Hands down the best writing I’ve ever read. A wonderful family drama that perfectly teeters the fine line of beauty and darkness, and is full of95/100
Hands down the best writing I’ve ever read. A wonderful family drama that perfectly teeters the fine line of beauty and darkness, and is full of life, love, and even the absurd. I will read all of Conroy’s works....more
I don't really get short stories most of the time, but this was cool. Eliza's signature witty and dark humor comes through in a couple stories h80/100
I don't really get short stories most of the time, but this was cool. Eliza's signature witty and dark humor comes through in a couple stories here, but she also threw some curveballs here, with a few sci-fi entries and also a medieval folk-tale-esque horror story. It's also gross and absurd at many points, which is par for the course. Also, huge props for writing a story about me with "Goth GF," which is easily my favorite....more
What starts out as a coming of age running away from home novel with a wholesome old simpleton man who can talk to cats quickly turns into a wha84/100
What starts out as a coming of age running away from home novel with a wholesome old simpleton man who can talk to cats quickly turns into a what the fuck metaphysical magical realism banger full of sex (albeit sometimes extremely questionable), philosophy, and mysteries with no real answers. Definitely some Stephen King vibes at times, as well. Good book...more
I think I'm actually gonna make a video about this but for now, just know that no book has ever made me feel or cry as much as this book has. I100/100
I think I'm actually gonna make a video about this but for now, just know that no book has ever made me feel or cry as much as this book has. It is a beautiful and tragic saga of brotherhood, love and death, grief, heartbreak, and everything in between. I'm sure reading this while I'm in a really shitty spot mentally probably made it mean a whole lot more to me in my ultra-sensitive emotional state, but for now, it's on the very short list of 100/100 books for me, and will classify itself as an all time favorite, and one I'll come back to many times throughout my life...more
Bobby Mac does it again. This book bangs from start to finish. Tim Powers needs to take some notes--THIS is how you do 1700s/1800s London, not w88/100
Bobby Mac does it again. This book bangs from start to finish. Tim Powers needs to take some notes--THIS is how you do 1700s/1800s London, not whatever the hell he was doing in Anubis Gates. I can't say much because spoilers, but I will say the end was absolute heat and perfectly sets up the next book, and also introduces perhaps some occult elements (or at least, our characters think it's supernatural) in the exploration of some Satanic stuff, which should be really cool in the subsequent books....more
A solid entry in the Matthew Corbett series, but this one feels like a filler, side quest kinda book for the most part. That being said, it’s st80/100
A solid entry in the Matthew Corbett series, but this one feels like a filler, side quest kinda book for the most part. That being said, it’s still a pretty damn good side quest. The atmosphere in this book is just next level, but I’m biased because I love swamp settings. There’s a brand new character that has a solid arc in just 250ish pages, which is impressive in its own right. And by the end McCammon gets us back on track with Matthew’s larger adventure and leads directly into Freedom of the Mask. So this gets a well deserved thumbs up, despite being a bit off the beaten path for where this series should be heading in volume five....more