I’m not going to spoil anything here, but admittedly, my ratings often reflect my enjoyment factor and not necessarily on the writing itself.
H3 Stars
I’m not going to spoil anything here, but admittedly, my ratings often reflect my enjoyment factor and not necessarily on the writing itself.
Here, the writing is top tier, commenting on oppression and the greedy lies told to keep that oppression going. There’s violence and tragedy and suffering and death. You’re getting the picture right? No joy here at all.
However, this gets the message across, and I’m sure other readers do and will appreciate that. Triumph is achieved, but it comes at a very high cost that just didn’t sit well with me at all. ...more
If you don't know Ali Wong as a comedian just be forwarned that this small package comes with a big ole raunchy explicit punch.
Thought this 3.5 Stars
If you don't know Ali Wong as a comedian just be forwarned that this small package comes with a big ole raunchy explicit punch.
Thought this is formatted as a love letter to her 2 young daughters to read when they are much much much older, it’s basically a memoir, pulling snippets of her childhood, her family, her journey to becoming a comedian and actress, and of course, falling in love.
All the points for the way Ali expresses her uncensored thoughts and opinions as well as (somewhat unfortunately) repeatedly discusses a multitude of her bodily functions and fluids. She’s whack, but again, admirably fearless.
However, if you really want to laugh, I recommend her special on Netflix, Ali Wong: Single Lady, instead! ...more
I have read quite a bit of paranormal romance, and though this really doesn’t bring anything new to the genre, it delivered on what I like most4 Stars
I have read quite a bit of paranormal romance, and though this really doesn’t bring anything new to the genre, it delivered on what I like most in my MMC’s.
Caleb is gruff and reticent, with barely there restraint, all encompassed in a protective alpha aura that just does things to me. He’s not going to ever be overtly sweet and mushy, but he sure is going to defend you and respect you, all the while making it known to everyone that you're his. Oh yeah.
So, if an Alaskan setting appeals, where “wolf kin” are a tight knit group bringing on outsiders only when they’re sure they can trust them, featuring a FMC trying to start a new life (when that old one won’t let her go), all with a good slow burn and a nice amount of spice, then I really think you’ll be pleasantly satisfied. I sure was!...more
I finished this days ago, and I’m still thinking about this darn book.
It’s far from perfect. The world is unsettling and harsh. The writing at 4 Stars
I finished this days ago, and I’m still thinking about this darn book.
It’s far from perfect. The world is unsettling and harsh. The writing at times is unpolished, and it definitely needs a good edit.
I will say that though I’m well versed in MM ABO, this is the first MF that comes close to what makes this trope so squirmingly compelling. It’s kinky and explicit and just this side of disturbingly uncomfortable in only the best ways this trope can deliver.
All the points go towards Constantine Kane who puts the A in ALPHA. I really don’t recall any other who can match his absolute lethal dominance, and I especially don’t know what it says about me as Kane’s undeniable hold over his subjects, his omega, and this reader, was viscerally primal.
I would love to read more, but I know the next mmc in this series simply won’t measure up, so I’m going to stop here. Again, this has its faults, but if you want an alpha/omega dynamic with knotting that’s spurred by a rut fueled heat in a fantasy dystopian setting then this just might deliver for you like it did for me....more
For me, there’s really only one good thing about this book and that was the love interest. (I hesitate to go into de3 Stars
Unpopular sentiments ahead!
For me, there’s really only one good thing about this book and that was the love interest. (I hesitate to go into details, lest I spoil things for future readers despite a not so twisty reveal).
Now, I totally empathize, sympathize, and feel for Sadie’s health plight. Her world’s turned upside down on its axis, and her family trauma/baggage has not been kind to her at all. However, she was often her own worst enemy and got in her own way one too many times with her refusal to communicate, to do some deep diving self exploration, and to simply ask for help when she needed it.
Toss in a horrible human being, Sadie’s stepsister Parker, who was an over the top evil caricature, as well as a father who was emotionally damaged and extremely distant, and a stepmother who had very little redeeming qualities - all of which just made for an unpleasant frustrating read.
I obviously struggled with this, especially since it’s in Sadie’s POV who cannot read cues or expressions which forces the reader to infer a lot. What this did have going for it was the MMC. Have I mentioned him before? Gallant, kind, supportive, an absolute dream. There’s also a very adorable dog named Peanut and some very farcical funny moments that elevated all the other nonsense that drove me batty.
Regardless, I can see why Katherine Center is a popular author. Though this book didn’t hit quite right personally, I'm still curious about her mass appeal and will check out more of her works!...more
The premise here is good. A grumpy, self isolating, former warrior/mercenary saves a sheltered but powerful fire wielder from being sold into s3 Stars
The premise here is good. A grumpy, self isolating, former warrior/mercenary saves a sheltered but powerful fire wielder from being sold into slavery, and together they figure out something more sinister is afoot.
For me personally, the writing just didn’t flow as well as I would've liked, but note that I’m quite particular. However, I did appreciate these two lonely souls finding exactly what they needed/wanted in each other (with a good dose of sexy) and ultimately, joining their powerful skill set to forge a better future together, fighting the good fight....more
This continues to deliver on the shifter mate trope!
Both Reed and Wren have made some mistakes, where just a bit of communication from either3.5 Stars
This continues to deliver on the shifter mate trope!
Both Reed and Wren have made some mistakes, where just a bit of communication from either one them could have spared them a couple years of self induced torturous separation.
*rolls eyes again*
All the points go to Reed who seriously was the best, being super patient with Wren, earning her trust back step by slow step.
An absurd premise to keep mates apart, but it still was an enjoyable short....more
Admittedly, I was surprised with how much the first book moved me regarding the love connection between Roman and Iris, and last we saw of the4 Stars
Admittedly, I was surprised with how much the first book moved me regarding the love connection between Roman and Iris, and last we saw of them, they were wrenched apart in a cruel and devastating way. This emotional conclusion satisfyingly brings them back together but not without trials and sacrifice, all in the face of mortal danger constantly threatening them.
In the first book I fell hard for Roman. His unassailable devotion and adoration of Iris was so beautiful, and though he’s still a wonderful character, in this installment, it’s Iris and her steely strength and resolve that shine brightest.
Like its predecessor, this was equally full of evocative prose that captures the lovely unbreakable bond between these two despite a selfish god’s machinations. Overall, it’s a well worth it romance if you like an alternate historical fantasy with touches of magic that keeps our protagonists tethered together, giving them the strength to push through tragedy, as well as the drive to listen to their moral compass and triumph amidst the horrors of war.
Again, a highly recommended dulogy showcasing the power and hope of love that gives tremendous courage to its characters to do the impossible against unbeatable odds. ...more
-Small diminutive FMC -Hulking broody (always generously endowed) giant MMC -A bit of miscommunication, 4 stars
Apparently, Ms. Hazelwood has a formula.
-Small diminutive FMC -Hulking broody (always generously endowed) giant MMC -A bit of miscommunication, obliviousness, obtuseness -Sad past of one or both protagonists -Science (!!) with misogyny -Snarky humor -Smexy scenes with consistently similar MO (tho not really a complaint)
And…. Apparently, I have a type, and she’s got my number....more
I don’t want to say much about this because this series works best going in with no expectations so you can 4 Stars
Another twisty win for this series!
I don’t want to say much about this because this series works best going in with no expectations so you can get the full effect as Swanson unravels his story.
What I will say is that I have thoroughly enjoyed every installment, really relishing in the characters Lily and Henry and how they have gone from adversaries to friends, holding each other up to a realistic pedestal, secure in their trust and loyalty of each other despite their flaws and mistakes.
Of course, I would’ve loved more page time with them together, but Swanon is very understated when it comes to these two, the writing succinct and no nonsense just like his protagonists. Regardless, their smarts and devotion to their own moral code has thus far served them well in their success, and I’ll be here should Swanson choose to write more about them!
-Bad ass serial killer FMC with a brutal past, forever trying to rid the world of those who take adva3 Stars
Briefly, this book contains the following.
-Bad ass serial killer FMC with a brutal past, forever trying to rid the world of those who take advantage of the vulnerable -Hot professor MMC who hides the “dark” part of himself by rigid self imposed rules -Kinky spice that could titillate or repel a reader depending on their proclivities (please read trigger warnings)
I will be the first to say that I’m a fan of Weaver, but this collaboration didn’t really float my boat despite having the makings of an interesting dynamic. Though I quite enjoyed the beginning of Bria and Eli’s dance, their evolution (and especially what makes Eli tick) just didn’t fall neatly into place, and you know it’s a lot when I say there was too much smex. Ha!
Overall, I appreciated the humor from Eli’s bestie, and the action at the end was fun with a satisfactory conclusion, but again, as a whole this fell short for me. Rest assured that this won’t prevent me from reading more from Weaver!...more
Another interesting “day” in the life of gunslinger Lizbeth Rose!
A few months have passed from An Easy Death, and Lizbeth is now healed enoug3.5 Stars
Another interesting “day” in the life of gunslinger Lizbeth Rose!
A few months have passed from An Easy Death, and Lizbeth is now healed enough to get back to work. She’s currently with a crew, guarding a crate to make sure it gets to its destination. Of course, things aren’t what they seem, and a simple job quickly becomes deadly. To further complicate things, past lover Eli shows up looking for the crate as well.
Overall, I liked this a lot more than the first installment in that it didn’t meander as much. The world building is expanded upon (Wild West alternate history) , the plot more straightforward. As Lizbeth and Eli join forces, they can’t deny their feelings despite knowing that really, there’s just too many obstacles for them to realistically be together.
Harris’s succinct, matter of fact, story telling continues to be low on frills. It makes for smooth reading, but don’t expect a grand romance or deeper thoughts despite the serious subject matter of racism and segregation. Though this is grounded in reality despite the presence of magic, the last act gets quite crazy fantastical with little extra explanation.
Regardless, Lizbeth continues to be her practical self in life, love, and killing when necessary. The lady has very little tolerance for those who don’t play fair or right. It’s a bit unsettling, but I can never complain too much about a FMC who doesn’t waffle about her convictions, and that will keep me coming back for more.
Look. I’m not ashamed to say it again. For me, this is pure fun escapism, and I continue to enjoy this mail-order bride scenario for an alien s4 Stars
Look. I’m not ashamed to say it again. For me, this is pure fun escapism, and I continue to enjoy this mail-order bride scenario for an alien stranger set against a sci-fi western theme!
Here, due to circumstances, Garrek and his ward Killian find themselves the escorts of the lovely Magnolia. Her fiance was unable to greet her at the station due to an injury, so it’s only logical that she hitch a ride with them since they’re all going in the same direction.
Of course, in this one horse type scenario, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a platonic, emotion free stance, as the wild dangerous landscape Garrek and Magnolia are traversing puts them into all sorts of close proximity situations that will inevitably fuel those yummy mate feels!
Admittedly, I was worried about how the author would resolve the dilemma of Magnolia being engaged to another, but the situation resolves itself satisfactorily nice and neat. Though this doesn’t have as much humor as the two previous installments, it more than delivered on the twisty conflicted emotions of both our protagonists.
Again, another win in this series and thankfully, I don’t have to wait long for the next story to drop!...more
I’m not ashamed to say I like me a shifter mate trope and this delivers despite a slight twist on the bear male culture. Seems like though th3.5 Stars
I’m not ashamed to say I like me a shifter mate trope and this delivers despite a slight twist on the bear male culture. Seems like though they mate for life, they just can't be bothered to stick around.
*rolls eyes*
I know! It makes absolutely no sense but be reassured that Hudson is not like his fellow bears, and he’s been in love with Callie since they were 14 (and she feels exactly the same just so you know).
Despite going against the inherent definition of mates, this was still a good friends to lovers romance with plenty of pining, possessiveness, and claiming breeding spice!...more
What can I say? I obviously enjoyed this alternate historic fantasy that so closely mimics our own world history.
Three years after A Natural History of Dragons, Lady Isabella Camherst is once again back in the field. This time, instead of being in the brutal cold of “Russia” adjacent lands, she is suffering under the oppressive heat in an African-like setting, determined to learn more about her beloved dragons.
As always, Isabella must be under the protection of platonic male colleague Mr. Wilker to keep her reputation, but she in turn, serves as a chaperone for an unwed heiress determined to avoid marriage. Toss in plenty of tribe politics and colonialism, all mired under Victorian era misogyny, and this memoir continues to keep my interest.
Know that there are a lot of attributes to admire about Lady Isabella in terms of her sticking true to her convictions and always trying to do her best by everyone she comes across, but admittedly, I found her absolute dogged obsession about dragons just a tad wearisome. I suppose though, if she wasn’t, then we wouldn’t have this story to read. Overall, her adventures of being courted by a tribal prince, going on many dangerous hunts, getting embroiled in scandal, and stopping a local war will keep me coming back for more!...more
Nothing new to the YA paranormal world with plenty of melancholy earnest pining from both protagonists.
However, in the hands of Stiefvater, wh3 Stars
Nothing new to the YA paranormal world with plenty of melancholy earnest pining from both protagonists.
However, in the hands of Stiefvater, who I absolutely worship for the Raven Cycle alone, her beautiful prose will probably make it worthwhile for many. Perhaps because this came before the aforementioned series, I saw none of the sublime humor and very little of the poignant angst that I admittedly, unfairly expect.
Again, if you love wolf shifter YA, then this should easily deliver for you....more
Two words that kept pinging around in my brain while I read this…
However, this still consistently delivered on the cla3.5 Stars
Absolutely preposterous
Two words that kept pinging around in my brain while I read this…
However, this still consistently delivered on the classic billionaire mogul falling for his competent assistant trope where the writing is pretty darn good, the spice is varied, and the characters didn’t drive me too bonkers despite the aforementioned words.
Overall, I read this for a challenge and luckily found it an entertaining love story amongst the unbelievable absurd situations these two protagonists find themselves in. If you want some OTT shenanigans, go forth and enjoy!...more