This is a wordless book. The Ukrainian author wrote this shortly after Russian invaded the country. We see a girl behind barbed wire afraid until she This is a wordless book. The Ukrainian author wrote this shortly after Russian invaded the country. We see a girl behind barbed wire afraid until she see a yellow butterfly, I assume this is hope. The butterfly seems to spread everywhere and change things.
I do love a wordless story and this one is probably the most abstract wordless story I have seen. I think the yellow butterfly is that hope spreading.
The artwork is simple. They use black, white and yellow for most of the book and toward the end, they add blue. It looks to be charcoal or chalk
This is a great starter to talk about violence in our world and what some children have to live through. ...more
November 15th is moccasin day. It’s the time to wear your mocs in the regular world and show off your native pride. I had no idea about this. I love mNovember 15th is moccasin day. It’s the time to wear your mocs in the regular world and show off your native pride. I had no idea about this. I love moccasins. They are so comfortable. Sounds cool. I’ll look for them this year.
The story just shows different people of different tribes wearing their unique tribe mocs at schools and other places. Each tribe has different designs so you can tell their tribe by their feet. I had no idea and it makes sense.
The artwork is very bright and happy and the moccasins are very pretty.
I’m worried about our native friends. My co-worker is Cherokee and she is scared. She has been told if both your parents are full blooded native, then you are no longer a US citizen. She’s like, “What does that make me? My family has never lived anywhere else.” The government is doing this to steal land that belongs to the natives, especially the Navajo where there is oil. It’s horrible. I expected a lot of horror, but this attack was a surprise. We don’t want to lose the Natives. They bring so much wisdom to our empty culture.
Kids into native culture will enjoy this book ...more
This is a song someone wrote about their love for their life and family. It’s beautiful and takes in all the seasons. There are moments of peace and mThis is a song someone wrote about their love for their life and family. It’s beautiful and takes in all the seasons. There are moments of peace and moments of family. She appreciates the beauty around her the world gives, even with ice. It’s a nice little poem.
There is the sheet music at the end for people to sing the song if they so choose.
The artwork is pastel and pencil and rendered digitally. The artwork really sets off the poem. It’s lovely.
Kids into poetry and gratitude will enjoy this ...more
This story blasted forward with the plot. We start off where the last one left off. Shirotoni is depressed after Kurose says they'll never see each otThis story blasted forward with the plot. We start off where the last one left off. Shirotoni is depressed after Kurose says they'll never see each other again. So, Shirotoni's work is trying to get ahold of him as he isn't going to work. All they can think to do is call Kurose to get ahold of him. They know Shirotoni lights up around Kurose.
So, they get in touch again. Kurose apologizes for cutting things off so suddenly. He also admits to being in life with Shirotoni and that's why he cut things off. Shirotoni is struck dumb and doesn't know how to react.
Kurose puts the pressure on and he is good to his word and he can't help himself from touching Shirotoni.
I love the psychological thread in the story. I enjoy the stories ad Shiotoni with his obsessive compulsive disorder is so compelling. I'm enjoying this story and I can't wait to get Vol. 3....more
This is a classic love story. Two people love each other and things happen to get in the way of that and tragically, they aren't able to be together.
IThis is a classic love story. Two people love each other and things happen to get in the way of that and tragically, they aren't able to be together.
I don't know why this is considered love. That's called misery and pain. A love story is two people slowly dying together of old age, knowing each other. That's love. There are cycles we all go through with love. These stories think all the pain of failed love is the greatest love. I just don't buy into that.
Anyway. This story is purple prose. The author is painting a picture for us that we are reading. He isn't a plot writer. The plot doesn't move one forward, but the descriptions so. This is a slow burn story. I have enjoyed luxuriating in these beautiful descriptions. The plot is simple and there isn't a lot going on. It's all about describing.
This reminds me of Tom Robbins of the 'Jitterbug perfume' where it's all about his descriptions and the plot is secondary.
I admit, I've gotten used to a break-neck plot pace and it was nice to slow down and wallow in words. I do love the love story in here.
Another thing was the narration follows everyone and so sometimes Kiyoaki feels far away. I wasn't the biggest fan of that.
Kiyoaki is a wealthy school student and he has a good friend name Satoko, his female friend. By the time he realizes that he does love her, he's missed his chance and it's too late. She is engaged to the prince and that is binding. Satoko doesn't really want to marry him, but she felt she had little choice. It's all the fault of Kiyoaki being so spoiled. Such is life.
My favorite part of the book was when the lovers met in a rickshaw in the show doing for a ride and had their first kiss. What a scene. It was so well told and the snow was a character all its own.
There are four books in this story about reincarnation. I might go on with this at some point. There would only be one character I knew, so I don't know.
This was a huge work in Japan and it was translated in 1972. This series is a hugely famous work over there. A real classic.
Another issue with the story is they would go into politics and religion and just discuss them. I felt he talked more about these philosophies than dialogue between the characters. The ideas would overshadown the characters and what was going on.
I'm very glad I read this. It was an experience. I took my time and simply enjoyed it. What a change from everything else I'm reading. I'm glad I found this in Barnes and Noble....more
A lovely book about remembering your furry companions after they pass. We see a family with reminders of their dog all around them. They have set up aA lovely book about remembering your furry companions after they pass. We see a family with reminders of their dog all around them. They have set up an altar with pictures of the pet. They spread flower petals to help guide it home. They loved their dog.
The artwork was stellar. I mean, so much detail and rich in color. It's acrylic paint on paper. The hands were amazing. I was stunned by the artwork. It was a work of art.
Kids who have lost a pet will appreciate this lovely story....more
Mina is a reader and her dad amuses her. One day, he brings home a squirrel for Mina and Mina is pretty sure that it’s not a squirrel. As the reader, Mina is a reader and her dad amuses her. One day, he brings home a squirrel for Mina and Mina is pretty sure that it’s not a squirrel. As the reader, we know it’s a cat and you know the cat is playing the these mice.
Anyway, the story is humorous and fun. I like cool and calm Mina. Still, she is able to run for her life. I like her book tent. Doesn’t everyone need a book-reading tent? I love the dad trying to feed the cats acorns.
The artwork is stylized and very cool. There are lots of cool colors and swirls. They are watercolor, gouache and colored pencil.
It’s a fun book. Kids interested in a funny and quirky book will enjoy this. ...more
How much hospitality is enough before one is being taken advantage of? My parents always told friends to come by anytime. I would wonder if they reallHow much hospitality is enough before one is being taken advantage of? My parents always told friends to come by anytime. I would wonder if they really meant that. Was it just a saying. If someone was in need, then yes, but there was also a couple who would stay very late. They were the last ones and would leave close to midnight and my parents grumbled a little after they left. So, they didn't ask them to leave. I guess they meant their statement.
To the story. Bear is getting ready to hibernate and she is fixing doughnuts to eat before she does. Friends keep showing up and she keeps making more till there are no ingredients. See is hungry and gets mad. The story does a great job of that scene.
The art is fine. The animals are cute. It was done in gouache, colored pencil and charcoal and photoshop.
The guests go too far and make a clear and needed apology. It is rare to see that in a children's book and we get it here. It's nice.
Shu Lin is a Chinese girl who is now going to a US school and she can't really communicate much with her classmates. They all wonder why she is so difShu Lin is a Chinese girl who is now going to a US school and she can't really communicate much with her classmates. They all wonder why she is so different. Her grandpa comes in for share time and shows off his artwork. He can't speak the language either.
The artwork is good. The kids in the class are just so so. The artist shines when grandpas artwork. It's a landscape drawing in the style of Ancient China with mountain and valleys and dragons in it. It's a full page fold out so it's 4 pages wide and it's very impressive. It's so well done. The artwork is done in pencil and cut paper.
It's an interesting story and I think people interested in the world and other cultures and people will be interested in this....more
A story about a bear and a red balloon. It reminds me a little of Cast Away with Wilson.
A bear finds a red balloon drift into his life one day. He chaA story about a bear and a red balloon. It reminds me a little of Cast Away with Wilson.
A bear finds a red balloon drift into his life one day. He chases it and then befriends it. Of course with those paws, he pops it. Lucky for the bear, the moon is there with some sage advice. This was a nice little story. Cute bear.
The artwork is mixed media. It looks like some colored pencils in places and other things. It seems more abstract in style. Some pages have no backgrounds, just white, some pages do have backgrounds. At the beginning, this red balloon floats in and the text talks about a blue sky and the illustration is whited out, not blue at all. That bothered me. The art is fine, but I wasn't a fan of it.
Kids who love animals might enjoy this story of a cute bear....more
Snails - Yummy. But, this book isn't about cooking or even eating them. This book is about one crossing the road to get to some cabbage.
It's actually Snails - Yummy. But, this book isn't about cooking or even eating them. This book is about one crossing the road to get to some cabbage.
It's actually a twist on 'the little engine that could'. The snail thinks he can cross this road. Nothing will stop him. Still, in his quest, he shows kindness to ants who have a tea party with him in his shell in the middle of the road while it's raining.
A crow is trying to eat this snail, and the snail gets turned around and heads off the road the way he came. He is still determined. Why cross a road when friends can bring the cabbage to you.
The artwork is done use ink and watercolors. I wasn't too impressed with the artwork. It was fine, but it also felt a little lazy. The snail had a great attitude.
An old man lives alone on the sea, happy as a clam. Then one day he gets neighbors and he doesn't want neighbors. What a bother. He leaves them messagAn old man lives alone on the sea, happy as a clam. Then one day he gets neighbors and he doesn't want neighbors. What a bother. He leaves them messages in the sand and the sea plays tricks on him and brings those neighbors closer. What do you know, one day he enjoys having neighbors.
It's a nice little tale. Cute. The little girl is so peppy and cute, no one could resist her. She's a Pollyanna.
The artwork is acrylic's, colored pencils and graphite. The artwork is good. Most of it feels grumpy and run down like the old man. The colors are sort of washed out. Then comes this burst of energy with the girls. The colors don't change, but the energy on the page does. Well done....more
The artwork here is simple and they don’t give us backgrounds. Most of the pages are simply blank white pages with the focus being on the characters aThe artwork here is simple and they don’t give us backgrounds. Most of the pages are simply blank white pages with the focus being on the characters actions. I’m not much of a fan of the artwork.
The story is about a community. People keep telling this kid to not hope. The kid’s response is how will I know until I try. There seems to be trash everywhere. The kid gathers some friends and they seem to build a community garden. It’s all sort of vague really. In the end, there is a box of flowers. That’s all we know.
I think this is about community building. That was my brother’s field of study. He’s good at it too. I don’t think the book works. It’s sort of confusing and not to the point. Maybe kids will enjoy it. ...more
I don't know if there is anything like a real giant arctic jellyfish, but after reading this fun book, I sure hope there is. The artwork is so lovely.I don't know if there is anything like a real giant arctic jellyfish, but after reading this fun book, I sure hope there is. The artwork is so lovely. It's a study in whites and blues. I love it. This is ink and watercolor. The artist has a sense of humor and a nice way of drawing ice and snow.
A group of scientist go to the arctic circle and are looking for a creature no one has seen or heard of. It doesn't tell us why the lead scientist thinks it's there. The cheeky creature is playing hide and seek with them the whole time. Cute.
This takes place in the Arctic circle and there is a good map at the front. It makes for dramatic storytelling....more
Here is a biography told as a poem. This is about Ezra Jack Keats life. He grew up hard too. He was from Polish immigrants living in dirt poor BrooklyHere is a biography told as a poem. This is about Ezra Jack Keats life. He grew up hard too. He was from Polish immigrants living in dirt poor Brooklyn and then the depression hits. Wow. Still, Ezra was able to come through. His art provided for him all those years.
The story is very interesting. He lived in cities and there were no story about urban living. In 1962 when they asked him to write his own story, he made it about an urban city with a little black boy. He was the only person of color in picture books at that time. It was a hit.
All children love to read stories with characters reflecting themselves. Our libraries need stories so each of us wild and strange people can see ourselves, no matter who we are. Censorship isn't the answer. A library is for all of us, not just white people. I'm thankful that today, you can find just about anyone to read about. It's good for all of us.
The artwork made a nod to Ezra and his work. It was good. The poem was good as well. A nice nod to a very important author in children's books. I learned quite a bit....more
This is Allen Say's memoir of how he became an artist. The story takes place during WWII in Japan. His father hated him drawing. He said you'll never This is Allen Say's memoir of how he became an artist. The story takes place during WWII in Japan. His father hated him drawing. He said you'll never amount to anything as an artist. He called artist slackers. He said having a job is the only important thing in life.
The war happened and then his parents divorced. That was a huge deal back then. They sent Allen to live on his own once he got into a private school at 13. He find a sensei in the big cartoonist of that day. So he began making art. How amazing is that.
His life went on. Eventually, his father asked him to go to America with him, and Allen did.
It's a great story. There are photos from the past and Allen re-creates his drawings. A great story on being an artist....more
A collection of biographies of famous peaceful warriors from all over the world. We start with Jesus and make our way to William Feehan, a firefighterA collection of biographies of famous peaceful warriors from all over the world. We start with Jesus and make our way to William Feehan, a firefighter who died in the twin towers of Sept 11th 2001.
There is great information in here. These are amazing people. I don't understand this book. It's too much for a picture book. Why make it a picture book. This is for older kids. It's like for 5th grade and up. There are few pictures and it's mostly pages and pages of text only. It should have just been a book for middle grade kids.
I think if he would have chosen half the names and made two or three volumes, this would have worked better. It's not something to really read out loud. It's mostly facts about the horrors these people faced. It's intense and also pretty amazing. These people were true heroes. It's just not well done for the format it chose.
The artwork was so, it really didn't help anything. There wasn't much there to begin with and what is there just doesn't set the mood. It's intense. Again, you need attention and focus for this. It's about the hard devastating parts of life. This has to be digested slowly. I just think how it was put together didn't work well and Jonah wasn't able to elevate it and make it transcend the misery. It's a failed work about important amazing people....more
A book about gratitude. This book made my eyes grow soft. I'm shocked.
Sallie gets a gift from grandma and she wants to send a text, but her mom is talA book about gratitude. This book made my eyes grow soft. I'm shocked.
Sallie gets a gift from grandma and she wants to send a text, but her mom is talking on the phone. She wrote down what she wants to say so she doesn't forget it. Her mom sees this and has her send it by mail. Sallie then begins writing thank you notes to everyone around her.
It's a simple story and I love it. The one thing they didn't do is how to mail a letter. Jimmy Kimmel once did a bit where he asked college aged people how to send a letter. Where they wrote who it's too and where the stamp goes and return address. They had 5 people on there. Not one person completely got it all correct. Young people can't use the mail. The book needed to show kids how to send a letter as well. It's becoming a forgotten idea.
The artwork was bright and happy, just a feel good type of art. I liked it. ...more
Jesus helps his dad at work mowing and taking care of people's yards. I love the peacocks in the yards that Jesus's plays with.
So, when the jug of watJesus helps his dad at work mowing and taking care of people's yards. I love the peacocks in the yards that Jesus's plays with.
So, when the jug of water is empty, they are supposed to go home. Jesus gives the water to all the animals and splashes water all over the place. It's empty in the morning and Jesus is ready to go home, but they still have a whole day of work to do.
It's pretty gross, the dogs and other animals are inside the jug of water they are drinking. bleech.
So, I can't say how much I hate the artwork. To me, they were trying to make the artwork as ugly as possible. I won't be reading more of these. The artwork made me uncomfortable. ...more
A great little story about the first paleontologist, unofficial. Mary Anning didn't go to school to dig up dinosaur bones. She lived on the coast of RA great little story about the first paleontologist, unofficial. Mary Anning didn't go to school to dig up dinosaur bones. She lived on the coast of Regis England and her family went and dug up fossils to sale for money. It's how they made their living.
Mary loved storms because they would erode the earth and she could discover new things. One day, her brother found the head of some old fossil. She found the body. It was the 1st Ichithyosaur or fish lizard. It looks like a giant dolphin. She sold it to a rich person who put it in a museum as his own discovery. Mary lived 1799 - 1847. A short life.
She also discovered a Pletiosaurus which looks like the loch ness monster. She discovered several fossils. Most were bought and someone stole her credit, but eventually a man gave her credit. She was self taught and was the first paleontologist. People came from all over to see her and discuss these things with her. She was hyper curious and determined. She was a great person.
The artwork was drawn with pencil on paper, scanned and colored in digitally. I like the artwork. It's full of energy and discovery. We feel the weather and the sea and the thrill of finding things. There is a picture of her jumping with joy that I just loved.
A great book for dinosaur lovers or people interested in strong women. ...more