Thank you Susani. This is exactly the kind of book I needed to add to my TBR: New adult Fantasy/scifi with the approval of members of the safety gang.Thank you Susani. This is exactly the kind of book I needed to add to my TBR: New adult Fantasy/scifi with the approval of members of the safety gang. I only wish I could read this right away....more
UPCOMING RANT You know an author has a great concept in her hands when even without reading it, I'm already ready to rant about this book just after reUPCOMING RANT You know an author has a great concept in her hands when even without reading it, I'm already ready to rant about this book just after reading the synopsis and my friend Kriss' review .
I'M SO WRONGLY TEMPTED BY THIS BOOK!!! THE BLURB is calling my name, it's like a siren call that can lead me to my doom. Or to finding a new favourite. Or to my doom. Or to finding a new favourite, Or to my doom, or to finding a new favourite. See? I'm really torn.
I'm so intrigued by this book. AND KRISS LOVED IT! . Kriss is one of my all-time favourite Goodreads reviewers. Her reviews are always detailed and she pays for her own books (no paid reviews) she's always honest and many of her favourites are my favourites as well.
This book sounds dangerous! And at the same time so compelling. I'm so tired of reading the same premises again and again. This sounds so unique and different.
However, I need to do more research about this book because author stepped into Dangerous territory. I'd be pleasantly surprised if the author handled the triggering topics well, many authors don't research sensitive topics before writing about them. (view spoiler)[ Women forced by the government to receive orgasms? That's rape! That should bring many of them to serious Psychological and maybe even Physical trauma. (hide spoiler)] Is a topic like this handled well? Kriss says the pro consent messages are strong and I trust her! It's me I don't trust. I'm becoming more and more nitpicking with any book that has a "romance" label attached to it.
My problem with sexual abuse in books is not the abuse per se, it's the way the authors research and present the topic. So many "romance" authors are contributing to rape culture. I refuse to give a single penny to authors who write so ignorantly to topics they know nothing about. Many times they try to present rape as sexy like in the book 2 of the Outlander series or the final act of Paper princess or the forced blowjob in Captive prince. I HATE THAT!!! IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY. Is that the case with this book? For what I gather from the reviews no. But seriously what this author created could easily become a disaster...or a potential all-time-favourite if she handled things well!
ALSO I'm so tired of rapist heroes in "romance"!! That's not the case with this book as far as I know.
I've been told this is like Stolen by an Alien I had a huge problem with that book because the heroine ignorantly said that EXCHANGING WOMEN SOLD AS SLAVES AS POTATOES SACKS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT ISN'T TRAUMATIC. IT IS RAPE, IT IS TRAUMATIC, But even so I enjoyed that book. I enjoyed Stolen by an Alien so much I'm ready for a reread even though I had issues with that book. Lately I've been rereading a lot of books.
So my problem with this book might be if there's a single line of dialogue where H or h imply that the (view spoiler)[women forced to orgasm "weren't raped" "can move on easily", "should get it over with" "it's not big deal" "will forgive and move on" (hide spoiler)]. I'll eventually borrow the book and skim through it before reading it, because I heard the relationship has V Girl vibes and there aren't many books like The V Girl. I'll use the kindle search to look up for the key words that anger me when dealing with books like this: "traitorous body" "let it go" "get it over with" "slut" among others .If there's a single insinuation that (view spoiler)[ forcing women to orgasm (hide spoiler)] is not that bad, I'll be harsh with my rating. But it seems like that's not the case.
But what if I'm in for a pleasant surprise with this one?Besides The V Girl, this book supposedly has also vibes of Transcendence and Stolen by an Alien . And don't we need more heroes like Aleksey, Arohk and Ehd? Men who aren't manwhores and still they are delicious alpha-males? Men that could have women thrown themselves at them and still would remain faithful to THEMSELVES and THE HEROINE so they would not be tempted at all? Men who stop when they hear the word NO? How sad that men like that are the exception and not the rule in romance books. I said I'm nitpicky but in reality I'm not asking that much!! Just faithful heroes!!!
After rereading my rant, I made a decision. I'm gonna read this one, jumping up the first places of my TBR. Wish me luck!...more
NEW ADULT BOOK UNSAFE because it's reverse harem and because (view spoiler)[ There's some OW in sequels (hide spoiler)]
However I have heard this is mucNEW ADULT BOOK UNSAFE because it's reverse harem and because (view spoiler)[ There's some OW in sequels (hide spoiler)]
However I have heard this is much better than Paper Princess.
I found her notes in the amazon page. If only the AUTHORS SIGNED WITH THE big five added their notes for their books with problematic/erotic content that they send straight to the 11-13 YO children recommendations
***FILTHY RICH BOYS is a 97,000 word reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book one of four in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.
This series is selling a lot of books because quality products DON'T NEED FALSE ADVERTISING....more
****4 AMAZING, Yet unsafe STARS**** Coming from my monogamist, perverted little heart it's almost like a gazillion stars. I'm nAlex Roe as Rome
****4 AMAZING, Yet unsafe STARS**** Coming from my monogamist, perverted little heart it's almost like a gazillion stars. I'm not joking, when a book is tagged as romance I get picky and I need possessive heroes and commited heroines. I rarely give 5 stars to unsafe books (ACOMAF was a glorious exception) unless there's something outside the romance and that something has to be really amazing to impress me.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Trickery is an amazing book. I'm impressed!
I'll say this book is the perfect choice if you want a light fantasy book to take with you to the beach. You won't find complicated world-building. You won't find poetic prose and heavy social issues. You'll find a story of friendship, bravery and the eternal mystery of why opposites attract. And of course you'll find 5 hot guys completely devoted to their heroine.
I like the world building! I know that some fantasy readers prefer overdescriptive, detailed worldbuiding and everything explained in book 1 of the series, but I don't. I don't want to know the whole history and politics of the world in the first books of the series. I prefer the kind of worldbuilding that has the potential to grow throughout the series. Think Harry Potter, and Hunger games. Book 1 didn't explain the history and politics of the world but we the impatient readers eventually discovered what was going on as the series progressed. This one has potential to become really epic.
Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington provide us readers with enough information of their magic world:Minatsol, to understand Willa's position and why the Abcurse brothers infatuation with her are a big deal.
Minatsol is a world where not everyone is equal. Willa, a walking disaster, cheats during her "exams" and therefore she gets a high ranking that gives her the "privilege" of travelling with her sister to a very exclusive academy. Not to study but to serve the demigods who attend the school there.
I disagree with anyone who calls Willa stupid. She is quite smart actually. There are several types of inteligence. Willa has interpersonal and intrapersonal, skills. She's also good at language, I mean, all her witty comebacks. Poor Willa just doesn't have the kind of intelligence that allows normal people to put one foot in front of the other without tripping. That's the kinesthesic intelligence, but other than that she's quite smart and I like her. I guess some people will find her sense of humor juvenile, but I think that's what really made me enjoy this book.
I had the most amazing pic to fancast the other abcurse brothers but for some reason it's not working. It must be that Willa's pull for chaos is rubbing on me.
Anyway, I think this book is different. I don't think it's romantic, and I'm uncapable to root for Willa with all the brothers. I prefer possessive, strong heroes and I think Rome is the one who really seemed more affected by the fact that Willa has a thing for ALL THE BROTHERS. I hope he eventually finds someone else or that Willa chooses him, but that doesn't seem the point of the series. The whole point seems to make the reader laugh so I'll read the next of the series and hopefully I'll enjoy the sequels as much as I enjoyed this one even if there's not a single couple to root for ... or maybe there are too many of them.. I might even preorder Seduction, book 3 of this series because my friends are all hyped about it. I think it's the most anticipated November release in the YOung adult section.
I'm not writing a parental guidance alert...yet because this book was clean, but I don't know whether the authors will try to be like Tahere Mafi and Sarah J. Maas and change genres, from clean YA to raunchy no-fade-to-black-during-sex-scenes-New-Adult later in the series.
Do you need a laugh?A mindless YA? Juvenile jokes and hot guys?Read Trickery.
Pre-reading thoughts I wasn't going to read this because TRIANGLES AND POLYGONS AREN'T MY THING. But I need a light young adult fantasy and My dear friend Karen says that this Fantasy book is the opposite of a Sarah J. Maas books and that ingrigued me. How is that even possible?
I also pick a popular overly anticipated series once in a while to read and Seduction book 3 of this series is coming in November: I don't think I'm exaggerating that it has to be the MOST ANTICIPATED YOUNG ADULT FANTASY NOVEMBER REALEASE, judging by the level of interest amogn my friens. Before Seduction appears all over my newsfeed with me not having an idea of what's going on I decided to step out of my confort zone of safe romances and go for something that everyone says is quite funny and different. I honestly hate reading on going, unfinished series because I hate cliffhangers. But usually Young adult Kindle unlimited authors finish their series quickly so I'm here ready. I'm not expecting romance. How could it be with so many love interest?
Wish me luck. I really want to love this one.
Note: Unsafe means that there are other partners activities meaning kissing, watching naked and I usually hate that so. I wonder how I'd feel about this one....more
LONG, DETAILED (and filled with gifs) REVIEW TO come
I'm so happy I found a safe read! Soooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I waLONG, DETAILED (and filled with gifs) REVIEW TO come
I'm so happy I found a safe read! Soooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I want to be mistaken for a Gryfala Princess and I want my own Rakii Gladior and my team of hobs!
Seriously I have so much to say about this book, thank you Kriss for the recommendation and Susani for the saftety info. Not a full 5 unfortunately, but I'm so recommending this to the safety gang. If you can ignore the editing and a weird second half, you'll love this.
NOTE AUTHOR REVAMPED HER COVER! It looks much better now. PREREADING THOUGHTS Virgin hero? No hype, no false advertisement only stellar word of mouth? Intriguing blurb? Interesting concept? Free on Kindle unlimited Sign me in!...more
*This book and review aren't suitable for under 18 readers, You've been warned.*
The attack of the gingerbread men!! [image]
They will take down the Don*This book and review aren't suitable for under 18 readers, You've been warned.*
The attack of the gingerbread men!! [image]
They will take down the Donald and become the new heroes of erotica books. Step away six-pack heroes, you are nothing to
It's worth having a Kindle unlimited supscription just to discover crazy books like this. I read this because my friend Tink (who is very good at reviews whatever she says) posted her review and of course the review and the comment thread of the review was hilarious.
It sounded so funny, so different, so crazy that knew I had to check it out.
I'm not dissapointed!
This book : Outrageous Ridiculous Hilarious Original Different Pornographic
What are you expecting from an author whose other titles include gems like:
* Bagged by the Groceries * F@ck#d the puppet *Nostril F@#cked by the Micropenis *Garden Gnome gangbang * F@ck♦ng teddy??
Along with other books of the monster erotica genre. Oh Yes. If you didn't know that dinosaur porn and monster erotica are a thing I'm so sorry to have opened your eyes to this subgenre. I didn't need to know about this when I first found out, but I'm not sorry I read this. I finished this short story in 20 minutes during my lunch break and couldn't stop laughing. It's exactly what I needed to get over a book hangover. I laughed, I roll my eyes, I had so much fun! I'll re-read around Christmas time, that's for sure.
This book will work better if you have a juvenile sense of humour and if you need something different that will make you laugh.
For more info, hilarious rhymes and funny gifs read: