Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘'s Reviews > Les Fiancés de l'hiver

Les Fiancés de l'hiver by Christelle Dabos
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EDIT : a quick foreword because I'm t i r e d, and look at me! I'm writing in bold font, what a monster *shivers*

1) I've never attacked the author. My review is solely focused on the book and the book only. Goodreads offers me the opportunity, as a reader, to give my honest opinion. I... took it. It's that simple.

2) The use of profanity is a stylistic choice. Sometimes I curse, others I don't and (surprise surprise) I'm actually able to interact in a different way. After finishing this novel though, I made the choice that appeared the most suitable to ME, to express MY opinion, and yes, it absolutely involved a savvy blend of English and French curse words. Like it, don't like it, at this point I really don't care.

3) As a French citizen, I find stereotypes about French people rather annoying so maybe let's not, I don't know, jump at the chance to prove them right? I mean, congrats! I have never gotten more insulting comments and threatening private messages than on this/because of this review. It's like you want people to think that French don't know how to deal with criticism, honestly?

4) You have a review space. USE IT. Oh, and no, "you read it wrong" does not in fact equal constructive criticism. It doesn't prove anything, except that for some reason you can't let it go. It's been two years. Give it a break maybe?

Now if you'd please stop acting like my review is "harming" a tremendously popular novel, it'd be great. Have a good day.


Note : This review will be divided into two parts : the first one in English et la deuxième en français.

Let me start by saying that my two parts won't be sole translations : first because translating bores me to death, and secondly because given the fact that Les Fiancés de l'hiver is a French book, I just don't see the point in rambling in English about it.


I still needed to express my opinion this way because I believe that this book demonstrated something that we find in a fair amount of YA novels : a complete contradiction between what we're told and what we really get.

What we're told is that the society pictured is matriarchal and somehow empowering for women.
What we get is a misogynist piece of shit. No, really. I am not exaggerating.

1) The heroine's opinion is constantly overlooked, even when she expresses clearly her disapproval, which is rare enough already. The members of her family repeatedly state how she must :
a) obey her fiancé whatever it takes ;
b) change in order to please him ;
c) never ever go against his orders.

2) Every woman apart from the heroine or her aunt is pictured like a manipulative bitch. Every. Fucking. One. Almost all the women we meet are vapid, superficial, and often straight on mean.

3) To add insult to injury, sex is portrayed as being fundamentally impure, especially, of course, when women are involved. All cheaters are women, and the whole thing stinks of double-standards. The men's actions are overlooked when the women are called bitches. I mean, for fuck sake.

4) There is this fucking piece of shit of character, Archibald. God, that guy. He manages to force the hand of the heroine when she wants to come back home (by using force to get her to follow him), crack a rape-joke and explain her that no woman can resist him in the span of 3 pages. Let me tell you that it took me less than two sentences to despise him.

5) The male-lead is an indifferent, grumpy asshole, and my only satisfaction comes from the fact that Ophélie, the MC, doesn't love him. GOOD. I could have done without her crazy interpretation of his actions, though, even if it made for a good laugh : this guy, who put her in harm way and did NOTHING to prevent her from being the naive and stupid girl she stays during the whole book, finally tells her that, I quote (well, I translate, lol), "he was starting to get used to her".

And then she thinks that he is falling in love with her.




I don't know about you, but I get used to annoyances. I do not "get used" to people I love. REALLY GIRL.

All the characters are caricatural and this is a shame because the world had potential, but the characters (and the fact that NOTHING HAPPENS) completely spoiled my read.

As ecstatic as I was to finally read a Fantasy YA novel written in French, and despite the NUMEROUS praises it got in France (I mean, it's published by GALLIMARD!), I cannot, for the life of me, recommend Les Fiancés de l'hiver and I would never put it in a teenager's hands.

They deserve better than poor characterization and sexist stereotypes. Just nope.

Cela faisait si longtemps que j'attendais de mettre les mains sur ce livre que je ne peux m'empêcher d'être profondément déçue par ce que je viens de lire. Alors c'est ça, le fameux livre de Fantasy qui a reçu tant d'éloges? Sérieusement? La littérature française mérite mieux.

Comme je l'ai expliqué dans ma première partie, j'ai été tout d'abord extrêmement choquée par les relents sexistes véhiculés par Les Fiancés de l'hiver. Moi qui m'attendais à une société matriarcale, je reste sans voix face à tous les stéréotypes genrés :

1) Peu importe la manière dont on nous le présente, la naïveté d'Ophélie, si agaçante en soi pour la bonne marche de l'histoire, se fait également l'alliée d'une représentation de la société complètement obsolète et, pour moi, dangereuse :

- Passe encore qu'elle doive subir un mariage forcé, je suis prête à accepter qu'il s'agisse d'une tradition dans le monde créé par Christelle Dabos. Rien par contre ne justifie le fait qu'Ophélie se montre si passive tout au long de l'histoire, ni que toutes les femmes qu'elle côtoie - mis à part sa tante - soient présentées comme des garces (je cite) ou des frivoles sans aucun intérêt. S'il y a quelque chose que je déteste, c'est quand on me force à apprécier une héroïne en essayant de me faire croire que sa "pureté" équivaut à ce qu'une femme se doit d'être. Non, juste NON.

Ce slut-shaming éhonté me donne envie de vomir.

- Parlons de la vision que ce livre véhicule du sexe, ok? Donc nous nous adressons à des adolescent(e)s, d'accord? Il me semble dangereux de renforcer cette vision si courante du sexe comme quelque chose de sale, mauvais, et foncièrement réservé aux femmes de "petite vertu". Franchement, en 2016, je suis abasourdie de trouver encore ce genre de conneries. Attention, je ne suis pas en train de dire que les livres pour adolescents devraient être remplis de scènes de sexe, non, mais il y a un juste milieu entre un roman érotique et cette manière presque religieuse de l'aborder. Une représentation saine du sexe ne l'associe pas un "pêché" presque biblique. Une représentation saine du sexe montre des partenaires consentants, et ne le diabolise pas ainsi. Parce que vraiment, à part des scènes d'adultères où la femme est systématiquement montrée du doigt (l'homme, lui, n'a rien à se reprocher, je suppose?), que présente t-on à Ophélie? Rien.

- Parlons-en, tiens, d'Ophélie. J'ai trouvé très dérangeant que cette adolescente de 17 ans (je suppose?) soit caractérisée d'une manière si enfantine. Je ne sais pas si cela vient de sa "personnalité" (encore fût-il qu'elle en ait une) ou du style d'écriture, mais je n'ai jamais eu l'impression de suivre les aventures d'une jeune fille. Son extrême naïveté, sa propension à subir ce qui lui arrive m'a profondément agacée, et ce même si elle se rebellait dans sa tête. Ce n'est pas suffisant. Alors d'accord, elle a légèrement évolué en fin d'histoire, mais franchement, pas assez pour que cela n'ait un impact vraiment positif.

2) Tous les personnages sont caricaturaux et n'ont aucune dimension. Alors vous avez la mère d'Ophélie, plus excessive qu'une héroïne de Vaudeville ; Thorn, le rustre sans saveur qui, tout héros qu'il est, doit pondre 15 phrases en 400 pages ; Archibald, le connard qui trouve ça amusant de blaguer sur le fait qu'il pourrait prendre sa virginité s'il le souhaitait (parce que quand même, lui sait séduire, vous savez) ; Berenilde, la manipulatrice amoureuse prête à tout pour garder l'élu de son cœur ; la famille de Thorn, les méchants, vraiment très méchants, très méchants.

Pfffff. J'en peux plus de ces gens. Donnez moi des nuances, faites moi croire en vos personnages. Ces marionnettes en papier mâché ont cessé de m'amuser bien trop vite.

3) Franchement, il ne se passe rien. C'est d'un ennuyeux! Passé les premières pages, engageantes et intrigantes, l'action stagne et s'il se passe des choses, l'histoire en soi n'avance pas vraiment, pas assez en tout cas au bout de 400 pages.

4) Le style d'écriture est maladroit, alternant une syntaxe simple avec un vocabulaire parfois désuet, le tout extrêmement juvénile. Et ne me parlez pas des dialogues, qui sonnent si faux que je n'ai jamais réussi à m'immerger complètement dans les interactions des personnages.

5) Quant au monde décrit, je dois reconnaitre que je l'ai trouvé fascinant, et c'est ce qui me rend si triste : Les Fiancés de l'hiver avait tant, tant de potentiel. Les animistes, le Pole, tout était là pour nous entrainer dans une histoire fantastique, et le résultat me fait l'effet d'un pétard mouillé.

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Reading Progress

July 11, 2016 – Started Reading
July 11, 2016 – Shelved
July 11, 2016 –
44.0% "I'm trying VERY hard to give it the benefits of the doubt b/c French Fantasy, so yay! But I cannot deny how PISSED I am about the characterization : Ophélie doesn't want to "make a scene" (hello, rape culture!), all powerful women are crazy bitches, the men are either rude and dismissive assholes OR crack rapist jokes (REALLY??) and I kinda want to burn them all at this point. Oh also, double standards."
July 11, 2016 –
44.0% "So, basically, you have a matriarchal society intensely MISOGYNISTIC. Because of course. THAT makes sense."
July 12, 2016 –
64.0% ""De Thorn elle s'était attendue à tout. Brutalité. Mépris. Indifférence. Il n'avait pas le droit de tomber amoureux d'elle."

WTF. Okay so : Contempt? CHECK. Indifference? CHECK. Brutality? If in words, then CHECK. IN LOVE??? NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. This is such BULLSHIT, I can't even."
July 13, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 101-133 of 133 (133 new)

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message 101: by Lyx (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lyx Ah mais merci ! Merci ! J'ai commencé à le lire hier, je l'ai quasiment fini. La seule chose qui me vienne en tête quand on me demande "alors, alors, t'en pense quoi?" c'est "grotesque". Je ne comprends absolument pas la hype autour de ce livre et je désespère de devoir lire les autres tomes T_T

message 102: by Miriam (new) - added it

Miriam Andrea Thank you for your honest review! I will only refer to the English part as my French isn’t good enough to understand everything. I didn’t hate the book quite as much as you but you have a lot of very valid points! Particularly, that nothing happened 😅 After I finished reading I’d realized that too!

I was wondering, where are we told that it’s a matriachal society, empowering women? To me it was clear from the beginning that it is completely patriarchal when we found out that Ophelia needed to get married or would lose all honor. However, there were two women I thought might have potential. 1st the mechanic who knew her true identity from the beginning and 2nd Hildegarde, because she seemed to have a mind of her own. Other than that every single character is despicable and a caricature, as you said. Particularly Archibald, who is possible one of the grossest characters I’ve come across lately and whom I just want to punch.

However, I did like the world constructed and will continue reading the other books because I haven’t given up yet 😅

message 103: by Jiminswife (new)

Jiminswife Yeah I m removing it from my tbr thanks

message 104: by Jiminswife (new)

Jiminswife Yeah I m removing it from my tbr thanks

message 105: by Celestielle (new)

Celestielle Même avis sur ce livre, il m'a mis terriblement mal à l'aise et malsain, perso je n'ai pas du tout mais pas du tout aimé ! Bon courage concernant les avis contraire, les gens s'excitent pour pas grand chose.

message 106: by Noun (new) - rated it 1 star

Noun Merci, mille fois merci pour cette critique qui met les mots sur mon propre ressenti <3

message 107: by 19Ka (new) - rated it 2 stars

19Ka Thank you! You pretty much summarised all the points that I'm not happy with! I don't undesrtand how people cannot see the mysoginistic aspects and I frankly do not understand how they can feel entitled to insult you just because you have a different opinion on a book.

*****SPOILERS 2nd book**********

Nevertheless, I had the courage to read (well, listened to) the second one and, let me tell you: your sentence "my only satisfaction comes from the fact that Ophélie, the MC, doesn't love him." does NOT apply to the second book...

Victoria (: Book Nerdvana :) Oh, thank god. For a moment there I thought I was the only one struggling with this book. Really struggling. I’ve been trying to read it for 2 weeks now and just can’t get into it. And after your review, I’ll DNF with a clear conscience

message 109: by Joyce (new)

Joyce Thanks for the review. You saved me from the long book

message 110: by mai (new) - rated it 5 stars

mai minha filha vá tomar um chá de camomila vc tá viajando

Juliette I often give books like this the benefit of the doubt due to poor translation, but since you read the book in French, it sounds like there is no doubt how uncomfortable aspects of this book are. I am glad to get your view point.

message 112: by Zariya (new) - rated it 2 stars

Zariya Demarise I literally couldn’t agree more (English only since I don’t speak French)

✨ Maude ✨ Je ne suis pas particulièrement d’accord avec cette review, mais Archibald le connard (qui sait séduire, attention tout le monde) me donne franchement la gerbe. Très contente de ne pas être la seule à la mépriser profondément.

message 114: by Sonia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sonia I couldn’t keep reading the book and came here to see if it was just a bad beginning, but I can see now that is not. Thank you for your review.

message 115: by Lori Girard (new) - added it

Lori Girard This is my first foray into Fantasy fiction and have been enjoying the creativity of the arks - the cover of the book is what drew me to it. Thank you for your Frank and honest review - you are totally on point!! It just goes to show how quickly we as women are to accept these stereotypes! I will finish reading the book in the hopes that she gets some more spunk. And I agree that this no place for personal attacks. Thanks for your review!

message 116: by Jan (new)

Jan Oh how I hated the first few chapters of this book. Thank you for giving me “permission” to stop! Excellent review that caught all of the problems I was seeing.

message 117: by Lori (new) - rated it 1 star

Lori Je suis d'accord. Thank you for putting into words, exactly how I've been feeling. I am 2/3rds through and keep asking "why is she staying in this?" She is not a strong lead character, at all. Everyone is mean. It's not fun to read, at all. My eyebrows raised from the start about a forced marriage in the future? Ugh... I should have stopped there.

message 118: by Tyrell (new)

Tyrell Thank you for this amazing review; like many people here, I stopped reading after about 100 pages but was worried I may have been missing out on better content later on. Your review concisely summarizes everything I was thinking but unable to articulate.
For anyone looking for alternative fantasy books, I highly recommend the Graceling books by Kristen Cashore.

message 119: by Melanie (new)

Melanie This is what I thought when I read the first of those teen vampire books... wtf!? Appreciate the review

message 120: by Katie (new) - rated it 5 stars

Katie Tini I was definitely confused by the overwhelming amount of unexplained information in the first book but I moved on to the fourth book today and this is one of my favorite most intricately written book I’ve ever read. I don’t take stereotypes and insults from the book to heart because of just that, it’s a book. The point is that it is some sort of post end of the world type of setting where virtually everything is wrong. I think it is worth trying the next one before making up your mind. 5/5 for me!!

message 121: by Madison (new) - added it

Madison Lindsey wii wii baget

Una Mamma che Legge OH MY GOOOOID YEEESSS! I was starting to think that I've lost my mind! Same thoughts. And the last book? Oh no. OH NO NO NO! And everybody I try to talk about it, LOVE this series and can't deal with a different opinion. How sad!

message 123: by Namia (new) - rated it 2 stars

Namia This review is very very old but I agree about Archibald he's terrible and I've heard he doesn't get his karma either :/

message 124: by Jess (new) - rated it 1 star

Jess Ok, so I'm about 80% through the book and had to stop myself from DNF'ing multiple times because I've heard such good things and thought it would get better. I thought I was "reading it wrong" because people adore it and I'm just not. This review summarized the majority of my thoughts on it, the concepts are really cool and I love the powers that the different Arks and clans have, but the dreadful characters and complete lack of a romance in a romance book made it really unpleasant for me.

message 125: by Margarita (new) - added it

Margarita . Thank you! I’m on page 136 and was already wondering if I’m overreacting by seeing misogyny in many of the descriptions. Women are hysterical, superficial, have to obey, blabla why does a female author has chosen to picture them that way?!

Bouchra I read the book half way. I actually wanted to stop reading it earlier, but I kept on forcing myself to finish it. Eventually I did stop, cause it felt like it really didn't go anywhere with the story and it was quite blood boiling that all the female characters don't acknowledge the misogyny (at least up to the point I read). I agree with your review.

message 127: by Karen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Karen Glad I wasn't the only one confused about how Ophelia jumps to the conclusion that he's in love with her XD

message 128: by Cass (new) - rated it 1 star

Cass Ward thank you for saying all this

message 129: by Elena (new) - rated it 2 stars

Elena Rivera J’aime votre honnêteté 😂💕 je veux lire à français parce je suis une étudiant de la langue, pouvez-vous recommander un livre français pour moi, s’il vous plais?? (I really hope I wrote it right🤧)

message 130: by Aurora (new) - rated it 3 stars

Aurora Condivido perfettamente l'opinione sul libro. Non succede assolutamente nulla ed i personaggi, in un mondo che avrebbe tantissimo potenziale, sono+ sessisti e stereotipati. Il sesso è visto come atto punitivo, agito da uomini per controllare le donne, tanto che altri uomini si preoccupano che le "loro" donne possano essere abusate...(abbastanza agghiacciante). Le donne sono considerate delle stronze traditrici quasi nella loro totalità. Non c'è caratterizzazione dei personaggi che non vengono mai davvero sviluppati e a parte il gossip tra famiglie, minacce varie ed interpretazioni alquanto assurde dei pensieri altrui da parte di alcuni personaggi, davvero, non accade praticamente nulla. Peccato perché avrebbe un sacco di potenziale. Leggerò i successivi per vedere se cambia qualcosa e anche per la curiosità di comprendere come sia possibile che questa saga abbia spopolato così tanto.

message 131: by Sarah (new) - rated it 1 star

Sarah Mismash Thank you for putting this in words

message 132: by Ajv1 (new)

Ajv1 Nothing wrong with pt 1,2,3 . She should atleast listen to the one whom she's going to marry. And there are can be manipulative women as well..women write stories where every man is bad. So why are you not offended then?

message 133: by Papen (new) - added it

Papen read only the English review because unfortunately I cannot speak French
but I totally agree with most of it! I got the vibes that these misogynistic transgressions of the other characters in the book were intentionally written in? But also the "husband" and the MC will probably fall for each other in typical YA style so maybe it doesn't matter

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