The one star reviews on here for this book are making my day so thank you for that, fellow haters! lol!
DNF @25%.
I cannot. Nope. NO to the terrible wThe one star reviews on here for this book are making my day so thank you for that, fellow haters! lol!
DNF @25%.
I cannot. Nope. NO to the terrible writing. NO to the Mary Sue character who wears skirts down to her knees, has an aversion to anything fun, and *gasp* doesn't swear. NO to the insta love that is happening between a CAT and a human (yes, I realize he is actually a man but still it gave me the ick). NO to the cat being jealous of a human guy and getting possessive literally a day after meeting her (god forbid another male talk to her). NO to the cat being horny over her blushing. I am bowing out of this before the 'spice' scenes that others have so kindly given a summary of on here and I am so happy about that because wtf. ...more
The first 25% of this book is DARK. GRIM. Very, very hard to get through. I had to take several breaks. The icky feeling I had durinI was unprepared.
The first 25% of this book is DARK. GRIM. Very, very hard to get through. I had to take several breaks. The icky feeling I had during this time, however, never fully goes away.
After that part, it gets...marginally better. As in, I didn't feel like I got sucker punched with every chapter. So there's that. I am honestly shocked I didn't DNF this one. The 'romance' in this felt forced and icky. The plot was pretty much predictable (as in, I predicted what was happening and who was behind it fairly easily with few questions left). The chapters going into 'the collector's' POV took me out of the story every time-I did not want to hear from that creep. And then we find ourselves back in cages towards the end. It was...a lot.
This review is all over the place...much like the feel of this book.
-No plot. If you want to read your porn instead of watch, more power to you! -The characters ar[image]
I'm at 40% and this is how it is going so far:
-No plot. If you want to read your porn instead of watch, more power to you! -The characters are all the most cliche you could possibly write a character to be. -The dialogue is SO cringy, my god. -MFC is annoying.
I am going to force myself to continued reading because I am in a book club and no other reason but that, however, at 17% I can [image]
I am going to force myself to continued reading because I am in a book club and no other reason but that, however, at 17% I can already tell you I hate everything about this. The main characters have ZERO personalities other than meek and a pushover (h) who lets everyone from her parents to her supposed 'love of her life' walk all over her and a possessive, domineering, jealous asshat (H). There is no story here. All of the story bits are glossed over and sped up to a point where I literally thought I missed a book because there is no backstory with these two. Why should I care about them if we are plopped into their story midway through unceremoniously? We didn't get any of the falling in love bit-we are told they love each other and that we should care. And when we are flashed forward two chapters in, we don't get any of her day to day life as a pop star or whatever. This book is going to be all about them having sex and no story. I can see it now. I will eat my words and come back here to edit if this is not the case.
Update at 50%: Yup-the above still rings very, VERY true. There is NO plot. It is all jealous jealous jealous *vigin*SEX, sex sex sex. Very cringy sex at that. I am convinced this author got her source material for this book from porn websites. ICK. ...more
Words cannot adequately express how much I loathed this book. What the flying fuck did I just read? Never have I ever skipped whole sex scenes in a roWords cannot adequately express how much I loathed this book. What the flying fuck did I just read? Never have I ever skipped whole sex scenes in a romance book before. Alas...
To keep it short:
X-I hated the main characters X-I hated the storyline X-I skipped every single sex scene after like the second time Enzo basically raped Sawyer. It happens ALOT. X-The faux feminism and all around problematic *gestures to whole book* - I cannot. Nope. Nope nopenopenope
What I got out of this: >I will be skipping every and all other books by the author. Especially now that I know she wrote Haunting Adeline that is currently being reviewed by the hot guy (I think his name is Zack) on TikTok - apparently it is traumatizing. I will take all y'alls word on it and PASS. ...more
No thanks. I am actually surprised I made it to 30% after that horrific first chapter. What in the actual hell. None of these characters are remotely No thanks. I am actually surprised I made it to 30% after that horrific first chapter. What in the actual hell. None of these characters are remotely redeemable but Alex might take the cake on the worst. He actually drugged, raped, exposed and literally tried to kill Zara because she cheated on him....IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. I cannot. Besides Alex, Zara is a Hot Mess and in deep with her drug addiction; also super self involved. Eli is a creep sulking in the shadows watching Zara and wants to have sex with her (at least he has more of a conscience than Alex and wont kill her...I think anyways). It's just all...too much. I felt like I, myself, were on drugs while reading this. Besides the obvious flawed characters, I feel like the reader was plopped in to experience this in the middle of the show so we have no idea who any of these characters are, what makes them tick other than superficial things. Then a random girl is murdered so the whole plot of this is sex, drugs and murder but not in an interesting way. Basically this book made me physically queasy and super confused. Pass. ...more
You know what...I am not sure what I expected this book to do for me. Whatever I just read was certainly unexpected to say the least. *SPOILERS AHEAD*
You know what...I am not sure what I expected this book to do for me. Whatever I just read was certainly unexpected to say the least. I am a sucker for rockstar romances so I didn't read the entire description before diving in and boy was I not ready.
1. This book was 500something pages of sex. Where is the plot? Braxton joins a band as the guitarist and surprise, surprise, the three macho manly men members are not pleased. They hate her for half of the book, barely talking to her and emotionally abusing her before they all start having sex - because of course they do. They all have their secrets/demons that they keep from each other: Braxton comes from an uber Christian community and her parents basically shunned her for having sex and now she thinks she's a sex addict (???) and then it comes out later that she was basically raped by a 30something band member that stopped in her little town when she was 16. Houston's parents killed themselves when he was 13 so that's why he's moody and broody the entire book. We don't find this out until the last 10% or so. Rich is married to some crazy person who pretended to have his child and ran, exploiting him for money or whatever and then randomly tries to kill them in the last 10% (??????). That whole subplot could have been cut completely as it was unnecessary and out of left field. Loren is randomly bi and he and Rich have some sort of sex relationship (???) which was such a throwaway plot point that made no sense. They have sex a few times but like, okay? Why was that in there? I don't get it-it did nothing to further the plot. Like, I was kinda hoping he and Rich would become a thing and Braxton would be mainly with Houston but that didn't happen. So it was kind of like a 'cool cool' plot point that had no effect. I also don't remember his ~drama~ if he had any. That's it. That is basically the plot. Yet this book is over 500 pages? I kept looking down at the percentage points while reading and was shocked to discover I was only 20% in when I for sure thought I was at least 50% in?? It was like plot point, sex, plot point, sex sex sex sex sex, plot point, sex sex sex sex sex sex sex, plot point, sex sex sex more sex oh and lets end with 4some sex in the church that shamed Braxton for having sex in the first place because...that isn't weird at all.... Basically the plot in this is both very sparse and half of that sparse plot is questionable at best.
2. The characters. Braxton starts off as a strong female lead who forged her own path in line and takes no shit from broody rockstars but she quickly looses any and all character development to become a sex puppet. Where did her voice go? And I rolled my eyes so many times with these guys and their puffed out chests telling her 'how it was going to be'. Okay dude. The only one who didn't piss me off with that shit was Rich.
3. The writing. Oye vey. Not all of it was bad- I was able to finish the book- but some of these very...creative lines made me LOL: "These boys had it made in the shade" "It was the only thing I could think to say with his footlong spreading my ass like a bun." Besides that there were a few inconstancy's like her putting on tights only for it to change to jeans a few pages later.
4. I'm all for people to do what they please if it makes them happy, however, all four of them falling in love and marrying each other and having a kid together all just seems...implausible. You're telling me that jealously will never come up? With the three 'macho' men that they are? Mmmm okay. Besides that fact, not once did I actually believe these characters loved each other. They were saying I love You before they even knew she had a sister! They knew nothing about each other with all the secrets they all kept! It just didn't seem plausible to me.
TL;DR: Wayyyyyy too long. Hardly any plot if you want something other than sex. The main female character's personality got lost in the sex shuffle. I didn't believe the characters were actually in love. Hardly any scenes of these rockstars actually being rockstars. 2 stars for creativity I guess. I am honestly shocked I didn't DNF this-It was like a car crash I couldn't look away from....more
This book is rated almost 5 stars. 5 STARS. WHAT. My brain cannot compute how so many people actually liked this sexist bullshit. [image]
Hunter is perThis book is rated almost 5 stars. 5 STARS. WHAT. My brain cannot compute how so many people actually liked this sexist bullshit. [image]
Hunter is perhaps my least favorite 'hero' ever written (the type of character that is...Hunter is a dime a dozen in romance books and I am realllly done with it). Admittedly I am only 33% into this, but I cannot take him referring to sex every other sentence he utters. I think we are supposed to sympathize with him because he is the least favorite child? Well, Hunter, maybe if you actually tried to think of something other than your dick you might be in their good graces? I mean, the opening chapter is him getting into trouble because 3 of 5 girls are suing him because he had an orgy with them and someone taped it. He felt no remorse. He views all female characters as a means to an end. Because of this 'mishap' he is forced to share an apartment with my next least favorite type of character(see below). I just don't feel sorry for this rich manchild.
Sailor. Ugh. I cannot with this Mary Sue doormat of a character. I guess she stands up for herself sometimes but girlfriend is trying to go for the actual Olympics in freaking ARCHERY. You would think she could brandish that factoid around more and have a little more confidence about it. Instead all this book focuses on is her LOOKS for godsake. It is 2020. Why are we still writing stories like this? WHY. To give you some context on why this made me so mad: there is a scene where they go into a bar to order food and the drunk guy next to them decides to make an absolute ass of himself and call her ugly to her face and proceeds to tell Hunter that he could do better. My blood level is already at a 10 at this point but THEN some old guys hold her back from helping Hunter out in this fight because it's 'not her fight' and 'his pride will be ruined if he doesn't do it himself'. EXCUSE ME? HOW IS THIS NOT HER FIGHT? This idiot called HER ugly and she has to be worried about pretty boy's PRIDE. That scene was just the cherry on top-every other scene that revolved around her putting down her own looks or someone else (HUNTER) calling her plain or whatever. Never mind that she is smart, kind, hardworking and CAN BRANDISH A BOW AND ARROW LIKE A BOSS. I mean, she was even compared to her 'hot' best friends. Literally every other woman in this book is described as beautiful but the main character. I just don't think a person who follows the rules and is not overtly sexual has to automatically equal ugly. Can we please stop with this narrative? Or can we at least flip the script so that the woman is not always the 'least attractive', 'meek' one in the dynamic?
I started the free preview of this book because apparently they are making a movie about it and the plot seemed promising but....I don't understand whI started the free preview of this book because apparently they are making a movie about it and the plot seemed promising but....I don't understand why it's written the way it's written. There is next to no emotion. It's all very stiffly informative- being told exactly what the character is thinking/doing/saying. There are no indications of someone bold, no quotation marks, no's just plopped in there. I hate it. It's almost insulting to the reader? What is this?
I cannot do this anymore. I don't understand why this series needed a second book - this book is just so unnecessary...the plot should have been wrappI cannot do this anymore. I don't understand why this series needed a second book - this book is just so unnecessary...the plot should have been wrapped up in the first one. Abby keeps getting captured by the various male characters and she kicks and spits and tries to run away but ultimately she is just being dragged around town by them. She never gets told anything so the reader, in turn, is told nothing and it's all just so exasperating.
1. The plot is absolutely ridiculous. It goes in circles and none of it is believable. I realize that reading does require a reader to suspend disbelief at times...but this goes above and beyond- anything that I find somewhat believable gets trampled over by a million other little things that I just can't get behind. Besides that, this story is perhaps the most misogynistic piece of work I have read in quite some time and it caused me a lot of anxiety. The book has TWO female characters, while the others mentioned are dead. The women are all treated as objects, only put on the earth to serve their husbands as sex slaves. BY THE WAY-the majority of these characters are high schoolers. So like 17/18. It is LAUGHABLE the way these children act. [image]
2. Literally every single character in this book series sucks in one way or another. Lets recap a little shall we? - I'll start with the least problematic characters: Abby and Xavier I was on board with Abby for the first book-she was obviously the only sane person in this book's universe. She was strong willed and determined to escape the hell that was her life. Then we enter the second book and all of that goes out the window and she becomes whiny, bratty, jealous, and always battling everyone just for the sake of being's gets so beyond tiring. She gives the middle finger at least once a chapter and seduces most of the boys she comes across to get what she wants. I get that she needed to be errant because no one was telling her a damn thing and sexually abusing her but the way she goes about things just makes her come off as super immature and annoying. It would be nice if the only female character had a good head on her shoulders and was able to get away from her abusers (yes, they are all abusers in some way or anther) without the help of the males in this book...that's where I thought the first book was going, but NOPE-every male character just has to save her from every situation...even situations where she had a clear plan to escape herself but in comes the ~hero~ to save the day. Ugh. Xavier Was probably the only male character to not act like a huge perverted sex offender and seemed to genuinely want to help Abby and loved her. -Sawyer. I was originally going to lump him into the paragraph above, but then I remembered that he but a freaking HIDDEN CAMERA in her ROOM and then used the footage of her naked as blackmail. NOPE SIR. [image] -Jackson. Like most books about high school elite, there are usually three top ~alphas~ and one of them is always the goofy, lighthearted one with daemons which he hides behind humor and some sort of substance. Enter Jackson. While not outright malicious like his friends, he is a womanizer and jerked off in front of his friends AND Abby while Abby was making out with Cam/Kai. He also continually make more comments of having a boner, wanting to jerk off again to Abby and touched her more than once that was against her will. NOPE SIR. [image] -Cam/Kai. UGH. This controlling, domineering, misogynistic, abusing POS is supposed to be the HERO? He literally does nothing beyond the first chapter of the first book to earn himself ANY of the feelings that Abby supposedly had/has (even then it's not much, he helps her not commit suicide by having sex with her. How big of him.). I could never really tell how much she truly cared for him, if at was mostly physical attraction, but then all of a sudden he ~loves~ her and goes all caveman on her-telling her that she is basically his property (I HATE when characters tell their love interests that they are ~theirs~ and no one else can LOOk at them. It's so cliche and obnoxious). On top of that, he sexually assaults her multiple times. Just because her body responded to your touch, douche face, does not mean she is yours to play with! And she isn't YOURS you absolute ASSHAT. She was literally trying to get away from her abusive father and you still pull that shit. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. ALL THE NOPES IN THE WORLD. There is so much about this dude I hate...and it's not even like he and Abby get along-they hate each other and are constantly doing petty shit to make the other pissed off like parading girls and guys around the other. It's just so toxic and immature. I can't get behind this relationship at all. [image] -Drew. Abby's twin. Who let his father expose her to a room full of grown ass adult males (who also did nothing to stop it). Who did nothing as her gross ass fiance fingered her in front of said adult males to make sure she was a ~virgin~. Who did nothing as their father BEAT HER to a PULP. Who did nothing to protect her from her father at so, so many other instances. Who claims to care about her but mainly just sat next his father and watched him abuse her mentally and physically over the years. Hard pass sir. [image] -Trent . Said ~fiance~ and super dick. That's putting it nicely. I am just so exhausted by the males in this book. Basically he is engaged to her because their fathers have a business deal out of it. He and Abby were to marry when she turned 18 (so ROMANTIC). He is just your typical douchebag who wants sex all the time but since Abby has to be a ~virgin~ when they marry per the marriage agreement between the fathers, he gets sex elsewhere while Abby is expected to be virtuous. And no surprise Trent's father (I forget his name) is ALSO a giant sleezbag who fondles her and leers at her and it's basically implied that he will also be able to have sex with her once his son marries her. YUCK. Many times during reading this book, I wanted to wash my eyes/brain out with bleach at these disgusting human beings. I can't. HARD HARD HARD PASS. [image] -Abby's Father. Oh, the list I could write on this disgusting dirtbag...but he was the ~main villian~ so it really didn't surprise me all that much how he treated his daughter like a business transaction, killed all the women in the book and kidnapped his own daughter multiple times. What did shock and enrage me is that the last time he kidnaps her, he terminates her pregnancy while she is unconscious (At least that's what I think is hasn't been stated yet at the point where I am giving up) and then gave her a boob job (???!!). That was basically the point where I began to just physically recoil at everything that was happening. Eat shit, sir. [image]
There are so so many other issues with this book and I think I only continued so far because the writing was good? I don't even know. The misogyny is way too much for my taste. [image]...more
Well, this started out strong. The first chapter is from Mack's POV and it was good-the kids voices were entertaining and he seemed like a reasonable Well, this started out strong. The first chapter is from Mack's POV and it was good-the kids voices were entertaining and he seemed like a reasonable main character.
But then we get to Frannie...oy vey. She is supposed to be 27. 27 . Was there one second that I actually thought she was that old? No. No I did not. Between her pining over her hot, older coworker in the cringiest ways (she literally sits in his chair at one point and starts imagining him sitting there which gets her all hot and bothered which..???), her over eagerness to please him in EVERY way (watching his kids without a second thought, making him soup, playing house with his kids in his house etc..she was like a love sick puppy with no life other than to be there for him which is NAGL), her parents constantly referring to her as their little girl and making it sound like she was 16 and incapable of making adult decisions and Mack constantly referring to their age gap, his babysitter and how young she was one whole bag of NOPE from me. It literally read like she was his teenage babysister and he just couldn't resist her cute little body.... [image] [image]...more
Reading this was like watching a car wreck. I couldn't stop myself, but MAN was this pairing messed up on so many levels. James and Ryan are best frieReading this was like watching a car wreck. I couldn't stop myself, but MAN was this pairing messed up on so many levels. James and Ryan are best friends. James is in love with Ryan. Ryan doesn't seem to have a gay bone in his body. At no point while reading this was I convinced that Ryan was actually in love with James. In fact, many, MANY times, Ryan implicitly stated that he viewed James as a brother. He said it so many times even while they were hooking up that it made me visibly cringe at the thought. James seemed to push Ryan into every sexual interaction they had- not once did it seem like Ryan actually wanted to do what they were doing (other than maybe morbid curiosity). It is only in the very last scene do we see Ryan actually initiate any sexual interaction-but even that seemed more like desperation because he wanted his best friend back, and not like, actual love. I just didn't see Ryan as anything other than straight. Most of this book was James feeling sorry for himself and taking advantage of Ryan and Ryan trying to make James happy at all costs. Barf. No thanks. ...more
Oh nooo...what did I just attempt to read? It certainly doesn't feel like a Colleen Hoover book.
1. Why couldn't Maggie and Jake get their own[image]
Oh nooo...what did I just attempt to read? It certainly doesn't feel like a Colleen Hoover book.
1. Why couldn't Maggie and Jake get their own separate story without Sydney and Ridge? I was really enjoying their chapters together but then Maggie tells Jake to get lost and everything turns into the poor Maggie and the saint Sydney and Ridge show. Which brings me to my next point:
2. This book completely ruins Sydney and Ridge for me. If they aren't having immature fights out of jealousy, they are over the top sugary sweet (I mean, he literally takes a sharpie and writes 'Mine' on her skin over her heart at one point) and say 'I love you' every two seconds-nothing about their relationship seems longlasting-it screams 'honeymoon' phase and won't last if they keep getting jealous over stupid shit. Sydney is written as the savior which is just annoying considering she did technically steal Ridge away from Maggie. Ugh-that whole threesome is just annoying to me at this point.
3. Bridgett and Warren are mismatched and immature. The two of them are just so freaking annoying and Bridgett seems like a horrible person. I cannot with them.
4. Literally nothing happens in this book. Nothing. They all go in circles - Maggie has a bit of fun, Ridge freaks out and wants to care for her, Sydney gets jealous, Warren speaks some bit of truth (after doing nothing but bang and ague with Bridgett 98% of the book), Sydney cleans everything up, they all make up - rinse and repeat. There is no plot. This book should not have happened. Why did it happen? [image]
DNF. I can't believe I am DNFing a Colleen Hoover book...I don't like this time frame. ...more
The last 2% of this book is just a massive mind fuck. Seriously.
This book, as with most of Colleen's books, will ha[image] [image] [image]
The last 2% of this book is just a massive mind fuck. Seriously.
This book, as with most of Colleen's books, will have you thoroughly addicted and unable to put down, however, unlike most of her other books-this one will have you on the edge of your seat for the entire experience. So if you choose to read this, buckle up and remember to breathe (and eat because I think I may have forgotten to maintain normal human functions while reading this).
First, I am going to warn you that this book deals with tough and disturbing subject matter. (view spoiler)[ Including but not limited to: children's death, potential murder, actual murder, and cheating. (hide spoiler)] The three main characters are Verity, Jeremy and Lowen. Of those three-you will think you know whose side you are on throughout this book but then the last two chapters happen and...well you might consider throwing this book across the room because it will make you question everything. Honestly, I am not sure I like any of them. Jeremy might be the one I can empathize with the most...Lowen seemed just as manipulative as Verity was. I definitely didn't like Verity-any version of her presented. Second this book is creepy as hell. Verity (character and the book) is presented in such a way that I was literally shaking while reading (I don't do creepy-well I don't usually..apparently 2018 is the year I gave in to it with the Haunting of Hill House and now this. What even am I doing? I don't know.) There is essentially two books in one-Lowen's story and Verity's. Lowen's is creepy and Verity's is highly disturbing. Third-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER. Fourth, I can't wait till they turn this into a mini series like You. I am so going to be there for that....more
So...this book kinda slaps you with a WTF factor pretty early on and my face was just like...
[image] [image]
The fact that an actual (view spoiler)[ gSo...this book kinda slaps you with a WTF factor pretty early on and my face was just like...
[image] [image]
The fact that an actual (view spoiler)[ gangbang ritual (hide spoiler)] happens once a week during football season is just so disturbing. I have read some pretty outlandish/absurd scenarios in books before, but this one might take the cake. And the fact that not ONE teacher/parent/person of authority cared enough to check in on this or put a stop to it (it was heavily implied that at least one adult knew about what was going on at these parties)...I cannot. And I'm sorry, not one young adult thought to stand up to this? Gin was the only one? Seriously?
Chase as the H was a joke- he was SO clueless throughout and I get that his whole ark was ~redemption~ but still took part in the act, really thought that Gin wanted a rose (like truly thought that that was the epitome of all HS-to get a rose from the football team to be (view spoiler)[ gangbanged (hide spoiler)]. SIGH.), and he basically had to be hit squarely on the head with logic before he got why the hell that act is offensive. Consensual MY ASS.
So caution with this book if (view spoiler)[ you don't enjoy reading about teenage girls getting gangbanged by high school jocks once a week, rape, attempted rape, high schoolers unrealistically getting away with everything because they are jocks, a lot of violence in general etc (hide spoiler)]
I did really enjoy the writing of this book and Gin was kickass (she is the ONLY character I liked. Well, she and her mom...the only sane ones of the whole damn thing). It was the subject matter and shitty characters that made my head roll with disgust and anger....more
....what happened?? I loved the first book, the second was okay but this one is just...bad.
I'm at 16% and I can't finish this. It starts wit....what happened?? I loved the first book, the second was okay but this one is just...bad.
I'm at 16% and I can't finish this. It starts with Trip's POV at the end of the last book when he is waiting for Layla to come to him. She doesn't, he gets wasted and trashes his hotel room. Dramatic. Then we flash forward almost 5 years and Trip's father dies and Layla goes to the funeral. Trip is distraught (which I don't get because last we heard of his relationship with his father, they were not on the best of terms seeing as he was an abusive drunk but what the hell do any of us know considering it's been five years and we, as readers, know nothing about what happens in the time period, so they very well may have patched up their relationship. But even that has holes, because Layla comforts him without any doubts and she hasn't spoken to him in 5 years either. Sooo... [image] Then they basically just fall into a relationship (aka sex) 2 seconds later with no explanation of the DRAMA that happened at the end of the last book. What happened for the last 5 years??? How have the not talked at all in that time but they just end up falling into each other's arms, no questions asked? What happened to make Trip sober up? What has Layla been up to in 5 years since she had no job at the end of the last book? I just...I cannot at it starting so abruptly with nothing answered.
Besides the lame plot that absolutely didn't need a book on it's own (I have read some spoilers of what happens and it's just so stupid), the writing went downhill super quick like the author didn't even try. I powered through the last book even though I wasn't super in love with it, but I can't with this one....more
I feel like I need a shower. This book is disturbing and just made my blood boil. DNF.
-The beginning plot of this book is a thinly veiled curtain oveI feel like I need a shower. This book is disturbing and just made my blood boil. DNF.
-The beginning plot of this book is a thinly veiled curtain over the real plot: domineering douchbag man takes what he wants from woman. That's it. Don't be fooled by the very real issue of cyberbulling/catfishing plot that goes on in the beginning. That is quickly steamrolled by disgusting men and disturbing sex scenes.
- All of the men in this book are disgusting sleazeballs who rape women. Seriously. ALL OF THEM. There is not one man written with redeeming qualities. They call women whores, blaming their outfits as a reason they could not keep their dicks in their pants.
- On the other hand, all of the women are meek little mice-like weaklings with no backbone. There is not one strong female character in this book.
- Cringe-worthy writing: "...glistens with my motherfucking seed"
-The relationship between Courtney and Rome is HIGHLY dysfunctional and if anyone reads this story and thinks 'goals', I feel really sorry for you because that is so far from what a healthy relationship is. Not even close. He uses phrases like 'you are mine' and TELLS her she loves him. Like what the fuck dude. Do not tell her how she feels! But of course she goes along with it because she is the 'sheep' as Rome calls her so EVERY TWO SENTENCES. He literally says this: "Dress like a whore....Get treated like a whore" right before he goes all caveman and literally caries her to his room. THIS IS SO DISTURBING. I CANNOT.
-I guessed the plot 'twist' or whatever that was as soon as Jackson was introduced. Surprising NO ONE...he is the biggest sleazeball asshole of them all.
TL;DR: This book is disgusting. All the men are disgusting. The woman are doormats. I cannot. ...more
The ick factor is off the charts in this book. Oh god...all of the nopes. DNF. I skimmed the majority of this book.
For a book to pull oThe ick factor is off the charts in this book. Oh god...all of the nopes. DNF. I skimmed the majority of this book.
For a book to pull off the age difference (18/26), the 18 year old has to have maturity off the charts. Kaylee is SO IMMATURE. There are constant references to how young and inexperienced Kaylee is. Seriously, like every other sentence out of Brendon's mouth is how young and naive she is about all things sex. Also, a 26 year old going after an 18 year old IS gross. And add in the fact that he is basically her legal guardian after her parents conveniently leave town to care for her ailing grandmother....just, ugh.
Kaylee is a typical teenage girl into Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, Disney and fanfiction. But the fact that she gets up to sing Part of Your World as a Karaoke song, can barely get the word 'sex' out of her mouth and she wears a freaking Ariel inspired bikini that sets Brendon off is...just wrong on so many levels. It's gross. And I can't help but judge those who think this is in any way 'hot' TBH. [image]...more you mean to tell me that I spent half of this book coming to terms with the fact that the cheating in this book might be alright...AND you mean to tell me that I spent half of this book coming to terms with the fact that the cheating in this book might be alright...AND THEN HE DIES?
I had just jumped on the Gus bandwagon and now you want me to spend another 50% of the book accepting another guy? No ma'am. I will not. No thanks. It is like reading two entirely separate books. Also, for all of the complaining Parker did about cheating, she sure gave in quickly to Gus and his super obvious advances. And I just know that she is going to ~fall in love~ with this new guy just as quickly. And of course the new guy is Gus' wife's brother. Of course.