A very helpful book which dispenses timeless wisdom on financial management through stories from the ancient city of Babylon.
One might argue that howA very helpful book which dispenses timeless wisdom on financial management through stories from the ancient city of Babylon.
One might argue that how is the advice still relevant today. The answer is though the human civilization has undergone a radical change, the wisdom or better to say that at least some of the wisdom of the ancients still make sense.
Frankly speaking what the book has to share is pretty much common sense. However, many of us might be guilty of neglecting these fundamental truths.
The book is pretty thin and easy to comprehend. However, readers might struggle to relate to stories peopled by ancient merchants and slaves. Might not appeal to all and more recent books on the subject might be more relatable. Nevertheless, a good read....more
Mr. John Brogan has penned a wonderful book chronicling the life of Marley and the evolution of the Brogan household. But waitWhat a delightful book!
Mr. John Brogan has penned a wonderful book chronicling the life of Marley and the evolution of the Brogan household. But wait, who was Marley! He is introduced as lively and cute puppy brought home by the young couple John and Jenny. Marley would grow into a huge and handsome Lab – a massive hulk of boundless nervous energy. Words such as discipline and obedience did not exist in his dictionary. He left behind a trail of destruction in his wake – he had cost the Brogan household a small fortune in damaged properties – been a source of public embarrassment many a times. Funny for the readers but just imagine the plight of the Brogans.
At a point of time, even Jenny wanted to get rid of him. Only through John’s patience and efforts would the crisis be avoided. But, don’t get the impression that Marley was only a troublemaker. He always rose to the occasion when the situation demanded. He was the best therapy for providing emotional solace or could transform into a formidable protector if he sensed the Brogan’s were in danger.
I will quote these comments to convey Marley’s importance to the Brogan family – “A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water logged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?” “He taught us the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. Where there is that, most other pieces fall into place.”
Some readers might wonder why I have given this book a 5 star rating. A very sensible thought, I agree. It is not what you could call a specimen of superior literary fiction. It just tells the story of a wild but very lovable dog. In my defense, it deserves the rating by merit of the sheer positive impact that the book has on numerous readers.
If the book piques your interest, I would strongly recommend you to enjoy Marley’s hilarious adventures.
A friend had told me about this book when I was in college. He had called it a “cult”, I do understand whyWhat a book! I am giving it a rating of 4.5!
A friend had told me about this book when I was in college. He had called it a “cult”, I do understand why.
When we think of the military we usually think of discipline, rigid hierarchy, and strict adherence to protocols. But welcome to the mad world of 4077th MASH – one of the Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (MASH) of the US Armed Forces serving in the Korean War.
This book has been written by Hiester Richard Hornberger Jr, under the pseudonym Richard Hooker, in collaboration with W. C. Heinz. Richard had himself served in the Korean War at the 8055th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital as a surgeon and based the novel on his personal experiences.
The story revolves around three surgeons in this unit – Hawkeye, Duke and Trapper John aka the Swampmen. To call them maverick is an understatement. They break rules, disdain the officious military types, drink like a fish, dispense their own brand of justice and play elaborate pranks which might include fake human sacrifice.
Then why do the authorities tolerate such men? Simply because they are highly competent surgeons and such people are in short supply during the war. Once you get to know the Swampmen you will become their fans – they are generous people who take their jobs very seriously and help people whenever they can.
The adventures or at times the misadventures read like a drug induced dream. Some events are hilarious while some are poignant. There are plenty of unforgettable characters other than the Swampmen.
The doctors and the nurses had to put in inhuman efforts to save lives. Treating battle injuries is not an easy task. You need nerves of steel to deal with the “Deluge” of patients fighting for their lives. The physical and emotional toll it took left them dispirited and exhausted. The bottle was a succor but the concern and support of their comrades was priceless. The pranks and escapades helped them cope.
In the words of the author, "a few flipped their lids, but most of them just raised hell, in a variety of ways and degrees."
I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there are other books in the series. If I get the chance I would surely check them out.
The movie and TV series adaptation of this novel I believe were very popular. The IMDB ratings are quite good.
Highly recommended! But, do keep in mind that this book is not for everybody. If you do not like absurd adventures or are offended by ribald humour then this book is not for you. ...more