Ugh! I’ve put off this review for too many weeks, so I might as well finally get it over with. I really, REALLY liked Ransom, the first book in this sUgh! I’ve put off this review for too many weeks, so I might as well finally get it over with. I really, REALLY liked Ransom, the first book in this series. And usually, I’m not often a fan of reading series continuing with the same established couple, but since Ransom ended with a nice HFN, I was really looking forward to continuing with Davy and Will’s story.
This book is a third edition, and it appears to me that it was once two separate novellas: Winds of Change and Eye of the Storm. Well, it’s still two separate story plots that have now been combined into one…compilation novel.
First up is Winds of Change, and you guessed it: there is a lot of change happening in Will and Davy’s careers…and relationship. The story picks up about a year or so after Ransom, Davy and Will are still hot and heavy every chance they get, which isn’t much considering they are stuck on a ship weeks to months at a time. I liked this story better than the following one even though it is quite depressing!! It does have some nice twists, but I wasn’t too crazy about the scheme they had going on to try to reveal a traitor…then the whole traitor plot was kinda dropped and quickly explained in one or two sentences near the end.
There are A LOT of things happening in Davy and Will’s relationship. Of course they are madly and completely in love with each other, but they each feel like they don’t deserve the other. And that became very tiresome…FAST! Luckily, they both came to their senses at the end of the first story.
Next is Eye of the Storm and it picks up just a few minutes after where Winds of Change ends. Seriously, I almost took a break between the two stories, but I’m so glad I didn’t because it nearly continues on with the very next sentence.
I can’t remember much about this story at all; I guess I should go ahead and say I really didn’t like it and I wasn’t even a little bit interested in their mission. Davy and Will are still having some relationship problems…mostly Will is still being a coward and obviously learned nothing from what all he went through in Winds of Change. Thankfully, by the end, Davy finally sets Will straight and I believed their words of commitment to be genuine. But I still didn’t like this installment of Will and Davy’s journey.
Home is the Sailor is the next book in this series, and I will definitely be reading it to see what happens next with Will and Davy, but I think I will take a little break before I read it. I still love these two together!
Ugh! I’ve put off this review for too many weeks, so I might as well finally get it over with. I really, REALLY liked Ransom, the first book in this series. And usually, I’m not often a fan of reading series continuing with the same established couple, but since Ransom ended with a nice HFN, I was really looking forward to continuing with Davy and Will’s story.
This book is a third edition, and it appears to me that it was once two separate novellas: Winds of Change and Eye of the Storm. Well, it’s still two separate story plots that have now been combined into one…compilation novel.
First up is Winds of Change, and you guessed it: there is a lot of change happening in Will and Davy’s careers…and relationship. The story picks up about a year or so after Ransom, Davy and Will are still hot and heavy every chance they get, which isn’t much considering they are stuck on a ship weeks to months at a time. I liked this story better than the following one even though it is quite depressing!! It does have some nice twists, but I wasn’t too crazy about the scheme they had going on to try to reveal a traitor…then the whole traitor plot was kinda dropped and quickly explained in one or two sentences near the end.
There are A LOT of things happening in Davy and Will’s relationship. Of course they are madly and completely in love with each other, but they each feel like they don’t deserve the other. And that became very tiresome…FAST! Luckily, they both came to their senses at the end of the first story.
Next is Eye of the Storm and it picks up just a few minutes after where Winds of Change ends. Seriously, I almost took a break between the two stories, but I’m so glad I didn’t because it nearly continues on with the very next sentence.
I can’t remember much about this story at all; I guess I should go ahead and say I really didn’t like it and I wasn’t even a little bit interested in their mission. Davy and Will are still having some relationship problems…mostly Will is still being a coward and obviously learned nothing from what all he went through in Winds of Change. Thankfully, by the end, Davy finally sets Will straight and I believed their words of commitment to be genuine. But I still didn’t like this installment of Will and Davy’s journey.
Home is the Sailor is the next book in this series, and I will definitely be reading it to see what happens next with Will and Davy, but I think I will take a little break before I read it. I still love these two together!
I will admit, I struggled at the beginning of this book...I just was NOT in the mood for Whyborne's thoughts of relationship "doom and gloom" and his I will admit, I struggled at the beginning of this book...I just was NOT in the mood for Whyborne's thoughts of relationship "doom and gloom" and his ideas of not being good enough for Griffin. Of course Griffin IS his other half and would never ever ever see Whyborne as Whyborne sees himself.
I need Draekenwood NOW!!
And poor Diablo...I'm gonna miss that little guy. *evil grin*
Whyborne and Griffin!! And I still get both POVs!!! This had everything I love about this series. It's the 7th book and just as strong as the 1st. Whyborne and Griffin!! And I still get both POVs!!! This had everything I love about this series. It's the 7th book and just as strong as the 1st. ...more
My favorite scene was when Kate finally figured out why Curran was having "cash-flow" difficulties. Hilarious!One of my favorite books of the series!
My favorite scene was when Kate finally figured out why Curran was having "cash-flow" difficulties. Hilarious! But I'm also VERY interested in how this will progress the series.
My second favorite scene was the Epilogue. So very sweet...and a tiny bit scary. Dammit to hell that I have to wait forever and a day for the next book!
My third favorite scene was when Curran offered Roland a loan. Take that you psycho killer!
I loved that Curran played such a big role in this book. Lots and lots of Curran!! And it kept cracking me up how no one likes the former Beast Lord.
I missed Derek! He was there, but not enough page time for my favorite werewolf.
Poor Jim. He has a tough job ahead of him.
The sex scene was possibly the hottest sex scene of this entire series. Whew!!
I was completely caught up in the mystery, especially since it was surrounding a character I really liked. Sometimes, with this series, that is not the case.
For a few minutes there, I was actually LIKING Roland...but then I was hating him again when I understood his "plan".
I LOVE what is happening with the Mercenary Guild. Curran is such a scary bastard...I mean genius.
Kate may have gone "to-far" again, kinda-similar to what she did with Julie.
The snark and humor was spot on throughout the entire book. There were sooooooo many hilarious quotes I wanted to highlight, but since I was listening to the audio, that wasn't possible. I found myself rewinding and listening to funny bits instead!
I LOVE Renee Raudman as the narrator for this series. I wasn't a fan of hers after Magic Bites, but she's getting better and better with each book. These characters absolutely come to life in my head and they each have their own distinct voice. The way she delivers the sarcasm is amazing!
4.5 Stars because of numerous inconsistencies that didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story, but they kept this book from being perfect. ...more
I was really enjoying this series, but I hit a wall on this 6th and final book that took me MONTHS to complete.
For one, there was too much going on aI was really enjoying this series, but I hit a wall on this 6th and final book that took me MONTHS to complete.
For one, there was too much going on and it was all disjointed. It was exactly like the author was trying to tie up all the loose ends that have been hanging throughout the entire series...but crammed it into one book and tried to make it all fit together. It didn't.
Second, the ending sucked. Too perfect and cheesy and I hope there will be another spin-off to tell Declan's story. ...more
First, it took me a while to get used to the alternating POVs. I honesty missed Adrian's horrible accent from the past 3 I struggled with this book...
First, it took me a while to get used to the alternating POVs. I honesty missed Adrian's horrible accent from the past 3 books. But the new male narrator is wonderful.
Second, Adrian and Sydney was getting waaaay too mushy-gushy for my tastes, but I like the way they balance each other.
Third, Zoe is the whiniest, most annoying character in the entire series and I hope she dies a horrible death.
Finally, yes FINALLY something interesting has happened in the major story arc!
Downloading book 5 because I just can't help myself...
I need book 3 NOW!! I just love Tanner and Collin and all their sexiness...and even their insecurities. I thought the BIG relationship problem at the I need book 3 NOW!! I just love Tanner and Collin and all their sexiness...and even their insecurities. I thought the BIG relationship problem at the end was too easily resolved, but honestly I am a little relieved that it wasn't prolonged because I was not in the mood for any angst between these two. ...more
This is a cute little follow-up to Wanting, but I wanted more "Batman" and "Superman". This is a cute little follow-up to Wanting, but I wanted more "Batman" and "Superman". ...more