my rating |
| 3.81
| 732
| Jul 15, 2013
| Jul 15, 2013
did not like it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Ree is a Geekomancer and a screenwriter who has just hit her big break. Things start looking bad th Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Ree is a Geekomancer and a screenwriter who has just hit her big break. Things start looking bad though when the lead actress Jane, who happens to be a Celebromancer starts having problems with her powers. If Ree can’t help her figure out what is going wrong it may be the end of her production before it even begins. Opening Sentence: Ree was late to her first public appearance as a screenwriter, and she couldn’t even blame it on a monster attack. The Review: I really wanted to give this book a chance and once I start a book I hate to not finish, but I could not like this book. There are a few things that could be to blame for this. The first is I did not read the first book to truly understand the dialogue that Ree uses. The second thing is I don’t speak geek in general, so it made it hard to follow. The plot is that Ree Reyes is a Geekomancer who uses her love for science fiction and fantasy to give herself superpower. She watches movies or reads books and can then draw magic from them. Ree has written a screenplay that gives her a big break. It has been picked up by a producer and production on the pilot is about to begin. After the first night Ree and the main actress, Jane Konrad, go out on the town to drink. They end up hooking up and ending up at Jane’s place. While sleeping Jane is attacked by an invisible person and it takes both Ree and Jane’s bodyguard to fend off the entity. Now Ree finds out that the star has her own form of power. She is a Celebromancer who uses her fames to receive magic and make herself more popular. Unfortunately, someone has messed with her powers and they actually attack her if she uses them too much. Now it is up to Ree to save Jane and her screenplay from being ruined by the curse. Now many people would find that interesting, but I find it too mainstream for my taste. Magic is not in my opinion supposed to be so modernized. Also, like I said, I just had a hard time understanding half the time what was being said. On top of that, there was so many random texts and blog entries just randomly placed throughout the story. I do have to admit I stopped after page one hundred and twenty eight so maybe it gets better, but I just couldn’t read anymore. For those who do not mind some modern magic and can speak geek maybe this book would be for you. For those old fashioned like me who wants our magic left alone this one may not be for you. The one thing I did find interesting was that the author has a wonderful imagination and comes up with some very unique mythical creatures, such as a panther dragonfly. Notable Scene: And then something hit Ree in the shoulder and knocked her off the bed. Something that wasn’t Jane. Ree’s voice and world wobbled as she conceded the point. “Not a dream! Definitely not a dream!” FTC Advisory: Pocket Star/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Celebromancy. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Oct 21, 2014
Kindle Edition
| |||||||||||||||||
| 9780802734280
| 0802734286
| 4.19
| 2,962
| Dec 24, 2012
| Jan 08, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Solange is being possessed by an ancient relative who never got to enjoy her life. Unfortunately, s Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Solange is being possessed by an ancient relative who never got to enjoy her life. Unfortunately, she is ruining Solange’s life and those of her family. Only Solange can reclaim herself and help save her family before they are all destroyed. Opening Sentence: I was a voice inside my own head. The Review: I truly enjoyed this book. I think the only thing that would have made it better is if I hadn’t started with the last book in the series and could have related more to the characters. The Drakes were wonderful and I loved all the different types of vampires in the story. Solange was the coolest. A prophecy is told that is all about her and how she will be queen who is possessed. Instead of rolling over and letting her body be controlled by someone else who wants to harm both vampires and humans she fights back. She would do anything to save those whom she loves, even if it means she may not make it. She knows her family needs her to take back control before Viola, the vampire possessing her, ruins every treaty between the different vampire branches and also between vampires and humans. Unfortunately someone has it out for vampires and has been framing them for attacking humans. While Solange is busy fighting her possession, it is up to her family and her best friend Lucy to keep themselves and others alive. I really liked the fact that the story was told from different viewpoints. This helped flesh out the story a lot and also is what helped me get to know the characters better than if it had all been one point of view. Also you got to see what was happening to different characters all in the same time frame. Since this was the first story I have read of this series there were a lot of characters to get to know and I think the fact that I got to see them interact from different people’s viewpoints helped me to understand and like the characters more. I was rooting for Solange to beat out the vampire possessing her and at the same time I felt sort of sorry for the vampire who was controlling her. She just wanted to be with the one she loved but because of centuries of being denied and the way her life had once been she had started to lose it. Alyxandra Harvey has a way of writing that makes you feel almost the way her characters do and be able to sympathize. I also loved how the characters were so different and unique. You have Solange the quiet, artistic vampire queen; then you have her human best friend Lucy, who is loud and has no problem kicking butt; third there is their boyfriends Kieran the vampire hunter who fell in love with a vampire and Nicholas, one of Solange’s older brothers who to me at least seemed quiet and sweet, yet tough. These are just some of the wonderful characters we meet in Alyxandra Harvey’s wonderful book Blood Prophecy. I enjoyed this book so much I will now have to go back to the beginning and read the whole series. I recommend this book to vampire lovers. Also for those who are bored with vampires that sparkle in the sun this is a good one. There are different types of vampires but none that look like diamonds. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the Twilight series. I’m just saying you do not have to like the Twilight series to enjoy this series. Notable Scene: “I promised not to kill your wife’s bastard. I made no such promise about her lover.” Viola went cold and brittle inside. She might not have been able to save her mother but she could save Tristan. FTC Advisory: Walker Childrens/Bloomsbury provided me with a copy of Blood Prophecy. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Sep 12, 2014
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780738739670
| 0738739677
| 3.41
| 335
| May 01, 2014
| May 08, 2014
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: This is a story of Camelot like you have never heard before. Add all the characters from the origin Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: This is a story of Camelot like you have never heard before. Add all the characters from the original story and then add alchemy and steam punk to it. Plus a wonderful heroine in Vivienne who may have to sacrifice all she has ever wanted to keep the kingdom safe. Opening Sentence: When a mechanical falcon takes flight from Merlin’s tower, it means the sorcerer is bored or drunk on absinthe. Excerpt: Yes The Review: This was a very unique twist to the tale of King Arthur and his kingdom, Camelot. Vivienne the handmaid to Guinevere and the secret apprentice to the one time sorcerer Merlin, must use all her skills with alchemy and machines to save Camelot from King Arthur’s sister Morgan le Fay. Morgan will do all in her magical powers to take the kingdom from her brother and put their son Mordred on the throne. Vivienne may have to give up all she holds dear, including the love of her life or her life itself to stop Morgan’s evil plans. At first I wasn’t sure if I would like Vivienne. She never seemed happy with her life. She is a girl from a well to do family but bemoans her status because it comes with obligations. In a way I can understand, because who wants to have no control of her life and have to do whatever is asked of her. On the other hand she has a family who cares for her, a secure place as the queen’s handmaid and a secret job that she loves. As the story progressed though I came to like Vivienne. Throughout the story Vivienne wants out of Camelot and dreams of finding her way out, but when Camelot needs her she stays and fights for what she believes in even when it might mean losing everything. Also in the face of danger she did not run and hide, instead she stands her ground and fights Morgan even though Morgan wants nothing more than to get her hands on Vivienne. I usually do not like books that deal with predefined stories but I really liked this story. Adding the steampunk made it seem new and exciting. Also the fact that King Arthur or one of the Major characters is not the main character also helps. You get to see the fall of Camelot through someone else’s eyes. I also thought that with the magic involved it was a very unique concept to add alchemy to what caused the downfall. At first I thought that would take from the story but it made the story new. I am now hoping that there is going to be a new book and I can’t wait to read it if there is one. I recommend this book to lovers of the King Arthur legend and also to steampunk lovers. If you have a fondness for alchemy this book is full of it. Notable Scene: “This is the birthplace of Camelot. A geographical crossroads between the old age of magic and the new era of mechanical arts. The founders lie in the caskets around these walls. Here is also the origin of the greatest weapon Camelot will ever know.” He regards the iron dragon’s skeleton. FTC Advisory: Flux provided me with a copy of Camelot Burning. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Sep 12, 2014
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780425250945
| 0425250946
| 3.87
| 219
| Sep 03, 2013
| Sep 03, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Major Kip Llowell is on a secret mission when his cover is blown. With the Aid of DeAnne Lovejoy th Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Major Kip Llowell is on a secret mission when his cover is blown. With the Aid of DeAnne Lovejoy they may just make it out of China alive, but will there relationship survive both of their pasts? Opening Sentence: It would be a woman. The Review: This was a good book. I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not because I do not read military style books usually, not even romances. I am glad I read this one though. Major Kip Llowell is on a secret mission on the Hainan Island in China when his cover is blown. While trying to figure out how he is going to get out of China without getting arrested for being a spy he runs into DeAnne Lovejoy. DeAnne is an officer of the U.S. Department of State and as such is sworn to help American citizens stuck in bad situations in foreign countries. Right away sparks start flying between these to, but unfortunately they both have things they must deal with from their pasts before a relationship would work. Their immediate need is to get out of China alive and without getting arrested. I really liked both Kip and DeAnne but I did think their relationship developed really fast. I guess though in life or death situations you appreciate that you have to enjoy what you have while you have it. I really loved watching DeAnne grow as a character. As I was reading the story DeAnne starts out as a woman who thinks all Marine men are the same and will only use and hurt you before they leave you. Because of this she refuses to touch a gun and only fights with words. As she gets drawn deeper into Kip’s world she realizes not all Marines are the same and starts to loosen up. On top of all that she is so brave. She and Kip are stranded on an island where people want to capture and hurt them and instead of breaking down and losing it, she is strong and brave even when she is terrified, which is the definition of being brave. I liked Kip but I didn’t think he really changed much. He did decide that he would do anything to be with DeAnne even if it meant facing his family and his past. One of the things I liked about this book was that there were actually two romances discussed in the story, not just one. The first and main romance is of course Kip and DeAnne’s romance. The second romance is between STORM members Darcy Zimmerman and Bobby Lee Quinn. This couple also had problems but not as many. Actually the problems were mostly one sided. Bobby Lee Quinn or Quinn to his friends would marry Darcy whenever she was ready if only she would let go of her fears. An orphan who was given up by her foster family once they had their own children feels that if she marries Quinn he will one day replace her with “a newer model”. They are sweet together and you can tell from the way they interact that they are madly in love with each other. I really loved this story. Nina Bruhns has a way with drawing the reader right into the story. I read this book in two days. I just wanted to get to the end and make sure everyone got out ok and see what happened with our two couples. The only problem I had with this book was the cliffhanger at the end. I hate finishing a book and not knowing exactly how everything is going to go. Now I have to find the next book that tells me what happens. I recommend this book to those who like a good romantic suspense story. Notable Scene: He strode to the shattered back window, lit a match, aimed and tossed it into the vehicle, and gave the SUV a solid push when he saw where the match had landed. The SUV started rolling toward the edge of the cliff. DeAnne’s jaw dropped in astonishment and she jumped back. “What on earth are you doing?” He gave it another two-handed shove so it gained momentum. “Killing myself.” FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of Blue Forever. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Sep 01, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9781606843949
| 160684394X
| 3.98
| 3,127
| Oct 08, 2013
| Oct 08, 2013
liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Both BZRK and the Armstrong’s are back in the second part of the BZRK trilogy. Even after taking a Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Both BZRK and the Armstrong’s are back in the second part of the BZRK trilogy. Even after taking a major hit the BZRK team is not ready to surrender their freedom. They are ready to take any risks to save mankind. Opening Sentence: Wilkes is Alive and back with us. The Review: I have to admit that I did not finish the first one because it was too confusing for me. All the nano and Biot references were too much science for me. I gave this one a try hoping I could get through it to give it a good review and I’m glad I did. By this book they figure you understand the nano and Biot information so they do not try to explain it as much which made reading the story more enjoyable. But for those who enjoy the science part of the story it is still there. The narrative jumped from one group to another to another which was a little confusing to me but I finally was able to keep up. But it made it a little harder to relate to any specific character. I couldn’t relate to Sadie. I did feel badly that her family was killed but at times I thought she was a whiny rich girl. That’s why I was happy when she started to grow up and take responsibility. Also, another reason I may not have been able to relate is that I didn’t finish the first one so did not know the characters all that well. I did enjoy the story and I agreed for the most part with BZRK. No one should be forced to give up their mind or be brainwashed in anyway. Also, the thought that someone can get into your brain sends a shiver through me. I wanted to see Plath and all the gang stop the Armstrong twins from succeeding in taking over all of humankind’s minds. There were times where I thought BZRK had overstepped. I can’t say exactly how they overstepped the boundaries without giving away important parts of the book, but a few times they seemed more like the bad guys rather than the good guys. Also, it was interesting getting a bit of a back story on the twins, not that it made me sympathize with them or understand how what they were doing was ok. It just helped to understand how they became so sick and demented. I recommend this book to those who enjoyed the first book. If you did not read the first one I do recommend it even though I could not finish it. I truly believe if I had finished the first one I may have enjoyed this book even more. Notable Scene: “It was very bad, burning cities full of people. But we had to. And even though it was bad, it was necessary.” “Don’t you have a flag to wave, Nijinsky?” Burnofsky said. “You know why it was okay to do those terrible things?” Nijinsky asked. Billy shook his head. Nijinsky leaned close to Burnofsky, no longer really speaking to Billy. He put his face right up close to Burnofsky and looked into his eyes. “I’ll tell you why it was okay. Because they started it. Because some madman decided he had to take over the world. And weak, pitiful, depraved people like Mr. Burnofsky here, helped those madmen. Evil men and the weak men who help them sometimes leave us no choice.” FTC Advisory: Egmont USA/Random House provided me with a copy of BZRK Reloaded. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Aug 17, 2014
| |||||||||||||||
| 9781420125146
| 1420125141
| 3.85
| 2,878
| Dec 31, 2013
| Dec 31, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Duncan and Callie are in a fight for their lives and the fate of all mankind whether it be high-blo Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Duncan and Callie are in a fight for their lives and the fate of all mankind whether it be high-blood or human. They must work together to stop a horrible necromancer from raising the dead and ruining the newly awakened feelings they share for each other. Opening Sentence: Valhalla had always been shrouded in mystery. The Review: I loved this book. At first I wasn’t sure if I would or not but it was really good. It was nice seeing the story through both Callie, a high-bloods’, point of view and also from Duncan’s point of view, who is “human”. Through their shared narrative we got to see the prejudices on both sides of the Dome known as Valhalla where the high-bloods live. For those who have never read any of Alexandra Ivy’s Sentinel series, high-bloods are those people who posses super abilities, such as being a witch or a psychic. The part I liked about this book was that there were no werewolves or vampires. Instead the author kept it to just abilities that a regular human could possibly have if we used more of our brains. This was different from most supernatural stories. Callie and Duncan’s story was wonderful but it did not take away from the murder case they were trying to solve. Callie, a high-blood, is called in whenever someone is killed in a manner that is thought to be done supernaturally. She is called in because she is a necromancer or diviner depending on which side of the dome you asked. As such this means that after a person dies she can go into their last moments and see how they died and any other info that may be important. despite prejudice against high-bloods she is still willing to help solve crimes among the humans. Callie is so tough, sweet, and innocent in many ways. Then we have Duncan O’Connor. He is a sergeant in the Kansas City police department and has had feelings for Callie for a long time, but she never seemed to like him back. He is the bad boy type even though he is a cop. When we are first introduced to him he is headed to the scene of the crime completely drunk. Also when it comes to Callie he is like a barbarian who wants his woman and will hurt anyone who hurts her. I loved to watch as their romance grows. Unfortunately the necromancer who has killed our murder victim wants Callie as part of his evil plan. I was so interested in this story and did not want to put it down. I couldn’t wait until the end to see if Duncan and Callie stayed together even though they were from different worlds. I also wanted to see whether the bad guy succeeded or if they could stop him in time. This was a wonderful book and I recommend it to those who like supernatural but would like to try something different than vampires and werewolves. Notable Scene: “Who found the Body?” “A silent alarm was tripped.” “Cause of death?” “She’s missing her heart.” FTC Advisory: Zebra/Kensington provided me with a copy of Born in Blood. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Aug 05, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780758271495
| 0758271492
| 3.99
| 455
| Jan 01, 2013
| Mar 05, 2013
liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Deacon Chalk and his team must face a trio of witches who will hurt anyone who gets in the way of t Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Deacon Chalk and his team must face a trio of witches who will hurt anyone who gets in the way of their plans and it is up to Deacon to stop them before they hurt too many people. Opening Sentence: I should have known. The Review: Deacon Chalk has fought the occult ever since his wife and kids were killed by a psycho trying to bring a demon into our world. Now to save were-dog triplets he must face off against a trio of witches who will destroy anyone who stands in the way of their plans. With the help of his friends Deacon takes on the witches multiple times, but does he succeed in stopping them before their demonic plans are complete? I have to say this is not a book I would have picked up for myself, but I do have to say it was better than I expected. I enjoy books featuring the occult or anything supernatural, but I have never read one that featured a male lead character. This was the hard part for me. Especially, the parts of the book that were very detailed in their gruesomeness. Also, the parts where Deacon talks about how hot he thinks his one-eyed girlfriend looks. I personally have a hard time picturing that. Once I got over this though the storyline was well written and I actually enjoyed it for the most part. One of the best parts was that even though this was not the first book in the series and I have never read any of the others I could understand what was going on. This made it so I could relate to the characters and could sympathize when things did not go the way they wanted them to. I wanted to see Deacon and his friends succeed and rescue the boys and the world from the evil the witches were trying to create. Another thing I liked was a reference to one of my favorite series. I love the Anita Blake series and in this book the author, James R. Tuck, mentions this series and acts like she is a real person that Deacon knows. I find that to be really cool. I personally will probably never read another of these books because I prefer a female lead but I did like this book. I do recommend this to women who do not mind a male lead and definitely to men who love the supernatural and the occult. Also to anyone who does not mind a bit of gore. This book is not for those who have a weak stomach. Notable Scene: A wide smear of blood started on the wall next to the ladies’ room. It wiped along the glassed-in movie posters for six or seven feet before turning sharply up, climbing the wall, and spilling onto the ceiling tiles. It looked like a psychotic Jackson Pollock mural. FTC Advisory: Kensington provided me with a copy of Blood and Magick. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Jul 22, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780515152821
| 051515282X
| 4.19
| 2,170
| Sep 24, 2013
| Sep 24, 2013
it was ok
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Delilah and her two sisters are half-human, half-elf. They live earth side and help protect it from Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Delilah and her two sisters are half-human, half-elf. They live earth side and help protect it from demon invasions. Now the threat is stronger on the demon front and now they are also being threatened by daemons. Opening Sentence: I stood at the top of the ravine overlooking the water front below. The Review: First, if you have never read any of the other books in the series go read them first. I have never read any of the others and was very confused with all the characters thrown at me all at once. I found myself not being able to remember who was who or what type of otherworld creature they were. This I could have lived with though. My biggest problem with this book was the way it just ended. One minute there is all this stuff they have to accomplish the next thing we see is Delilah and Shade getting it on and then it is just over. What the heck!!!! I wanted to enjoy this book. I usually love books who introduce us to a variety of different otherworld creatures, but that was all this entire book had going for it. This story was just too bleak. Everyone died or went missing and the world as we know it could be coming to an end. Also, in the description Delilah and her sisters are supposed to be helping a fae woman, named Violet who has disappeared and now they have to use Delilah’s magic against these men, but that never actually happens and the description is misleading. Lastly, their worlds are falling apart, someone very close to them is dead. Their sisters livelihood is threatened and Delilah has time to get it on with her fiancé. Again, what the heck? Ok, enough of my ranting about this book. I do want to say even though I did not enjoy this book and will probably never read another one; the author has a way with description that makes you feel like you are right there and can see everything that is going on. Also, as I said before, I do enjoy that she has a variety of creatures such as weres and vamps, fae and demons. I thought it was cool that so many characters were also more than one thing and weren’t your typical creatures such as just werewolfs or vampires. One of the coolest creatures was a shadow walker and a shadow dragon. How awesome would that be? I personally do not recommend this book but that is my personal opinion, some people may truly enjoy this story. Notable Scene: The creature turned its head and I saw that the features had a feminine bent. I was right—whatever this creature was, it was a she. But as her mouth opened, and she snarled at me with needlepoint teeth, I yanked my hand away from her as her lithe, supple neck bent at an angle that should have broken her spine but didn’t. Before I realized what she was doing, she’d launched herself at my right hand and chomped down into the flesh, her teeth piercing the skin like it was butter. The pain was excruciating and I let out a shriek. I yanked my other hand away and backhanded her with it as she let go of Menolly and reached for my throat. Menolly stumbled away and turned, grabbing the creature by the arm and yanking her away from me. She tossed her across the road. A chunk of my hand went with the creature, caught in her gnashing teeth. FTC Advisory: Berkley Jove/Penguin Books provided me with a copy of Autumn Whispers. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Jul 01, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9781455503025
| 3.64
| 5,241
| Feb 04, 2014
| Feb 04, 2014
liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Partridge is back in the dome to fix things from the inside. At the same time Pressia, Bradwell, an Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Partridge is back in the dome to fix things from the inside. At the same time Pressia, Bradwell, and El Capitan must continue to fight to bring about change from the outside. The question is will the pures and the wretches come to an agreement on what is best for all? Opening Sentence: He knows the ending. The Review: First off, this is the third and final book of the trilogy and I do recommend if you want to read this series after reading my review that you read the other two first and I do recommend the first two books. Both Pure and Fuse are wonderful works. Partridge has returned to the dome and wants to make things right for those on the outside. Unfortunately, there are many who would rather not see the dome come down and pures and wretches living together. They are so against it that they would do anything to keep them separate including blackmail and even worse. On the outside Pressia must cross an ocean and force her way inside the dome without getting herself killed to do what she can to help the cause. I hated Partridge in this book. In the first two books he seemed strong and smart. Then in this book he totally regresses into a horrible character. He is whiney and lets others dictate his life. He hurts those who are supposed to mean the most to him and he abandons everything he stood for in the first two books. By the end of this book I wanted to see his downfall because he became just like his father and acted like the wretches were second class citizens who did not deserve any better than what they had. Pressia on the other hand just keeps getting better. She becomes stronger and she is determined to save those she cares about. Even when she knows that it may mean being hated she would do whatever it takes to save those she loves. This includes a little wretch girl she barely knows. Then when she can’t save or protect those she cares about it hurts her so deeply. Pressia is just a very believable character. She wants to believe that there is good in everyone and that they will all want to do what is right to fix the world. Also, she is brave. Even when there is a situation that could result in her death, Pressia does not give up, instead she fights on and succeeds. I was very disappointed with this book. I loved the first and second books and thought the third book was going to be just as good. Julianna Baggott had a wonderful idea and could have gone somewhere wonderful with it. Instead she destroyed it all. I guess I just like a happy ending and there was NO happy ending for anyone in this story. They all either died, were betrayed or lost everything that mattered to them. The author could have made it all better and made the wretches and the pures come together instead she tore both worlds apart and everything that Pressia was working for was for naught. I do recommend the first two books but I recommend not reading this one, unless you don’t mind the doom and gloom type endings. Instead I suggest you think of the happy ending it felt like the author was headed for in the first two books. Notable Scene: “Here’s the honest truth about my father. He was the mastermind behind the detonations. He was a mass murderer.” Partridge can feel the air in the room tightening, going silent and still. “I’ve been outside the Dome. I’ve met people who know the truth, including my own mother. My father killed her and my brother too. I was a witness.” FTC Advisory: Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group provided me with a copy of Burn. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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May 24, 2014
Kindle Edition
| |||||||||||||||
| 9781455503087
| 1455503088
| 4.00
| 9,320
| Feb 19, 2013
| Feb 19, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Neither Partridge or Pressia would have ever guessed that in a short period of time their whole wor Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Neither Partridge or Pressia would have ever guessed that in a short period of time their whole worlds would change. Now they must both do everything they can to save both those inside the Dome and more importantly those who were left to die outside it. Opening Sentence: Lying on a thin coat of snow, she sees gray earth meeting gray sky, and she knows she’s back. The Review: First off, I must warn people that this is the second book in the series and is a bit hard to get into if you have not read the first one. So I recommend going and reading book one, Pure. That being said, this was a wonderful second part to the series. Partridge and Pressia have both found roles they have to play to protect the Wretches and help save the earth from Partridge’s evil father. Partridge must risk his own life and return to the dome to penetrate the defenses from the inside, while Pressia must solve a puzzle set up even before the detonations. If they fail then Partridge’s father could continue to harm the Wretches for a very long time. Julianna Baggott does a wonderful job with this second book. I like how the book is broken up so you see things from all five of the main characters points of view. It helps you understand and relate better to each of the characters. Also, it shows you just how much they have evolved and grown from the first book. All of her characters are so well developed and I wanted them to succeed and I felt for them as if I was right there with them. I love how the girl characters in this book are portrayed. Sometimes they are stronger than the men. A great example is the mothers. Women fused to their children during the Detonations. These women are so fierce that everyone is scared of them. Also, the two main character girls are both very strong in their own ways. Pressia, who finds out her whole life was a lie and that she does not know who she really is, is truly strong. Instead of giving in and breaking down when she loses everything all at once and finds out she has no idea who she really is, keeps going and is persistent to find out the truth and to stop Partridge’s dad from destroying anything or anyone else that she cares about. Then there is Lyda, a Pure who was sent out to the Wretches as bait to get Partridge back, most would have been terrified in her position and would have fainted or just given up instead when given a chance to go back to the safe world she has always known, she says no and stays on the outside to fight alongside the Wretches. The guys were really strong also. Partridge is a Pure whose father is the head of the Dome and the source of all the evil that has befallen the Wretches. It is up to Partridge to take out the only parent he has left before his father causes any more destruction. Then there is Bradwell, who as a small child found his parents after they had been murdered by Partridge’s father and has lived most of his life along with only the birds fused in his back to keep him company. He tries to help everyone around him and is thought of as a leader. Lastly, there is El Capitan and his brother Helmud who is fused to his back. In the first book they are the leaders of the OSR which forces people to become soldiers or live targets to fight the Dome. After meeting Pressia though that has all changed. El Capitan is nicer and friendlier. His brother Helmud, was thought to be dumb in the first book and could only repeat what his brother said but, it turns out he is actually very smart and very talented and when he is allowed to show it he can be very helpful. This book was a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end. One moment you were sure everything was alright and all would work out and then wham something would happen and you would be on the edge of your seat waiting to see if everything would be ok. I was never bored with this book and I had a hard time putting it down. This is saying a lot because I am not a fan of dystopian style books so the fact that I truly enjoy this series means that it is worth reading. I recommend this book to anyone who loves dystopian books, also to those people who enjoy Science Fiction. For those who like Science Fiction the different creatures and how they have mutated because of the Detonations is really something to imagine. Notable Scene: Pressia’s ear is pressed to Bradwell’s chest, her head weighty, and she hears his faint heartbeat, like a slow watch wrapped in cotton. His breaths have gone soft. His arm has lost its hold on her and now lies on the ground, limp. She pulls it close to their bodies, sees the imbricate skin of ice that’s formed over it. Her own arm is glittering with snow, a thin new skin of shining gray crystals. She has no voice. Her lashes are dusted with snowflakes, heavy. She wants to close her eyes. She wants the snow to cover the two of them in a gray blanket. She wants to be buried in this lace. FTC Advisory: Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group provided me with a copy of Fuse. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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May 15, 2014
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| 9780345545084
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| 3.42
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| Jan 01, 2013
| Aug 13, 2013
liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: While investigating some disappearances Marsh runs into some bad people who turn him over to an ins Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: While investigating some disappearances Marsh runs into some bad people who turn him over to an insane woman who removes his heart and replaces it with a clockwork heart. Now it is up to Elle and her friends and family to rescue Marsh and restore his heart to him before it is too late. Opening Sentence: Not all fairy tales end with Happy Ever After. The Review: Elle and Marsh are newly married and there are many new changes in their lives. Elle wants things to be like they were before she was married and Marsh wants her to stay home and tend him like a dutiful wife. This leads to them butting heads and Elle leaving on her airship without him. While she is gone Marsh gets bored and decided to take on a case involving people just disappearing. Unfortunately, Marsh is captured by those who are responsible and is in turn turned into a zombie like creature. They remove his heart and add a clockwork heart. When Elle returns she stops at nothing to find her husband and when she does she turns to those closest to her to return her husband into the man he was rather than the zombie she finds. I did not enjoy this story in the beginning. This could partially be because this is the second book in the series and I didn’t read the first book, because of this I missed some important information and so I couldn’t relate to the characters at first. I also thought it was too slow and boring. Also, as a modern woman I couldn’t help but feel for Elle when her husband wanted her to give up her whole life, including her love of flying and stay at home and just make him happy. One of the hardest parts of this book for me was some of the vocabulary. I have not read many steampunk novels and the ones I have only touch on the actual terminology, such as blunderbuss which is actually a really old style of gun. This is only one example of something I needed to look up. That is not the case in this book. In this story they use many words that I had to look up to understand them. But I admit the story finally picked up and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen. Now I am hooked and I have to find out what happens with Elle and Marsh. I did enjoy Elle. She is not like most women in her time period. While most women stay at home and keep house, Elle has her own airship company and flies her own ships. Also, you could tell that she was a good person. She is the Oracle, which is the keeper of the shadow lands. Many would use this power to their own advantage but Elle does not abuse her powers. Also, when her husband goes missing she will stop at nothing to get him back and whole again. She is kind and generous, even to complete strangers she has just met. On the other hand I had a hard time liking Marsh. During the part when he is human I get the sense that he does love Elle deeply but that at the same time he wants to control her and wants to take her from her passions because they sometimes leave him out. I do have to say that in the end I liked the sacrifice he makes for her. I recommend reading the first book before reading this one. I honestly think it would have helped me enjoy this book more if I had read the first one. That being said this book is good for those who truly enjoy a good steampunk story. Notable Scene: His body went limp; all that made this man was extinguished. Gently she rolled him onto his back. His handsome face was pale but relaxed, as if he were asleep. The only detectable sign of life was the gentle rise and fall of his chest. “Hush now, my dearest. It will all soon be over,” she murmured against his cheek. “Emilian!” She called. He was in the room within moments, as if he had been waiting just outside the door. “Help me get him onto the table,” she said. FTC Advisory: Del Rey/Random House provided me with a copy of A Clockwork Heart. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Apr 20, 2014
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| 4.27
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| Jan 07, 2014
| Jan 07, 2014
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Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Olivia has very little experience with men and has no confidence in herself, which makes for troubl Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Olivia has very little experience with men and has no confidence in herself, which makes for trouble when it comes to finding a boyfriend. Wanting to change all that, Olivia turns to her best friend Nate, for help in the arts of seduction. Neither of them was prepared for the consequences of the lessons though. Opening Sentence: Every time we turned a corner the icy cold wind hammered into us, almost spitefully, like it was mad when a building buffered us. The Review: Olivia and Nate have been friends from the moment they met but that is as far as it was ever supposed to go. Nate was the commitment shy type and Olivia was too shy around men. That all changes though when Olivia asks Nate to help her become the confident and sexy woman she has always wanted to be. What first starts out as lessons starts to turn into more until Nate’s commitment problems tears them apart. I have to say Olivia reminds me of me a little bit. She is a successful woman, with friends and family who love her, but despite all that she is not very confident when it comes to herself and her ability with guys. I’m sure most of us ladies can agree when we look in the mirror there are things we feel like “if only I could change that.” I know I do. This is why I like Olivia because she is not the toothpick heroine from many novels. Instead she is a normal woman with issues with herself. Even so, she is not whiney and annoying. She is smart, funny and has no problem admitting that she is a geek. Also, she is willing to do whatever she needs to make herself feel better about herself and actually be able to be confident around men. Then when Nate tries to get back with her after crushing her feelings, she does not just give in to his sexy Scottish self, instead she stands up for herself and for the fact that she wants a once in a lifetime love that will always last. I had mixed feelings about Nate. I have a thing for Scottish men. Who doesn’t, just listen to that accent. Also, he was supposed to be the type of man that women drool over and men want to be. The best part about him is that he is loyal to his friends and only wants to see them be happy. So much so that he is willing to sleep with his best friend to boost her self esteem and to become more confident. Then there are the parts I didn’t like about him. I have a dislike for playboys. A guy who will sleep with a different woman every night is usually a disgusting pig who only cares about himself. I understand Nate did this to protect himself, but what about all the women he hurt along the way? Of course the worst thing he ever did was hurt Olivia, who had always cared for him and who was supposed to be his best friend. I have to admit this is the first book I have read in this series but after reading it I want to go back and read the other three in the series. I enjoyed all the characters in this book and want to read about how they all fell in love. The only thing I didn’t really enjoy about this book was all the sex. I understand it is a romance and it needs to have some sex and I went into this knowing it would happen just by the description. I just personally prefer a book with less sex and more content. That was the one nice thing about Samantha Young’s writing, there is a lot of sex but there is some good content in here also. If there wasn’t, I would never have finished the book or want to read the others. If you don’t like more than one sex scene in a book you may not like this book because the book is probably a quarter sex, whether they are actually doing it or are talking about it. I recommend this book though to those who can handle sex and look past it to the wonderful story in this book. Notable Scene: The Only Man in your future is me, Liv. The only kids in your future are mine.” Nate opened my front door, dug into his pocket and produced my key. He held it out to me and I took it tentatively, confused by the action. “I don’t need to break into your life. You’ve put up a locked door between us and I understand why. But I’m going to stand outside it, bugging the absolute shit out of you.” He smiled wryly. “Until you let me back in.” FTC Advisory: NAL/Penguin provided me with a copy of Before Jamaica Lane. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Mar 27, 2014
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| 9780425263266
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| Aug 06, 2013
| Aug 06, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Audra Pearsall is running from her home in Baltimore to give her ailing father a better chance. Aud Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Audra Pearsall is running from her home in Baltimore to give her ailing father a better chance. Audra, her father and their two servants end up in a small town called Heartbreak Creek. On their arrival they are repeatedly rescued by someone else running from his past, Ethan Hardesty. Unfortunately it would seem that Ethan wants the only home they have and Audra is not willing to give it to him. Then bad things start happening. Is this the work of Mr. Hardesty trying to get their land or something much more threatening going on? Opening Sentence: “Another letter come today.” The Review: Audra Pearsall’s entire life is falling apart. Her father is ailing and there is no money to take care of her household which includes her, her father and their two elderly servants, Winnie and Curtis. To save her household from starving Audra takes a risk that could put her in jail, leaving no one to watch her father besides Winnie and Curtis. When it seems her secret will be found out Audra packs everything up and moves them all to a little nothing town called Heartbreak Creek. Things are about to change in this quiet little town though when the railroad decides to come through the town and wants to come right past her front door. When the handsome man from the railroad comes to buy her out she refuses him even though he makes her weak in the knees. Unfortunately, someone is out to stop the railroad at any cost – even murder. Ethan Hardesty goes from wanting to buy Audra out to wanting to protect her from everything, including himself. I loved Audra, she was the type of woman I have always wanted to be. She is strong, smart, loyal and fearless. When her father becomes sick and it is up to her to take care of him she does not crumble or just marry the first man to come along. Instead she takes over her father’s job in secret and is able to put food on the table at the cost that if she is found out she could be arrested. Then when she moves her household and it seems nothing can go right she calmly asks Ethan who she has just met to shoot her. She does not cry or beg for help. Many people would have put their father in a home if they were in a similar position, but Audra would rather take care of him even when he is having a bad day than see him separated from those he knows. Then when her home is destroyed she picks herself up again and keeps on going. The best part about her though is she is willing to step in to save a Chinese boy from being whipped even when it means that the man whipping him would turn his anger onto her. Ethan is many women’s dream man. He is tall, good looking in a fair sense, has a sense of humor and can be boyish and charming when he wants to be. He does have a secret that still haunts him three years after the fact in both his dreams and in his real life. The disaster that occurred to leave him with his secret has also made him want to avoid woman, especially Audra who always seems to be getting into some trouble or the other. No matter what his intentions when it turns out that Audra owns the last bit of land he needs to get the railroad through that he works for they are thrust together over and over again. Audra may be the key to saving Ethan from the past or the reason he goes past the point of no return. This book was really good. It is a western, a romance and a mystery all in one. The author, Kaki Warner, is very good at combining the three in a way that really draws you in. I usually do not care for westerns and will only read certain mysteries but this worked so well together that I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Usually with mysteries, I can figure out pretty early on who is the bad guy but in this one I did not figure it out until the author decided to reveal it. I recommend this book to adults who enjoy all different genres. Also, I liked this book so much I think I am going to go read the series she wrote before this one, The Runaway Brides Series. Notable Scene: Alarmed, Audra sought out Mr. Driscoll and asked what was amiss. “Another fire, the harried man said, tossing a long canvas pipe with a portable hand pump into the back of a wagon filled axes, shovels, rakes and leaking water barrels. “A big one. Better be ready to run if the wind pushes it down the canyon into town.” FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of Behind His Blue Eyes. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Mar 09, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
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| 9780545328135
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| 3.91
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| 2013
| Sep 24, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: In this sequel to A Dark Unwinding, Katharine is still trying to protect her uncle from those who w Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: In this sequel to A Dark Unwinding, Katharine is still trying to protect her uncle from those who would use his genius to make weapons. After someone tries to kill him she knows she must find the one person who has always looked out for her uncle, Lane. Opening Sentence: I opened my eyes, the air in my bedchamber pulsing with the kind of silence that only comes in the wake of sound- a sound that never should have been there. The Review: After reading The Dark Unwinding I was very inpatient for a second book to come out. I wanted to know what would become of everyone now that someone had tried to use Uncle Tully’s inventions for war rather for the fun that he had created them for. Unfortunately for Katherine and Uncle Tully, their troubles are far from over. People on both the English side and French side want to use Uncle Tully now and will do anything to get to him, even if it means kidnapping. It is up to Katherine to make sure that no one can continue to use her uncle no matter what that entails. I truly like Katherine, she is so brave. Many women in her position would give up and let the government take her uncle away, but not Katherine. Instead she decides to go to Paris to find Lane, the one man who was always there for her uncle and the one man she had found herself in love with before he left. Katherine’s trip to Paris is a dangerous one, if she is caught by the English government she could be accused of treason and would lose everything that she holds dear. Also, she doesn’t know what the French are up to and whether they will hurt her. Then when she gets to Paris she has no idea where to look for Lane. Here again some people may have given up when their only lead seems like a dead end, but Katherine would not give up and believe he was dead like she was told. Even when she is followed and watched and was almost attacked she just keeps on going. I love the steampunk in these books and all the clever things that her Uncle Tully creates. He is autistic so most people think there is something wrong with him, but he is a genius. He creates wonderful thing like bells that ring throughout the house without a string connecting them and other wonderful inventions. My favorite invention of his is not in this book but in the first one where he creates a dragon that twines around a tower. What a wonderful mind Uncle Tully must have to create something so magical using science. I recommend this series to those who love steampunk, espionage and danger. Also, I recommend this to both adults and young adults alike. Sharon Cameron’s series is a wonderful tale that draws the reader in and made me want to read it all in one sitting. Notable Scene: “We are finished here,” I told him. “Please call the village committee together and say that I regret to inform them that Mr. Fredrick Tulman is dead.” I shut the door behind Dr. Pruitt and locked it, turning back to gaze at Mary. She was already in motion, smoothing the blanket, arranging my uncle’s hair, liberties he would have never before allowed her. FTC Advisory: Scholastic Press provided me with a copy of A Spark Unseen. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Feb 19, 2014
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| 9780545434188
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| Jan 07, 2014
| Jan 07, 2014
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Sarah Parsons has once again returned to Amber House, but this time things are very different. Some Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Sarah Parsons has once again returned to Amber House, but this time things are very different. Some of them for the better, but others are much worse. It is up to Sarah to once again fix things and make the universe right. With some help from her little brother and best friend Jackson even the impossible is possible. Opening Sentence: I was sixteen the second time I had my first kiss. The Review: First I have to mention that this is the second book in the Amber House trilogy and as such those who have never read the first one need to go and read that first because this review contains spoilers to the first book. Also, if you do not read Amber House there are parts in this story that may confuse you. Plus, the first one is just worth reading, so read it first. Neverwas follows Sarah Parsons as she once again finds herself at Amber House. Sarah changed history at the end of Amber House and was able to save one of her great-grandmothers, along with her little brother and her aunt from dying. When Sarah saved her family members she changed the future and her whole life. Some things she changed were for the better like her aunt living to be an adult rather than dying as a child, but unfortunately not everything was better. Some things were very bad. One such thing was that blacks were still segregated from whites in many places, including Maryland, where Amber House is located. Sarah must find a way to fix what went wrong in the past because she changed things to make the world so wrong. If she does not the world she lives in could take another turn for the worst. Sarah relives her entire life over again and does not remember her life where her parents were split up and her aunt had never lived to be an adult. Instead she grew up in a home where everything was almost perfect. I think because of this the Sarah in Neverwas is softer and less brave than the Sarah from the first book. In the first book Sarah never seemed scared of anything and marched onward even after being bitten by a poisonous spider and almost dying. The Sarah in this second book was harder to like because I know her true bravery. “Sarah two”, as she starts to think of herself after she remembers the other past, is not so brave and balks at having to change the future once again. She just cannot see how she can possibly do it and wants to just give up. She has been sheltered by the love of her family and it has made her into a very different person. Of course, I still did find good qualities in this Sarah eventually. She is still strong when it comes to protecting those she cares about. Jackson, her best friend, is black and as such is treated differently. So when people treat him badly Sarah is there to defend him, even if he would rather she didn’t. The other thing I like about this Sarah is that even though Richard is a better man in this one her heart still belongs to Jackson, who I just love. I loved this book just as much as the first one. That being said, the beginning confused me because this new time was very different than the old time and it took me a moment to realize what was going on. Do not let that discourage you. KEEP READING!!! After I figured out what had happened to make things so different, I couldn’t stop reading this book. The farther into the story I got, the better it got and I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen. There were things that really shocked me but I cannot say what they are without giving away major plot points. Just be prepared to be shocked, amazed and wowed by the second book in the Amber House trilogy. I thought it would be hard to follow Amber House but Kelly, Larkin and Tucker have outdone themselves in this book and I am anxious to read the third book in the trilogy. I recommend this book and the first one to everyone whether you are a young adult or just an adult, this book is for everyone. It is a trilogy I could read over and over again. Notable Scene: I understood what Jackson meant to do. Put that freight train between us and our pursuit. It was almost on us, a wall of moving noise. Its engineer had spotted the two mad teenagers trying to outrace his locomotive and started yanking on the whistle. Its shriek went on and on. “No, no,” I sobbed, but did not slow. FTC Advisory: Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic Press provided me with a copy of Neverwas. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Feb 03, 2014
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| 9781420124033
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| 3.83
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| Jan 01, 2013
| Jul 02, 2013
did not like it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Shiarra Waynest is a private investigator who has made enemies with both humans and Others in the t Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Shiarra Waynest is a private investigator who has made enemies with both humans and Others in the town she lives in. So to keep herself and her best friend safe they relocate to California for a while. Unfortunately, Shia seems to be a magnet for trouble. As soon as they arrive in Los Angeles they are asked to find someone who is controlling zombies and making them kill vampires. Will Shia and her friend Sara make it out of Los Angeles in one piece? Opening Sentence: Every part of her ached. The Review: Shiarra Waynest has ruined her life. She has upset the local authorities, werewolves, and those who dislike all things Other. This includes her parents. Now she has to leave town or one of the groups who are mad at her may get ahold of her and hurt her. To protect herself and those she cares about Shia and her best friend and business partner, Sara, go to Los Angeles until things quiet down at home. Unfortunately, Los Angeles is not very safe and before they have even rested up from jet lag they are asked by their host to investigate someone who is using zombies to kill his vampires. Will Shiarra and Sara make it home ok or will they be a victim of the zombies as well? This is the fifth book in the H&W Investigations series and it would be best to read the other four books first. Shiarra was hard to like. I could never really connect with her. I did like that the story was in first person so we got a better sense of Shia, but at the same time this may have been why I did not like her. She was cowardly and would rather run away instead of standing and fighting. Also, she thought more about herself than anyone else. She takes off for a month and doesn’t tell anyone where she is. In the process, getting mixed up with bad people who end up wanting her dead. Also, when she does return she has no thought to her family and how they have been for the month she was gone. The worst thing about her though was that she was so wrapped up in her own life and her own problems she never even realized something was off with her best friend. What kind of friend does not realize when there is something wrong? She did have a few good qualities about her. Shia realized she had made mistakes and felt bad about it; because she felt bad she tried to become a better person and do the right thing rather than rush in blindly and not think about others. Another thing I liked about her was she would do anything for her best friend, once she stopped being so oblivious. I truly did not enjoy this book. Maybe this is because it is further into the series and interactions get a bit confusing in spots. Also, because this is further in I am meeting the characters after they have been developed and didn’t know them from the beginning. It was a very slow paced book that never picks up. In saying that, I do have to say the end of the book did come as a surprise which was nice. Maybe this book would have been great if I went back to the first book in the series and read them in order. That is what I would recommend readers to do. Notable Scene: Sara led the way, bounding up the stairs two at a time. I couldn’t really blame her for wanting to rush out. Yet she stopped at the door, blocking the way out. I started to ask her what was wrong, but the words trailed off as a foul stench wafted into the room. All the anger faded away like smoke on the wind as the combination of death and rot invaded my nostrils like a physical assault. The vampires behind me started complaining—some of them blaming Brendan for the stink—but then Sara was stumbling back into me, and I didn’t have time to worry about where it was coming from. Bloated, discolored fingers with long, jagged nails were grabbing at Sara’s shoulder and arm, dragging her out through the door. By the time I got over my shock enough to reach for her, she was gone. . . . FTC Advisory: Kensington Zebra provided me with a copy of Forsaken by the Others. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Jan 15, 2014
Mass Market Paperback
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| 9781893896383
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| 4.01
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| Jun 05, 2003
| Mar 31, 2003
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Neva would do anything to find her sister’s would be killer, even if it means ruining her reputatio Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Neva would do anything to find her sister’s would be killer, even if it means ruining her reputation by being with Duncan Sinclair. Duncan is a well known playboy who makes no promises. Will they work together to find a killer or let suspicions get in the way? Opening Sentence: The music swirled through the darkness, its beat rich and seductive. Excerpt: Yes The Review: This book is a very steamy romantic mystery. Neva Grant is a werewolf and a twin. Her twin, Savannah and she are linked and can share thoughts and feelings. It is because of this that Neva experiences Savannah’s attack. Neva makes a vow that she will find the person responsible for hurting her sister. To do so she seduces Duncan Sinclair, a renowned playboy. Duncan has his own reasons for wanting to find the person responsible for killing three women and injuring another. Neva and Duncan can either help each other or hinder each other. If they can get past appearances and reputations they may just find a killer and their soul mates. Neva Grant is a man’s dream come true. She has long golden hair, dark green eyes and a really nice figure. Even Duncan, a man who has been with many others, is drawn to her. Thankfully though, Neva has more going for her than looks or I would not have liked her. Neva is very loyal to her twin sister and would do anything for her even if it means hooking up with a bad boy and stalking down a killer. At first Neva came off seeming too timid and controllable, but as the story progresses Duncan helps bring out her wild side and unintentionally helps her stand up to her very controlling parents. As I mentioned before, Neva is a werewolf like so many others in her home town. There are two packs that are the most dominant. The pack that Neva belongs to is called the Golden Pack, and the other pack is called, the Silver Pack. If Neva is a guy’s fantasy then Duncan is a woman’s fantasy. He is tall, dark and handsome. He is also athletically built, gives off a dangerous air, and very protective of his pack. Duncan and the Sinclair’s are from the Silver pack. At first Duncan acts like a jerk and he is hard to like, but once he realizes he has made an error in judgment he becomes a different guy all together. No one can look past his past and so he tends to act like his old self to protect himself. This book was a very good book. If you love mysteries you may like this one. Of course if you do not enjoy a lot of intimate behavior then maybe this book is not one you should read. I think though that even with all of the intimate details there was enough else going on to make it an enjoyable read. The villain becomes clear fairly quickly but the reasons behind it take longer to figure out. Notable Scene: I remember that smell. It belonged to the wolf who attacked me. Fear flashed though her, spreading like fire through her body, lending her feet greater speed. He’s in the hospital with you? Not in the room. Sav hesitated. But close. FTC Advisory: Bantam Dell/Random House provided me with a copy of Beneath a Rising Moon. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Jan 06, 2014
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780425250983
| 0425250989
| 4.34
| 863
| Aug 06, 2013
| Aug 06, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Andromeda Taylor is a guardian who is sworn to protect humans from all otherworld creatures. When L Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Andromeda Taylor is a guardian who is sworn to protect humans from all otherworld creatures. When Lucifer decides to break through hell into our world it is up to Andromeda and the other guardians to keep everyone one on earth safe. If that wasn’t bad enough, Taylor must protect herself from getting hurt when Michael, another guardian, decides he wants her for himself. Opening Sentence: Detective Andromeda Taylor’s life had ended with a kiss. Excerpt: No The Review: Detective Andromeda Taylor sacrificed her life to save the life of her partner, in doing so she became a guardian, sworn to protect humans from demons, vampires and any other unnatural creature. Still a novice guardian, Andromeda is put to the test as a guardian when the battle between Heaven and Hell intensifies. Lucifer is bent on breaking out of Hell and into earth. If he succeeds, he plans to destroy the world. Now, with the help of the other guardians, Andromeda must defeat the most powerful demon in the world. Also, she must figure out how she feels about the leader of the guardians and whether she can trust him with her heart. I really liked Andromeda. Even when things go wrong and most people would just give up — she does not. She stays strong and endures. She is a wonderful heroine. She fights her own battles and does not need a man to always rescue her, but she does enjoy being rescued by Michael at times. Also, Taylor has a strong sense of right and wrong which helped her be a good cop and an even better guardian. Taylor is very loyal. She doesn’t love easily, but when she loves someone, it is unconditional. Michael is your typical hero, very well built, dark, mysterious and he would do anything to protect the woman that he loves. On the other hand, he has wings, can heal any supernaturally received wound, and can teleport to anyone who does not have a strong mental shield up. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like Michael. First because I thought he was supposed to be an angel and I have never really enjoyed angel stories. It turns out that guardians are not angels, but are actually somewhere between angels and humans. The second reason I did not think I was going to like him was because he had a dark side that once harmed Taylor. As the story progressed, I started to like him. Even though he was thousands of years old, he still made mistakes and felt guilty about them. Also, though I am independent, I like a man who would do anything to protect his woman, even if it killed him in the process. He is strong and a good leader, protecting those in his command. Also, Michael never asks the other guardians to do something he is not willing to do himself, which is a really good quality in a leader. Even though this is the first book I have read in this series, it was very easy to follow and understand what is going on and what has happened in earlier novels. I thought I was not going to enjoy this book when I started to read it, but it actually surprised me and turned out to be a very enjoyable read. I recommend this to fantasy lovers. Also, if you are like me and do not like angel type books try this one —- it is truly a book worth reading. Notable Scene: Khavi yanked the spear back. Excruciating pain tore a gurgling cry from her, but that wasn’t all that went. Bits of her bone and flesh clung to the spear. Michael’s big hands rose to catch her even as the spear’s head, dripping with her blood, jerked back through his body. And her mind didn’t release him. He was ripped away, and she screamed as his psyche tore free with bits of hers still clinging. He caught her as darkness filled the shredded remains. No white light, no kiss. Just darkness and pain and the stench of Hell, wrapped up in Michael’s arms. FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of Guardian Demon. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Dec 30, 2013
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9781451689006
| 1451689004
| 4.19
| 8,577
| Aug 27, 2013
| Aug 27, 2013
really liked it
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Gin Blanco is an assassin named Spider when she is not running her restaurant the Pork Pit or hangi Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales Quick & Dirty: Gin Blanco is an assassin named Spider when she is not running her restaurant the Pork Pit or hanging with friends. Because of this many people would like to see her dead. So when men break into her friend Jo-Jo’s salon she believes they are there for her, but she is very wrong. Instead they are after Jo-Jo’s sister Sophia. Harley Grimes, a sick and twisted man has returned for her and it is up to Gin to save her friend and kill her tormentor for good. Opening Sentence: What do you mean, I can’t come? The Review: Gin Blanco, also known as the assassin Spider, would do anything to protect the ones that she loved. That includes rescuing one of them from a psychopath gun dealer. When Gin’s friend Sophia is kidnapped by Harley Grimes, Gin swears that she will stop at nothing to get her back and to make sure the man who took her does not live to harm anyone else ever again. This is the ninth book in the Elemental Assassin series, but thankfully it gives you enough information that if you read this one first you will understand what is going on. The heroine, Gin Blanco is amazing. Her family was murdered when she was younger and for a long time she lived on the street surviving anyway she could. Then she meets Fletcher, also known as the assassin the Tin Man. Fletcher takes her in and teaches her how to defend herself and those that she loves. This is how she becomes a famous assassin called the Spider. She is feared all over because she is good at what she does. So good in fact that people try to kill her all the time to prove they are big and bad. Too bad for them they never succeed. She is also extremely loyal to those she calls friends and family. She is loyal to the point that when her friend Sophia is kidnapped by Harley Grimes who has been obsessed with Sophia for years, Gin would do anything to get her back, even if it means dying for her friend. Gin is a rare elemental. Most elemental’s can only control one element but both Gin and her only remaining sibling, Bria, can control both stone and ice. Jennifer Estep did a good job when she describes the antagonists. Harley and his sister Hazel are complete psychos. They have repeatedly kidnapped college men and women to take to their camp in the mountains. When they get them to their camp, these victims are raped and tortured before they are killed. The siblings enjoy using their fire abilities to put the fear into people. From the beginning you dislike them. They believe that they are unstoppable and can do whatever they want to do. That may all change after they kidnap Sophia and make Gin mad. The most annoying thing about them is that they fancy themselves old time gangsters, wearing fedoras and suits. Hazel even wears old fashioned wrap-around dresses. Out of the two siblings, Hazel is the more powerful and sicker of the two. She enjoys the torture more because when she can break the girls, she stays the queen of the mountain. I disliked these two so much, I couldn’t wait to see them meet the fate they deserved. I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend reading it. If you haven’t read the others, it would be worth probably reading the others, but is not absolutely necessary. Jennifer Estep is a wonderful writer who really gets you wanting to keep reading her stories to find out how it will end. Notable Scene: “Sophia?” I asked. Her black eyes met mine, and I saw something there I’d never seen before: fear. “Run,” Sophia rasped in her low, broken voice. Then she collapsed without another word. FTC Advisory: Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Heart of Venom. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Nov 14, 2013
Mass Market Paperback
| |||||||||||||||
| 9780425253458
| 0425253457
| 4.07
| 12,318
| Mar 05, 2013
| Mar 05, 2013
it was ok
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales. Quick & Dirty: You should probably like baseball to read this book. Garret Scott hurt his shoulder during a game Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales. Quick & Dirty: You should probably like baseball to read this book. Garret Scott hurt his shoulder during a game and it is up to Alicia to make sure the star pitcher gets better for the start of the season and what therapy is better than the sexual kind? Opening Sentence: Garret Scott sat in the St. Louis Rivers Therapy room facing an entire team of sports medicine specialists, all wearing looks of doom on their faces. The Review: This is about a baseball player, Garret Scott who injured his shoulder while pitching during a game. For months therapists have been working to fix his arm, but he is stuck inside his own head believing he will never recover. That is until he notices Alicia Riley and asks her what she thinks of his therapy and chances to pitch again. Alicia is not one to beat around the bush and tells him straight that it is his fault he hasn’t recovered yet. Garret likes her telling him what she thinks so much that he makes her the head of his therapy team. Sparks start to fly the first time they work together. Garret is all for taking their relationship past the professional but Alicia wants no part of it because if she messes up it will be both of their careers that are ruined. I did not enjoy this story very much. A big part of my disappointment comes from the fact that I am not a sports fan and so I don’t typically read books based on sports. However, I could not relate to the characters either. Alicia is a sports therapist who has always loved helping athletes get back in the game after an injury. I do like that when everyone else would let Garret do what he wanted and acted like it was ok, Alicia stood up to him and told him to pull his head out of his butt. She put him in his place which made him realize he needed to do more to help his own recovery. The thing I did not like about Alicia is that her work came before everything else. I understand that if you love your job you don’t want to jeopardize it, but she never explains to Garret why they should not be in a relationship. She just assumed he knew why they shouldn’t. Alicia’s character was a lot more likable than Garret’s though. I just could not like him. First, all he does is whine and is all doom and gloom. From the first paragraph in the book he believes he is finished and will never pitch again, but we quickly learn that he has not even really been trying to help his recovery. If that wasn’t bad enough as soon as he does start to show signs of improvement he thinks he should miraculously be a star pitcher again. This would not be so bad if he didn’t take his frustrations out on Alicia and turn from her to work with someone else as soon as things do not go his way. Garret was so used to always having things go his way that when he injured his shoulder and that was no longer the case he became a big baby. If you enjoy sports then maybe you will enjoy this book. I personally thought that there just wasn’t much to make this story enjoyable. On top of the poor characters, I thought that the book focused more on what the two of them did behind doors rather than the actual romance between the two. I’m sorry if I seem really harsh about this book. I do believe that the author, Jaci Burton, is a great writer. Even in this book you can see her talent. If she wasn’t so good, I wouldn’t want to reach into this story and knock some sense into Garret’s head and I definitely would not have finished reading the book. Notable Scene: “Don’t look at him,” Garret said. “Tell me what I’m doing wrong.” She sat next to him on the bench and laid her notebook down, her gaze lifting to his. “Fine. You’re argumentative, confrontational, and a general pain in the ass to deal with. Honestly, no one wants to work with you because you fight recovery.” FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of Thrown by a Curve. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ...more |
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Nov 14, 2013
Dark Faerie Tales
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Jul 22, 2014
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Mar 09, 2014
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Jan 06, 2014
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Dec 30, 2013
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Nov 14, 2013
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Nov 14, 2013