“I wrap my arms around his shoulders, stroke his hair, kiss his temple. And there we stay; breath“Kind men who turn feral are my weakness.”
Girl same.
“I wrap my arms around his shoulders, stroke his hair, kiss his temple. And there we stay; breathless, satiated, held, loved. I see it in his eyes, emotion flushing his face, telling me wordlessly what I already know. He loves me. He'll never leave me. He'll do anything for me. And I don't doubt any of it.”
Gosh Luke and Kara were just so so special. I have all the feels. The healing they helped each other through...more
I actually don’t have the words to describe how much I loved this. My heart feels so happy.❤️❤️❤️
"I actually thought there were only two kinds of loveI actually don’t have the words to describe how much I loved this. My heart feels so happy.❤️❤️❤️
"I actually thought there were only two kinds of love before. That it was just love like your family or romantic love. But I think there may be hundreds of kinds. Love like a new lease on life. Love like a place to exist freely. Love like being understood. Love like the contented quiet. Love like freshly baked cookies. Love like a thin veil between wishing it'd started earlier and loving the way it began."
I absolutely devoured this book. I loved it. I read it every spare chance I had - on the platform waiting for the train, on the train, in the bath andI absolutely devoured this book. I loved it. I read it every spare chance I had - on the platform waiting for the train, on the train, in the bath and way, way, way past my bed time.
It was just so lovely and vulnerable and honest and heartwarming and tender and soul nourishing and (bonus points for being…) deliciously steamy❤️
Best line in the book goes to - “Now kindly sit on my face, and come all over it.” - more poetic words have never been spoken…...more
Aelin, Rowan, Fenrys, Elide, Lorcan, my special baby Sam, Lysandra, Asterin, Dorian, Abraxos, Yrene, Manon, Nesryn, Sartaq, Aedion, Chaol, Gavriel, IlAelin, Rowan, Fenrys, Elide, Lorcan, my special baby Sam, Lysandra, Asterin, Dorian, Abraxos, Yrene, Manon, Nesryn, Sartaq, Aedion, Chaol, Gavriel, Ilias, Ansel, Murtaugh, Borte, Evangeline, Sorrel, Vesta, the rest of the Thirteen, Petrah, Nox, Hasar, Nehemia, Ren, Fleetfoot, Salkhi, Kadara, Arcas, Sorscha, Falkan, Yeran, Duva, Kashin, Ravi, Sol and the Crochans.
I love them all. In that exact order, I love them all. So much. (Yes yes, even Chaol)
I love the kinship between Aelin and Fenrys in this book. The fact that they were each others tether to reality at the start with the blinking code and then the relationship and understanding they shared afterwards. It was just so special.
I also love the Thirteen but I especially love Abraxos (for obvious reasons) and Asterin for being the first to break out of that hard, unfeeling image of what a Ironteeth witch was supposed to be. They were both such huge parts in Manon’s own journey. It was beautiful.
Oh and can we talk about Miss Yrene Towers for a minute. An icon. And her farewell with Aelin at the end had me in floods - ‘“We’re a long way from Innish” Yrene whispered. “But lost no longer’” Aelin whispered back, voice breaking as they embraced.’ I’ll tell you what’s breaking, ME AND MY HEART, THATS WHAT.
Lest we forget our OG three. Dorian, Chaol and Aelin have such a special place in my heart man.
I, of course, love Aelin and Rowan. That goes without saying… “Together, Fireheart.” The man literally tattooed a map home to him on her back disguised as wyrdmarks. Legendary.
And as ever; I adored Elide and Lorcan. "I promised to always find you. I promised you, and you promised me. I came for you because of it; I am here because of it. I am here for you, do you understand?”. Elide has a quiet strength that I just admire so much. AND Lord Lorcan Lochan the man that you are. Urgghhh he is my new book husband. “Ask me to stay.” “Ask me to come to Perranth with you.” “Ask me to marry you.” - I love him with every fibre of my being.
SJM is truly a mastermind. All of these little threads woven throughout the other 7 books (Nox, Falkan, Ansel, Illias, Rolfe, Yrene to name but a few) all coming together to create the big beautiful tapestry that is Kingdom of Ash. There’s nobody that does it like SJM.
8 books and 2 and half months later - my tear ducts are empty, my soul is nourished and my standards for men are higher than ever before.
If you won’t hunt across the entire world for 3 months to save me from a sadist, or tattoo our love story on my back and secretly hide wyrdmarks that are map back home to you within that tattoo or bind your immortal life to my mortal one so that we can die together one day then I don’t want you and you can get in the bin.
House of Flame and Shadow cannot come soon enough, I am already having serious SJM withdrawal....more
I love Elide and Lorcan. I LOVE them with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Literally I am dying. Don’t get me wrong, obviously I love Aelin andI love Elide and Lorcan. I LOVE them with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Literally I am dying. Don’t get me wrong, obviously I love Aelin and Rowan, that goes without saying but Elide and Lorcan are right up there with them.
“I made a promise to protect you. I will not break it, Elide. I will always find you. I promise.” Well excuse me while I ugly cry in the corner. AND LEST WE FORGET that he cut up his own shirt for her to use for her cycle. I am done. Dare I say that I already forgive him for his transgressions…
Anyways, idk how I am supposed to read Tower of Dawn and wait to read Kingdom of Ash with that ending…
I don’t know how it is physically possible for me to love and care about so many characters at the same time. Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Dorian, Lysandra, I don’t know how it is physically possible for me to love and care about so many characters at the same time. Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Dorian, Lysandra, Elide, Manon, Asterin, Kaltain, Nesryn, Evagaline and yes… even Chaol.
I love them all so much I could combust. I love them all, to whatever end…
Dorian said, "So here we are." "The end of the road”, Aelin said with a half smile. "No," Chaol said, his own smile faint, tentative. "The beginning of the next."...more
In lieu of a review please enjoy my chaotic texting frenzy/stream of consciousness to various friends throughout my readiThis was the best one so far.
In lieu of a review please enjoy my chaotic texting frenzy/stream of consciousness to various friends throughout my reading of this book:-
- I can’t believe he punched her straight in the face. Why so mad. - I love Aedion. And Abraxos lol. - Rowan is getting a bit nicer as well atm. Rowan: “you are nothing to me and I do not care”. Nvm I take it back lol. - Sorscha seems quite cool but like I’m not attached. Unbothered. (this did not age well… sorry Sorscha) - Okay so Arobynn knew and she knows he knew (iykyk *wink wink*) - Omg Ansel!??!? - Omg they’re talking about the merchant who sold Caelena the spider silk in Assassin’s Blade! - “Because you are still a boy, and you are still afraid. Not of losing innocent lives, but of losing whatever dream it is you're clinging to.” PHEW Aedion has Chaol pinned down to a T. - WHO DID THAT TO YOU. I gasped. One of the best lines ever to have been invented. - *redacted* just sacrificed her life so that baby Aelin could run. - I’m in my feels. - CARRANAM. - Omg not her head. That poor girl. - “She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and she would not be afraid.” First of all, DAMN STRAIGHT. Second of all, still makes me think of my poor baby Sam...more
Christina Lauren books absolutely always ALWAYS slap. They have never failed me. I loved this. I’m obsessed. I want to be Fizzy and I want to marry CoChristina Lauren books absolutely always ALWAYS slap. They have never failed me. I loved this. I’m obsessed. I want to be Fizzy and I want to marry Connor, and crawl inside his body and live there forever (in a completely non-creepy way of course). Anyways, this book is god tier....more
- the independent, strong-willed but soft-hearted, Win. - the sunshiniest of sunshine boys, Bo. - the heaOh my goodness. I absolutely adored this book.
- the independent, strong-willed but soft-hearted, Win. - the sunshiniest of sunshine boys, Bo. - the healthy communication. - the loving because of, not in spite of. - the fact that Bo and Win helped each other learn how to better love and appreciate themselves.
"You'd choose this?" "Yeah, I think I would. I know the timing isn't exactly ideal, but if you lined up every other person in the world who I could've had a baby with, I'd choose you again. You're going to be a fantastic mom, Win."
“You’re perfect, Win. Of course I’d want them to have every part of you.”
“I love you so much it makes me feel like I’ve hated everything else in my life up until now. Nothing compares to what I feel for you. Not even close.”
“Honey. You’re giving me everything.”
Win showed Bo that he was still desirable after the loss of his leg and Bo helped Win realise how capable she is despite her doubts surrounding her adorable baby hand.
Honestly, I don’t think anybody will ever do it like Bo and Win again. I think all other books are officially ruined for me forever.
Jacob has my whole heart, what an absolutely soft and gentle and kind and beautiful human being. Brianna said it best - “I love the quiLove shows up❤️
Jacob has my whole heart, what an absolutely soft and gentle and kind and beautiful human being. Brianna said it best - “I love the quiet gentle life of that quiet gentle man”.
Abby Jimenez, book 6 when please and thank you???...more
Naahhh this was friggin ADORABLE. This is the fake dating trope done RIGHT. Wow wow wow.
Gianna is a women after my own heart with her Cheetos and her Naahhh this was friggin ADORABLE. This is the fake dating trope done RIGHT. Wow wow wow.
Gianna is a women after my own heart with her Cheetos and her smutty books. And Mr Clay Johnson had me on my KNEES - a book boyfriend at his finest.
"I couldn't eat. Couldn't train, couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything other than make myself sick thinking about him touching you." - Urghhhhh shut up and just marry me already....more
I have no words. None. My brain cannot process what I just read and so, instead of a review, pleI’m sorry…. What?? Whhaatt??? WHAT!?? WHHATTTTTT!!!???
I have no words. None. My brain cannot process what I just read and so, instead of a review, please enjoy a bunch of Bryce’s hysterical one liners…
- Maybe try for an Approachable Asshole Vibe. - I get that you want to play Broody Prince, but don’t ever fucking interrupt me again. - I’m sensing hostility, and a good dose of male pride. - If you’re looking for How Not to Be an Asshole, it’s shelved between Bye, Loser and Get the Fuck Out. - And I like being considered a person, not livestock for breeding. - Careful. I use teeth. - Don’t try to distract me with flirting. - Hi. You’re gorgeous. I hate you. - Let’s keep talking about how much you want me. - Happy not to disappoint my fans. - You’re on probation. You can thank your abs for that. - If I’m going to associate with losers like you, I might as well look good doing it. - It’s ‘You little bitch, your highness’
Bryce is honestly my sarcastic soul mate, I feel connected to her on a spiritual level.
Okay but seriously, that ending!!?? There’s me just a strolling along casually reading some SJM and then BAMM the last 200 hundred pages were like “bitch please, forget everything you thought you knew” whiplash style baby!! I physically cannot breathe...more
When I tell you I was weeping at the end. I was WEEPING.
I loved this. I loved that Lyla and Vance’s just had so much intimacy. Just all these little iWhen I tell you I was weeping at the end. I was WEEPING.
I loved this. I loved that Lyla and Vance’s just had so much intimacy. Just all these little intimate moments woven throughout the whole book. It was beautiful. Then you add the mystery in and I was hooked.
It’s Lyla rising up on her toes and tugging on Vance’s clothes to get him to bend and kiss her for me…
- “I closed the distance between us, rising up on my toes, but I couldn't quite reach his lips, so I tugged on his collar, pulling him closer to kiss the corner of his mouth.”
- “She came over and tugged on my coat, my sign to bend so she could have her kiss.”
- “She smiled up at me, rising to her toes, searching for a kiss.”❤️❤️
“Some dads didn't change diapers, but I suspected that none of the men here shied away from a loaded Pampers.”
Damn straight. My baby Edens and Edens-In-Law are MEN of the highest order....more
“You’re yelling at my wife.” “Watch it. That’s my wife.” “Well, you are my wife. Maybe it’s time we went on a date.” “Wife.”
I am deceased. MY WIFE MY W“You’re yelling at my wife.” “Watch it. That’s my wife.” “Well, you are my wife. Maybe it’s time we went on a date.” “Wife.”
Obsessed with Jasper and Eloise. Would happily become Mrs Vale myself thank you very much.
Can’t believe I have to wait until September for Lyla’s story *cry*.
EDIT (07/03/23):- I was driving in my car to work this morning thinking about when Eloise said "I cuddled. And Jasper held me." Because he isn’t a cuddler but she is and so he cuddles FOR her....more
“I know what’s on the line, Memphis. But I’m standing here anyway.”
“Then here’s another truth. I’m going to take them. I’m going to take all of your b“I know what’s on the line, Memphis. But I’m standing here anyway.”
“Then here’s another truth. I’m going to take them. I’m going to take all of your bests. Every damn one until you can’t keep track of the top five anymore because there are so many bests that you’ll need a hundred to capture them all.”
“Passion comes from the mess, Memphis. So does everything lasting.”
“Let me make this clear. You are mine. Drake is mine. For all of your todays and each of your tomorrows. Mine.”
A round of applause for Knox Eden please. I just love him, borderline obsessed if I’m being honest.
I’m packing my bags, I’m moving to Quincy and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make one of these Eden boys fall in love with me. Seriously please lawd what is in the water in that town!!
God bless Devney Perry and her ability to write a book without a third act break up. She is the blueprint....more
Okay that’s it, I’ve had enough!!! I’m moving to a small town in the middle of nowhere, I am going to live on a Christmas tree farm and I am going to Okay that’s it, I’ve had enough!!! I’m moving to a small town in the middle of nowhere, I am going to live on a Christmas tree farm and I am going to meet the god damn love of life.
Seriously though… “I see you, Layla Dupree. Clear as day. I always have.”
AND let’s not forget… “Don’t underestimate how long I’ll wait for you.”...more
“It didn’t seem right to me that his weakest self got to decide how my life was going to turn out, what my family was going to look like.
I got to deci“It didn’t seem right to me that his weakest self got to decide how my life was going to turn out, what my family was going to look like.
I got to decide that. And what I wanted was a life - a family, a beautiful marriage, a home - with him. With the man I knew he truly was. And I was going to get it, hell or high water.”
Sorry but Camila is the real hero of this story. That women put up with an abundance of crap from pretty much everyone (but especially Billy and Daisy). Personally, I could never put up with any of the crap that Billy pulled, but I still respect the shit outta her. That women had strength.
Karen was also a boss bitch - “Men often think they deserve a sticker for treating women like people.” Loved her and loved that she never gave in to the men around her and what they wanted or expected of her.
You want me to wear a low cut top?? Too bad I’m gonna wear my roll necks every day of the week. You want me to grow a human for 9 months and take care of it for 18 years after that? TOO EFFING BAD it’s my body, it’s my life and I’ll make that decision for myself. Obsessed.
“Passion… it’s fire. And fire is great, man. But we’re made of water. Water is how we keep living. Water is what we need to survive. My family was my water. I picked water. I’ll pick water every time. And I wanted Daisy to find her water. Because I couldn’t be it.”❤️❤️...more
“Relearning you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I put off reading this for so long and idek why, it w“Relearning you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I put off reading this for so long and idek why, it was every bit as good as everyone said and the rest. I absolutely ADORED it. The dynamic, the angst, the arguing, the banter and most of all the falling back in love and becoming best friends again. It was simply perfect.
“The house. Nicholas told me it was going to save you. ‘She’s worth the pain of trying’ is how he put it. Worth the risk of failing.”
“What are you doing home?” “You missed me.” “You came home because I missed you?” “Yes.”
“I missed you, too.” “I’ve missed you everywhere.”
“I say it all the time. I just say it very, very quietly. I tell you when you’re in another room, or right after we hang up the phone. I tell you when you’ve got headphones on. I say it after you shut the door behind you. I say it in my head every time you look at me.”
“Of course I love you, Naomi. I never stopped”
Nicholas Benjamin Rosefield, the man that you are❤️...more