I read this book last year (perks of being a copyeditor for this delightful series!) and let me tell you, all the amazingness in book one (The Orb andI read this book last year (perks of being a copyeditor for this delightful series!) and let me tell you, all the amazingness in book one (The Orb and the Airship) only gets BETTER in this nailbiting sequel!
I loved following the further adventures of Grayden and his friends, Marik and his crew, and meeting new people as the scope of this world slowly spreads out and deepens. (Ioan, though! I love him so much! *sobs*)
If you’re looking for an adventure-packed swashbuckling adventure series with airships, pirates, and a rich fantasy world, look no further! This was one of my top-favorite reads this last year for good reason!
I adore this world, these characters, and Jenelle Leanne Schmidt’s wonderful writing, and I’m SO glad that book two of this Kickstarter-begun series is out in the world today!...more
I'm convinced Bryn Shutt's pen is made of gold, or at least that everything her pen touches/writes turns to gold! What a stunning short read, full of I'm convinced Bryn Shutt's pen is made of gold, or at least that everything her pen touches/writes turns to gold! What a stunning short read, full of gorgeous writing, a vivid setting, and suuuch an intriguing character (a.k.a. Luca!). The POV of the throne was a stroke of genius and added such a neat element. I just love the writing and this world SO MUCH! *hugs story*
Best enjoyed by those who've read Illuminare, this is set several years after that one and is delicious. Getting more of Luca, years later, is a real treat! Aaaahh!
(I was a beta-reader for this one. But I adore everything this author writes!)...more
(Edit: I finally saw The Greatest Showman, and if you love that movie you NEED to read The Electrical Menagerie, because The Electrical Menagerie is e(Edit: I finally saw The Greatest Showman, and if you love that movie you NEED to read The Electrical Menagerie, because The Electrical Menagerie is even better. <3)
1. What did I just read? *deep breath* I LOVED THIS BOOK. It was absolutely delightful and I have a book hangover—how will anything ever be this good again? AAHH. *collapses and wails and longs for a sequel* I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like this but it was INCREDIBLE and just so much fun! :D
2. The humor! It’s an utterly hilarious book and I LOVE that so much! The humor/snark/dialog absolutely made my day and I keep wanting to quote it. XD
3. Arbrook Huxley and Sylvester Carthage, y’all. THESE TWO. <3 You know how there are dynamic duos who are just the best, especially together? And you take their last names and squish ’em together into something iconic. Holmes and Watson. Spellsmith and Carver. Beaumont and Beasley. Well Carthage and Huxley are next on my list! I just love them and their friendship-not-friendship-whatever-it-is. Carthage is a slightly older man who’s a genius at making mechanical things and devising illusions to enchant a crowd, but he’s also got the heart of a child and is intensely introverted. I kind of related to that and he was so REAL. I love him. Then you have Huxley, who is... well... he’s Huxley! Young and dashing and energetic, he’s the smooth-talking and charismatic co-manager, and he's so funny, especially when paired with Carthage. XD They’re my favorite thing about this book. ^_^ But both have a lot to learn, and are hiding secrets, and nothing's going to work out until they learn to trust each other...
4. Welcome to the steampunk-ish, absolutely delightful, original world of the Celestial Isles, in which there are a string of “isles” floating above an ether sea with sky trains traveling between them. There are “electricals” (basically like robots) and I love the trains and the 1800s-esque feel. I feel like it’s such an enchanting world that it’s kind of like the best fantasy, but at the same time it’s more sci-fi/steampunk-ish, since there isn’t really anything “fantasy” or “magical” about it? Things are powered by electricity or stardust and just—everything’s so unique. I love it! It feels utterly magical without being real fantasy at all and... I can’t really describe it but I’m in love with the world. :P
5. The Electrical Menagerie (their show) is taking part in what is essentially a circus-type competition to put on the best show. Which means there’s a lot of imaginative, gorgeous acts going on, and I loved seeing what would happen next. But there’s also a murder mystery and sabotage going on and WHO IS BEHIND IT ALL? :O Because all Carthage and Huxley need on top of the competition is secret plots and danger, right? ;)
6. There are plot twists, too, and the book took a totally unexpected turn and just—whoa! It’s very edge-of-your-seat. The adventure’s exciting, and you know it’s awesome when, on top of trying to win a competition, there’s also a deep plot and a princess in danger and lots of potential for betrayal, and ALL the excitement. I read the whole book in a day because I couldn’t stop reading. :D
7. Aside from the wonderfulness that is Carthage and Huxley themselves, the other characters are fascinating too. I especially love Dominic the electrical butler! AAAHH. I love him so much. *feelz* His last speech in the book, though. It was... just... so touching and true. GAH.
8. This book made me laugh over and over—and, yes, it made me cry too. Like... I don’t know how it made me care that much but— *sniffles* THE FEELS. But I think I’m okay. Really. I don’t know why I cared so much but gaah. (It was still beautiful, though. :))
9. It taught me things about myself and life and deep things and—wow. Yes. I often find bits of unexpected truth in the most unlikely places, and I didn’t expect to find such soul-touching things in this super fun, swashbuckling, snarky story of two unlikely friends and their illusion show, but IT WAS THERE. It’s deep and touching even in the midst of the fun, and don’t you just love that? When a story is fun AND feelsy AND has depth AND it will just sweep you along in an utterly rollicking adventure? UGH, so good. *hugs book* It’s a clean read, too, and just so delightful.
10. Just—just—there is no way I can properly describe this book and how much I liked it, so I’m going to stop trying and just point you in the direction of the book itself. *points imperiously toward it* GO READ IT, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. AND YOU’RE WELCOME. (You can thank me later.) I need more adventures of Carthage and Huxley ASAP, and YOU, my friend, need to go read this one immediately. Ladies and gentlemen, that is all I have to say on this subject. Thank you, and good night. *bows*
I won an ARC ebook in a giveaway (thanks!) and wasn’t required to write a review. These opinions are my own.
Some Favorite Quotes (I could quote the whole thing, plus most of my favorites are spoilers, but here are some excellent non-spoiler-y ones.)
“Are you still alive?” Dominic asked him finally. “Am I alive?” Huxley turned to him. “Yes, I’m alive. Why would you ask that?” “You were uncharacteristically motionless and quiet. I thought you might be dead.” Huxley blew air through his teeth. “Did I make a terrible mistake, Dominic?” “The probability is high. But you’d have to be more specific.” “Thanks a lot.” “You’re welcome,” Dominic said without a trace of irony.
“You look like you’ve been run over by a train,” she said. “Oh,” he said, and scrambled to rake his fingers through his hair and fix the tuck of his shirt. “No, no…” She bit her lip. “The look on your face.”
He drank from a silver flask, which he held out to Carthage. Carthage gave him a disapproving look. While at work? “It’s /coffee/,” said Huxley. “Stars, you’re worse than the nuns at boarding academy.” Relenting, Carthage took the flask. He drank a swig and nearly choked. “What’s wrong?” “It’s /cold/.” “Well, it’s been in my coat since this morning.” Carthage wanted to spit the lingering traces out of his mouth, but that would have been improper. He swallowed his own grimace. “Don’t offer me anything that’s been in your coat since morning ever again.”
“You’re very talented, and I especially admire how collected you are in a crisis. Except for that time you broke a teacup on the floor. That wasn’t very collected.” “Huxley… what’s wrong with you?” “I was spiked with a truth serum which seems to have drastically lowered my inhibitions.” Huxley raised a confident hand. “But it’s alright. I think it’s wearing off.” “I’m quite certain it’s not,” said Carthage.
Huxley’s hand darted out, finger aimed at a scallop of frosting. Carthage slapped the hand away. “What are you /doing/?” he hissed. “I’m /so/ hungry,” Huxley said. “You can’t steal food from the table of the Future Queen!” “It’s not /stealing/!” Huxley hissed back. “My tax dollars paid for that cake!”
“If only my mother could see me now,” he said aloud. “If /my/ mother could see me now,” said Huxley, “I’d be legally disowned.”
Secondly, the swarms of biting insects that came out in the early evening. Huxley called them mosquitoes and seemed unconcerned by them, even though they could bite you through your clothes and suck the blood out of your body, which seemed to Carthage like something to be concerned about.
I love this series SO MUCH! 10/10 recommend. Humor. Awesome characters. Fantasy action. Thoughtful and clever storylines. Did I mention laugh-out-loudI love this series SO MUCH! 10/10 recommend. Humor. Awesome characters. Fantasy action. Thoughtful and clever storylines. Did I mention laugh-out-loud funny?? Sooo much fun and just so, so good! Fabulous series!...more
The long-awaited next installment of Beaumont and Beasley did not disappoint! Being back in the Afterverse (that wonderful alternate-1920s setting witThe long-awaited next installment of Beaumont and Beasley did not disappoint! Being back in the Afterverse (that wonderful alternate-1920s setting with fairytales and mythology as history), this time with fan-favorites Crispin Beasley (time-travel and shenanigans) and Malcolm Blackfire (grumpy dragon extraordinaire) . . . WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE! Throw in some Wonderland and Peter Pan things, timey-wimey-ness, nonstop humor and banter, some truly astounding twists and reveals (WE LEARN THINGS, GUYS. :O), and a good dose of feels (in the best way), and you have a real winner. Plus, I mean, Crispin and Malcolm? As the narrators? How could it NOT be amazing! I love this book a lot. <3
(Note: As the Editor of the Aftermythos, it should be noted that I edited this book, so . . . call it bias if you will, but it is legit one of my top-favorite reads of last year and I absolutely adore it!)...more
A gaslamp fantasy/murder mystery, with perilous fae and a mystery-solving heroine with a magical cat? You guys . . . what is not to love! The setting A gaslamp fantasy/murder mystery, with perilous fae and a mystery-solving heroine with a magical cat? You guys . . . what is not to love! The setting and writing is delicious and perfect for fans of Regency-esque fantasy. The characters were so well done and I was captivated by the setting and the fact that the fae were so Other! Masterful.
(Disclaimer: I was a proofreader for this book, but I just enjoyed it so much!)...more
I love this book so much! A buddy story, a road trip, mafia, detectives, bounty hunters, snark, action, tough topics (like taking down traffickers), aI love this book so much! A buddy story, a road trip, mafia, detectives, bounty hunters, snark, action, tough topics (like taking down traffickers), and brothers, plus characters I totally fell in love with, and all set a couple hundred years in the future in New Mexico, New York, and all across the US (I mentioned a roadtrip, right?). A bit dark but soooo good! Jack! Sebastian! Luca! Paccioretti! (*cries*) I loved every second and this brother story full of banter and action and mystery was a wild ride that I had sooo much fun with. So, so good! It should 100% be a movie....more
I ADORE THIS BOOK AND CAN’T RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH! GO READ IT! That’s the short version. ;) You know those books, series, and characters that you love SI ADORE THIS BOOK AND CAN’T RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH! GO READ IT! That’s the short version. ;) You know those books, series, and characters that you love SO much that you can’t properly express it in words? Well, this book, series, and Jayden and Dana are that for me. I seriously just love these characters SO MUCH and will follow them anywhere, and this series is up there with a select few on my list of very-top-favorite books! (Tolkien’s, Howl’s Moving Castle, Paper Crowns, and these two books. That’s the list.)
Dana Illwind and War’s Shadow is just SO GOOD! I feel like it’s a bit like Diana Wynne Jones meets Lord of the Rings, because it’s hilarious AND epic, and there are only so many books that can pull that off. Plus it has a distinctive FEEL that I can’t really explain but makes it a favorite of mine. It’s such a unique, fun book. I adore the cleverness of the plot, writing, and dialogue (so quotable!), and how we’re getting deeper into this world and all its kingdoms and monsters and intrigue (with doses of humor and epic characters, of course!). Everything’s building into a crescendo and I’m very much looking forward to the final book one of these days!
Jayden and Dana have gone from smaller, more disconnected adventures fighting monsters and lower-level villains, to being pulled directly into the center of an intricate web of war and magic and nefarious plots. Seeing them hold their own against all of that, while each growing in their own ways, had me glued to the page in breath-holding delight.
Plus, they’re just the best characters! Jayden and Dana make the BEST pair, like Holmes and Watson or something. So classic and perfect!
Jayden is snarky, courtly, and dangerous at turns, and woe to any wrongdoers (human or otherwise) who draw his attention—especially if Dana doesn’t redirect his rage to keep the destruction to a minimum! XD Jayden is simply one of my top-favorite characters of all time, and I have the HARDEST time describing this unpigeonholeable character, but he’s superb and always has the BEST comebacks in witty dialogue, and having another whole book with him was a TREAT. He has a haunted past and a bit of an anger management problem when he sees injustice (don’t worry, Dana’s helping with that—when SHE isn’t as angered by the injustice as he is…), but he’s on the side of right and is a force to be reckoned with. There’s a wonderful quote in this book, by a very wise character: “I see a heart of gold wrapped in rusty chains. Break them off for yourself and those who need you.” Probably one of my favorite lines about Jayden! It’s perfect for the journey he’s going on. I just love him so much.
I mentioned Dana a few times in there because they’re so tied together in the story, and I love how they help each other see each other’s weaknesses and help overcome them, but also show each other their strengths and encourage that. It makes me happy! They’re an excellent pair of friends and Dana is just the sort of person one wants at one’s side. It was fascinating how things become sort of personal for her by the end (not to be spoilery…), and how it shows how far she’s come in these two books. She’s got to be one of my favorite female characters of all time. I love how she’s full of the BEST common sense and is much more down-to-earth, while Jayden and others around her are being dramatic. The interplay there is SO much fun. XD She’s sturdy and no-nonsense and is becoming quite the swordswoman, but I love that it’s simply her good-hearted way of doing the best she can and helping others.
It was intriguing to have “interlude” chapters seeing what the villains think of what Jayden and Dana are up to (even when they don’t always know it was Jayden’s fault. XD), plus there’s a new character who is verrry interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing more of him…
Some other random thoughts: The whole section set in the kingdom of Bascal was one of my favorites! It was such fun! The ball scene and a certain sword-update were fabulous. There’s the return of some fan-favorite characters from the first book (Lootmore, Suzy, Prince Onus!), and new, intriguing ones I’m very curious about (Cassandra, Malcolm, Palan…)! And not to get into spoilers but there mayyy have been a dragon involved at some point… I loved the Brotherhood of the Righteous and Father Firepower. I also found the shadow magic to be pretty neat—just a really cool magic system that Jayden is VERY good at. The fluffy fox!! Plus goblins being mischievous and also more organized than expected… The goblin-gate was hilarious. XD I’d be here all day if I mentioned all my favorite things, but that’s a few of them, and particularly Jayden and Dana’s banter and dialogue, which is 100% pure GOLD! *grinning*
DANA ILLWIND AND WAR’S SHADOW is book 2 (book 1 is DANA ILLWIND AND GROWING SHADOWS) and I think I liked this one even MORE than the first one, if that’s possible. It was amazing to come back in this second book and be immersed once again in more Jayden and Dana goodness. ^_^ I’ve been following Jayden and Dana on their adventures for some time now and these stories never cease to make me happy!
I’ve read both books four times each (once you count reading them in serial format, then twice-through beta-reading, and then reading the final published version aloud—because I have such a fun time doing all the voices and sharing the stories with my siblings, which is the highest honor a book can get from me, that I have to give it a dramatic reading to my family) and I never get tired of these adventures. I anticipate re-reading both books soon, just like I read and re-read Howl’s Moving Castle. Some books are just so delightful to revisit, and this is definitely one of them!
In short, this book is funny, clever, and deep in unexpected ways, with a dash of spooky, and inhabited by two of my favorite characters ever. It’s just SO good and I adore it to Other Place and back! Seriously, just go read this.
If you love epic fantasy with well-built worlds, whimsical/humorous fantasy that’s a little tongue-in-cheek satire (think Discworld, Magic Kingdom for Sale, or some of Diana Wynne Jones’s books), and unique characters who will steal your heart, you absolutely MUST check out the Dana Illwind series! 10/10 recommend!
Brothers and giant wolves and sabertooth cats and war and feels and humor and banter and COMRAN! Comran forever. Etran forever toooo. This story of twBrothers and giant wolves and sabertooth cats and war and feels and humor and banter and COMRAN! Comran forever. Etran forever toooo. This story of two half-brothers trying to protect their valley and finding out what it’s like to truly be brothers is just . . . ❤ It has my whole heart! The stabbiness, the snark, the feels, the comrades-in-arms . . . It’s everything I love! One of my top-5 favorite reads of 2022. ❤
(Note: I had the honor of being a copyeditor for this, which in no way influenced my views as a reader.)...more
Castles and Scotland and rebels! I felt so at home in this lush Scottish fantasy, full of endearing characters, escapes and battles, and that feeling Castles and Scotland and rebels! I felt so at home in this lush Scottish fantasy, full of endearing characters, escapes and battles, and that feeling of coming home. The writing is delicious and the Scottish flavor and accents give me life. The story of a princess and the son of a chieftain (ANGUS FOREVER) who, along with fan-favorite Malcolm (the scamp!), twined their way around my heart and wouldn’t let go. Aching and lovely.
(Honored to have been a proofreader for this, and also simply really enjoyed it as a reader. <3)...more