I read this book in 2018/19 when she came to csp Sac Library to present her book as a learning tool, as our guest speaker and author, and the deliveryI read this book in 2018/19 when she came to csp Sac Library to present her book as a learning tool, as our guest speaker and author, and the delivery was breathtaking. She wowed the audience in person and read the literature itself.
In the early chapter, she shares how her daddy relationship intervened with her companion relationships as well. Her honesty, vulnerability, and rawness are cut open and let you witness the wound that leads to understandability and reality that hopefully comes to healing. Noreen has spoken the real truth about inmates when they are released, in/out of relations, and how their male organ has been suppressed due to holding back sexual tension, emotion, and going a long time without, unless they choose to masturbate for release.
Noreen simply tells the reader that she can not tell them what works for them, only what worked for her. Her truth. "We are what we believe we are (195)." She reminds us that anything worth having will require work--comes with a challenge, where your faith will be challenged (195).
Book Club read, second time, for two groups at Sol book clubs (2) in 2022/23. Then, the title was also used for "I see her" support groups during 2023 to 2025.
Now, I have my personalized copy signed by the author. Physical copy, not Kindle/eBook version....more
I am glad I ordered this book. It teaches the basics in investing on all levels.
I like this version better than the dummies ones. I will still reviewI am glad I ordered this book. It teaches the basics in investing on all levels.
I like this version better than the dummies ones. I will still review the dummies one on investing; but not a fan of any of the dummies series since it is written not for a beginner or a dummy for that matter (complex jargon usually to me).
I took a few pages of notes--and found it resourceful....more
I'll return copy to work library. It was okay, I knew about the three gangs in Chicago but a bit more insight such as the numbers and biggest one ..I'll return copy to work library. It was okay, I knew about the three gangs in Chicago but a bit more insight such as the numbers and biggest one .....more
I will have to see how to get a copy at the current library I work at; the opening is good. Foreword by Tavis Smiley, and even inspired by intro, and I will have to see how to get a copy at the current library I work at; the opening is good. Foreword by Tavis Smiley, and even inspired by intro, and saw the featured movie played by Jaime Fox.
At first, I felt this was the same story just told by another author and different characters' names, and wasn't sure I was going to finish. Yet, evenAt first, I felt this was the same story just told by another author and different characters' names, and wasn't sure I was going to finish. Yet, even though, it is the norm that you see on Prime videos or low budget films on Urban films--drug dealing life to live in a decent neighborhood which all went to shyt until the heist idea came forth. Can Shannon, a female, with a little male companions pull it off? Her girl, so called friend, will see her end because of her stupidity; that's why you cannot tell people your potential plans no matter how close you think they are.
I chuckled when she said the dudes ugly was between Biggie Smalls and King Kong, ding dong!
I see it is two separate stories written by Kiki and De'Nesha.
Ultimate Heist rating-- 4 stars; it was fast pace, not too much vulgar language or scenes, and decent tale with a twist that one I expected and other sort of not but good flow and writing.
Robyn Banks rating-- 2 stars; I have read her Hustle series and at first was like no way then ended up reading them all. I definitely like her other series with the detective vibe, so this is supposed to be that, and see how she pulls this one off.
I borrowed a copy from work library to read and give honest review....more
I am listening to the audiobook and reading the book. I'd prefer the book.
I will go along and finish the series. I am borrowing a copy while home fromI am listening to the audiobook and reading the book. I'd prefer the book.
I will go along and finish the series. I am borrowing a copy while home from C and other at work while audio book is going from B.
"The truth you heard is still true. These people are still responsible for the deaths of most of the Abnegation and the mental enslavement of the Dauntless and the utter destruction of our way of life, and something has to be done about them (p 333)."
I think about how govt and certain societies want dominance and pure control, which this book is not too far from some truths; and how it's easier to pretend that all is okay and this is acceptable way of life.
Would one sacrifice their life for thousands with this new serum? 2.75 stars/3--slow parts, and didn't care for the ending but was an alright read.
As a state librarian, I ordered this book thinking it would be helpful to simply your life and slow things down, including me as a worker. However, asAs a state librarian, I ordered this book thinking it would be helpful to simply your life and slow things down, including me as a worker. However, as I started reading the first 50, I see this book is outdated and had to check copyright date of 1994, then reprint 2001, but still reads as if livin in the 90s. Who has a car phone still in their car? Now, we have cars that are bluetooth connected to your cell phone to use on speaker is your car phone now not an actual one. Another example is call waiting, we did used to in the 90s when these features were offered would add or remove them and pay a few dollars more, nowadays, we get the bundle and these features are already in the bill.
Buy in bulk. This doesn't work for me and heard it before reading this book. Some things get dated, expired, or old, or we do not eat plentiful like oats. I buy fresh, organic, and tryin to eat more vegetarian meaning mainly fruits and veggies. You cannot buy this in bulk, it'll rot. Many of her suggestions, I say no way for me today! I do agree with uncluttering the "mathoms" in your household and give to someone who can use them (which she did not say or specify, but give to goodwills, thrifts, to family/friends like they did in the Hobbit she did quote, or just trash). I am learning to purchase less and clean things stored. I donate books to libraries or also depart from them.
I strongly disagree w/ cutting laundering in half. #8 I know in Cali we live in droughts, so less is best, is why I will wash a full large or extra large load than a small load. She says to wash one load a week or every other week, and sheets to stretch longer than the weekly routine. Yes, I am known for washing them weekly since I have pets; hotter months, you sweat, and who wants to sleep on such things. Use less towels; yet in summer and hotter months, it will smell hanging in your bathroom to save on washing. You will use more but let them pile up in your laundry bin until you have enough to wash a load is my thingy.
I do not agree either with #16 about pets. I love pets. She suggest not to have one due to grooming bill. I have cats, short haired, and only do their grooming before summer months to cool down and free of their winter hair! I have learned the hair is to cool them down not what we think to keep them warm but also know in the winter their coat is thicker and longer.
#17 moving simplified, I agree with most since I have been the main one packing in my family and save the kitchen last. Learn what things you have and don't need during this time too. Also, traveling simplified, I am learning to bring less than more. Pack in zip lock bags or dividers help. Place shirts, pants, dresses to count the days and items that can go with something else like jeans. Casual mainly. Dress clothes for church or special occasion. Some of us like to shop, so make room for this than have an over 50lb suitcase or buy another luggage on return flight (she didn't say but I know).
#39 most people have consumed so much that they cannot live off half of their earning. I have learned to have a budget of 60% bills, 20% spend (food, gas, clothes, etc.), 20% invest/save. Her next one is to rethink our spending habits--agree but not sure I will follow her method. Figure out what's yours.
#43 get rid of credit cards, truth. I learned the hard way when I went to college up to my late twenties. Had my first card around 18/19, and didn't know much about finances. She later adds to teach your kids, yes! You have to continue to learn about your monies and how it works best for you! She the advantages of the card; I like secured cards to build your financial status or scores, and its your money not borrowed money! I also like credit/debit card w credit union (which she did not provide) since it usually doesn't have fees, annual fees, etc.
#44 consolidate checking accounts. Best to have a business one separate from personal if you have one. I would also recommend a savings and a checking account, anything more is a burden. I tried various banks in the past too with fees, etc. and best to have no more than 1-2 bank accounts or banks that service your money. Most credit unions will not offer a business account, so therefore, you will have to have another bank to do that.
Other things I have lived and learned such as pay off mortgage, or sell and find smaller and more comfortable debt. Refinance that better suits you to save. Still learning more about homeownership and rental properties. She didn't really go into that. Buy used car (she says secondhand, so old fashion, archaic term).
I did like how she broke it up in 6 sections: household, lifestyle, finances, job (helpful), health (learning and researching on for last ten years or so), personal life.
We do need to have organization, time management, decipher priorities, etc. Now that I moved to work in another library after setting a system in place at other library, have to redo things that makes sense to me and others, not to make it so confusing or complicated. Stop being busy but not productive is the real thing! You do have to figure out what you really want to do #52 which I am at this brick wall again. Updating resume, references, etc. Add a hobby or find your job as such--to do what you love.
I have seen this first hand: busy work. She lists 2. 1. we don't want to do what were supposed to be doing 2. we want to look busy
workaholism. this has become an artform. I agree with this. I have even became busy to be busy. Most the tips, I am familiar with and so outdated, hardly agree with her recommendations, and only a few parts were decent but have better suggestions as listed above in my honest review.
We had a copy in two of our libraries, and have been wanting to read for years because of the title. Some people deem white as white, black as black eWe had a copy in two of our libraries, and have been wanting to read for years because of the title. Some people deem white as white, black as black even if you have a drop (which I know the 1/4 or 1/8 drop statement came from slavery days from the white, minority person), yet the Jewish part really quirked my curiosity. Normally to read an autobiography, it is something you want to know, or well-known person, celebrity, athlete, a stellar performance, and such; but I know nothing of this author until I picked up a copy to read.
It was a bit boring to me maybe because of no connection of the author, or status, or stature; however, she still shared her story. The only part that spoke to me towards the end: "..plans to sterilize me. I wonder how she thought it all out, how there shouldn't be any more black babies, and how sterilizing as many black women as she can will be doing her part for the cause (247)." She was pregnant, told to get an abortion by her mother whom was present in the clinic as well as the mother's boyfriend, and now the clinic doctor is planning to make her sterile.
I read the synopsis posted on Goodreads, and realized that her mother is the author (274), Alice WALKER, whom I love her work so much especially "Color Purple" which I never understood the title name but great movie too. She mentioned toward the end that her mother is an author; earlier a speaker (which I am thinking of the speaker of the white house, lol.), good to know now.
This book is like 40-80 pages in depth; small compact book that was donated to C Library. I wanted to get some tips from the read as a refresher or seThis book is like 40-80 pages in depth; small compact book that was donated to C Library. I wanted to get some tips from the read as a refresher or see how this can help those patrons who want to write or tell stories. See how helpful it is since I used to take writing classes in the past for storytelling or writing as a whole.
I skimmed through the pages since I took a while to get back to it. I would recommend this to aspiring or novice writers.
It is helpful tips and books that you may be familiar with or had to read in grade school/high school for English courses. It is a bit scholarly too. I learned some of these tips when I took writing classes/courses when I lived in the Midwest.
This book was donated as a gift to the current work library I am at from an anonymous person. I wanted to glance through it since I had started a syfyThis book was donated as a gift to the current work library I am at from an anonymous person. I wanted to glance through it since I had started a syfy type of novel with a relative that still hasn't been completed since late 1999....more
It is basic, with tips that will help or work as a potential speaker, and he also shares examples of (real) stories...
He also shares some pointers sucIt is basic, with tips that will help or work as a potential speaker, and he also shares examples of (real) stories...
He also shares some pointers such as traveling, checking temp at event, knowing where restrooms are, bring your own water; some of these things I have done in the past without reading this book. It is you live and you learn.
This is great for a beginner to gain some insight and tips needed for your future or current job. I had to learn from trial and error, mainly via experience.
It was simple and to the point, and read in a sitting. 2.75/3 stars...more
He starts off sharing about how he focuses on helping others launch their own businesses and grow their own brands, but wonder what happened to the 3 He starts off sharing about how he focuses on helping others launch their own businesses and grow their own brands, but wonder what happened to the 3 guys he started his FUBU business with from Hollis. He uses the motto that many follow: stay hungry (but I wonder how long you stay hungry, and deem to be a success, once you reached your so-called success, do you keep staying hungry?). We can help others see the real idea, winning idea (p 18). It is good to see the diversity on Shark Tank which I hardly watch, yet when I did come across it changing channels, I was glad to see him on the broadcast since I knew he was the fashion designer of FUBU without reading this book to know so.
He quotes that small business owners know to stick to a core business plan (or goal), great strides with small steps (18)....more
I read a few pages and a couple weeks later had to do a restart since I could not get into it. This second time around is better. Wil and the other peI read a few pages and a couple weeks later had to do a restart since I could not get into it. This second time around is better. Wil and the other person met at a Pub, and now something about a document (dead red scrolls or Mayan's ancient-historic material) that speaks on the end of the world in 2012 (mindfully many feared this around 2010 which thankfully did not happen in the way people thought).
Further on, it speaks against the food industry (which I am more agreeing with that it is not meant for our health and keep us sick to go to hospitals, perform surgeries, and/or prescribe; cut and prescribe to keep monies in these identities). Speak on glutamates (MSG) which I know I cannot eat since 2000 but leads to obesity, diabetes, and other modern diseases (p 32). "Eating is one if the most obsessive things we do...feel good distraction is food, taste really good, it won't give you that pacified and satisfied feeling that comes when glutamate receptors in the brain are activated. Problem: can't keep your energy up and stay alert spiritually if you are drugged, 32-33." He goes on to state food is the energy we allow into our consciousness and encourages organic, natural foods to get the same receptors in the brain which doesn't bring us down.
"native peoples have always seen mountains as sacred places that lift us above the common awareness to glimpse the sacred spirit. This spirit is now seeking to come closer. The Maya knew and came to this world to bring the message of the Calendar to us. (148)."
At times, I feel like this book is nonfiction trying to go fiction, or have a fiction feel to it.
Disclaimer: I borrowed a copy from the library; and I loved "the Celestine Prophecy" movie (watched it three or so times and still touches my heart) so I thought I would read from the author via book which to me, doesn't follow the movie necessarily and not as great as the featured film.
Overall, it's an okay read. I did like some of the concepts like law of karma, connection, etc....more