This is my first Roxie Noir book and I have to say, it made me a fan!
The story itself was really fun and well written. There were a lot of situations This is my first Roxie Noir book and I have to say, it made me a fan!
The story itself was really fun and well written. There were a lot of situations that had me chuckling. Honestly? It was just a really fun book. A quintessential enemies-to-lovers and it was done perfectly.
I LOVED Violet. She was such a great h. She was successful, fearless, and she wasn't a snob to anyone but Eli. She fought her feelings for Eli a little bit, but it was never annoying or eye-roll inducing. I just really liked her character.
Eli was a really fun H. I liked that he wasn't perfect. He was living in his mom's house indefinitely and didn't have everything figured out. It was a refreshing change from the typical "perfect" alpha book boyfriend. I liked that he was never a jerk to Violet and that he accepted her even when she was being a snob. He embraced it, actually and I thought that made him a great H.
Overall, I definitely recommend this book. It was a fun, light read. I definitely want read about the other Loveless brothers, especially Daniel. I will be checking out her other books!
**Reviewed by Jaime**
Merged review:
This is my first Roxie Noir book and I have to say, it made me a fan!
The story itself was really fun and well written. There were a lot of situations that had me chuckling. Honestly? It was just a really fun book. A quintessential enemies-to-lovers and it was done perfectly.
I LOVED Violet. She was such a great h. She was successful, fearless, and she wasn't a snob to anyone but Eli. She fought her feelings for Eli a little bit, but it was never annoying or eye-roll inducing. I just really liked her character.
Eli was a really fun H. I liked that he wasn't perfect. He was living in his mom's house indefinitely and didn't have everything figured out. It was a refreshing change from the typical "perfect" alpha book boyfriend. I liked that he was never a jerk to Violet and that he accepted her even when she was being a snob. He embraced it, actually and I thought that made him a great H.
Overall, I definitely recommend this book. It was a fun, light read. I definitely want read about the other Loveless brothers, especially Daniel. I will be checking out her other books!
This was taboo age gap to the extreme. This book comes out swinging from page one and it doesn't stop until the story is done. It's engaging, spicy, aThis was taboo age gap to the extreme. This book comes out swinging from page one and it doesn't stop until the story is done. It's engaging, spicy, and action packed the whole way through.
Callum and Willa were explosive. That initial tension and then when it snaps? Oooh lordy. I loved Callum's possessiveness and his obsession with Willa. At least in a story anyway. Huge red flags in real life, but I can suspend reality for a good story. His protective nature was amazing and really made their chemistry sizzle. I liked seeing how they interacted when they were at school, especially when they were mad at each other.
I did feel like the family aspect and the betrayal of his father did take a little bit of a backseat. It was brought up just enough, but I don't feel like there was any real resolution or like much was brought on because of it. Callum and Willa get together pretty quickly so I don't feel like Callum hesitates too much because of what his father did.
Overall, I read this book in 2 days. I legitimately could not put it down and I will more than likely read it again. Solid job Ms. Webster!...more
I loved Duke and Posey! Sara Ney is one of my favorite authors to read when I just need a fun, sweet, cute read and she definitely delive**4.5 stars**
I loved Duke and Posey! Sara Ney is one of my favorite authors to read when I just need a fun, sweet, cute read and she definitely delivered with this one. The banter, the scares, the swoony moments...sigh *Chefs kiss*. Absolutely adored it!
The whole story from start to finish was funny and entertaining. I loved the progression of this hate to love romance and I absolutely loved seeing Duke transform into a caring guy. He really grew up a lot from the first to chapter to the last. It was a little dicey there for a moment, but Posey really laid into him when he was being a jerk and it woke him up.
My one complaint is that it held a lot of similarities with Jock Road. Particularly how Posey kept commenting on Duke's accent. It was a bit in Jock Road that I absolutely hated because it was mentioned almost every single time Jackson talked, so in this one I did roll my eyes the first time it popped up. However, I will say that it didn't happen nearly as often as it did in JR. But please, for the love of southern bookworms everywhere, please stop.
Overall, I highly recommend this book if you've loved Ney's other books. I'll definitely revisit it in the future, especially if the audio has good narrators!
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review ...more
Holy Toledo, Batman! This book had me HOOKED. I read it in 2 days which was quite the feat for me these days. Please, please, please pay attention to Holy Toledo, Batman! This book had me HOOKED. I read it in 2 days which was quite the feat for me these days. Please, please, please pay attention to the trigger warning. If you have ANY and I do mean ANY triggers, this is not the book for you.
What to even say about this one? I loved Darby. I loved her innocence when she was a child and her vulnerability and strength as an adult. She had been through so much by the time she was an adult and it was so amazing to see her get her power back.
Kellen on the other hand suffered his entire life. My heart absolutely crumbled for the boy crying in the cottage. It continued crumbling with every thought and insecurity that went through his head into adulthood. Between his mother, his birthday, and the abuse he suffered, I wasn’t sure I could handle much more. However, his soft spot and love for Darby softened that and made that connection even more meaningful.
Some of my favorite parts were when their traumas showed themselves at various times. The way they handled each other and knew exactly what the other one was thinking blew me away.
In addition to all of the darkness in the book, there was also a lot of whimsy. The witch and the lough were such a great aspect to this story. It helped break up some of the heavier subjects and it added in some hope.
Overall, I absolutely loved this book. BB, I hope you write more books in this genre because I think you’ve found your niche. I can’t wait to read it again to see if I missed out on anything. Fantastic job!...more
Ooh how I loved Neil and Charli!!! They are SUCH a cute couple and they compliment each other perfectly.
Charli is very pessimistic wh**Audio Review**
Ooh how I loved Neil and Charli!!! They are SUCH a cute couple and they compliment each other perfectly.
Charli is very pessimistic when it comes to relationships and when you found out why, you can't blame her one bit. All of the people who should have cared for and loved her from her past had betrayed her in some pretty horrible ways. My heart broke for her and I was rooting for her to get her happy ending.
Neil was just adorable and so very sweet. Just an all around good guy. He never pushed Charli and always listened to her. He was really patient with her and I loved the fact that he had been crushing on her for ages, but kept it a secret from her because he didn't think it was at all possible. It really showed how much he respected her and cared about her as a friend. I feel like if he wasn't that way then Charli would have run screaming for the hills.
As for the narrators. I loved both Vanessa Edwin and Jason Clarke. I've listened to both of them before though so I knew that I was going to have a great experience.
Overall, I really loved this book and would definitely recommend it to everyone who has loved this series so far.
ALC provided by author in exchange for an honest review ...more
I feel like we're missing at least 25% of the book...?
This book starts off a little rough. Juliet is pretty damn awful and petty. She was definitely aI feel like we're missing at least 25% of the book...?
This book starts off a little rough. Juliet is pretty damn awful and petty. She was definitely a really tough pill to swallow and I had a hard time connecting with her or even seeing what Davis could possibly find "adorable" about her. However, she did end up changing so I eventually did end up liking her more.
I thought Davis was really sweet. Sara Ney has been leaning less towards the douchebag sort and more towards the nice guys with her books lately and I'm so here for it. I feel like I constantly read books with alphaholes, so it's nice to switch it up from time time.
Sara Ney is a one click for me, but I will say she has a habit of just ending a book with no epilogue and no completion. In this one she basically uses the last chapter as the big set up for Penelope's book, which honestly did a huge disservice to Davis and Juliet. They don't even get to have their big "I love you" moment or even really ride off into the sunset. I was already intrigued by Penelope just from her being Davis' sister. I didn't require any kind of set up, especially given that you know where her story is going to go; it's pretty much set up in the book anyway. There's nothing more done with Thad and Mia either, it just ends with Penelope. Honestly? That kind of sucks. I liked the story, but it definitely felt like a novella and not a complete book. Overall, I didn't hate it, but I'm disappointed. It had all the trappings to be a great romance book, but I wanted more meat and less outline.
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This book was hilarious. 100% NOT the typical style of book from BB Easton and honestly? I loved it. It was a blast reading it.
Lou was a pretty bad tThis book was hilarious. 100% NOT the typical style of book from BB Easton and honestly? I loved it. It was a blast reading it.
Lou was a pretty bad therapist, if I'm being honest, so you definitely have to suspend reality quite a bit and look past that. She actually acknowledges it at one point and admits that her friends are helping her patients more than she is. The group therapy parts were definitely my favorite scenes in the book because there are a LOT of different personalities going on.
Thomas was a bit of a mess. I liked seeing the many ways he reacted toward Lou and her quirkiness. He took the whole group therapy thing in stride and kind of went all in, no matter what ideas Lou came up with.
The ending had me in stitches. I figured out that it was what it was, but I still could not stop laughing.
Overall, definitely different than what I expected from Ms. Easton, but absolutely enjoyable from start to finish. I absolutely recommend it!
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I loved this one! Cora and Pike were absolutely hilarious. Their pranks had me cracking up throughout the entire book. They had really**Audio review**
I loved this one! Cora and Pike were absolutely hilarious. Their pranks had me cracking up throughout the entire book. They had really great chemistry, especially in the beginning with Vegas. I was hoping that Cora would loosen up a bit sooner considering they had a great comradery and budding friendship in Vegas. It did seem like she did an about face fairly quickly. That being said, he did kind of give her an ultimatum so she's understandably salty about that.
Weirdly one of things I liked most about this book was Keiko and Pike. Their friendship was really fun and sweet to read about. It was something I wasn't expecting. She's not been my favorite in the previous books, so I loved that she got kind of a redemption and growth in this one. I felt sad for her a lot, but also uplifted anytime she and Pike were interacting.
The narrators were excellent. I did have to speed up John Hartley's parts because he was a little slow reading, but once I did it was perfect. The only downside was having to slow it down during Vanessa Edwin's parts because she read at a more normal pace. Even having to do that, I would definitely listen to books he's narrated in the future. He's got a great voice and a great presence. I've always loved Vanessa Edwin. She's got a very natural quality to her voice and she sounds very age appropriate for the characters. Her voices for her side characters are also really nice.
Overall, I definitely recommend this book. Whether you choose to listen to it in audio or eyeball read it, you won't be disappointed. It's a good end to a series and who knows? Maybe we'll end up with a spin off... ...more
I could not put this book down. This book was intense and emotional and just ran the whole gamut of emotions a person could possOh my wow.
I could not put this book down. This book was intense and emotional and just ran the whole gamut of emotions a person could possibly have. The uncertainty of what the outcome would be, the will she stay or will she go, the WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW!? All of those aspects just MADE this book.
RJ and Dani were the absolutely perfect, dream team of a couple. The magnitude of the tragedy they faced and everything that came with it. I honestly have no idea how to describe it. This book did not go at all how I thought it was going to go. I should have known it would be much more in depth given that it is in the same universe as Like the Wind, but for some reason it didn't cross my mind. I can't say much without giving anything away, but I am so looking forward to doing a re-read already.
If you're looking for something way outside the romance norm, this is definitely the book for you. I think this book may have taken over The Theory of Second Best's reigning spot on my favorite J. Bengtsson book list. Everything was perfect all the way up to the very last line of the epilogue. Pick this one up, you won't regret it.
**Review by Jaime**
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This series is one of my FAVORITES. I have thoroughly enjoyed every book in it both on audio and print. I keep waiting for there to be a bad book and This series is one of my FAVORITES. I have thoroughly enjoyed every book in it both on audio and print. I keep waiting for there to be a bad book and while there are definitely ones I like better than others, I have liked all of them.
This book is no exception.
Roman and Lilly are just so adorable together and apart. Roman is the shy nerdy guy with a bit of a glow up and Lilly is just a sweet, caring person. Together they are definitely relationship goals. I loved how Lilly brought out the confidence in Roman. She helped him to see everything he had to offer someone and never made him change anything about himself. Lilly was definitely my favorite because she didn't need anyone. She realized that she deserved better than her jerk of an ex and she was bound and determined to hold on to that knowledge.
The story itself was very low to almost nonexistent angst. Really, the whole series is like that, which is one of the things I absolutely love about it. Sometimes it's nice going into a book knowing that your heart is not going to get broken. It's just a true love story.
Overall, I recommend this book and the entire series. I know eventually it has to come to an end, but I hope it won't be for a while. Another A+ book from Sara Ney!
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Let me preface this by saying I have NOT read the Marian or Wilde series, so this is from the perspective of a complete newbie to the series.
There isLet me preface this by saying I have NOT read the Marian or Wilde series, so this is from the perspective of a complete newbie to the series.
There is A LOT of cameos in this book. Honestly? There was too much cameos. The book felt more like an update to every character Lucy Lennox wrote in the aforementioned series than a story about a new couple. I was pretty lost reading this one. She tried to give little background information on the "side" characters but it basically ended up feeling like an info dump and I was confused as to who was who the whole time. I just ended up ignoring whatever was going on with those characters unless it directly pertained to the new couple.
Darius and Miller seemed like a good couple. Their story 100% got lost in the shuffle though and it all felt very rushed. I wanted more from both of their characters. More background, more relationship development, more of really everything. I can tell that Miller has a pretty intense storyline and background and I really wanted to dive deep into it. The author's foreword in the beginning mentions how Miller pops up randomly in other books and I think the reader's prior knowledge of him was relied on a little to heavily to truly make this book a standalone.
Overall, if you've never read the other books I have to say I don't recommend it. If you HAVE then I DO recommend it. It was, as a whole, a sweet, Hallmark style book that feels like a great companion to the other two series. It's also a great book to read during the holidays because it does have that kind of whimsical feeling and obviously a very Christmas theme.
**Review by Jaime**
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Sometimes we all need a fun, flirty, sexy, and very low angst book. That's exactly what I needed and that's exactly what I got with Boy**Audio Revew**
Sometimes we all need a fun, flirty, sexy, and very low angst book. That's exactly what I needed and that's exactly what I got with Boyfriend!
Weston and Abbi were 100% perfect for each other. They had funny banter and were so good to one another. Weston was the kind of guy who had commitment issues, but it honestly didn't take away from their relationship. My favorite thing about him was how good he was to Abbi, even though their relationship "wasn't real." He never talked bad about her to his friends and he never brushed her off.
Abbi was his perfect counterpart. She took everything in stride, even Weston's family. She stood up for him and was honestly just a best friend first, which I loved. Their relationship as a whole progressed naturally and was just fun to watch evolve.
As for the narrators- I love Jason Clarke. Always have, always will. He does such a great job bringing Weston to life. Vanessa Edwin was pretty good. I've listened to her narrate before and I like her. My issue with her in this one was that it felt like she was trying too hard to be a 20 year old and it made her voice a little annoying at times. That being said, it wasn't a chore to get through this book on audio at all, so I wouldn't shy away from listening to it again.
Overall, I loved this book. It was exactly what I needed after a long stream of higher angst books....more
Damn do I love this series. I love how not angsty and how fun and flirty this entire series is. I swear I don't want Sara Ney to ever stop writing thiDamn do I love this series. I love how not angsty and how fun and flirty this entire series is. I swear I don't want Sara Ney to ever stop writing this gloriousness.
From the minute I picked it up I had a hard time putting it down. I LOVE Jack. The fact that he is so bad at Rugby had me cracking up. Every time he ran the wrong way I was laughing so hard I was practically crying. It was hysterical. He's also such a great guy. I loved the way he treated Eliza and how shy yet assertive he was. He's adorable and sweet and just the perfect guy all around.
Eliza was fun and sweet. I think my only complaint about her is the way she let Kaylee dictate her life. I felt like she could have put her foot down and really let Kaylee have it. I would have loved for Eliza to really blow up on her, but maybe that's just my petty side coming out. I fully admit to not being a good enough person to let that kind of thing slide. That being said, she had a great head on her shoulders and I applauded her for the things she DID say to Kaylee.
I loved the story line and I loved the flow of the book. I do wish there was a bit more to the ending, with maybe an epilogue with what happens when they both graduate. I liked the epilogue that was there because it set the stage for another book, but I felt like we got a case of HFN not HEA.
Overall, I loved this book. I hope whenever the audio comes out that it has fantastic narrators so I can listen to it and enjoy it in another way!
**Review by Jaime** ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review ...more
I was a little underwhelmed with this one after having read Scoring with Him. I thought Scoring with Him had a lot of really gr**3.75 stars...maybe?**
I was a little underwhelmed with this one after having read Scoring with Him. I thought Scoring with Him had a lot of really great tension and romance. It just felt bolder and brighter somehow. I did enjoy this one, but it felt a little bland by comparison. It was sweet and there was a little angst, but I think I expected MORE angst given what was going on. I also felt a bit cheated in the beginning because of how SWH had ended. I won't give anything away, but I definitely expected more to be built off of that.
That all being said, I definitely enjoy Grant and Declan's chemistry. They are absolutely perfect for one another and I loved how they put their dreams and goals first. I appreciated how they recognized what was important to them in that moment and also how they seemed to subconsciously recognize that their story wasn't over.
The story was fun and entertaining and while I would have liked the time hops to be longer to create some angst and strong feelings, I did like that they were there in general. It made everything feel very believable.
Overall, I recommend it. It was a good conclusion to the first, just not entirely what I expected.
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Marley Valentine is quickly become a favorite author of mine and this one has firmly kept her in that category. This book is your standard trope of faMarley Valentine is quickly become a favorite author of mine and this one has firmly kept her in that category. This book is your standard trope of fake relationships, guy who gets around, will they/won't they type of thing, but Marley Valentine has a way of making even the most common of tropes super interesting and engaging.
Oz and Reeve have phenomenal chemistry. Oz is so attentive and understands Reeve's personality and what he needs from the moment they meet. I like how Reeve came out of his shell with Oz and also how he encouraged Oz to do what he loves. I wish Reeve would have come to that realization about himself earlier on because that excuse got a bit old after a while, but then there probably wouldn't be as much tension and angst.
One of my favorite parts of this book was how the story wasn't all about sex. There was a lot, don't get me wrong, but there was so much emotional intimacy and great development with their characters so there was a perfect balance. I really felt the characters connecting on a deeper level and it made their relationship that much more believable.
Overall, I definitely recommend this book. I've only read one or two other V & V books, but I'm thinking about going back and reading the ones I've missed. This is a fun series in an already developed world!
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Readers beware...this is book one of a duet, so it DOES end with a pretty solid cliffhanger.
I love Declan and Grant. I was really happy I read the prReaders beware...this is book one of a duet, so it DOES end with a pretty solid cliffhanger.
I love Declan and Grant. I was really happy I read the prequel because it was fun having the insider knowledge of how much of a fanboy Grant was before actually meeting Declan. You're not required to read it because you won't miss anything pertinent, it's just a fun little foray into Grant's life pre-MLB. It's called Crushing on Him for anyone who wants to give it a whirl.
So back to Declan and Grant... Their chemistry was ON FIRE. And Grant was so damn cute about it. He was very shy at times and very bold at others. I liked seeing him start to come into his own and gain some confidence in the bedroom. I loved how patient Declan was with him and how he just wanted Grant to have the best experience possible. I will say, this book has a bit of an insta-love vibe to it as it only spans a couple of weeks and we end in major feels territory. I'm not a huge fan of that to be honest, but I also get why it needed to be that way.
The story moves quickly and is paced perfectly. You don't have to wait too long for them to get together and there's not a lot of the back and forth, will they/won't they stuff that can sometimes have me rolling my eyes. It's a lot of action from the first page to the last, which I loved.
That being said, I did knock a star off for dialogue purposes. Every now and then Lauren Blakely has a book where the dialogue just comes across as a little old fashioned and this was definitely the case here. The characters were a little too prim and proper for my taste and often times Declan sounded more like a 40 year old professor than a 26 year old baseball player, so I wish that was different. However, that didn't distract from my enjoyment of the book itself.
Overall, I definitely recommend this one and I'm really, really looking forward to book two!
**Review by Jaime**
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This was the usual fun, funny, witty, and swoony romance we typically expect from Pippa Grant. Tillie Jean was a great character and I loved her prankThis was the usual fun, funny, witty, and swoony romance we typically expect from Pippa Grant. Tillie Jean was a great character and I loved her pranks with her brother. The glitter bombs were pretty epic and I sincerely wish I had someone who would go all in on a prank war with me.
I liked Max in all of his grumpy man glory. I loved his backstory because I'm always down for a somewhat tortured hero who has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. I thought it was great how TJ always messed with him just because it annoyed him. Her flirting with him had me cracking up constantly.
I thought the characters had really great chemistry and I liked their relationship arc. They went really well together and I was happy to see that they got their HEA.
The reason I ultimately knocked a star off was because it was a little long and the story got a little redundant after a while. I'm a big Pippa Grant fan, so I always know what to expect, but there are aspects of the series that are starting to blend together. They all have vibes that are starting to get a little TOO similar. I'll still read them all, but this one took me a bit longer than usual to get through.
Overall, though, I really enjoyed it and if you're a fan of Grant's books, you won't be disappointed with this one. ...more
I loved Daphne and Rickie's story! What a page turner. Next to Steadfast and Keepsake I think this book had the most dynamic and inter**Audio Review**
I loved Daphne and Rickie's story! What a page turner. Next to Steadfast and Keepsake I think this book had the most dynamic and interesting story line of all of the books in this series. It's intense and not for the faint of heart. There's a lot of darkness and mystery in this one as you try to figure out what Rickie doesn't remember. I pieced together small portions of pieces, but nothing in it's entirety so I was left a little shell shocked with the big reveal.
The characters in this book were amazing. I love Rickie. He is such a sweet guy and I loved how he treated Daphne before and after. I liked how his amnesia was portrayed in this book, too. I don't really know anything about it, but I could feel his frustration and I was right there with him. I can only imagine what that must feel like for the person going through it. Yikes.
Daphne was equally as great. She was a bit bratty in previous books, but I really liked how her issues with Mae were brought up and resolved. She really grew as a person and she had a fantastic character arc. I also loved how patient and caring she was with Rickie once their initial problem got resolved.
As for the narrators...
Zachary Webber does an AMAZING job and I'm so glad he narrated this one. He always has a way of bringing the characters to life. With his emphasis on certain phrases and the way he sighs or shows the annoyance of said character, it really just takes the book to a whole new level. It's definitely more of a performance than a reading.
Callie Dalton is one of my favorite narrators and it makes me so happy to see that she is getting work from more and more authors. I admit that in the beginning she felt a little dry and wasn't up to her usual natural acting, but as the chapters went on it seemed like she got more and more comfortable in the True North world and she upped her game a bit. I definitely think she did Daphne justice and that is always a good thing!
Overall, the story had me feeling a lot of emotions and to me, that's the sign of a really great book. If you've liked the insanely emotional books in this series, I have zero doubt you'll love this one. If you're waffling between the book and the audio, definitely go for the audio. You won't regret it!
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review
Loved loved LOVED this book. This is my second Marley Valentine, the first being Without You and I think she's becoming a favorite author. Her storiesLoved loved LOVED this book. This is my second Marley Valentine, the first being Without You and I think she's becoming a favorite author. Her stories have a way of pulling at your heart strings and making you swoon all at once. Quick trigger warning: there IS cheating in this book.
Jordan and Gael's story was absolutely beautiful and emotional. Their chemistry was off the charts from the moment they were in the same room together. You just knew that they had that special kind of love and bond that would never be broken. My heart absolutely broke for Jordan in those first few chapters. His pain was palpable and I think that's a sign of really great writing.
I was also really happy to see Julian and Deacon in this book! I was curious if they were going to pop up or if it was in the same world. I just loved them and I loved reading more about their relationship.
The story itself was just perfect. It flowed well and I loved the writing style. I do wish it were longer and that we maybe could have gotten more scenes of Jordan and Gael progressing their relationship, but overall I was left super happy and anxious to read the next book this author writes. I highly recommend this book! I can't wait for the audio release!
**Review by Jaime**
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This book, like most of Penelope Douglas' other books, is a very dark, bully romance. It's high on smut, questionable situations, and a whole lot of dThis book, like most of Penelope Douglas' other books, is a very dark, bully romance. It's high on smut, questionable situations, and a whole lot of dirty talk. If that is NOT your thing, skip this one. Really skip all of her books, now that I'm thinking about it. I, however, am totally here for all of the aforementioned things so I was in my element.
Clay is pretty hard to deal with, particularly in the first half of the book. She is a hardcore bully, especially to Liv and, to be honest, has a wee bit of a scary side. She reminds me a lot of Ryen from Punk 57 combined with Damon from Killswitch. She's that level of crazy. One of the things I loved about her though was how protective she was of Liv. When they finally got together it was this crazed, obsessed thing and while that's not a healthy real life relationship, it was perfect for the world created in this book. Did I mention she's the rich girl in this situation? Yea, that was a unique twist.
I liked Liv a lot. I thought she handled herself well when it came to Clay and she rarely stooped to her level. I thought out of everyone in this book, besides Krisjen, she had the best moral compass. I liked that she had enough standards to say enough is enough when Clay's shenanigans went too far. And I absolutely ADORED her brothers! I know everyone is all about Macon and I am too, to a certain extent, but Dallas and Army are the two that I am DYING to know more about.
The story itself was good and engaging. What ultimately made me knock a star off was that it was too long. There were a lot of repetitive situations and quite a few situations that could have been cut out. This book could have easily been 100 pages less and it would have been just as good, if not better. There was a lot of focus on outside things, like Clay's parents, that we could have done without. I found myself skimming parts that didn't really add anything to the overall book.
Penelope Douglas is one of my all time favorite dark romance authors and this one definitely falls into the "will read again" category. I really hope she does more books from this world about the brothers even though I'm sure she hates when we all demand that. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!!!! Stop making such intriguing side characters, damnit! haha
Anyway, yes, I do recommend this book. If you've liked her other books you'll like this one, too.
**Review by Jaime**
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