Thank you so much to Deborah Schmidt for the Ebook to read and review.
The story follows a young boy at a family reunion, there are only three childreThank you so much to Deborah Schmidt for the Ebook to read and review.
The story follows a young boy at a family reunion, there are only three children at the whole event, but plenty of aunts and uncles. One of his uncles decides to play with them in the river, they have so much fun, but soon the young boy struggles in the water.
This book was really creative as it was told in both English and Spanish, a bilingual book, it’s something I haven’t come across before. I’ve read books that have bits of another language in but this told the whole story in both languages side by side. It was really cool to see that.
I really liked parts of this story, it’s was unique and it was interesting. I enjoyed the children and their uncle having so much fun imagining many different things as they were playing together within the water. I did find the end very rushed, from the Young boy being so scared to suddenly perfectly fine again, in a situation like that generally you don’t instantly recover, especially a young child. You’d be scared for a little bit and have to try to catch your breath again. The illustrations were huge within the book and showed the story as it was happening. ...more
Thank you so much to Windmill Books/ Rosen Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Conker, Maud and Sanjeet were all lonely until eThank you so much to Windmill Books/ Rosen Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Conker, Maud and Sanjeet were all lonely until events of the day bring them together in friendship, kindness, challenges and team work. The three of them form a strong new friendship after they help each other out.
This was such an incredibly sweet story it was so sad at first when they were all alone. Conker saw a bird in a puddle, he remembered all he was taught and went to talk to and help Sanjeet. The two of them walked and talked and then came across a monkey in a monkey trap and together helped figure out how to save her from it.
I really enjoyed this story it was so so beautiful to read it had so many different messages from bravery and strength, to kindness and manners, teamwork and friendship. I loved how many different and helpful messages this story conveyed to its readers, all in a simple way too which is wonderful.
This is a beautiful story to look at, the illustrations were all so bright and pretty to look at and the rainbow feathers of the birds were stunning. The story is really easy to read, the characters are adorable and I loved it so much. The back of the book also provides some really sweet activities that readers can do after they’ve read the book. ...more
Thank you so much to Booksgosocial & Nuclear Family Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
A classic Christmas poem, that many knoThank you so much to Booksgosocial & Nuclear Family Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
A classic Christmas poem, that many know about in one format or another. This take had a polar bear family which were adorably illustrated throughout. It’s a beautiful poem that captures the magic of Santa Clause as he stops by on Christmas night, delivering his gifts and bringing joy.
I really enjoyed this particular version it was really sweet and easy to read it, the book also comes with so many extra features from fact-files, the original poem, glossaries and even an about the original author included. It’s jam packed with so much to read and extra facts to learn along the way.
A wonderful festive read and will be a great book to read on the lead up to Christmas as an exciting, beautiful bedtime story. ...more
Thank you so much to North Star Editions / Jolly Fish Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
A little boy just wants to curl up and reaThank you so much to North Star Editions / Jolly Fish Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
A little boy just wants to curl up and read whilst it’s raining heavy outside, but he must do errands with his mom. To get through it he goes into his imagination with his three friends and the pesky weeples.
This was such an adorable and imaginative story, I really liked that to cope with the situation he didn’t want to be in he used his imagination to take him somewhere more fun for his mind. It helped him get through what he didn’t want to do and he had a fun adventure with his friends instead.
I liked the creativeness of his imagination taking us to his three different animal friends, the house they lived in and the added weeples that are pesky and get everywhere but won’t go away no matter what they tried.
It was such a fun read, really funny and creative, the illustrations were fun to look at very bright, especially the weeples which I liked as they stood out. I think children reading this will find it really funny, and it will help them know on a rainy day they can go anywhere they want if they use their imagination. ...more
Thank you so much to North Star Editions / Jolly Fish Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Samara and Marco are best friends, they doThank you so much to North Star Editions / Jolly Fish Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Samara and Marco are best friends, they do everything together but there’s one thing they cannot do together and that’s play in the playground and especially not swing. So they set up a fundraiser so that Samara can play too.
This was adorable it was so full of inclusivity, I loved the friendship between Samara and Marco and everything they were doing together. It was so sad when she was unable to play on the swings with all her other friends, but Marco instantly wanted to do something about it.
I really enjoyed reading at the end of the story about the real life events that inspired this story, I liked getting to learn about the real children that cared so much about the other students not being included in playtime and trying their very best to fundraise to help them play. It was so sweet and I loved that we got a story to represent all their hard work.
A very sweet story, a very wonderful read, full of inclusion, friendship, love and care. I really adored reading this story. It’s a great book for children to read, it will help them learn about other children that are also wheel chair users like Samara, it is also wonderful for children that are wheel chair users to get to see themselves, within this story. ...more
Thank you so much to Two Lions and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
So-Hee has lots of allergies, she has no friends, no siblings and no peThank you so much to Two Lions and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
So-Hee has lots of allergies, she has no friends, no siblings and no pet. Until she finds Lowy a giant snake, who becomes her best friend and pet who she does everything with, until he disappears.
This was such a fun read, I really enjoyed this one. Little So-Hee was so lonely and found herself the perfect best friend though others around her were certainly scared of it. It was so sweet that she did everything with him and finally found a friend.
The illustrations were so adorable to look at seeing her playing with Lowy and seeing where he really was when he had disappeared. I really enjoyed spending time looking at all the pictures.
A very wonderful read about loneliness, and how a friend can arrive unexpectedly and in a manner you wouldn’t always think it would. A book I would recommend to young children it’s such a fun read, and unlike other books out there....more
Thank you so much to Brown Books Kids and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Sisters Charlotte and Penelope have a unique group of friends, tThank you so much to Brown Books Kids and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Sisters Charlotte and Penelope have a unique group of friends, they’re called a menagerie, they do many fun things with all their friends and have such fun adventures.
This was really cute it was very full on rhyming and would be a book children would absolutely enjoy, they’ll be learning and be repeating it themselves after a few reads. The story was really whimsical and funny, the illustrations though weren’t my favourite in style were still vibrant and giant showing off all the events that were happening within the story.
I liked the array of animal characters that we met along the story and all the multitude of activities the girls were getting up too. It was a really entertaining read that I know readers would throughly enjoy. ...more
Thank you so much to Two Lions and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
An absolutely wonderful play on words, a change of the nursery story thThank you so much to Two Lions and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
An absolutely wonderful play on words, a change of the nursery story that we all grew up reading and singing. This was so much fun to read and constantly seeing his fall was the season, I enjoyed it so very much.
I loved the inclusion of so many other nursery characters throughout this story, I loved seeing the illustrations of each one, plus seeing what was happening within the story on each page. The illustrations really added so much extra to what we were reading.
I loved how much Humpty was enjoying his fall and as he saw his friends, it made him remember to do the same, from getting food, to sweeping up leaves, to getting cozy and warm. I really enjoyed it all, whist knowing what he was supposed to do, he didn’t and it made it very funny to read.
This is a great book for children, they’ll have so much fun reading it with you, they’ll be giggling, especially if they know the nursery story, it a great fall read and will entertain for a long time. A very funny well written story with some funny egg jokes within also. ...more
Thank you so much to Whimspire Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
This story follows one little girls sharing about her inner lightThank you so much to Whimspire Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
This story follows one little girls sharing about her inner light and how it glows no matter what. She can grow and change and succeed but the light will always be with her.
It was a nice read the illustrations were really beautiful to look at, they were very detailed. I liked the message of a child’s inner light, that glows as bright at the sun. It was a very beautiful message to be told. It showed just one child’s inner light who got herself a great life as she grew up.
I think it was missing something though as it told of only one child’s inner light, each child has a different path in life and I think it might have been sweeter seeing a multitude of children and how their inner light shines around them too. Not every child has an easy life, so how does their inner light shine through it? It would have added an extra something to this story.
This story itself was really sweet to read and was written so beautifully, and I really enjoyed looking at it, the people that were drawn, the houses all just looked so stunning. ...more
Thank you so much to BookBaby and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Daddy Cake is scared, there are monsters in his room all night long, everThank you so much to BookBaby and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Daddy Cake is scared, there are monsters in his room all night long, every single night. He is scared and cannot sleep. He wakes his sleeping daughter Patty Cake to come and help him as he’s so scared.
I’m honestly having mixed feelings over this story, it was written nicely, the illustrations were cute, seeing all the different and strange monsters that were in his room. Though the story itself was so strange an adult that was requiring his tiny daughter to solve his problem of scaring the monsters away and to console him.
Like I said I’m very torn on how I feel, I liked parts of it certainly but as a whole it still was a little strange with the whole situation of it. The story was a reverse of what you’d normally get. In one way it’s great showing the children reading that parents can be very very scared too, but also it’s showing that a child should be like a parent and figure out and solve the problems for them. ...more
Thank you so much to Author Christina Acosta and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Chrissy has Lupus some days are good some days are bad. HThank you so much to Author Christina Acosta and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Chrissy has Lupus some days are good some days are bad. Her illness is invisible to most but it’s painful and fatiguing to her. She has wonderful family and doctors that care so even on her bad days people are still there.
I loved that this story showed an invisible illness, one that a fair few people have but it isn’t overly talked about. I always like when a book shares a different type of medical illness as you get to learn a little more about it.
I liked the way this was written, it was simply put and explained all about the illness, how it made her feel, what her days were like and what she loved doing the most. It was a very sweet read.
I think that it’s a story that those also with Lupus or that knows someone with Lupus would really enjoy reading this story as they will relate to it a lot. It’s also a good read for children that don’t know anything about it, it’s easy to read has cute large illustrations throughout and will teach them about an illness they may never have heard of before. ...more
Thank you so much to Cider Mill Press / Applesauce Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Dragon wants to eat a snow cone but it melts Thank you so much to Cider Mill Press / Applesauce Press and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Dragon wants to eat a snow cone but it melts before he can try every single time. So with a plan he sets off to find a way that he can successfully eat and enjoy his snow cone. Talking to each different animal and in different climates he tries everything he possibly can.
This was so much fun to read I absolutely loved this book. Dragon didn’t give up, he really was so dedicated to the task at hand. He was willing to try literally everything and anything just so he could try a snow cone. It was so adorable and really sad when it just wouldn’t work for him.
I loved the way this was written it was poetic, rhyming but also had its funny parts within it too. It has a great lesson for children about dedication and to keep trying when things don’t always work out. It was so easy and enjoyable to read, it flowed so wonderfully. I also adored the illustrations seeing dragon in all the different situations he was in, seeing so many different animals. There was so much to look at and I really loved it.
This is an excellent book to read with your young ones they’re going to seriously love this book, it’s so wonderfully created and illustrated. Such a clever story and children will read it again and again. ...more
Thank you so much to Booksgosocial & Heart Hope Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Angie has many shoes and she uses them to doThank you so much to Booksgosocial & Heart Hope Publishing and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Angie has many shoes and she uses them to do many different things, each one gives her a new sound, a new feel and a new experience within her life. This was a unique book everything that she did was so varied with a different style of rhyming that went with it.
I liked seeing the variety of activities shown it’s a great way to encourage children to try some of these activities that Angie loves to do. From dancing, to hiking, to swimming. The illustrations weren’t my favourite but were still cute showed off everything that’s he was doing and what her shoes looked like doing each event.
The rhyming was interesting within this book, I didn’t always fully understand all of it, some didn’t always make much sense to me, but regardless it was still a very good read with a cute story to encourage children to try new things....more
Thank you so much to Happy Yak/ Quarto Publishing Group/ Frances Lincoln and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Monster is hungry and is makiThank you so much to Happy Yak/ Quarto Publishing Group/ Frances Lincoln and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Monster is hungry and is making himself a sandwich but he thinks the reader is a monster and wants to eat it too, but the reader doesn’t like his sandwich. This was so gross and so hilarious but so very amusing to read.
I really loved how interactive it was, children reading along will be both engrossed and grossed out by reading it. It’s so very funny and keeps you gripped on what will happen, you’ll laugh out loud so many times reading it.
The illustrations are perfect with this story and are an integral part of the reading experience. This is honestly such a perfect whimsical read and children are going to just love it. ...more
Thank you so much to Bloomsbury Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Sophie can hear a monster under her bed so she writes Thank you so much to Bloomsbury Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Sophie can hear a monster under her bed so she writes him a letter and he replies, the two slowly become friends through his wondrous stories of adventure, but there’s still a gorilla he insists is hiding under her bed.
I absolutely loved this what a perfect book for young children, many children are scared of monsters lurking within their bedrooms and this helps to take away the scariness of that and replace it with wonder and magic, kindness and friendship. The author did such an incredible job capturing everything from Sophie’s dislike of him to her growth of being friends throughout the letters with him.
The illustrations were just stunning to look at on each page, so much detail and the way the letters were done were so genius using toilet roll as his form of letter paper was the most crazy and genius idea ever. I really loved looking at all the illustrations within this story.
I really enjoyed this from start to finish and it was so magical and exciting, monster has some amazing stories to tell. I liked their blooming relationship with each other, it was so sweet. A book I would highly recommend, it’s a great before bedtime book. ...more
Thank you so much to Bloomsbury Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Small is having a very bad day, things keep breaking Thank you so much to Bloomsbury Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Small is having a very bad day, things keep breaking or smashing, so Large takes him out for some fresh air and shares just how much small is loved, come what may.
This was really sweet, small was struggling with the day and was surprised that large wasn’t mad with all the mess and anger small had had. Large constantly reassures and shares exactly how much love she has for him, no matter what he is or what his mood she loves him.
A great and beautiful read with really beautiful illustrations throughout that you will adore looking at. I loved the story, I loved that it showcases unconditional and everlasting love. It shows how caring and loving they were with each other, that nothing will affect how much small is loved by large. ...more
Thank you so much to Quarto Publishing Group /Frances Lincoln Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Katherine Johnson lovedThank you so much to Quarto Publishing Group /Frances Lincoln Children's Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Katherine Johnson loved numbers, loved counting and calculating. She had to go through a lot of pushing to achieve her dreams as a black woman in a time where she couldn’t always go after her dreams. She didn’t let anything get in her way and she pushed and became an incredibly important person to NASA.
I didn’t know much about her before reading this so i liked getting to see more about her life, about how she managed to accomplish all her dreams. She’s a very inspiring woman as she had a skill set that she was not just excellent at but that she loved doing. She continued to grow with her skills and then became an asset to so many people. She helped ensure that anyone going to space in her time of work were safe to do so.
I really enjoyed this book getting to learn about someone I wouldn’t really know anything about. This series always does a good job of sharing the inspiring stories of the people they’re based on, they’re easy to read with large illustrations to look at and showcase so many unique and interesting people. ...more
Thank you so much to Callisto Publishing/ Callisto Kids and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Fannie Lou Hamer what an incredible woman, I kThank you so much to Callisto Publishing/ Callisto Kids and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Fannie Lou Hamer what an incredible woman, I knew of her but I didn’t know much about her so, when I saw this book I wanted to read it. I’m so glad that I did this woman was so brave, she fought for everyone in her community, she inspired and she encouraged. She wanted equality and she wasn’t going to stop until it was given to every black person in America.
I’m in shock honestly that I didn’t know more about her prior to reading this and I was heartbroken reading all the horrific injustice she faced at every turn, all the racist people cropping up to hinder and hurt so carelessly. It never stops amazing my mind how cruel people are and have been through history. As someone that personally loves history and reads about these horrific events constantly it still blows my mind that it ever happened.
This was such a wonderfully detailed biography of this wonderful woman, she was such a strong brave, very loving and caring woman who wanted every black person to have a decent life, to get to vote and have their say, to fight for higher education, to be part of the law makers and to be paid efficiently for their hard work. She did all that and much more, speaking out, being an activist for everyone, a strong voice within her community. I admire her so so much, she’s incredible and I’m so happy that she existed.
The illustrations were really beautiful to look at for each chapter, seeing her in different eras of her life. I also loved that at the end you get to see the real photos of her and what she really looked like. This book is so full of information and I throughly enjoyed learning about Fannie Lou. ...more