I really liked this book. I wasn't sure that I would but I couldn't put it down.I really liked this book. I wasn't sure that I would but I couldn't put it down....more
I'd only seen one episode of the show before reading the book so wasn't biased by it.
I'm actually glad I read the book before watching any more. I've I'd only seen one episode of the show before reading the book so wasn't biased by it.
I'm actually glad I read the book before watching any more. I've seen reviews that are disappointed with the book because it's not like the show. I liked the book. I was surprised at the women in the prison because I'd heard what goes on in men's prisons. I guess I was expecting the same, which seems like the TV show is like, but I was surprised.
Piper met some interesting women in there, some that made me laugh. But what I liked best was Piper seeing the impact drugs has on families, not just the individual. A lot of people don't get that drugs ruins families. Even though she didn't deal drugs she did live off the money made from it and did smuggle money.
This book opened my eyes about how prisoners are treated. I've never really had to think about it as I've never known anyone that's gone to prison.
Great book, now I'll have to watch the show....more
I kind of liked the first book. The story was okay, not great but worth picking up Pretties.
Now I sort of wish I hadn't. Right from the start the 'preI kind of liked the first book. The story was okay, not great but worth picking up Pretties.
Now I sort of wish I hadn't. Right from the start the 'pretty language' drove me nuts. I never want to hear "bogus, bubbly, prettt-making and fashion-missing" again. It took me half the book to get kind of used to it.
As for Zane I think he was unnecessary. I'm not sure why he was introduced. He annoyed me from the start but I'm also not 100% sold on David either.
The only reason I'll be reading Specials and Extras is because I hate leaving a series unfinished but I'm really not looking forward to them. I can't say when I'll read them but I will.
I'm glad they're library books and I didn't buy them. I'll never be reading it again....more
Ugh, why wasn't this put at the end of Just One Night? It took forever to find a free copy of this because I refused to pay for a novella with 40 pageUgh, why wasn't this put at the end of Just One Night? It took forever to find a free copy of this because I refused to pay for a novella with 40 pages when I don't even own the other books.
It really could've just been the ending in Just One Year. It was good but not worth the effort of tracking it down because I figured they'd end up together. Whether they stay together is a different story but whatever. It was okay. ...more
2015 - This is the second time I've read The Queen of the Tearling. I first read it last year, my librarian had read it, loved it and recommended it t2015 - This is the second time I've read The Queen of the Tearling. I first read it last year, my librarian had read it, loved it and recommended it to me. She'd heard Emma Watson was going to be in the movie adaptation but I haven't heard much about that.
Kelsea is such a strong character, she's independent, loyal, passionate, determined to fix the injustices in her kingdom, has an open mind where others around her don't and one of the best things, she's a huge bookworm. Kelsea hates being dictated to or looked over for a man to talk to, she's not one to take orders, but is willing to listen when she needs advice. She knows her weaknesses and when to ask for help.
Things have been kept secret from her about her mother and the kingdom. I don't really understand why Elyssa made Carlin and Barty not to tell Kelsea anything about her and her reign as Queen. It's not like Kelsea wouldn't find out anyway. All it did was leave Kelsea unprepared when she got to the Keep and became Queen.
I really like the relationship between Kelsea and Lazarus/Mace. It's not romantic at all but it's not just that of a Captain of the Guard and his Queen either. I think there's friendship growing there too. They're quite funny together.
The Red Queen is an annoying mystery that I'm dying to be solved. I want to know where she came from, her freaking name, how she's even alive and why she decided to take control of every kingdom, demanding tributes every few months. I'm hoping there will be some answers in the next book. On her and the creepy fire/shadow/ man-thing.
Another big mystery I'd like to know more about is Kelsea's father and the reason his identity is such a huge secret. It kind of drove me a little crazy, a lot of people asking who her father was and the only person who admitted to knowing, her uncle, didn't tell her. When he did start talking we didn't actually have a clue what he was talking about.
I love this book. I can't wait to read The Invasion of the Tearling. I got a copy of it last weekend which I'll be talking about in my September book haul. I'm hoping I can squeeze it into this month but I'm not sure I'll have the time. Fingers crossed though.
2014 - My librarian recommended this book to me. She said that she'd heard it was going to be a movie with Emma Watson. So I looked the book up on here and ordered it.
I really liked it. Kelsea is awesome and I'm looking forward to reading the other books....more
The Testing reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games. Not in a bad way. Just every now and then I'd think it.
I didn't see the point of Cia and Tomas. ThThe Testing reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games. Not in a bad way. Just every now and then I'd think it.
I didn't see the point of Cia and Tomas. The story could've done with out it.
I don't know when I'll get the next book as I got this from the library but if I find it I'll read it. I hate to leave a series unread. Also, I'm curious to see what Cia will do next. I did like her character....more
Loved the bit at the end when Willem put on an Adam Wilde CD. It was good to see Willem's point of view to what happened 'that day' but I would've likLoved the bit at the end when Willem put on an Adam Wilde CD. It was good to see Willem's point of view to what happened 'that day' but I would've like a bit more at the end....more
This book made me laugh out loud. It's the first book I've read from Sarah Dessen and I will be finding more This book made me laugh out loud. It's the first book I've read from Sarah Dessen and I will be finding more ...more