Firstly,for those who don't normally read the Author's note at the beginning I advise you to read it here. T
I wanted to worship him.
Firstly,for those who don't normally read the Author's note at the beginning I advise you to read it here. This is hot,I mean seriously hot BUT it's not just gratuitous's important to the story.As the Author states physical pleasure shouldn't be wrong and who you love/experience love with is your choice.
Starting a new book by this Author is like Christmas.....
The anticipation,the excitement,the knowledge you're going to get something pretty special and when you unwrap that present and it's everything you hoped for.
Tyler and Joel couldn't be more different.Tyler is out,comfortable with who he is and hallelujah for a parent who is supportive and pretty damn special in his mother(I loved her). Joel is just the opposite,deeply in the closest,for reasons which are explained.It's not just his sexuality he's hidden but who the man he is deep inside.
The floodgates are about to be opened when an encounter one night with Tyler leads to something neither man expected.Enemies to lovers? It's more about Joel fighting his attraction to Tyler....
I unlocked the cage, and the beast broke out. He was spectacular.(...)
This is highly erotic,and sensual, but don't be fooled it's also a beautiful love story.The writing is so compelling,I was totally swept up in Tyler and Joel's story.The story might start of with hot sexual encounters but it finishes with so much more....two men who kind of rescue each other and turn out to be just perfect together.
“Thank you,” he said. “You have no idea how much you’ve changed my life.(...)
More favourite quotes
It was what made me come to him again and again—these glimpses of the wild creature inside the clean-cut man made me want to unravel him, lure the beast out and see what it could do when set free. (...)
He looked pointedly at my hot-pink T-shirt, which featured the sign “Plastic is Fantastic” (...)
A kiss. The longest, deepest, single most erotic kiss of my life. (...)
My baby was gorgeous(...)
We were equals. He held me just like I had held him a minute ago. And it almost didn’t matter who was there in the room with us, who was touching us, (...)
Highly Recommended.
Review copy provided.
Merged review:
I wanted to worship him.
Firstly,for those who don't normally read the Author's note at the beginning I advise you to read it here. This is hot,I mean seriously hot BUT it's not just gratuitous's important to the story.As the Author states physical pleasure shouldn't be wrong and who you love/experience love with is your choice.
Starting a new book by this Author is like Christmas.....
The anticipation,the excitement,the knowledge you're going to get something pretty special and when you unwrap that present and it's everything you hoped for.
Tyler and Joel couldn't be more different.Tyler is out,comfortable with who he is and hallelujah for a parent who is supportive and pretty damn special in his mother(I loved her). Joel is just the opposite,deeply in the closest,for reasons which are explained.It's not just his sexuality he's hidden but who the man he is deep inside.
The floodgates are about to be opened when an encounter one night with Tyler leads to something neither man expected.Enemies to lovers? It's more about Joel fighting his attraction to Tyler....
I unlocked the cage, and the beast broke out. He was spectacular.(...)
This is highly erotic,and sensual, but don't be fooled it's also a beautiful love story.The writing is so compelling,I was totally swept up in Tyler and Joel's story.The story might start of with hot sexual encounters but it finishes with so much more....two men who kind of rescue each other and turn out to be just perfect together.
“Thank you,” he said. “You have no idea how much you’ve changed my life.(...)
More favourite quotes
It was what made me come to him again and again—these glimpses of the wild creature inside the clean-cut man made me want to unravel him, lure the beast out and see what it could do when set free. (...)
He looked pointedly at my hot-pink T-shirt, which featured the sign “Plastic is Fantastic” (...)
A kiss. The longest, deepest, single most erotic kiss of my life. (...)
My baby was gorgeous(...)
We were equals. He held me just like I had held him a minute ago. And it almost didn’t matter who was there in the room with us, who was touching us, (...)
A Rent-boy theme is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite things.I swear when I see those two words I start salivating,and this is one of t4.5
Hell Yes!!
A Rent-boy theme is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite things.I swear when I see those two words I start salivating,and this is one of the best I've read and for a GL book it was particularly steamy...I didn't skim a thing,I devoured those sex scenes.
I'm very late to the party here,everyone else has pretty much said it perfectly so no detailed review but what I will say is that the story was believable.I loved how GL kept it real......she could have gone down the predictable route and stopped Zac having sex with other clients after he met Liam but she didn't and I was perfectly ok with made their connection/love in the end so much more believable.
My Zac and Liam,
LOVED of my favourite books by her for sure and I've just read the excerpt from Jamie's book and I'm drooling at the thought of it.
Thank you to Lisaj1 from the SS exchange 2017 for gifting me this,xx
Merged review:
Hell Yes!!
A Rent-boy theme is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite things.I swear when I see those two words I start salivating,and this is one of the best I've read and for a GL book it was particularly steamy...I didn't skim a thing,I devoured those sex scenes.
I'm very late to the party here,everyone else has pretty much said it perfectly so no detailed review but what I will say is that the story was believable.I loved how GL kept it real......she could have gone down the predictable route and stopped Zac having sex with other clients after he met Liam but she didn't and I was perfectly ok with made their connection/love in the end so much more believable.
My Zac and Liam,
LOVED of my favourite books by her for sure and I've just read the excerpt from Jamie's book and I'm drooling at the thought of it.
Thank you to Lisaj1 from the SS exchange 2017 for gifting me this,xx...more
Well,this was something I wasn't expecting and didn't know I needed.
My gorgeous men...
Well,not mine but as a reader you kind of think they a4.5
Well,this was something I wasn't expecting and didn't know I needed.
My gorgeous men...
Well,not mine but as a reader you kind of think they are yours,right? I've got nothing but admiration for Authors whose characters get inside their heads and they share them with us.
This was delighted,sexy(as hell),touching and damn,if this Author doesn't make me cry every single time...
Firstly,a few chapters from Tej and Jude and it was what I wanted(who knew?).Remember when they the bar...I always wanted more...
And, about dirty!!
The rest of the book is dedicated to Stef and Jav.I say dedicated because you can feel this Author's love for these two.And again,there are chapters here I didn't know I wanted,turns out I did.Honestly I really want to say more but I won't-no spoilers here.If you've read the Venery series you won't want to miss this little gem.
I don't think I'll ever not want to read about this Author's men.Her words,as usual,move me every time.One of the best at writing oh so dirty sex and at the same time with so much feeling and love.
When I read the first book, P.S. I Spook You I pretty much fell in love with this Author so this4.5
More Rain & Danny & delicious banter...
When I read the first book, P.S. I Spook You I pretty much fell in love with this Author so this was just such a pleasant surprise...
My boys-Danny and Rain.I couldn't love them more.This was the perfect mix of ghostly goings on,mystery,and relationship.
It would have been so easy for the Author to add angst,relationship drama here for the two men (many would have I imagine), but she didn't.What you get is two men who are pretty much perfect together and definitely perfect to read about.They're sassy,snarky,passionate....and hello,I'd forgotten how well she can write sex scenes.No unnecessary drawn out foreplay or pages and pages of descriptive scenes.She manages to show desperation with emotion and chemistry that is off the charts.
Add into the mix a ghost story with an outcome I didn't see coming and this was a joy to read...
Recommended read-but you'll need to read book one first to get the vibe and fully appreciate these men.❤️❤️...more
But damn I wanted more.More of them having breakfast.More of the
"He's recognised his mate,they said"(...)
Well,this was a bit good.
But damn I wanted more.More of them having breakfast.More of the reactions from everyone else.More of the the start of their story.Just more of them.The day this Author writes a full length book will be a happy day because she can tell a story.I mean,seriously tell a story.How many Authors can write a short story and have you hanging on every word.
About 30 pages and just outstanding character development (and one was a dragon for half the story)
Fated mates+a tipsy dragon+a perfect sexual encounter+the promise of so much more.
One thing I love about Barbara Elsborg's books is the journey her characters go on.I love getting their back stories and this is no exception.[image]
One thing I love about Barbara Elsborg's books is the journey her characters go on.I love getting their back stories and this is no exception.Starting when Zain and Roman are teenage boys this story isn't always easy to read. but both men's characters were shown at a young age.The terrible things they had to endure shaped them into the men they turned out to be.I loved them both equally.
From the war torn streets of Syria to a life changed in the blink of an eye in Russia,Zain and Roman's paths cross in London and their struggles were real....
Zain has a dream he wants to fulfil but will his involvement with Roman threaten everything and will Roman be worth the risk?
Their romance is cleverly woven into a ,at times,complex plot and even up to the last 20% I had no idea how things would play out.
These two had great chemistry and I was routing for them all the way.
As usual with this Author the story is quite gritty but her quirky humour is present mainly from Zain and I loved him even more for it.
This is pretty much the perfect Christmas story.It's not all tinsel and baubles,it's more low key twinkling l4.5
Garrett Leigh at her best here.
This is pretty much the perfect Christmas story.It's not all tinsel and baubles,it's more low key twinkling lights because it's not all about Christmas.It's a story that happens to take place in the run up to Christmas.
Once again Garrett Leigh has created two highly likeable men. There's a grittiness about it because Gavin and Yani have their problems,they haven't exactly walked in a straight line.Both men's issues felt real and the Author tackled them extremely well.
Their first encounter was everything! That moment when you lock eyes with someone and the attraction is all consuming.I could totally picture them standing in that coffee shop just staring at each other.
I was so happy to get another story by her set in the North of England.Leeds has become a kind of second home to me and I could picture vividly the Christmas market where Yani had his food stall.
Highly recommended.You'll fall in love with Gavin and Yani,I'm sure.
Another charming story from Sally Malcolm set in and around the quaint sea side town of New Milton.
Can be a stand alone but fans of this series[image]
Another charming story from Sally Malcolm set in and around the quaint sea side town of New Milton.
Can be a stand alone but fans of this series are sure to enjoy this instalment.
Joel Is living quite a lonely life when Ollie rocks into his world and turns it upside down.The title Twice Shy totally applies to him.Still recovering from his failed marriage four years ago and the fact that's he's not out in town he's extremely reluctant to have any kind of relationship.But Ollie slowly starts to break down his barriers.
For his part,Ollie is putting all his energy into bringing up his sister's two sons after she died tragically.He fought for the boys and just wants stability for them.He hadn't bargained on a sexy as sin teacher to complicate things.
I adored Ollie.I've got a real soft spot for men bringing up children on their own for some reason. And even though he doubted himself I loved his relationship with the boys.
There was a big misunderstanding towards the end which I did see coming and at times I wanted to slap Joel but I kind of got him...
These guys had great chemistry and it was a joy catching up with characters from previous books.
Overall,I really enjoyed this and would recommend it.
I'm pretty sure my words here won't articulate how special this book is.I'm sure this must have been a labour of love for Suanne Laqueur.The4.5
I'm pretty sure my words here won't articulate how special this book is.I'm sure this must have been a labour of love for Suanne Laqueur.The attention to detail especially regarding the Historical aspects of this story took my breath away.Difficult to read at times but so important for this story,
I had no idea...
You watch the news,you hear stories of events in other countries and move on.
I had no idea....
This is powerful stuff,so strap yourself in and get ready for the ride...
The blurb tells the story and yet there's so much more. A story of family and how lives are defined.A close bond that was so powerful I cried many times because this Author's words are quite simply stunning.I knew these people,I felt their pain,I experienced their highs and lows and never doubted they'd make it.Told in the present with flashbacks to the past it's a truly compelling journey that you go on with these amazing characters.I couldn't single one out because each characters part is so important for many different reasons.
Suanne Laqueur,you clever,clever girl.....I was speechless. Honestly I want to say more but I won't....
Snow globes+Faeries+Christmas+Snow+Three adorable men (who I absolutely fell in love with)
Barbara Elsborg certainly knows t4.5
Utterly charming.
Snow globes+Faeries+Christmas+Snow+Three adorable men (who I absolutely fell in love with)
Barbara Elsborg certainly knows to craft a story.Things are never dull,never the same in her world.
.This one pulled me in from the beginning and never let go.
It's kind of centered around Christmas but I wouldn't say it's just a Christmas story at all.
Let's begin then,although I'm not giving much away.
Three men who are definitely destined to be together.I'm not normally a fan of MMM but this was just delightful.
The story opens when they are young boys and their stories make for uncomfortable reading at times.Honestly my heart hurt for Aiden so many times.But it's important to get their back stories because they've definitely made them the men they are today.
So,what's a Fearie to do when life in Fearieland gets unbearable? Go to a happy place where it's Christmas all the time and he can create anything his heart desires.
He didn't envisage meeting two totally different men who would change his life forever.
I loved these men for different reasons but my favourite character was Aiden without a doubt.I just loved his determination,resilience,and dry humour.You know when you just connect to a character from the beginning of a book?
I have such a fondness for books from this Author.I absolutely love how she writes,creates such fascinating characters who are far from perfect but always loveable and her stories are never the same....but always enjoyable.
This one pushed all my buttons.GL at her best.There's a reason she's one of my favourite Authors and this book is definitely one of my favourites by her.
Friends to lovers is something that's written about so often and this one was pretty near perfect for me.These boys were adorable as friends and super hot as lovers. Ok there was a lot of miscommunication between them but I didn't care,in fact it kind of made the story better for me.
Best friends from a young age,one hot encounter that will have a lasting effect on them as the years go by.Just delicious!!
And of course this being GL she kept it British.So,I might be biased being British myself but I love this stuff.Will being at Leeds Uni made me smile( my daughter's studying there and I'm growing so fond of that city).Always great to read about places you've visited in books.
The sex wasn't gratuitous,perfect placement in the story and these boys had sexual chemistry in spades.
Third book in the series but can be read on it's own.
Classic Anyta Sunday slow burn romance with the emphasis on family and second chances.
Third book in the series but can be read on it's own.
Classic Anyta Sunday slow burn romance with the emphasis on family and second chances.
Felix just wants to make people happy from his siblings to his mother for whom he made one of the most amazing sacrifices ever.He's been in love with his brother's best friend for years and couldn't understand why Mort left them all a year ago.But now Mort's back and thankfully he finds out very early on the reason Mort left.It's very obvious there's a strong pull between them but Felix is understandably cautious.
Mort is determined to try and win back his family.Not just with Felix but with the three girls,Felix's mother,and with Roch his best friend.I really felt for Mort,I hated the way he was 'cast out' by Delores( Felix and Roch's mother ) and she never redeemed herself for me.His calm determination to put things right,so to speak,was one of the highlights of the book for me.I just adored him.
I loved his relationship with the three girls,especially the twins who are too precious for words.Him and Felix re connect slowly and it was super sweet.For me this one wasn't as up beat with the snarky banter as some of the Authors previous books but very enjoyable nevertheless...
Mort’s smile holds the world as he takes my hand and we dance.
It seems Adam and Christoffer want a playmate and Tyler is more than happ
"You can touch him how I tell you to"
That was HOT.
It seems Adam and Christoffer want a playmate and Tyler is more than happy to oblige,
“I am hopelessly into you. You know that, right? I see C smell your hair, and I’m hard. It’s ridiculous. You two have this whole death-do-us-part thing going on, and it’s incredibly hot. You just blew my mind, man. (...)
Tyler was a bit overwhelmed afterwards...he wasn't the only one!
If there's one thing I've come to expect from Garrett Leigh,it's that her stories don't hold back.In all the years I've been reading her books [image]
If there's one thing I've come to expect from Garrett Leigh,it's that her stories don't hold back.In all the years I've been reading her books she's tackled some very emotive issues and this one certainly stands out.The blurb touches on issues but isn't specific so I'm not going to get into each men's issues in any great detail....but,be warned this book has a melancholy feeling to it.And it might not work for everyone.But if you want to read something that's really real and that a lot of people deal with,written with such grit and quite frankly in a captivating way then this might be for you.
Aiden and Ludo first connect in hospital....but it was always destined to be so much more.Different issues,different men but I fully connected to them individually and together.
I ABSOLUTULEY LOVED Aiden.....a completely grumpy b@stard....jaded with life,his only high was his trees and going down the pub ( a British thing ).....but behind that gruff exterior there was a man wanting something...and that something turned out to be Ludo.
Ludo with all his problems and insecurities and his illness rescued Aiden when he probably didn't even know he wanted to be rescued.
I totally got a handle on Ludo ( without going into anything ),his condition was both enlightening and disturbing-told in the most emotive way.Kudos to the Author for tackling this subject and actually making me understand it.
Go into this one knowing it won't be an easy read but at the end a truly beautiful story.
Would definitely recommend .
An Arc of Kiss Me Again was kindly provided to DirtyBooksObsession in exchange for an honest review.
When Adam appeared on the podium,it was Adam only.
Roe Horvat can do sweet and sexy with books like Vanilla Clouds and then you have
When Adam appeared on the podium,it was Adam only.
Roe Horvat can do sweet and sexy with books like Vanilla Clouds and then you have this.This book is very erotic,I mean seriously erotic.There's a lot of sex here but it's important to the story.I didn't realize it was about Adam and Christoffer from The Other Book.....remember that hot threesome ?? While it was great to get the story of how an established couple met here I would say this could be read on it's own but you'd be missing out not reading The Other Book-Tyler is one of my favourite characters from this Author.
Christoffer is mesmerized when he sees Adam dancing at a party one night.The pull is instant,all consuming...a moth to a flame in a way.
"You found me," he said
-Adam to Christoffer
And that quote ,those three words moved me so much.Because,as cheesy as it sounds,these two really did find each other.
Adam oozes sexuality and confidence when he's dancing but behind the mask he's frightened of rejection and not being enough.Christoffer offers him so much,not just sexually -he wants to take care of Adam and my heart might have melted a little bit at how gentle he was with Adam at times.
He wanted to be owned without being shackled. He craved to be used without being punished. He needed a master, but he needed to feel free. He would lie down at his man’s feet if he could be sure he wouldn’t get stepped on.
I adored reading how these two met and fell in love.The writing is beautiful,as always.
"You're my 'if I could just have one more day ' person.You know what I mean?"
This is totally my thing.The angst,the feelings.Thi4.5
"You're my 'if I could just have one more day ' person.You know what I mean?"
This is totally my thing.The angst,the feelings.This is definitely my favourite book by Cara Dee.Kudos to her for writing this because this won't be for everyone at all.
The blurb kind of touches on things with the word deceit but I still wasn't prepared how powerful this story would be.
Here goes.....cheating.There I've mentioned it but before you dismiss this and go running for the hills it's important to understand the situation here. I can hear people muttering cheating is inexcusable and I'm certainly not condoning it but I'm a firm believer in unless you experience anything first hand you really don't know how you'd react....unless you've walked in someone's shoes...
In this case we have two men who are married with children when they start taking the same train together to workThe narrator of the story(Bennett) is,at first,too preoccupied with his life to pay much more than mild interest in the man sitting opposite him every day but over time they start a tentative friendship which will eventually lead to so much more.This isn't lust at first sight at's so much more.
Bennett and Kieran's marriages weren't the stereotypical ones.It wasn't all roses and sunshine....boy meets girl,fall in love,get married,have a family.There were reasons behind their marriages which are explained.(again,I'm not condoning what they did but I kind of understood).
The story spans over five years( one of my favourite things) and follows the men's lives with their families and with each other.The relationship they both have with their own children and each others' was truly special-I got teary on more than one occasion.
Almost,inevitably things reach breaking point but how far will they go and are they prepared for the fall out that will follow?
I guess a lot of people view people who have affairs as selfish and to a certain extent they are.But life is hard and it happens and things are not normally as straight forward as they appear.
I simply loved reading Bennett and Kieran's story.
Highly Recommended.
An Arc of If We Could Go Back was kindly provided to DirtyBooksObsession in exchange for an honest review.
I'm gushing and fangirling bit time here.I think this might just be my favourite book by Anyta Sunday. Talk about bringingPerfect.Just perfect.
I'm gushing and fangirling bit time here.I think this might just be my favourite book by Anyta Sunday. Talk about bringing the feelings,I'm sure I had a dopey smile on my face the whole time I was reading this.
Story in brief:
Ben is 24 and struggling bringing up his younger brother,Milo,after their parents death.He's dead set on selling the family home but renovations are needed and who better to help than Milo's woodwork teacher....and the fact he's hot is definitely an added bonus.
There is honestly so much to love here,
-my heart melted for Ben.He's convinced he's not doing a good job with Milo-constantly second guessing himself.I absolutely LOVED the relationship between the two brothers.From their love of bird watching,and orange fanta.
-Milo is 11 full of attitude and sarcasm but,at the same time,his vulnerability is so endearing.
-age difference that worked so well here.Ben and Jack couldn't have been more perfect for other.
-the feeling of family and home is ever present.I loved the laughter and struggles that were so true to life.Bringing up children is one of the hardest and most rewarding job there is and the Author totally nailed it.
-slow burn that Anyta Sunday is known for and delivered perfectly here.There are sex scenes but I honestly wouldn't have minded if there weren't any-the connection between Jack and Ben was just so damn special...I got so teary at times ( in a good way )
-Jack's Ben is the best because speach to Milo was,well,special .I think I read it about three times at least.
I can't fault this.I loved this little family of three with a passion.Read it-you'll fall hopelessly in love with these guys.
I look at Ben and I see a future. I see shared dinners and overshared stories. I see stupid fights and silly gestures to make up for them. I see him and Milo in the villa. A family to laugh with during the day . A partner to moan with during the night. The dream hangs between us.
Review updated 20/12/19 to include Audio review.Audio link provided by the Author.
Narrator: Michael Fox.
Running time: 2hrs 27 mins.
Review updated 20/12/19 to include Audio review.Audio link provided by the Author.
Narrator: Michael Fox.
Running time: 2hrs 27 mins.
"Don't you see?It's magic every time you touch me."
Audio review:
To be honest I probably wasn't the best person to review this.I hadn't listened to an entire Audio before,having only tried samples with no I had no idea what to expect or compare it to.
It took me a few chapters to really get on board with it but the first thing that struck me was a lot of detail that I'm sure I didn't appreciate reading the book.The second thing that stood out was that listening to it took so much longer than reading it and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing to be honest.
In my opinion the narrator did an excellent job.Every single voice was distinctive,at no point did I question which character it was.I was more than a bit worried about listening to sex scenes for some reason but I shouldn't have worried-they were perfectly narrated with a lot of feeling.
So my first Audio was definitely a success.Would I be in a hurry to read more? I'm still not sure ...
My rating is 4 Stars.
Original review:
I get quite giddy when I see Kasia Bacon has written another story in her truly engaging Order Universe.She's fast becoming my favourite Author in the fantasy genre.She has created some amazing couples who I absolutely always fall in love with.
From the beautiful scene settings,the addictive plots,the loveable characters,these short stories never fail to deliver.
Barbarian fighter Yuuzuki is resigned to his fate-he has one final match which he knows will only end one way.Time and circumstances are against him.His one wish is the safety of his lover,healer Haiatto.
“You’re everything I could’ve dreamed of. Everything I’ve ever needed. Perfect. You’re perfect. I want you to remember this. I just wish so damn much that I could love you for a little bit longer.”
Together for years,their love for each other might not have been vocalized yet but they both know it exsists and Haiatto is determined to do whatever he can to save his lover-but what will the price be?
Tell me, would you follow me if I found a way out?” His answer came in a heartbeat. “I would,” he said. “Anywhere.”
I adored this story,I loved these two men but damn I wanted more.
Prepare to be transported into the mystical,fascinating world Kasia Bacon has created once more in Don't Fight the Spark-you'll fall in love all over again....