I finished this book with the biggest smile on my face. It was WELL worth the wait!
I have been #teamZak since Dark Arts and a Daiquiri and I was SO EXCITED when Annette announced that he would be getting his own series! I want to know more about Zak, his backstory, and what he is up to now. Thankfully I got a few answers...through the lens of one Saber Rose.
This book is a little darker than the other series in the Guild Codex, but Saber's (and through her, Zak) story is darker as well. There are some trigger warnings for this book, so make sure you check them out if you need to.
I seriously can't wait unti January for the next book! I never thought any series would top my love for Demonized, but this one just might =D
This book is just so much fun! Kit is adorable, his wittiness is off the charts, and these books are just the pick-me-up I needed after a tou4.5 stars
This book is just so much fun! Kit is adorable, his wittiness is off the charts, and these books are just the pick-me-up I needed after a tough couple of months. I LOVED Kit's first book, but this one suffers a tiny bit from middle book/second book syndrome. Even so, it's not worth taking off more than half a star. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series!...more
He is so much fun, so witty, and looks like Chris Pine
I was never not going to like him
Warped gives us Kit Morris's st5 stars
He is so much fun, so witty, and looks like Chris Pine
I was never not going to like him
Warped gives us Kit Morris's story...you may remember his short story at the end of The Alchemist and an Amaretto. We finally get to find out exactly who Kit Morris is and how he fits into the whole Guild Codex universe (fun fact, this series is independent of Guild Codex so it can be read completely separately). However, there are several nods to the Guild Codex books sprinkled throughout the story, which of course made me go all fan-girl. I love reading about my favorite characters and places in other books =D
For those who have read the Guild Codex series, this book takes place immediately after the events of Three Mages and a Margarita. And it is just SO MUCH FUN. Kit is such a witty and enjoyable character that you can't help but fall for him a little. His mystic powers are incredible as well....probably my favorite type thus far. I'm really looking forward to reading more about Kit (and of course, Lienna!) in future books....and maybe a few more cameos? =D
Nick Jonas sums up my entire emotional mindset through this book... (view spoiler)[a sentence I never thought I would say (hide spoiler)5 stars
Nick Jonas sums up my entire emotional mindset through this book... (view spoiler)[a sentence I never thought I would say (hide spoiler)].
I had to sit on the ending of this story for a while before I was able to write up a review. Always and forever...Annette, you are a genius. I am a seasoned reader. There are very few plot lines I haven't read. Annette's books are one of those few. This makes my heart grow 3 sizes too big because it allows me to experience the joy and love of reading again. It's so easy to be cynical when you read the same plots over and over. I love that Annette brings a fresh perspective to tired, dusty plot lines. She has a forever fan in me.
Now, on to the actual review. Let me just say....be prepared to have your mind utterly blown. Plot twists I never saw coming, came. Characters who did things I never thought they'd do, did. And the action was absolutely non-stop. I read this entire book in one day because there was never a good time to put it down and actually sleep. Believe me, I tried. I got 4 hours of sleep because I HAD to know what happened next. Sleep is a very precious commodity to me, thanks to my Energizer Bunny of a 16-month-old daughter. So the fact that I willingly gave it up to read should tell you how fantastic this book is. (view spoiler)[Also, Twiggy's scene was easily the best part of the book, as always (hide spoiler)].
[image] (view spoiler)[This is not my kid, but it is an accurate representation of #toddlerlife. Beware (hide spoiler)]
As you probably know by now, the Spellbound series runs parallel to the Demonized series. The last book of Demonized hasn't come out yet, but the characters do make a small appearance in Spellbound. If you haven't read Demonized yet, please do so because Robin and Co. are one of the best things to happen to the Urban Fantasy genre.
I am so happy to have had the opportunity to go on this journey with Tori, Aaron, Kai, and Ezra....and I am SO HAPPY that it is not over! More books have been announced for the Guild Codex world, so we don't have to say goodbye forever. I can't wait to go on new journeys and meet new friends.
I was glued to my Kindle with every single chapter. My husband thought I was having a stroke on multiple occasions. This book DELIVERS5 stars
I was glued to my Kindle with every single chapter. My husband thought I was having a stroke on multiple occasions. This book DELIVERS. (view spoiler)[As of March 31, I have had this ARC for 4 days and I've read the entire book 4 times. I can't let it go. It's THAT GOOD. (hide spoiler)]
Zylas and Robin are a force to be reckoned with. Their relationship is SO MUCH FUN to read! I love their banter, and I love watching them slowly learn to really trust each other and truly become allies.
Also, one of my favorite things about this series is getting two points of view...Tori's from Guild Codex, and Robin's. How Tori views Robin, and her interactions with Robin, are not the entire story. Robin has her own mind and viewpoints, and it gives the shared scenes a whole new feel.
Zylas…..I never in my life imagined I would fangirl over a demon character, but here we are. Zylas reminds me a lot of Shiro from Annette's Red Winter series. They have similar snarky and mysterious personalities, are fiercely loyal, and I fell in love with both before the first book was over. Zylas is a deep character. I want to know more, and I get frustrated with Robin when she doesn't dig for information. BUT we get answers in this book (finally!), along with a zillion more questions that will have to be put on hold for a few more months. How will I cope?
So if anyone has good book hangover coping skills, send them my way. I'm not going anywhere (thank you COVID-19).
This is a fantastic addition to the series, and as I basically always say...it's the best one yet. I love seeing old characters come bac4 stars
This is a fantastic addition to the series, and as I basically always say...it's the best one yet. I love seeing old characters come back (why hello there Justin), and wondering where the story is going to take me next. I love being kept on my toes for what is going to happen next.
Lost Talismans takes place over the course of a couple of days. And there is a lot of action in those few days! I had to go back and reread some parts because this story is packed full with details and I was reading so fast I kept missing things. Also, The Romance. I'm not an Ezra shipper but GUYS. HELP ME. I'm questioning my #teamZak membership (view spoiler)[speaking of which, no Zak in this book which made me so sad *tear* (hide spoiler)]. We also get to see Ezra's POV for a couple of scenes, which is key to understanding the flow of not only this book but also the latest book in the Demonized series. It really helped round out the story of Hunting Fiends for the Ill-Equipped.
And last but not least.....that ending........ =D =D =D
Seriously though. I think I'm liking this series even more than The Guild Codex. I LOVE Robin, and her personality is5 demony stars
This book...
Seriously though. I think I'm liking this series even more than The Guild Codex. I LOVE Robin, and her personality is so #relatable. But what I enjoy the most is the relationship between her and Zylas. They are both locked into the contract they made, and they are doing their best to make the most of it. Kind of like marriage.
Okay so this book starts off a few weeks after the end of the first book because Robin had the flu (if she had gotten her flu shot maybe she wouldn't have gotten the flu, but that's a post for another day). And what's awesome is that we get to see Robin's point of view of her first guild meeting. Tori gave us her side of things, but I like Robin's better. Reading her thoughts to Zylas is the best =)
(view spoiler)[Side note: I REALLY can't wait until Zylas doesn't have to act contracted anymore because I TOTALLY want to see him mouth off to everyone, especially our favorite mages (hide spoiler)]
One thing I really enjoy about Annette's writing is that she puts a unique spin on old and tired tropes. Annette's version of vampires are AWESOME. AND she pokes fun at the silly and cartoon-y names that are usually associated with this kind of trope. So it's a win-win for me!
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a book series as much as I've been enjoying this whole world that Annette has created. Her stories are witty, funny, full of action and a dash of romance. They are not trope-y, the characters are all enjoyable, and I am always left surprised at the outcome of the book. For this veteran reader, that is the most enjoyable thing of all. So thank you, Annette, for sharing these stories =)
I'll end this with my favorite quote from the entire book:
From the get go too, which hardly ever happens. It took me a little while to warm up to Tor5 stars
^^^ me after finishing this book
From the get go too, which hardly ever happens. It took me a little while to warm up to Tori (from The Guild Codex), but I had an instant connection with Robin....probably because I've had similiar thoughts as her. Word of warning...this book will make you hungry. Robin is an avid cookie baker.
I can't say much more without being spoiler-y, but his sass just works. I can't wait to see more of him in future books.
Seriously, if you're all caught up on The Guild Codex, this book adds so much more depth. If you haven't read any of The Guild Codex, I don't know what you're doing with your life. I have an extremely needy 3 month old and I'm all caught up so there's no excuses. Do yourself a favor and immerse your imagination into this AMAZING series by this incredibly talented author! (also you should read all her books anyway) ------
I’ve only been waiting FOREVER to go back into this world ...more
Did you think I was going to give this anything less than 5 stars? If so, you don’t know me very well.
Also, I just recently finished Game of Thrones Did you think I was going to give this anything less than 5 stars? If so, you don’t know me very well.
Also, I just recently finished Game of Thrones (I'm behind the times, I know I know). So expect a certain theme from my gifs over the next several reviews =D
Druid Vices and a Vodka has it all:
My death by feelings?
Druid Vices picks up about a month after The Alchemist and an Amaretto and also after the events of Slaying Monsters for the Feeble. I've been waiting and waiting for Robin and Tori to put their heads together and... (view spoiler)[when they did I straight up squealed! (hide spoiler)]. I love this world and the characters in it. I love Tori's relationship with the mages and Zak. We learn a lot more about Zak and his motivations...but there are other things at play that make our favorite druid more mysterious. Zak is a very gray character, and I love that about him. Not 100% good, not 100% bad, but somewhere in the middle. He reminds me a bit of my favorite demon-y character..... =D
I can't wait for the next book! Bring it on, Annette =)
I'm giving this one a solid 4 stars. As always, the story is impeccable. I am so in love with this world, and reading these books always gives 4 stars
I'm giving this one a solid 4 stars. As always, the story is impeccable. I am so in love with this world, and reading these books always gives me the sense of home
So why 4 stars and not 5? I felt that the plot for this particular book was a bit cliche. One of the things I love about Annette's book is that they are completely fresh and original. This particular plot? Not as much as I've come to expect. It was a tad too predictable for my taste.
I'm upping my rating from 4 stars to 4.5. Missing half a star because half of my heart ((view spoiler)[aka Zak (hide spoiler)]) waREREAD Sept 25, 2019
I'm upping my rating from 4 stars to 4.5. Missing half a star because half of my heart ((view spoiler)[aka Zak (hide spoiler)]) was missing from this book.
This book was A LOT more fun to read after reading Taming Demons for Beginners. As a reader, I find it fun to know the bigger plot picture. It ups the enjoyment level of the story for me.
I am SO READY for The Alchemist and an Amaretto, you have no idea (actually if you've read up to this point in the series you probably do understand)
4 stars
THIS BOOK. Okay. There's a lot to unpack here.
First and foremost, this is Ezra's book. We got a lot of Aaron in the first two, a lot of Kai in the third, and now Ezra (finally). Curious about his scars? His chill factor? His muscular physique? All your questions will be answered!....And more questions will arise that we need to wait for another book to answer *cry face*
Second, Demon Magic definitely took on a darker tone than it's predecessors. The stakes are higher than ever, and the consequences more severe. This story wasn't quite as much "fun" as the rest, but Tori's worldview isn't quite as "fun" as it was in the first book. Sure, mythics and magics and all that is awesome....but there are some very real consequences for the choices that she and her friends make. Watching Tori grow over the last couple of books and come to realize that it's not all fun and giggles has been fulfilling to see. I wasn't her biggest fan with the first book, but she's grown on me a lot.
The author has described this book kind of as the end to Season 1, which it for sure had that feeling. The next book doesn't come out until October *more crying*, but it will be well worth the wait!
(view spoiler)[ESPECIALLY IF MY BAE ZAK IS BACK (hide spoiler)] (view spoiler)[Also I'm calling a Zak/Tori/Ezra triangle. And as I said in my last review, I am weirdly okay with this, especially since I abhor triangles more than almost anything in literature. #teamZak (hide spoiler)] (view spoiler)[But I feel like maybe Ezra has his own demons (ahahahaaaaaaaa) to battle before he is ready to be in a relationship? He just didn't give off much of a "I'm into Tori" vibe until the very very end with that scene in the bathroom, and even then I wasn't quite convinced by it (hide spoiler)] (view spoiler)[BUT ZAK HELLOOOOOOO (hide spoiler)]
The ARC has landed!
Dreaming about how much I want this book right now...
(view spoiler)[And I LOVE what Zak says to Tori at the end..."You chose this Tori. Choice is more powerful than fate." I got the sense that everyone else pitied Tori for not being a mythic. Zak did not. #teamZak for the win (hide spoiler)]
5 stars
Me during the first 95% of the book: [image]
Me at the last 5%: [image]
THIS WAS SO GREAT Hands down my favorite book of the series thus far. I am in love with all the characters ((view spoiler)[especially you Zak (hide spoiler)]), and I was so happy to get to spend some quality time with them. The wait till the next book in April is gonna be rough....
I especially loved reading about the inner struggles that Tori went through in this story, because let's be real...a human hanging out with a bunch of mythics is bound to bring up some self reflection.
One of my favorite things about this series is that each book is it's own episode, so to speak. There is still a larger story and plotline happening, but each book is self contained and has a satisfying conclusion. No cliffhangers, but still enough is left unsaid to keep you coming back for more. Plus this is Annette Marie so you should be reading all her stuff anyway.
I really shouldn't be surprised anymore at how much I enjoy these books, but every time I finish one I'm like "WOW DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING THAT WAS SO AWESOME!"
I really liked this book, even more than the first. There were some issues I had with it (Tori's attitude got to be a bit over the top at times), but overall a solid story. This one wasn't quite as fun as the first book, but I felt like it was more authentic with its magic and storyline. ALSO DRAGONS! AND FAE! AND SNARKY TALKING SKULLS! We also meet this new amazing character that I'm completely in love with ((view spoiler)[yes I'm trash for Zak and let's be honest I ship him with Tori WAY MORE than I ship Aaron and Tori (hide spoiler)]) and I hope that this isn't the last time we see this character!
In the first book, I got some major Fairy Tail vibes. This book? Fullmetal Alchemist all the way =D
For real though, has someone invented a book Tardis?
REREAD: Sept 19, 2019
I love this world so much. It's just the best. REREAD AGAIN: Sept 1, 2020
For real though, has someone invented a book Tardis?
REREAD: Sept 19, 2019
I love this world so much. It's just the best. Even as a reread I inhaled this story. Seriously, has anyone figured out how we can jump out of our world into the world of a book? Is there some sort of book Tardis somewhere?
4.5 stars
Magic guilds, Elemental mages and psychics and other magic people, strong sense of friendship and loyalty.....what does this remind me of?...
Oh yeah.....
Say hello to the more adult, urban fantasy version of Fairy Tail, one of my FAVORITE ANIMES OF ALL TIME. I mean Erza is even my profile pic. I don't know if the similarities are wishful thinking on my part or if the author took inspiration from Fairy Tail, but either way I was SO EXCITED with the connections I was making.
I devoured this book in 1.5 sittings (the 0.5 being the little I was able to read during my break at work). Annette Marie writes some of the best action scenes I've read, and she just keeps getting better. I literally could not put my Kindle down because I had to know what happened next. Her writing style never fails to suck me in to the fictional world she has created, craving more of everything. Three Mages and a Margarita delivered it all.
The one thing I wish was different was knowing more about the main character, Tori. She has a past, but it is just briefly mentioned in the story. Since this is the first of a series (I'm assuming a trilogy), I'm sure this will be addressed in future books. But for the initial connection to the main character, a little more background information would have been nice.
A solid read. I can't wait for the next book!
When you get an ARC from one of your favorite authors:
eBook provided by Netgally in exhange for my honest review
Rant ahead
This was awful
Dane is by and large the WORST hero I have ever had the1 star
eBook provided by Netgally in exhange for my honest review
Rant ahead
This was awful
Dane is by and large the WORST hero I have ever had the (dis)pleasure to read about. There was nothing redeeming about him. He is a caveman who thinks he is God's gift to Earth and I just can't. Our first introduction to him meeting his "love" interest is by blowing a gasket and calling her "Hitler's spawn" and "Satan's spawn" because she dared to come to his university....and her father dared to run against his mother in the US presidential election. Um....what?? I mean, I get that your parents are rivals, but dude you don't even know the girl. Also very confusingly, Lucia has a huge crush on Dane and wants to "be his girl". WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE THE GIRL OF SOMEONE WHO CALLS YOU SATAN'S SPAWN. HAVE SOME DIGNITY PLEASE.
Also, I get that this book was written in 2014, but there are some phrases that Dane uses that really should never, ever be said. "Chillax", "pocket rocket", and "hawt" being a few examples. Dane has an extremely overinflated view of himself, his politics, and his attractiveness. I'm not sure what kind of character the author was trying to write, but Dane is 100% a spoiled, selfish, extremely immature man-child and I....
I definitely skimmed the majority of the book because I broke out in hives every time Dane had dialogue. And since he was one of the leads, that was an awful lot of hives. There may have been romance, but it totally went over my head because I have no idea how this guy even has friends, let alone girls who want to be romantically involved with him. This book could have been such a win for me....if only Dane wasn't in it.
eARC provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review
Tossed Into Love is the third book of the Fluke My Life series. I have not rea2.5 stars
eARC provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review
Tossed Into Love is the third book of the Fluke My Life series. I have not read the first two books in the series, but I figured I would give this a try anyway. I had some issues in the beginning because most of plot and relationship between the two main characters was set up in the previous books, so I took that into consideration when writing this review and giving a rating.
I didn't understand the attraction between Antonio and Libby. I felt like it was insta-lovey (but it was noted that both characters had interactions earlier in the series), and it was very confusing. Antonio hated her, but then didn't? And Libby couldn't make up her mind if he hated her or liked her, and whether he was being a jerk or being sweet. I wasn't able to connect with either character or root for their relationship at all because I wasn't sure if there even was a relationship I should have been rooting for. It was way too hot and cold for my taste.
Also, Miss Ina. I felt like she detracted a lot from the story, and really didn't understand why she felt like she needed to help Libby "keep her virtue intact". Is she just a cranky old woman who thinks the world still operates like it did in 1800s? Who knows.
The best part of the book for me was Pool. Cats and kittens win everytime.
Overall, not my favorite read, mostly because I was confused for half of the book on why Libby was so wishy washy on whether or not she liked Antonio because he was a jerk/he wasn't a jerk...and so on and so forth. I didn't feel like there was a point to the relationship because I never saw any connection past the physical. They fell in love because....why? If Libby and Antonio had more of a friendship to begin with and less of a "does he hate me does he love me" theme going on, this would have been a much more solid story and the relationship between the two would have been something to cheer for. ...more
**eARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for my honest review**
The Promposal is everything I have come to love about Sariah Wilson's writing:4.5 stars
**eARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for my honest review**
The Promposal is everything I have come to love about Sariah Wilson's writing: light, fun, and a lot of swoon-worthy moments. I greatly enjoyed the sequel to Mattie and Jake's story. Mattie is just as funny (and punny) as ever, and being in her head is always a laugh. There is such a fantastic HEA to this story, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to Mattie and Co yet. Crossing my fingers for more books to this series!
PS: I LOVED the small cameo from a character in #Starstruck! It's always a lot of fun when the author has her books all set in the same world....more
Still as solid of a read as ever! I need more of these types of books in my life.
EDIT: 11/17/18 Reread because I need a solid slow buReread #1 4.5 stars
Still as solid of a read as ever! I need more of these types of books in my life.
EDIT: 11/17/18 Reread because I need a solid slow burn in my life and Mariana Zapata is still editing her newest book....
4.5 stars
***eARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for my honest review***
This book was a much needed read. I've been struggling lately to find some feel-good reading material, and this one hit the spot. I loved the humor and romance between Cameron and Joellen (also, I'm loving the name Joellen! It's such a down to earth name in the land of strange NA heroine names), and their chemistry was fantastic! I seriously laughed so hard during most of the book, and even sent my husband some quotes because they were too good not to share.
The only thing I would change about this book is the will-they-won't-they portion. I love me some good angst, but sometimes it can get drawn out too much and this one went on a little longer than I would have liked.
I am looking forward to the rest of the books in this series! For those of you who haven't read the first one, no worries because this reads as a standalone. I'm glad too because I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book, but this one just blew me away. J.T. Geissinger is an author to watch!...more
**I received an eARC from the author in exchange for my honest review**
5 Master Weaver stars
The Blood C**I received an eARC from the author in exchange for my honest review**
5 Master Weaver stars
The Blood Curse is the final book in the Spell Weaver trilogy, and the bridge to the next series: Steel and Stone. A per the usual Annette Marie guarantee, The Blood Curse DELIVERS. Action, romance, feels, plot twists....it has everything and it is done so well!
I won't go into plot stuff, since this is the third book. It does pick up right where book 2 left off, so there's no time gaps between books.
The character development throughout this series is amazing. I loved seeing how much Clio grew through the trilogy. I loved how she still had her weaknesses and limits, but she still strove to overcome and ended up being such a badass. Lyre....I just want to hold him because throughout the entire series (and the next) he is my favorite. His snark and charm and brilliance is magnetic, and why can't he just be a real person already?
Steel and Stone was released before this series, and as this is a prequel series I knew how certain things were going to turn out (view spoiler)[like why Clio wasn't in any of the Steel and Stone books (hide spoiler)]. I feel like knowing certain events ahead of time made the reading experience that much richer; however, for new readers I would recommend reading this series first before delving into Steel and Stone. I feel like it would tie together some loose ends that were a bit confusing in Steel and Stone, plus it would give the reader a much deeper look into Lyre and his character. He is very mysterious in Steel and Stone, but his character is so rich in personality that knowing the events in this prequel series will help readers gain a better appreciation for him (and his friendship with Ash).
Annette Marie is one of the most underrated authors today. Her books are absolutely incredible and full of detail and life. Her stories are unique, and her characters are so life-like that I'm shocked they don't actually exist. I am GREATLY looking forward to the Steel and Stone sequel series!
**I received this eARC in exchange for my honest review**
A Chopped YA romance...yeah I can get behind this.
I love the Food Network. My 2 stars
**I received this eARC in exchange for my honest review**
A Chopped YA romance...yeah I can get behind this.
I love the Food Network. My favorite chef/show is Alton Brown's Good Eats. I even own several of his cookbooks, and all of his recipes I've tried have turned out fabulous (unlike another chef I know *coughGiadacough*). So hey...a YA about serious chef-ery? I'm on board.
I couldn't get on board with the main character
This book had a strong premise and a great start. However, there was a lot left unexplained for Carter's (our MC) actions, and I found her to be a very unlikable character. She was mad/furious/raging all the time, and for the most random and seemingly unneeded reasons. One thing I really didn't like is that she constantly took her anger out on the people around her without any negative repercussions and basically acted like a brat. She would lash out at her friends, but she especially lashed out at the love interest. (view spoiler)[Reid must really like this girl cause she dealt him a lot of crap and he took it like a champ. I know of zero teenage or adult guys who would put up with some of the stuff she put him through. (hide spoiler)] She was always very stressed out and anxious (as I'm sure being in a serious Chopped-type competition would do to a person), but the stress and anxiety never were resolved, even after the competition was done. Between all the stress, anxiety, and rage, Carter's character was not very personable or relatable to the reader. I had a hard time caring about Carter, and actually found myself kind of rooting against her near the end of the book.
I kind of wanted to go all Alex Guarnaschelli on her ass.
If Carter's actions had been explained, or maybe if she wasn't so Rambo all the time, I feel like this would have been a much more cohesive story. Instead, I felt confused and like I was missing something because I couldn't understand why this MC had so much rage inside her.
On the other hand, Reid was absolutely adorable and can I order one of him with a side of bacon please?
A-freaking-dorable cover!
Yay a cooking romance =) *breaks out all the snack foods*...more