This is by far the best book I have ever read. The characters are real to me, the setting feels as though I can open the book to any page and just walThis is by far the best book I have ever read. The characters are real to me, the setting feels as though I can open the book to any page and just walk right into it. I have read this book so many times, it is so familiar to me, that I often just pick it up and flip to a page and begin reading, immediately becoming immersed all over again.
I have many copies of this book and by a new copy every few years. I have copies that are officially considered my "loaners" and I often don't require that the book returns to me. Read it, love it....KEEP IT!
I feel like this book is the more serious version of The Princess Bride. It has everything: time travel, history, Scots, Redcoats, inventive swearing, love, disaster, hatred, injury, healing, betrayal, mystery, and above all happiness and always there is laughter.
A truly magical book. I'm glad that I picked it up for the second time, those first 50 pages or so are hell! :)...more