaviour and ultimately their literary output.
I basically went straight for Agatha Christie and her mother Clara Miller first, so started in the middle! I found it utterly fascinating, meticulously researched and detailed and learned a huge amount about why my favourite author became the person she did. But most of all I just simply enjoyed learning about three women, who I knew nothing about. This is a great book for fans of these authors but also I think is just a really important piece of history and research, well worth a read! ...more