Concise, straightforward, tragic & chilling...especially in regards to the dark bigoted heart of American culture & society, especially during the earConcise, straightforward, tragic & chilling...especially in regards to the dark bigoted heart of American culture & society, especially during the early to mid-20th century. That Chaplin still artistically triumphed in the face of so much strife and opposition makes for heartening reading, even for a cynic such as myself....more
I enjoyed this, but I could have enjoyed it more without the entire chapter re-hashing the entire film. I also wasn't all that enamored of all the autI enjoyed this, but I could have enjoyed it more without the entire chapter re-hashing the entire film. I also wasn't all that enamored of all the author intrusions, and I think the conclusion -- looking at the future influences emanating from "The Graduate" -- strains at the edges. A book that seems right up my alley, but with too many frustrations getting in the way....more
I can't decide if this depresses me or fascinates me, but in between it's certainly an interesting look at a time and place that isn't in any way anciI can't decide if this depresses me or fascinates me, but in between it's certainly an interesting look at a time and place that isn't in any way ancient history, yet simultaneously feels like another planet. Dark, brooding, contemplative, repellent in equal measure....more
The conclusion/debrief/summation is front-loaded, and I didn't think it needed that kind of structure...but the rest of the book presents a warm and lThe conclusion/debrief/summation is front-loaded, and I didn't think it needed that kind of structure...but the rest of the book presents a warm and lush account of a man who paid the ultimate price for being too far ahead of his time...especially in a world where the successors of his executioners are too blinkered to take notice....more
There's a lot of interest here, especially in terms of studying the last gasp of old aristocracy, fascist appeasers, and certain types of feminism...bThere's a lot of interest here, especially in terms of studying the last gasp of old aristocracy, fascist appeasers, and certain types of feminism...but the structure is wild and all over the place. The book pretty much dives in to the 20s and 30s without much in the way of an introduction, then peters out post-WW2. It's a miasma of entertaining, gossipy, frustrating stories....more
I would have preferred a bit more post-death follow up, trying to see if this man might still have a place in the zeitgeist somewhere...but for what iI would have preferred a bit more post-death follow up, trying to see if this man might still have a place in the zeitgeist somewhere...but for what it is, it was certainly another enjoyable look at a far earlier age. The matter-of-fact presentation about his sexuality and complicated cross-gender relationships are easily the best thing about this work, something I feel others might have tried to avoid or downplay. A refreshing read....more
Oh my god did I need this: an hilarious bitch session about everything annoying to anyone, anywhere...and in a style I best describe as gentle savagerOh my god did I need this: an hilarious bitch session about everything annoying to anyone, anywhere...and in a style I best describe as gentle savagery. The interview Randy conducts with his mother is nirvana on an indescribable level....more
I wanted new looks at history, and I get by the bucket-load in this knockout book. Never mind who you might think was behind the early days of HollywoI wanted new looks at history, and I get by the bucket-load in this knockout book. Never mind who you might think was behind the early days of Hollywood, because it was actually down to two immigrant brothers that time has now forgotten...which seems insane, considering just how much power they wielded in the early 20th century, and just what kind of impact they made on the pop culture universe. An astonishing, brilliantly-told tale of long ago, without any need for rose-tinted nostalgia....more
1982 was the year of my geeky awakening, so when I discovered this book in the library I was ecstatic. However, now that I've read it, I'm a little di1982 was the year of my geeky awakening, so when I discovered this book in the library I was ecstatic. However, now that I've read it, I'm a little disappointed. It's not a bad overview by any means...but I was just hoping for more. More about the zeitgeist of the time, and the creation of these films within that cultural milieu. It scratches the surface, and I was hoping for a much deeper analysis...though I'll take what I can get....more
I grabbed this because I was curious about the story...and it ended up being a pick-and-mix of background elements that either fascinated me or made mI grabbed this because I was curious about the story...and it ended up being a pick-and-mix of background elements that either fascinated me or made me shrug with a "meh". A bit less than the sum of its parts for me, but it makes for a very unique look at the Gilded Age, including its surprising Canadian coda....more
I would have preferred a more definitive and analytical conclusion...this feels as if it just stops, and then offers a perfunctory afterwards. ConsideI would have preferred a more definitive and analytical conclusion...this feels as if it just stops, and then offers a perfunctory afterwards. Considering the first rate scholarship in the rest of this excellent book, it deserves a more satisfying ending...but at least the journey to that ending makes for a detailed and emotionally exhausting-but-satisfying experience....more
It's a solid 3.5 stars, but I was hoping for more about Baghdad's place in the Islamic world and beyond...preferably right up until its destruction atIt's a solid 3.5 stars, but I was hoping for more about Baghdad's place in the Islamic world and beyond...preferably right up until its destruction at the hands of the Mongols in the 13th century. Instead, I read a rather deep dive into the founding dynasty of the Abbasid caliphate. It starts of in exciting fashion but in turns into a exploration of minutiae and dynastic squabbles that becomes repetitive. As I said, I was hoping for it feels like only the first part of a grand story....more
Let's call this a solid 3.5 stars. It works best when it's exploring the character and personal history of Engles, as well as his views of the people Let's call this a solid 3.5 stars. It works best when it's exploring the character and personal history of Engles, as well as his views of the people in his life (particularly Marx...Engles' view of Marx up close are the highlights of this work). But when it gets into the minutiae of theory and ideology, the storytelling bogs down -- you can't make theory and ideology great & enjoyable reading, no matter how hard you try. No wonder Socrates didn't write anything down. ...more
I might knock it down to 4.5 stars, for John Ibbitson's occasional passive-agressive swipe at the Liberals...but in the end, this is about as solid a I might knock it down to 4.5 stars, for John Ibbitson's occasional passive-agressive swipe at the Liberals...but in the end, this is about as solid a single-shot double bio of two people across the 20th century as you are likely to find. The Canada you read about in this book is so vastly different from the reality in the 21st century as to almost feel alien....more
We'll round this up to a solid 3.5 stars. If you want licentious, gossipy, smutty history told in a readable style, then this is your book.We'll round this up to a solid 3.5 stars. If you want licentious, gossipy, smutty history told in a readable style, then this is your book....more
Students of history will find much of this familiar, and the attempt at analysis feels perfunctory. But as an introduction to newbies, this is solid sStudents of history will find much of this familiar, and the attempt at analysis feels perfunctory. But as an introduction to newbies, this is solid stuff...especially the chapters on Haiti & Ethiopia....more
I'm rounding this up from 4.5 stars, as I'm not a fan of all the personal story digressions. But set that aside and we have here the final word of tryI'm rounding this up from 4.5 stars, as I'm not a fan of all the personal story digressions. But set that aside and we have here the final word of trying to fit in all of Chinese history into one concise, readable package. It's an impressive achievement, and I've found very few works that manage to summarize so much so effectively, yet remain a condensed non-biblical package....more
It's very oddly constructed, as it goes from eager/positive hagiography to disappointed/lackluster irritation...but it's also unbalanced, as the firstIt's very oddly constructed, as it goes from eager/positive hagiography to disappointed/lackluster irritation...but it's also unbalanced, as the first two thirds go on forever, but his PM-ship of India doesn't receive as much focus. It's a solid primer on Nehru in general, but it offers a rather strange selection of points-of-focus....more
There are things about this book that frustrate me, whether it be too much minutiae on less interesting items, or the sudden switch to thematic organiThere are things about this book that frustrate me, whether it be too much minutiae on less interesting items, or the sudden switch to thematic organization. The entire book ends with what feels like an anti-climax...and strangely enough, the opening chapters on the Shah's father, and the establishment of his short-lived dynasty, were far more interesting than what came after......more
Excellent, concise analysis of Orwell's writings...and not afraid to expose his blind spots, as well as his systemic bigotry and misogyny. Especially Excellent, concise analysis of Orwell's writings...and not afraid to expose his blind spots, as well as his systemic bigotry and misogyny. Especially interesting is the examination of the right has taken the framework of Orwell and twisted it to their own designs...cunning and disturbing....more